SiliconLabs EFM32LG942F128 2024.09.21 Silicon Labs EFM32LG942F128 Cortex-M MCU CM3 r2p1 little 3 false 8 32 ACMP0 ACMP0 ACMP0 0x40001000 0x0 0x400 registers n ACMP0 6 CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x47000000 0xCF03077F BIASPROG Bias Configuration 24 4 read-write EN Analog Comparator Enable 0 1 read-write FULLBIAS Full Bias Current 31 1 read-write GPIOINV Comparator GPIO Output Invert 3 1 read-write HALFBIAS Half Bias Current 30 1 read-write HYSTSEL Hysteresis Select 4 3 read-write HYST0 No hysteresis. 0x00000000 HYST1 ~15 mV hysteresis. 0x00000001 HYST2 ~22 mV hysteresis. 0x00000002 HYST3 ~29 mV hysteresis. 0x00000003 HYST4 ~36 mV hysteresis. 0x00000004 HYST5 ~43 mV hysteresis. 0x00000005 HYST6 ~50 mV hysteresis. 0x00000006 HYST7 ~57 mV hysteresis. 0x00000007 IFALL Falling Edge Interrupt Sense 17 1 read-write INACTVAL Inactive Value 2 1 read-write IRISE Rising Edge Interrupt Sense 16 1 read-write MUXEN Input Mux Enable 1 1 read-write WARMTIME Warm-up Time 8 3 read-write 4CYCLES 4 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000000 8CYCLES 8 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000001 16CYCLES 16 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000002 32CYCLES 32 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000003 64CYCLES 64 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000004 128CYCLES 128 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000005 256CYCLES 256 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000006 512CYCLES 512 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000007 IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Trigger Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Triggered Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Triggered Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Triggered Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only INPUTSEL Input Selection Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x10080 0x31013FF7 CSRESEN Capacitive Sense Mode Internal Resistor Enable 24 1 read-write CSRESSEL Capacitive Sense Mode Internal Resistor Select 28 2 read-write RES0 Internal capacitive sense resistor value 0. 0x00000000 RES1 Internal capacitive sense resistor value 1. 0x00000001 RES2 Internal capacitive sense resistor value 2. 0x00000002 RES3 Internal capacitive sense resistor value 3. 0x00000003 LPREF Low Power Reference Mode 16 1 read-write NEGSEL Negative Input Select 4 4 read-write CH0 Channel 0 as negative input. 0x00000000 CH1 Channel 1 as negative input. 0x00000001 CH2 Channel 2 as negative input. 0x00000002 CH3 Channel 3 as negative input. 0x00000003 CH4 Channel 4 as negative input. 0x00000004 CH5 Channel 5 as negative input. 0x00000005 CH6 Channel 6 as negative input. 0x00000006 CH7 Channel 7 as negative input. 0x00000007 1V25 1.25 V as negative input. 0x00000008 2V5 2.5 V as negative input. 0x00000009 VDD Scaled VDD as negative input. 0x0000000A CAPSENSE Capacitive sense mode. 0x0000000B DAC0CH0 DAC0 channel 0. 0x0000000C DAC0CH1 DAC0 channel 1. 0x0000000D POSSEL Positive Input Select 0 3 read-write CH0 Channel 0 as positive input. 0x00000000 CH1 Channel 1 as positive input. 0x00000001 CH2 Channel 2 as positive input. 0x00000002 CH3 Channel 3 as positive input. 0x00000003 CH4 Channel 4 as positive input. 0x00000004 CH5 Channel 5 as positive input. 0x00000005 CH6 Channel 6 as positive input. 0x00000006 CH7 Channel 7 as positive input. 0x00000007 VDDLEVEL VDD Reference Level 8 6 read-write ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x701 ACMPPEN ACMP Output Pin Enable 0 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 ACMPACT Analog Comparator Active 0 1 read-only ACMPOUT Analog Comparator Output 1 1 read-only ACMP1 ACMP1 ACMP1 0x40001400 0x0 0x400 registers n ACMP0 6 CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x47000000 0xCF03077F BIASPROG Bias Configuration 24 4 read-write EN Analog Comparator Enable 0 1 read-write FULLBIAS Full Bias Current 31 1 read-write GPIOINV Comparator GPIO Output Invert 3 1 read-write HALFBIAS Half Bias Current 30 1 read-write HYSTSEL Hysteresis Select 4 3 read-write HYST0 No hysteresis. 0x00000000 HYST1 ~15 mV hysteresis. 0x00000001 HYST2 ~22 mV hysteresis. 0x00000002 HYST3 ~29 mV hysteresis. 0x00000003 HYST4 ~36 mV hysteresis. 0x00000004 HYST5 ~43 mV hysteresis. 0x00000005 HYST6 ~50 mV hysteresis. 0x00000006 HYST7 ~57 mV hysteresis. 0x00000007 IFALL Falling Edge Interrupt Sense 17 1 read-write INACTVAL Inactive Value 2 1 read-write IRISE Rising Edge Interrupt Sense 16 1 read-write MUXEN Input Mux Enable 1 1 read-write WARMTIME Warm-up Time 8 3 read-write 4CYCLES 4 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000000 8CYCLES 8 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000001 16CYCLES 16 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000002 32CYCLES 32 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000003 64CYCLES 64 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000004 128CYCLES 128 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000005 256CYCLES 256 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000006 512CYCLES 512 HFPERCLK cycles. 0x00000007 IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Trigger Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Triggered Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Triggered Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Triggered Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only INPUTSEL Input Selection Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x10080 0x31013FF7 CSRESEN Capacitive Sense Mode Internal Resistor Enable 24 1 read-write CSRESSEL Capacitive Sense Mode Internal Resistor Select 28 2 read-write RES0 Internal capacitive sense resistor value 0. 0x00000000 RES1 Internal capacitive sense resistor value 1. 0x00000001 RES2 Internal capacitive sense resistor value 2. 0x00000002 RES3 Internal capacitive sense resistor value 3. 0x00000003 LPREF Low Power Reference Mode 16 1 read-write NEGSEL Negative Input Select 4 4 read-write CH0 Channel 0 as negative input. 0x00000000 CH1 Channel 1 as negative input. 0x00000001 CH2 Channel 2 as negative input. 0x00000002 CH3 Channel 3 as negative input. 0x00000003 CH4 Channel 4 as negative input. 0x00000004 CH5 Channel 5 as negative input. 0x00000005 CH6 Channel 6 as negative input. 0x00000006 CH7 Channel 7 as negative input. 0x00000007 1V25 1.25 V as negative input. 0x00000008 2V5 2.5 V as negative input. 0x00000009 VDD Scaled VDD as negative input. 0x0000000A CAPSENSE Capacitive sense mode. 0x0000000B DAC0CH0 DAC0 channel 0. 0x0000000C DAC0CH1 DAC0 channel 1. 0x0000000D POSSEL Positive Input Select 0 3 read-write CH0 Channel 0 as positive input. 0x00000000 CH1 Channel 1 as positive input. 0x00000001 CH2 Channel 2 as positive input. 0x00000002 CH3 Channel 3 as positive input. 0x00000003 CH4 Channel 4 as positive input. 0x00000004 CH5 Channel 5 as positive input. 0x00000005 CH6 Channel 6 as positive input. 0x00000006 CH7 Channel 7 as positive input. 0x00000007 VDDLEVEL VDD Reference Level 8 6 read-write ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x701 ACMPPEN ACMP Output Pin Enable 0 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 ACMPACT Analog Comparator Active 0 1 read-only ACMPOUT Analog Comparator Output 1 1 read-only ADC0 ADC0 ADC0 0x40002000 0x0 0x400 registers n ADC0 7 BIASPROG Bias Programming Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x747 0xF4F BIASPROG Bias Programming Value 0 4 read-write COMPBIAS Comparator Bias Value 8 4 read-write HALFBIAS Half Bias Current 6 1 read-write CAL Calibration Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x3F003F00 0x7F7F7F7F SCANGAIN Scan Mode Gain Calibration Value 24 7 read-write SCANOFFSET Scan Mode Offset Calibration Value 16 7 read-write SINGLEGAIN Single Mode Gain Calibration Value 8 7 read-write SINGLEOFFSET Single Mode Offset Calibration Value 0 7 read-write CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF SCANSTART Scan Sequence Start 2 1 write-only SCANSTOP Scan Sequence Stop 3 1 write-only SINGLESTART Single Conversion Start 0 1 write-only SINGLESTOP Single Conversion Stop 1 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x1F0000 0xF7F7F3B LPFMODE Low Pass Filter Mode 4 2 read-write BYPASS No filter or decoupling capacitor 0x00000000 DECAP On chip decoupling capacitor selected 0x00000001 RCFILT On chip RC filter selected 0x00000002 OVSRSEL Oversample Rate Select 24 4 read-write X2 2 samples for each conversion result 0x00000000 X4 4 samples for each conversion result 0x00000001 X8 8 samples for each conversion result 0x00000002 X16 16 samples for each conversion result 0x00000003 X32 32 samples for each conversion result 0x00000004 X64 64 samples for each conversion result 0x00000005 X128 128 samples for each conversion result 0x00000006 X256 256 samples for each conversion result 0x00000007 X512 512 samples for each conversion result 0x00000008 X1024 1024 samples for each conversion result 0x00000009 X2048 2048 samples for each conversion result 0x0000000A X4096 4096 samples for each conversion result 0x0000000B PRESC Prescaler Setting 8 7 read-write NODIVISION 0x00000000 TAILGATE Conversion Tailgating 3 1 read-write TIMEBASE Time Base 16 7 read-write WARMUPMODE Warm-up Mode 0 2 read-write NORMAL ADC is shut down after each conversion 0x00000000 FASTBG Bandgap references do not need warm up, but have reduced accuracy. 0x00000001 KEEPSCANREFWARM Reference selected for scan mode is kept warm. 0x00000002 KEEPADCWARM ADC is kept warmed up and scan reference is kept warm 0x00000003 IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0x303 SCAN Scan Conversion Complete Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write SCANOF Scan Result Overflow Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write SINGLE Single Conversion Complete Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write SINGLEOF Single Result Overflow Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0x303 SCAN Scan Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only SCANOF Scan Result Overflow Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only SINGLE Single Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only SINGLEOF Single Result Overflow Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x20 32 write-only n 0x0 0x303 SCAN Scan Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only SCANOF Scan Result Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 9 1 write-only SINGLE Single Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only SINGLEOF Single Result Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 8 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x1C 32 write-only n 0x0 0x303 SCAN Scan Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only SCANOF Scan Result Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 9 1 write-only SINGLE Single Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only SINGLEOF Single Result Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 8 1 write-only SCANCTRL Scan Control Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF1F7FF37 ADJ Scan Sequence Result Adjustment 2 1 read-write AT Scan Sample Acquisition Time 20 4 read-write 1CYCLE 1 ADC_CLK cycle acquisition time for scan samples 0x00000000 2CYCLES 2 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for scan samples 0x00000001 4CYCLES 4 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for scan samples 0x00000002 8CYCLES 8 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for scan samples 0x00000003 16CYCLES 16 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for scan samples 0x00000004 32CYCLES 32 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for scan samples 0x00000005 64CYCLES 64 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for scan samples 0x00000006 128CYCLES 128 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for scan samples 0x00000007 256CYCLES 256 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for scan samples 0x00000008 DIFF Scan Sequence Differential Mode 1 1 read-write INPUTMASK Scan Sequence Input Mask 8 8 read-write PRSEN Scan Sequence PRS Trigger Enable 24 1 read-write PRSSEL Scan Sequence PRS Trigger Select 28 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS ch 0 triggers scan sequence 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS ch 1 triggers scan sequence 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS ch 2 triggers scan sequence 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS ch 3 triggers scan sequence 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS ch 4 triggers scan sequence 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS ch 5 triggers scan sequence 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS ch 6 triggers scan sequence 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS ch 7 triggers scan sequence 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS ch 8 triggers scan sequence 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS ch 9 triggers scan sequence 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS ch 10 triggers scan sequence 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS ch 11 triggers scan sequence 0x0000000B REF Scan Sequence Reference Selection 16 3 read-write 1V25 Internal 1.25 V reference 0x00000000 2V5 Internal 2.5 V reference 0x00000001 VDD VDD 0x00000002 5VDIFF Internal differential 5 V reference 0x00000003 EXTSINGLE Single ended external reference from ADCn_CH6 0x00000004 2XEXTDIFF Differential external reference, 2x(ADCn_CH6 - ADCn_CH7) 0x00000005 2XVDD Unbuffered 2xVDD 0x00000006 REP Scan Sequence Repetitive Mode 0 1 read-write RES Scan Sequence Resolution Select 4 2 read-write 12BIT 12-bit resolution 0x00000000 8BIT 8-bit resolution 0x00000001 6BIT 6-bit resolution 0x00000002 OVS Oversampling enabled. Oversampling rate is set in OVSRSEL 0x00000003 SCANDATA Scan Conversion Result Data 0x28 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal DATA Scan Conversion Result Data 0 32 read-only SCANDATAP Scan Sequence Result Data Peek Register 0x30 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DATAP Scan Conversion Result Data Peek 0 32 read-only SINGLECTRL Single Sample Control Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF1F70F37 ADJ Single Sample Result Adjustment 2 1 read-write AT Single Sample Acquisition Time 20 4 read-write 1CYCLE 1 ADC_CLK cycle acquisition time for single sample 0x00000000 2CYCLES 2 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for single sample 0x00000001 4CYCLES 4 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for single sample 0x00000002 8CYCLES 8 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for single sample 0x00000003 16CYCLES 16 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for single sample 0x00000004 32CYCLES 32 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for single sample 0x00000005 64CYCLES 64 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for single sample 0x00000006 128CYCLES 128 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for single sample 0x00000007 256CYCLES 256 ADC_CLK cycles acquisition time for single sample 0x00000008 DIFF Single Sample Differential Mode 1 1 read-write INPUTSEL Single Sample Input Selection 8 4 read-write PRSEN Single Sample PRS Trigger Enable 24 1 read-write PRSSEL Single Sample PRS Trigger Select 28 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS ch 0 triggers single sample 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS ch 1 triggers single sample 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS ch 2 triggers single sample 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS ch 3 triggers single sample 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS ch 4 triggers single sample 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS ch 5 triggers single sample 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS ch 6 triggers single sample 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS ch 7 triggers single sample 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS ch 8 triggers single sample 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS ch 9 triggers single sample 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS ch 10 triggers single sample 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS ch 11 triggers single sample 0x0000000B REF Single Sample Reference Selection 16 3 read-write 1V25 Internal 1.25 V reference 0x00000000 2V5 Internal 2.5 V reference 0x00000001 VDD Buffered VDD 0x00000002 5VDIFF Internal differential 5 V reference 0x00000003 EXTSINGLE Single ended external reference from ADCn_CH6 0x00000004 2XEXTDIFF Differential external reference, 2x(ADCn_CH6 - ADCn_CH7) 0x00000005 2XVDD Unbuffered 2xVDD 0x00000006 REP Single Sample Repetitive Mode 0 1 read-write RES Single Sample Resolution Select 4 2 read-write 12BIT 12-bit resolution 0x00000000 8BIT 8-bit resolution 0x00000001 6BIT 6-bit resolution 0x00000002 OVS Oversampling enabled. Oversampling rate is set in OVSRSEL 0x00000003 SINGLEDATA Single Conversion Result Data 0x24 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal DATA Single Conversion Result Data 0 32 read-only SINGLEDATAP Single Conversion Result Data Peek Register 0x2C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DATAP Single Conversion Result Data Peek 0 32 read-only STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7031303 SCANACT Scan Conversion Active 1 1 read-only SCANDATASRC Scan Data Source 24 3 read-only CH0 Single ended mode: SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH0. Differential mode: SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH0-ADCn_CH1 0x00000000 CH1 Single ended mode: SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH1. Differential mode: SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH2_ADCn_CH3 0x00000001 CH2 Single ended mode: SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH2. Differential mode: SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH4-ADCn_CH5 0x00000002 CH3 Single ended mode: SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH3. Differential mode: SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH6-ADCn_CH7 0x00000003 CH4 SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH4 0x00000004 CH5 SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH5 0x00000005 CH6 SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH6 0x00000006 CH7 SCANDATA result originates from ADCn_CH7 0x00000007 SCANDV Scan Data Valid 17 1 read-only SCANREFWARM Scan Reference Warmed Up 9 1 read-only SINGLEACT Single Conversion Active 0 1 read-only SINGLEDV Single Sample Data Valid 16 1 read-only SINGLEREFWARM Single Reference Warmed Up 8 1 read-only WARM ADC Warmed Up 12 1 read-only AES AES AES 0x400E0000 0x0 0x400 registers n AES 36 CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 START Encryption/Decryption Start 0 1 write-only STOP Encryption/Decryption Stop 1 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x77 AES256 AES-256 Mode 1 1 read-write BYTEORDER Configure byte order in data and key registers 6 1 read-write DATASTART AES_DATA Write Start 4 1 read-write DECRYPT Decryption/Encryption Mode 0 1 read-write KEYBUFEN Key Buffer Enable 2 1 read-write XORSTART AES_XORDATA Write Start 5 1 read-write DATA DATA Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal DATA Data Access 0 32 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 DONE Encryption/Decryption Done Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 DONE Encryption/Decryption Done Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 DONE Encryption/Decryption Done Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 DONE Encryption/Decryption Done Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only KEYHA KEY High Register 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal KEYHA Key High Access A 0 32 read-write KEYHB KEY High Register 0x44 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal KEYHB Key High Access B 0 32 read-write KEYHC KEY High Register 0x48 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal KEYHC Key High Access C 0 32 read-write KEYHD KEY High Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal KEYHD Key High Access D 0 32 read-write KEYLA KEY Low Register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal KEYLA Key Low Access A 0 32 read-write KEYLB KEY Low Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal KEYLB Key Low Access B 0 32 read-write KEYLC KEY Low Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal KEYLC Key Low Access C 0 32 read-write KEYLD KEY Low Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal KEYLD Key Low Access D 0 32 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 RUNNING AES Running 0 1 read-only XORDATA XORDATA Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF modifyExternal XORDATA XOR Data Access 0 32 read-write BURTC BURTC BURTC 0x40081000 0x0 0x400 registers n BURTC 31 CMD Command Register 0x1C 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 CLRSTATUS Clear BURTC_STATUS register. 0 1 write-only CNT Counter Value Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 32 read-only COMP0 Counter Compare Value 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF COMP0 Compare match value 0 32 read-write CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x8 0x77FF BUMODETSEN Backup mode timestamp enable 14 1 read-write CLKSEL Select BURTC clock source 12 2 read-write NONE No clock source selected for BURTC. 0x00000000 LFRCO LFRCO selected as BURTC clock source. 0x00000001 LFXO LFXO selected as BURTC clock source. 0x00000002 ULFRCO ULFRCO selected as BURTC clock source. 0x00000003 COMP0TOP Compare clear enable 4 1 read-write DEBUGRUN Debug Mode Run Enable 2 1 read-write LPCOMP Low power mode compare configuration 5 3 read-write IGN0LSB Do not ignore any bits for compare match evaluation. 0x00000000 IGN1LSB The LSB of the counter is ignored for compare match evaluation. 0x00000001 IGN2LSB The two LSBs of the counter are ignored for compare match evaluation. 0x00000002 IGN3LSB The three LSBs of the counter are ignored for compare match evaluation. 0x00000003 IGN4LSB The four LSBs of the counter are ignored for compare match evaluation. 0x00000004 IGN5LSB The five LSBs of the counter are ignored for compare match evaluation. 0x00000005 IGN6LSB The six LSBs of the counter are ignored for compare match evaluation. 0x00000006 IGN7LSB The seven LSBs of the counter are ignored for compare match evaluation. 0x00000007 MODE BURTC Enable 0 2 read-write DISABLE The BURTC is disabled. 0x00000000 EM2EN The BURTC is in normal operating mode, operating in EM0-EM2. Oscillators must be enabled in CMU for use. 0x00000001 EM3EN The BURTC is enabled in EM0-EM3. Will prevent CMU from disabling used oscillators all the way down to EM3. 0x00000002 EM4EN The BURTC is enabled in EM0-EM4. Will prevent CMU from disabling used oscillators all the way down to EM4. 0x00000003 PRESC Select BURTC prescaler factor 8 3 read-write DIV1 No prescaling. 0x00000000 DIV2 Prescaling factor of 2 0x00000001 DIV4 Prescaling factor of 4 0x00000002 DIV8 Prescaling factor of 8 0x00000003 DIV16 Prescaling factor of 16 0x00000004 DIV32 Prescaling factor of 32 0x00000005 DIV64 Prescaling factor of 64 0x00000006 DIV128 Prescaling factor of 128 0x00000007 RSTEN Enable BURTC reset 3 1 read-write FREEZE Freeze Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7 COMP0 Compare match Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write LFXOFAIL LFXO failure Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write OF Overflow Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x28 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7 COMP0 Compare match Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only LFXOFAIL LFXO failure Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7 COMP0 Clear compare match Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only LFXOFAIL Clear LFXO failure Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only OF Clear Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x2C 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7 COMP0 Set compare match Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only LFXOFAIL Set LFXO fail Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only OF Set Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only LFXOFDET LFXO 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F3 OSC LFXO failure detection configuration. 0 2 read-write DISABLE LFXO failure detection disabled. 0x00000000 LFRCO LFRCO used for LFXO failure detection. 0x00000001 ULFRCO ULFRCO used for LFXO failure detection. 0x00000002 TOP LFXO failure counter top value. 4 5 read-write LOCK Configuration Lock Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF LOCKKEY Configuration Lock Key 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED 0x00000000 LOCKED 0x00000001 LPMODE Low power mode configuration 0x4 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 LPMODE Low power mode configuration. 0 2 read-write DISABLE Low power mode is disabled. 0x00000000 ENABLE Low power mode always enabled. 0x00000001 BUEN Low power mode enabled in backup mode. 0x00000002 POWERDOWN Retention RAM power-down Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 RAM Retention RAM power-down 0 1 read-write RET0_REG Retention Register 0x100 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET100_REG Retention Register 0x290 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET101_REG Retention Register 0x294 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET102_REG Retention Register 0x298 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET103_REG Retention Register 0x29C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET104_REG Retention Register 0x2A0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET105_REG Retention Register 0x2A4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET106_REG Retention Register 0x2A8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET107_REG Retention Register 0x2AC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET108_REG Retention Register 0x2B0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET109_REG Retention Register 0x2B4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET10_REG Retention Register 0x128 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET110_REG Retention Register 0x2B8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET111_REG Retention Register 0x2BC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET112_REG Retention Register 0x2C0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET113_REG Retention Register 0x2C4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET114_REG Retention Register 0x2C8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET115_REG Retention Register 0x2CC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET116_REG Retention Register 0x2D0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET117_REG Retention Register 0x2D4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET118_REG Retention Register 0x2D8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET119_REG Retention Register 0x2DC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET11_REG Retention Register 0x12C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET120_REG Retention Register 0x2E0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET121_REG Retention Register 0x2E4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET122_REG Retention Register 0x2E8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET123_REG Retention Register 0x2EC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET124_REG Retention Register 0x2F0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET125_REG Retention Register 0x2F4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET126_REG Retention Register 0x2F8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET127_REG Retention Register 0x2FC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET12_REG Retention Register 0x130 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET13_REG Retention Register 0x134 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET14_REG Retention Register 0x138 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET15_REG Retention Register 0x13C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET16_REG Retention Register 0x140 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET17_REG Retention Register 0x144 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET18_REG Retention Register 0x148 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET19_REG Retention Register 0x14C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET1_REG Retention Register 0x104 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET20_REG Retention Register 0x150 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET21_REG Retention Register 0x154 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET22_REG Retention Register 0x158 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET23_REG Retention Register 0x15C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET24_REG Retention Register 0x160 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET25_REG Retention Register 0x164 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET26_REG Retention Register 0x168 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET27_REG Retention Register 0x16C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET28_REG Retention Register 0x170 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET29_REG Retention Register 0x174 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET2_REG Retention Register 0x108 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET30_REG Retention Register 0x178 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET31_REG Retention Register 0x17C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET32_REG Retention Register 0x180 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET33_REG Retention Register 0x184 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET34_REG Retention Register 0x188 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET35_REG Retention Register 0x18C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET36_REG Retention Register 0x190 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET37_REG Retention Register 0x194 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET38_REG Retention Register 0x198 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET39_REG Retention Register 0x19C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET3_REG Retention Register 0x10C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET40_REG Retention Register 0x1A0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET41_REG Retention Register 0x1A4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET42_REG Retention Register 0x1A8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET43_REG Retention Register 0x1AC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET44_REG Retention Register 0x1B0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET45_REG Retention Register 0x1B4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET46_REG Retention Register 0x1B8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET47_REG Retention Register 0x1BC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET48_REG Retention Register 0x1C0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET49_REG Retention Register 0x1C4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET4_REG Retention Register 0x110 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET50_REG Retention Register 0x1C8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET51_REG Retention Register 0x1CC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET52_REG Retention Register 0x1D0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET53_REG Retention Register 0x1D4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET54_REG Retention Register 0x1D8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET55_REG Retention Register 0x1DC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET56_REG Retention Register 0x1E0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET57_REG Retention Register 0x1E4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET58_REG Retention Register 0x1E8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET59_REG Retention Register 0x1EC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET5_REG Retention Register 0x114 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET60_REG Retention Register 0x1F0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET61_REG Retention Register 0x1F4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET62_REG Retention Register 0x1F8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET63_REG Retention Register 0x1FC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET64_REG Retention Register 0x200 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET65_REG Retention Register 0x204 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET66_REG Retention Register 0x208 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET67_REG Retention Register 0x20C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET68_REG Retention Register 0x210 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET69_REG Retention Register 0x214 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET6_REG Retention Register 0x118 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET70_REG Retention Register 0x218 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET71_REG Retention Register 0x21C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET72_REG Retention Register 0x220 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET73_REG Retention Register 0x224 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET74_REG Retention Register 0x228 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET75_REG Retention Register 0x22C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET76_REG Retention Register 0x230 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET77_REG Retention Register 0x234 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET78_REG Retention Register 0x238 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET79_REG Retention Register 0x23C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET7_REG Retention Register 0x11C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET80_REG Retention Register 0x240 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET81_REG Retention Register 0x244 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET82_REG Retention Register 0x248 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET83_REG Retention Register 0x24C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET84_REG Retention Register 0x250 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET85_REG Retention Register 0x254 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET86_REG Retention Register 0x258 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET87_REG Retention Register 0x25C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET88_REG Retention Register 0x260 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET89_REG Retention Register 0x264 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET8_REG Retention Register 0x120 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET90_REG Retention Register 0x268 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET91_REG Retention Register 0x26C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET92_REG Retention Register 0x270 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET93_REG Retention Register 0x274 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET94_REG Retention Register 0x278 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET95_REG Retention Register 0x27C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET96_REG Retention Register 0x280 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET97_REG Retention Register 0x284 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET98_REG Retention Register 0x288 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET99_REG Retention Register 0x28C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write RET9_REG Retention Register 0x124 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF REG General Purpose Retention Register 0 32 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7 BUMODETS Timestamp for backup mode entry stored. 1 1 read-only LPMODEACT Low power mode active 0 1 read-only RAMWERR RAM write error. 2 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x3C 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 COMP0 COMP0 Register Busy 1 1 read-only LPMODE LPMODE Register Busy 0 1 read-only TIMESTAMP Backup mode timestamp 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF TIMESTAMP Backup mode timestamp. 0 32 read-only CMU CMU CMU 0x400C8000 0x0 0x400 registers n CMU 32 AUXHFRCOCTRL AUXHFRCO Control Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x80 0x7FF BAND AUXHFRCO Band Select 8 3 read-write 14MHZ 14 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000000 11MHZ 11 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000001 7MHZ 7 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000002 1MHZ 1 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000003 28MHZ 28 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000006 21MHZ 21 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000007 TUNING AUXHFRCO Tuning Value 0 8 read-write CALCNT Calibration Counter Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF CALCNT Calibration Counter 0 20 read-write CALCTRL Calibration Control Register 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7F CONT Continuous Calibration 6 1 read-write DOWNSEL Calibration Down-counter Select 3 3 read-write HFCLK Select HFCLK for down-counter. 0x00000000 HFXO Select HFXO for down-counter. 0x00000001 LFXO Select LFXO for down-counter. 0x00000002 HFRCO Select HFRCO for down-counter. 0x00000003 LFRCO Select LFRCO for down-counter. 0x00000004 AUXHFRCO Select AUXHFRCO for down-counter. 0x00000005 UPSEL Calibration Up-counter Select 0 3 read-write HFXO Select HFXO as up-counter. 0x00000000 LFXO Select LFXO as up-counter. 0x00000001 HFRCO Select HFRCO as up-counter. 0x00000002 LFRCO Select LFRCO as up-counter. 0x00000003 AUXHFRCO Select AUXHFRCO as up-counter. 0x00000004 CMD Command Register 0x24 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF CALSTART Calibration Start 3 1 write-only CALSTOP Calibration Stop 4 1 write-only HFCLKSEL HFCLK Select 0 3 write-only HFRCO Select HFRCO as HFCLK. 0x00000001 HFXO Select HFXO as HFCLK. 0x00000002 LFRCO Select LFRCO as HFCLK. 0x00000003 LFXO Select LFXO as HFCLK. 0x00000004 USBCCLKSEL USB Core Clock Select 5 3 write-only HFCLKNODIV Select HFCLK (undivided) as HFCORECLKUSBC. 0x00000001 LFXO Select LFXO as HFCORECLKUSBC. 0x00000002 LFRCO Select LFRCO as HFCORECLKUSBC. 0x00000003 CTRL CMU Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0xC262C 0x57FFFEEF CLKOUTSEL0 Clock Output Select 0 20 3 read-write HFRCO HFRCO (directly from oscillator). 0x00000000 HFXO HFXO (directly from oscillator). 0x00000001 HFCLK2 HFCLK/2. 0x00000002 HFCLK4 HFCLK/4. 0x00000003 HFCLK8 HFCLK/8. 0x00000004 HFCLK16 HFCLK/16. 0x00000005 ULFRCO ULFRCO (directly from oscillator). 0x00000006 AUXHFRCO AUXHFRCO (directly from oscillator). 0x00000007 CLKOUTSEL1 Clock Output Select 1 23 4 read-write LFRCO LFRCO (directly from oscillator). 0x00000000 LFXO LFXO (directly from oscillator). 0x00000001 HFCLK HFCLK (undivided). 0x00000002 LFXOQ LFXO (qualified). 0x00000003 HFXOQ HFXO (qualified). 0x00000004 LFRCOQ LFRCO (qualified). 0x00000005 HFRCOQ HFRCO (qualified). 0x00000006 AUXHFRCOQ AUXHFRCO (qualified). 0x00000007 DBGCLK Debug Clock 28 1 read-write HFCLKDIV HFCLK Division 14 3 read-write HFLE High-Frequency LE Interface 30 1 read-write HFXOBOOST HFXO Start-up Boost Current 2 2 read-write 50PCENT 50 %. 0x00000000 70PCENT 70 %. 0x00000001 80PCENT 80 %. 0x00000002 100PCENT 100 % (default). 0x00000003 HFXOBUFCUR HFXO Boost Buffer Current 5 2 read-write BOOSTUPTO32MHZ Boost Buffer Current level when HFXO is below or equal to 32 MHz. 0x00000001 BOOSTABOVE32MHZ Boost Buffer Current Level when HFXO is above 32 MHz. 0x00000003 HFXOGLITCHDETEN HFXO Glitch Detector Enable 7 1 read-write HFXOMODE HFXO Mode 0 2 read-write XTAL 4-48 MHz crystal oscillator. 0x00000000 BUFEXTCLK An AC coupled buffer is coupled in series with HFXTAL_N, suitable for external sine wave (4-48 MHz). The sine wave should have a minimum of 200 mV peak to peak. 0x00000001 DIGEXTCLK Digital external clock on HFXTAL_N pin. Oscillator is effectively bypassed. 0x00000002 HFXOTIMEOUT HFXO Timeout 9 2 read-write 8CYCLES Timeout period of 8 cycles. 0x00000000 256CYCLES Timeout period of 256 cycles. 0x00000001 1KCYCLES Timeout period of 1024 cycles. 0x00000002 16KCYCLES Timeout period of 16384 cycles. 0x00000003 LFXOBOOST LFXO Start-up Boost Current 13 1 read-write LFXOBUFCUR LFXO Boost Buffer Current 17 1 read-write LFXOMODE LFXO Mode 11 2 read-write XTAL 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator. 0x00000000 BUFEXTCLK An AC coupled buffer is coupled in series with LFXTAL_N pin, suitable for external sinus wave (32.768 kHz). 0x00000001 DIGEXTCLK Digital external clock on LFXTAL_N pin. Oscillator is effectively bypassed. 0x00000002 LFXOTIMEOUT LFXO Timeout 18 2 read-write 8CYCLES Timeout period of 8 cycles. 0x00000000 1KCYCLES Timeout period of 1024 cycles. 0x00000001 16KCYCLES Timeout period of 16384 cycles. 0x00000002 32KCYCLES Timeout period of 32768 cycles. 0x00000003 FREEZE Freeze Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write HFCORECLKDIV High Frequency Core Clock Division Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x0 0x10F HFCORECLKDIV HFCORECLK Divider 0 4 read-write HFCLK HFCORECLK = HFCLK. 0x00000000 HFCLK2 HFCORECLK = HFCLK/2. 0x00000001 HFCLK4 HFCORECLK = HFCLK/4. 0x00000002 HFCLK8 HFCORECLK = HFCLK/8. 0x00000003 HFCLK16 HFCORECLK = HFCLK/16. 0x00000004 HFCLK32 HFCORECLK = HFCLK/32. 0x00000005 HFCLK64 HFCORECLK = HFCLK/64. 0x00000006 HFCLK128 HFCORECLK = HFCLK/128. 0x00000007 HFCLK256 HFCORECLK = HFCLK/256. 0x00000008 HFCLK512 HFCORECLK = HFCLK/512. 0x00000009 HFCORECLKLEDIV Additional Division Factor For HFCORECLKLE 8 1 read-write HFCORECLKEN0 High Frequency Core Clock Enable Register 0 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator Clock Enable 1 1 read-write DMA Direct Memory Access Controller Clock Enable 0 1 read-write LE Low Energy Peripheral Interface Clock Enable 4 1 read-write USB Universal Serial Bus Interface Clock Enable 3 1 read-write USBC Universal Serial Bus Interface Core Clock Enable 2 1 read-write HFPERCLKDIV High Frequency Peripheral Clock Division Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x100 0x10F HFPERCLKDIV HFPERCLK Divider 0 4 read-write HFCLK HFPERCLK = HFCLK. 0x00000000 HFCLK2 HFPERCLK = HFCLK/2. 0x00000001 HFCLK4 HFPERCLK = HFCLK/4. 0x00000002 HFCLK8 HFPERCLK = HFCLK/8. 0x00000003 HFCLK16 HFPERCLK = HFCLK/16. 0x00000004 HFCLK32 HFPERCLK = HFCLK/32. 0x00000005 HFCLK64 HFPERCLK = HFCLK/64. 0x00000006 HFCLK128 HFPERCLK = HFCLK/128. 0x00000007 HFCLK256 HFPERCLK = HFCLK/256. 0x00000008 HFCLK512 HFPERCLK = HFCLK/512. 0x00000009 HFPERCLKEN HFPERCLK Enable 8 1 read-write HFPERCLKEN0 High Frequency Peripheral Clock Enable Register 0 0x44 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3FFE7 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 Clock Enable 9 1 read-write ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 Clock Enable 10 1 read-write ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 Clock Enable 16 1 read-write DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 Clock Enable 17 1 read-write GPIO General purpose Input/Output Clock Enable 13 1 read-write I2C0 I2C 0 Clock Enable 11 1 read-write I2C1 I2C 1 Clock Enable 12 1 read-write PRS Peripheral Reflex System Clock Enable 15 1 read-write TIMER0 Timer 0 Clock Enable 5 1 read-write TIMER1 Timer 1 Clock Enable 6 1 read-write TIMER2 Timer 2 Clock Enable 7 1 read-write TIMER3 Timer 3 Clock Enable 8 1 read-write USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 Clock Enable 0 1 read-write USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 Clock Enable 1 1 read-write USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 Clock Enable 2 1 read-write VCMP Voltage Comparator Clock Enable 14 1 read-write HFRCOCTRL HFRCO Control Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x380 0x1F7FF BAND HFRCO Band Select 8 3 read-write 1MHZ 1 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000000 7MHZ 7 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000001 11MHZ 11 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000002 14MHZ 14 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000003 21MHZ 21 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000004 28MHZ 28 MHz band. NOTE: Also set the TUNING value (bits 7:0) when changing band. 0x00000005 SUDELAY HFRCO Start-up Delay 12 5 read-write TUNING HFRCO Tuning Value 0 8 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF AUXHFRCORDY AUXHFRCO Ready Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write CALOF Calibration Overflow Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write CALRDY Calibration Ready Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write HFRCORDY HFRCO Ready Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write HFXORDY HFXO Ready Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write LFRCORDY LFRCO Ready Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write LFXORDY LFXO Ready Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write USBCHFCLKSEL USBC HFCLK Selected Interrupt Enable 7 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x30 32 read-only n 0x1 0xFF AUXHFRCORDY AUXHFRCO Ready Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only CALOF Calibration Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only CALRDY Calibration Ready Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only HFRCORDY HFRCO Ready Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only HFXORDY HFXO Ready Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only LFRCORDY LFRCO Ready Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only LFXORDY LFXO Ready Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only USBCHFCLKSEL USBC HFCLK Selected Interrupt Flag 7 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x38 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF AUXHFRCORDY AUXHFRCO Ready Interrupt Flag Clear 4 1 write-only CALOF Calibration Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 6 1 write-only CALRDY Calibration Ready Interrupt Flag Clear 5 1 write-only HFRCORDY HFRCO Ready Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only HFXORDY HFXO Ready Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only LFRCORDY LFRCO Ready Interrupt Flag Clear 2 1 write-only LFXORDY LFXO Ready Interrupt Flag Clear 3 1 write-only USBCHFCLKSEL USBC HFCLK Selected Interrupt Flag Clear 7 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x34 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF AUXHFRCORDY AUXHFRCO Ready Interrupt Flag Set 4 1 write-only CALOF Calibration Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 6 1 write-only CALRDY Calibration Ready Interrupt Flag Set 5 1 write-only HFRCORDY HFRCO Ready Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only HFXORDY HFXO Ready Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only LFRCORDY LFRCO Ready Interrupt Flag Set 2 1 write-only LFXORDY LFXO Ready Interrupt Flag Set 3 1 write-only USBCHFCLKSEL USBC HFCLK Selected Interrupt Flag Set 7 1 write-only LCDCTRL LCD Control Register 0x7C 32 read-write n 0x20 0x7F FDIV Frame Rate Control 0 3 read-write VBFDIV Voltage Boost Frequency Division 4 3 read-write DIV1 Voltage Boost update Frequency = LFACLK. 0x00000000 DIV2 Voltage Boost update Frequency = LFACLK/2. 0x00000001 DIV4 Voltage Boost update Frequency = LFACLK/4. 0x00000002 DIV8 Voltage Boost update Frequency = LFACLK/8. 0x00000003 DIV16 Voltage Boost update Frequency = LFACLK/16. 0x00000004 DIV32 Voltage Boost update Frequency = LFACLK/32. 0x00000005 DIV64 Voltage Boost update Frequency = LFACLK/64. 0x00000006 DIV128 Voltage Boost update Frequency = LFACLK/128. 0x00000007 VBOOSTEN Voltage Boost Enable 3 1 read-write LFACLKEN0 Low Frequency A Clock Enable Register 0 (Async Reg) 0x58 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF LCD Liquid Crystal Display Controller Clock Enable 3 1 read-write LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface Clock Enable 0 1 read-write LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 Clock Enable 2 1 read-write RTC Real-Time Counter Clock Enable 1 1 read-write LFAPRESC0 Low Frequency A Prescaler Register 0 (Async Reg) 0x68 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3FF3 LCD Liquid Crystal Display Controller Prescaler 12 2 read-write DIV16 LFACLKLCD = LFACLK/16 0x00000000 DIV32 LFACLKLCD = LFACLK/32 0x00000001 DIV64 LFACLKLCD = LFACLK/64 0x00000002 DIV128 LFACLKLCD = LFACLK/128 0x00000003 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface Prescaler 0 2 read-write DIV1 LFACLKLESENSE = LFACLK 0x00000000 DIV2 LFACLKLESENSE = LFACLK/2 0x00000001 DIV4 LFACLKLESENSE = LFACLK/4 0x00000002 DIV8 LFACLKLESENSE = LFACLK/8 0x00000003 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 Prescaler 8 4 read-write DIV1 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK 0x00000000 DIV2 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/2 0x00000001 DIV4 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/4 0x00000002 DIV8 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/8 0x00000003 DIV16 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/16 0x00000004 DIV32 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/32 0x00000005 DIV64 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/64 0x00000006 DIV128 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/128 0x00000007 DIV256 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/256 0x00000008 DIV512 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/512 0x00000009 DIV1024 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/1024 0x0000000A DIV2048 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/2048 0x0000000B DIV4096 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/4096 0x0000000C DIV8192 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/8192 0x0000000D DIV16384 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/16384 0x0000000E DIV32768 LFACLKLETIMER0 = LFACLK/32768 0x0000000F RTC Real-Time Counter Prescaler 4 4 read-write DIV1 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK 0x00000000 DIV2 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/2 0x00000001 DIV4 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/4 0x00000002 DIV8 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/8 0x00000003 DIV16 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/16 0x00000004 DIV32 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/32 0x00000005 DIV64 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/64 0x00000006 DIV128 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/128 0x00000007 DIV256 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/256 0x00000008 DIV512 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/512 0x00000009 DIV1024 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/1024 0x0000000A DIV2048 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/2048 0x0000000B DIV4096 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/4096 0x0000000C DIV8192 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/8192 0x0000000D DIV16384 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/16384 0x0000000E DIV32768 LFACLKRTC = LFACLK/32768 0x0000000F LFBCLKEN0 Low Frequency B Clock Enable Register 0 (Async Reg) 0x60 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 Clock Enable 0 1 read-write LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 Clock Enable 1 1 read-write LFBPRESC0 Low Frequency B Prescaler Register 0 (Async Reg) 0x70 32 read-write n 0x0 0x33 LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 Prescaler 0 2 read-write DIV1 LFBCLKLEUART0 = LFBCLK 0x00000000 DIV2 LFBCLKLEUART0 = LFBCLK/2 0x00000001 DIV4 LFBCLKLEUART0 = LFBCLK/4 0x00000002 DIV8 LFBCLKLEUART0 = LFBCLK/8 0x00000003 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 Prescaler 4 2 read-write DIV1 LFBCLKLEUART1 = LFBCLK 0x00000000 DIV2 LFBCLKLEUART1 = LFBCLK/2 0x00000001 DIV4 LFBCLKLEUART1 = LFBCLK/4 0x00000002 DIV8 LFBCLKLEUART1 = LFBCLK/8 0x00000003 LFCLKSEL Low Frequency Clock Select Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x5 0x11000F LFA Clock Select for LFA 0 2 read-write DISABLED LFACLK is disabled 0x00000000 LFRCO LFRCO selected as LFACLK 0x00000001 LFXO LFXO selected as LFACLK 0x00000002 HFCORECLKLEDIV2 HFCORECLKLE divided by two or four is selected as LFACLK. The division factor is determined by CMU_CTRL_HFLE and CMU_HFCORECLKDIV_HFCORECLKLEDIV. 0x00000003 LFAE Clock Select for LFA Extended 16 1 read-write LFB Clock Select for LFB 2 2 read-write DISABLED LFBCLK is disabled 0x00000000 LFRCO LFRCO selected as LFBCLK 0x00000001 LFXO LFXO selected as LFBCLK 0x00000002 HFCORECLKLEDIV2 HFCORECLKLE divided by two or four is selected as LFACLK. The division factor is determined by CMU_CTRL_HFLE and CMU_HFCORECLKDIV_HFCORECLKLEDIV. 0x00000003 LFBE Clock Select for LFB Extended 20 1 read-write LFRCOCTRL LFRCO Control Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x40 0x7F TUNING LFRCO Tuning Value 0 7 read-write LOCK Configuration Lock Register 0x84 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF LOCKKEY Configuration Lock Key 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED 0x00000000 LOCKED 0x00000001 OSCENCMD Oscillator Enable/Disable Command Register 0x20 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3FF AUXHFRCODIS AUXHFRCO Disable 5 1 write-only AUXHFRCOEN AUXHFRCO Enable 4 1 write-only HFRCODIS HFRCO Disable 1 1 write-only HFRCOEN HFRCO Enable 0 1 write-only HFXODIS HFXO Disable 3 1 write-only HFXOEN HFXO Enable 2 1 write-only LFRCODIS LFRCO Disable 7 1 write-only LFRCOEN LFRCO Enable 6 1 write-only LFXODIS LFXO Disable 9 1 write-only LFXOEN LFXO Enable 8 1 write-only PCNTCTRL PCNT Control Register 0x78 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F PCNT0CLKEN PCNT0 Clock Enable 0 1 read-write PCNT0CLKSEL PCNT0 Clock Select 1 1 read-write PCNT1CLKEN PCNT1 Clock Enable 2 1 read-write PCNT1CLKSEL PCNT1 Clock Select 3 1 read-write PCNT2CLKEN PCNT2 Clock Enable 4 1 read-write PCNT2CLKSEL PCNT2 Clock Select 5 1 read-write ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x80 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F CLKOUT0PEN CLKOUT0 Pin Enable 0 1 read-write CLKOUT1PEN CLKOUT1 Pin Enable 1 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 2 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 STATUS Status Register 0x2C 32 read-only n 0x403 0x3FFFF AUXHFRCOENS AUXHFRCO Enable Status 4 1 read-only AUXHFRCORDY AUXHFRCO Ready 5 1 read-only CALBSY Calibration Busy 14 1 read-only HFRCOENS HFRCO Enable Status 0 1 read-only HFRCORDY HFRCO Ready 1 1 read-only HFRCOSEL HFRCO Selected 10 1 read-only HFXOENS HFXO Enable Status 2 1 read-only HFXORDY HFXO Ready 3 1 read-only HFXOSEL HFXO Selected 11 1 read-only LFRCOENS LFRCO Enable Status 6 1 read-only LFRCORDY LFRCO Ready 7 1 read-only LFRCOSEL LFRCO Selected 12 1 read-only LFXOENS LFXO Enable Status 8 1 read-only LFXORDY LFXO Ready 9 1 read-only LFXOSEL LFXO Selected 13 1 read-only USBCHFCLKSEL USBC HFCLK Selected 15 1 read-only USBCLFRCOSEL USBC LFRCO Selected 17 1 read-only USBCLFXOSEL USBC LFXO Selected 16 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x50 32 read-only n 0x0 0x55 LFACLKEN0 Low Frequency A Clock Enable 0 Busy 0 1 read-only LFAPRESC0 Low Frequency A Prescaler 0 Busy 2 1 read-only LFBCLKEN0 Low Frequency B Clock Enable 0 Busy 4 1 read-only LFBPRESC0 Low Frequency B Prescaler 0 Busy 6 1 read-only DAC0 DAC0 DAC0 0x40004000 0x0 0x400 registers n DAC0 8 BIASPROG Bias Programming Register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x4747 0x4F4F BIASPROG Bias Programming Value 0 4 read-write HALFBIAS Half Bias Current 6 1 read-write OPA2BIASPROG Bias Programming Value for OPA2 8 4 read-write OPA2HALFBIAS Half Bias Current 14 1 read-write CAL Calibration Register 0x2C 32 read-write n 0x400000 0x7F3F3F CH0OFFSET Channel 0 Offset Calibration Value 0 6 read-write CH1OFFSET Channel 1 Offset Calibration Value 8 6 read-write GAIN Gain Calibration Value 16 7 read-write CH0CTRL Channel 0 Control Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF7 EN Channel 0 Enable 0 1 read-write PRSEN Channel 0 PRS Trigger Enable 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Channel 0 PRS Trigger Select 4 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS ch 0 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS ch 1 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS ch 2 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS ch 3 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS ch 4 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS ch 5 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS ch 6 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS ch 7 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS ch 8 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS ch 9 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS ch 10 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS ch 11 triggers channel 0 conversion. 0x0000000B REFREN Channel 0 Automatic Refresh Enable 1 1 read-write CH0DATA Channel 0 Data Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFF DATA Channel 0 Data 0 12 read-write CH1CTRL Channel 1 Control Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF7 EN Channel 1 Enable 0 1 read-write PRSEN Channel 1 PRS Trigger Enable 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Channel 1 PRS Trigger Select 4 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS ch 0 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS ch 1 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS ch 2 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS ch 3 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS ch 4 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS ch 5 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS ch 6 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS ch 7 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS ch 8 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS ch 9 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS ch 10 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS ch 11 triggers channel 1 conversion. 0x0000000B REFREN Channel 1 Automatic Refresh Enable 1 1 read-write CH1DATA Channel 1 Data Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFF DATA Channel 1 Data 0 12 read-write COMBDATA Combined Data Register 0x28 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF0FFF CH0DATA Channel 0 Data 0 12 write-only CH1DATA Channel 1 Data 16 12 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x10 0x3703FF CH0PRESCRST Channel 0 Start Reset Prescaler 7 1 read-write CONVMODE Conversion Mode 2 2 read-write CONTINUOUS DAC is set in continuous mode 0x00000000 SAMPLEHOLD DAC is set in sample/hold mode 0x00000001 SAMPLEOFF DAC is set in sample/shut off mode 0x00000002 DIFF Differential Mode 0 1 read-write OUTENPRS PRS Controlled Output Enable 6 1 read-write OUTMODE Output Mode 4 2 read-write DISABLE DAC output to pin and ADC disabled 0x00000000 PIN DAC output to pin enabled. DAC output to ADC and ACMP disabled 0x00000001 ADC DAC output to pin disabled. DAC output to ADC and ACMP enabled 0x00000002 PINADC DAC output to pin, ADC, and ACMP enabled 0x00000003 PRESC Prescaler Setting 16 3 read-write NODIVISION 0x00000000 REFRSEL Refresh Interval Select 20 2 read-write 8CYCLES All channels with enabled refresh are refreshed every 8 prescaled cycles 0x00000000 16CYCLES All channels with enabled refresh are refreshed every 16 prescaled cycles 0x00000001 32CYCLES All channels with enabled refresh are refreshed every 32 prescaled cycles 0x00000002 64CYCLES All channels with enabled refresh are refreshed every 64 prescaled cycles 0x00000003 REFSEL Reference Selection 8 2 read-write 1V25 Internal 1.25 V bandgap reference 0x00000000 2V5 Internal 2.5 V bandgap reference 0x00000001 VDD VDD reference 0x00000002 SINEMODE Sine Mode 1 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0x33 CH0 Channel 0 Conversion Complete Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write CH0UF Channel 0 Conversion Data Underflow Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write CH1 Channel 1 Conversion Complete Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write CH1UF Channel 1 Conversion Data Underflow Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x14 32 read-only n 0x0 0x33 CH0 Channel 0 Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only CH0UF Channel 0 Data Underflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only CH1 Channel 1 Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only CH1UF Channel 1 Data Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x1C 32 write-only n 0x0 0x33 CH0 Channel 0 Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only CH0UF Channel 0 Data Underflow Interrupt Flag Clear 4 1 write-only CH1 Channel 1 Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only CH1UF Channel 1 Data Underflow Interrupt Flag Clear 5 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x33 CH0 Channel 0 Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only CH0UF Channel 0 Data Underflow Interrupt Flag Set 4 1 write-only CH1 Channel 1 Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only CH1UF Channel 1 Data Underflow Interrupt Flag Set 5 1 write-only OPA0MUX Operational Amplifier Mux Configuration Register 0x5C 32 read-write n 0x400000 0x74C7F737 NEGSEL OPA0 inverting Input Mux 4 2 read-write DISABLE Input disabled 0x00000000 UG Unity Gain feedback path 0x00000001 OPATAP OPA0 Resistor ladder as input 0x00000002 NEGPAD Input from NEG PAD 0x00000003 NEXTOUT OPA0 Next Enable 26 1 read-write NPEN OPA0 Negative Pad Input Enable 13 1 read-write OUTMODE Output Select 22 2 read-write DISABLE OPA0 output is disabled 0x00000000 MAIN Main OPA0 output to pin enabled 0x00000001 ALT OPA0 alternative output enabled. 0x00000002 ALL Main OPA0 output drives both main and alternative outputs. 0x00000003 OUTPEN OPA0 Output Enable Value 14 5 read-write OUT0 Alternate Output 0 0x00000001 OUT1 Alternate Output 1 0x00000002 OUT2 Alternate Output 2 0x00000004 OUT3 Alternate Output 3 0x00000008 OUT4 Alternate Output 4 0x00000010 POSSEL OPA0 non-inverting Input Mux 0 3 read-write DISABLE Input disabled 0x00000000 DAC DAC as input 0x00000001 POSPAD POS PAD as input 0x00000002 OPA0INP OPA0 as input 0x00000003 OPATAP OPA0 Resistor ladder as input 0x00000004 PPEN OPA0 Positive Pad Input Enable 12 1 read-write RESINMUX OPA0 Resistor Ladder Input Mux 8 3 read-write DISABLE Set for Unity Gain 0x00000000 OPA0INP Set for OPA0 input 0x00000001 NEGPAD NEG pad connected 0x00000002 POSPAD POS pad connected 0x00000003 VSS VSS connected 0x00000004 RESSEL OPA0 Resistor Ladder Select 28 3 read-write RES0 Gain of 1/3 0x00000000 RES1 Gain of 1 0x00000001 RES2 Gain of 1 2/3 0x00000002 RES3 Gain of 2 0x00000003 RES4 Gain of 3 0x00000004 RES5 Gain of 4 1/3 0x00000005 RES6 Gain of 7 0x00000006 RES7 Gain of 15 0x00000007 OPA1MUX Operational Amplifier Mux Configuration Register 0x60 32 read-write n 0x0 0x74C7F737 NEGSEL OPA1 inverting Input Mux 4 2 read-write DISABLE Input disabled 0x00000000 UG Unity Gain feedback path 0x00000001 OPATAP OPA1 Resistor ladder as input 0x00000002 NEGPAD Input from NEG PAD 0x00000003 NEXTOUT OPA1 Next Enable 26 1 read-write NPEN OPA1 Negative Pad Input Enable 13 1 read-write OUTMODE Output Select 22 2 read-write DISABLE OPA0 output is disabled 0x00000000 MAIN Main OPA1 output to pin enabled 0x00000001 ALT OPA1 alternative output enabled. 0x00000002 ALL Main OPA1 output drives both main and alternative outputs. 0x00000003 OUTPEN OPA1 Output Enable Value 14 5 read-write OUT0 Alternate Output 0 0x00000001 OUT1 Alternate Output 1 0x00000002 OUT2 Alternate Output 2 0x00000004 OUT3 Alternate Output 3 0x00000008 OUT4 Alternate Output 4 0x00000010 POSSEL OPA1 non-inverting Input Mux 0 3 read-write DISABLE Input disabled 0x00000000 DAC DAC as input 0x00000001 POSPAD POS PAD as input 0x00000002 OPA0INP OPA0 as input 0x00000003 OPATAP OPA 1 Resistor ladder as input 0x00000004 PPEN OPA1 Positive Pad Input Enable 12 1 read-write RESINMUX OPA1 Resistor Ladder Input Mux 8 3 read-write DISABLE Set for Unity Gain 0x00000000 OPA0INP Set for OPA0 input 0x00000001 NEGPAD NEG PAD connected 0x00000002 POSPAD POS PAD connected 0x00000003 VSS VSS connected 0x00000004 RESSEL OPA1 Resistor Ladder Select 28 3 read-write RES0 Gain of 1/3 0x00000000 RES1 Gain of 1 0x00000001 RES2 Gain of 1 2/3 0x00000002 RES3 Gain of 2 0x00000003 RES4 Gain of 3 0x00000004 RES5 Gain of 4 1/3 0x00000005 RES6 Gain of 7 0x00000006 RES7 Gain of 15 0x00000007 OPA2MUX Operational Amplifier Mux Configuration Register 0x64 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7440F737 NEGSEL OPA2 inverting Input Mux 4 2 read-write DISABLE Input disabled 0x00000000 UG Unity Gain feedback path 0x00000001 OPATAP OPA2 Resistor ladder as input 0x00000002 NEGPAD Input from NEG PAD 0x00000003 NEXTOUT OPA2 Next Enable 26 1 read-write NPEN OPA2 Negative Pad Input Enable 13 1 read-write OUTMODE Output Select 22 1 read-write OUTPEN OPA2 Output Location 14 2 read-write OUT0 Main Output 0 0x00000001 OUT1 Main Output 1 0x00000002 POSSEL OPA2 non-inverting Input Mux 0 3 read-write DISABLE Input disabled 0x00000000 POSPAD POS PAD as input 0x00000002 OPA1INP OPA1 as input 0x00000003 OPATAP OPA0 Resistor ladder as input 0x00000004 PPEN OPA2 Positive Pad Input Enable 12 1 read-write RESINMUX OPA2 Resistor Ladder Input Mux 8 3 read-write DISABLE Set for Unity Gain 0x00000000 OPA1INP Set for OPA1 input 0x00000001 NEGPAD NEG PAD connected 0x00000002 POSPAD POS PAD connected 0x00000003 VSS VSS connected 0x00000004 RESSEL OPA2 Resistor Ladder Select 28 3 read-write RES0 Gain of 1/3 0x00000000 RES1 Gain of 1 0x00000001 RES2 Gain of 1 2/3 0x00000002 RES3 Gain of 2 0x00000003 RES4 Gain of 3 0x00000004 RES5 Gain of 4 1/3 0x00000005 RES6 Gain of 7 0x00000006 RES7 Gain of 15 0x00000007 OPACTRL Operational Amplifier Control Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1C3F1C7 OPA0EN OPA0 Enable 0 1 read-write OPA0HCMDIS High Common Mode Disable. 6 1 read-write OPA0LPFDIS Disables Low Pass Filter. 12 2 read-write PLPFDIS Disables the LPF between positive pad and positive input. 0x00000001 NLPFDIS Disables the LPF between negative pad and negative input. 0x00000002 OPA0SHORT Short the non-inverting and inverting input. 22 1 read-write OPA1EN OPA1 Enable 1 1 read-write OPA1HCMDIS High Common Mode Disable. 7 1 read-write OPA1LPFDIS Disables Low Pass Filter. 14 2 read-write PLPFDIS Disables the LPF between positive pad and positive input. 0x00000001 NLPFDIS Disables the LPF between negative pad and negative input. 0x00000002 OPA1SHORT Short the non-inverting and inverting input. 23 1 read-write OPA2EN OPA2 Enable 2 1 read-write OPA2HCMDIS High Common Mode Disable. 8 1 read-write OPA2LPFDIS Disables Low Pass Filter. 16 2 read-write PLPFDIS Disables the LPF between positive pad and positive input. 0x00000001 NLPFDIS Disables the LPF between negative pad and negative input. 0x00000002 OPA2SHORT Short the non-inverting and inverting input. 24 1 read-write OPAOFFSET Operational Amplifier Offset Register 0x58 32 read-write n 0x20 0x3F OPA2OFFSET OPA2 Offset Configuration Value 0 6 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x4 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 CH0DV Channel 0 Data Valid 0 1 read-only CH1DV Channel 1 Data Valid 1 1 read-only DMA DMA DMA 0x400C2000 0x0 0x2000 registers n DMA 0 ALTCTRLBASE Channel Alternate Control Data Base Pointer Register 0xC 32 read-only n 0x100 0xFFFFFFFF ALTCTRLBASE Channel Alternate Control Data Base Pointer 0 32 read-only CH0_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1100 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH10_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1128 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH11_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x112C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH1_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1104 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH2_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1108 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH3_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x110C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH4_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1110 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH5_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1114 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH6_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1118 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH7_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x111C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH8_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1120 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CH9_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1124 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F000F SIGSEL Signal Select 0 4 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x0000000A USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x0000000C USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x0000000D USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x0000000E LEUART0 Low Energy UART 0 0x00000010 LEUART1 Low Energy UART 1 0x00000011 I2C0 I2C 0 0x00000014 I2C1 I2C 1 0x00000015 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x00000018 TIMER1 Timer 1 0x00000019 TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001A TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001B MSC 0x00000030 AES Advanced Encryption Standard Accelerator 0x00000031 LESENSE Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000032 CHALTC Channel Alternate Clear Register 0x34 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0ALTC Channel 0 Alternate Clear 0 1 write-only CH10ALTC Channel 10 Alternate Clear 10 1 write-only CH11ALTC Channel 11 Alternate Clear 11 1 write-only CH1ALTC Channel 1 Alternate Clear 1 1 write-only CH2ALTC Channel 2 Alternate Clear 2 1 write-only CH3ALTC Channel 3 Alternate Clear 3 1 write-only CH4ALTC Channel 4 Alternate Clear 4 1 write-only CH5ALTC Channel 5 Alternate Clear 5 1 write-only CH6ALTC Channel 6 Alternate Clear 6 1 write-only CH7ALTC Channel 7 Alternate Clear 7 1 write-only CH8ALTC Channel 8 Alternate Clear 8 1 write-only CH9ALTC Channel 9 Alternate Clear 9 1 write-only CHALTS Channel Alternate Set Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0ALTS Channel 0 Alternate Structure Set 0 1 write-only CH10ALTS Channel 10 Alternate Structure Set 10 1 write-only CH11ALTS Channel 11 Alternate Structure Set 11 1 write-only CH1ALTS Channel 1 Alternate Structure Set 1 1 write-only CH2ALTS Channel 2 Alternate Structure Set 2 1 write-only CH3ALTS Channel 3 Alternate Structure Set 3 1 write-only CH4ALTS Channel 4 Alternate Structure Set 4 1 write-only CH5ALTS Channel 5 Alternate Structure Set 5 1 write-only CH6ALTS Channel 6 Alternate Structure Set 6 1 write-only CH7ALTS Channel 7 Alternate Structure Set 7 1 write-only CH8ALTS Channel 8 Alternate Structure Set 8 1 write-only CH9ALTS Channel 9 Alternate Structure Set 9 1 write-only CHENC Channel Enable Clear Register 0x2C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0ENC Channel 0 Enable Clear 0 1 write-only CH10ENC Channel 10 Enable Clear 10 1 write-only CH11ENC Channel 11 Enable Clear 11 1 write-only CH1ENC Channel 1 Enable Clear 1 1 write-only CH2ENC Channel 2 Enable Clear 2 1 write-only CH3ENC Channel 3 Enable Clear 3 1 write-only CH4ENC Channel 4 Enable Clear 4 1 write-only CH5ENC Channel 5 Enable Clear 5 1 write-only CH6ENC Channel 6 Enable Clear 6 1 write-only CH7ENC Channel 7 Enable Clear 7 1 write-only CH8ENC Channel 8 Enable Clear 8 1 write-only CH9ENC Channel 9 Enable Clear 9 1 write-only CHENS Channel Enable Set Register 0x28 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0ENS Channel 0 Enable Set 0 1 write-only CH10ENS Channel 10 Enable Set 10 1 write-only CH11ENS Channel 11 Enable Set 11 1 write-only CH1ENS Channel 1 Enable Set 1 1 write-only CH2ENS Channel 2 Enable Set 2 1 write-only CH3ENS Channel 3 Enable Set 3 1 write-only CH4ENS Channel 4 Enable Set 4 1 write-only CH5ENS Channel 5 Enable Set 5 1 write-only CH6ENS Channel 6 Enable Set 6 1 write-only CH7ENS Channel 7 Enable Set 7 1 write-only CH8ENS Channel 8 Enable Set 8 1 write-only CH9ENS Channel 9 Enable Set 9 1 write-only CHPRIC Channel Priority Clear Register 0x3C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0PRIC Channel 0 High Priority Clear 0 1 write-only CH10PRIC Channel 10 High Priority Clear 10 1 write-only CH11PRIC Channel 11 High Priority Clear 11 1 write-only CH1PRIC Channel 1 High Priority Clear 1 1 write-only CH2PRIC Channel 2 High Priority Clear 2 1 write-only CH3PRIC Channel 3 High Priority Clear 3 1 write-only CH4PRIC Channel 4 High Priority Clear 4 1 write-only CH5PRIC Channel 5 High Priority Clear 5 1 write-only CH6PRIC Channel 6 High Priority Clear 6 1 write-only CH7PRIC Channel 7 High Priority Clear 7 1 write-only CH8PRIC Channel 8 High Priority Clear 8 1 write-only CH9PRIC Channel 9 High Priority Clear 9 1 write-only CHPRIS Channel Priority Set Register 0x38 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0PRIS Channel 0 High Priority Set 0 1 write-only CH10PRIS Channel 10 High Priority Set 10 1 write-only CH11PRIS Channel 11 High Priority Set 11 1 write-only CH1PRIS Channel 1 High Priority Set 1 1 write-only CH2PRIS Channel 2 High Priority Set 2 1 write-only CH3PRIS Channel 3 High Priority Set 3 1 write-only CH4PRIS Channel 4 High Priority Set 4 1 write-only CH5PRIS Channel 5 High Priority Set 5 1 write-only CH6PRIS Channel 6 High Priority Set 6 1 write-only CH7PRIS Channel 7 High Priority Set 7 1 write-only CH8PRIS Channel 8 High Priority Set 8 1 write-only CH9PRIS Channel 9 High Priority Set 9 1 write-only CHREQMASKC Channel Request Mask Clear Register 0x24 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0REQMASKC Channel 0 Request Mask Clear 0 1 write-only CH10REQMASKC Channel 10 Request Mask Clear 10 1 write-only CH11REQMASKC Channel 11 Request Mask Clear 11 1 write-only CH1REQMASKC Channel 1 Request Mask Clear 1 1 write-only CH2REQMASKC Channel 2 Request Mask Clear 2 1 write-only CH3REQMASKC Channel 3 Request Mask Clear 3 1 write-only CH4REQMASKC Channel 4 Request Mask Clear 4 1 write-only CH5REQMASKC Channel 5 Request Mask Clear 5 1 write-only CH6REQMASKC Channel 6 Request Mask Clear 6 1 write-only CH7REQMASKC Channel 7 Request Mask Clear 7 1 write-only CH8REQMASKC Channel 8 Request Mask Clear 8 1 write-only CH9REQMASKC Channel 9 Request Mask Clear 9 1 write-only CHREQMASKS Channel Request Mask Set Register 0x20 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0REQMASKS Channel 0 Request Mask Set 0 1 write-only CH10REQMASKS Channel 10 Request Mask Set 10 1 write-only CH11REQMASKS Channel 11 Request Mask Set 11 1 write-only CH1REQMASKS Channel 1 Request Mask Set 1 1 write-only CH2REQMASKS Channel 2 Request Mask Set 2 1 write-only CH3REQMASKS Channel 3 Request Mask Set 3 1 write-only CH4REQMASKS Channel 4 Request Mask Set 4 1 write-only CH5REQMASKS Channel 5 Request Mask Set 5 1 write-only CH6REQMASKS Channel 6 Request Mask Set 6 1 write-only CH7REQMASKS Channel 7 Request Mask Set 7 1 write-only CH8REQMASKS Channel 8 Request Mask Set 8 1 write-only CH9REQMASKS Channel 9 Request Mask Set 9 1 write-only CHREQSTATUS Channel Request Status 0xE10 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0REQSTATUS Channel 0 Request Status 0 1 read-only CH10REQSTATUS Channel 10 Request Status 10 1 read-only CH11REQSTATUS Channel 11 Request Status 11 1 read-only CH1REQSTATUS Channel 1 Request Status 1 1 read-only CH2REQSTATUS Channel 2 Request Status 2 1 read-only CH3REQSTATUS Channel 3 Request Status 3 1 read-only CH4REQSTATUS Channel 4 Request Status 4 1 read-only CH5REQSTATUS Channel 5 Request Status 5 1 read-only CH6REQSTATUS Channel 6 Request Status 6 1 read-only CH7REQSTATUS Channel 7 Request Status 7 1 read-only CH8REQSTATUS Channel 8 Request Status 8 1 read-only CH9REQSTATUS Channel 9 Request Status 9 1 read-only CHSREQSTATUS Channel Single Request Status 0xE18 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0SREQSTATUS Channel 0 Single Request Status 0 1 read-only CH10SREQSTATUS Channel 10 Single Request Status 10 1 read-only CH11SREQSTATUS Channel 11 Single Request Status 11 1 read-only CH1SREQSTATUS Channel 1 Single Request Status 1 1 read-only CH2SREQSTATUS Channel 2 Single Request Status 2 1 read-only CH3SREQSTATUS Channel 3 Single Request Status 3 1 read-only CH4SREQSTATUS Channel 4 Single Request Status 4 1 read-only CH5SREQSTATUS Channel 5 Single Request Status 5 1 read-only CH6SREQSTATUS Channel 6 Single Request Status 6 1 read-only CH7SREQSTATUS Channel 7 Single Request Status 7 1 read-only CH8SREQSTATUS Channel 8 Single Request Status 8 1 read-only CH9SREQSTATUS Channel 9 Single Request Status 9 1 read-only CHSWREQ Channel Software Request Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0SWREQ Channel 0 Software Request 0 1 write-only CH10SWREQ Channel 10 Software Request 10 1 write-only CH11SWREQ Channel 11 Software Request 11 1 write-only CH1SWREQ Channel 1 Software Request 1 1 write-only CH2SWREQ Channel 2 Software Request 2 1 write-only CH3SWREQ Channel 3 Software Request 3 1 write-only CH4SWREQ Channel 4 Software Request 4 1 write-only CH5SWREQ Channel 5 Software Request 5 1 write-only CH6SWREQ Channel 6 Software Request 6 1 write-only CH7SWREQ Channel 7 Software Request 7 1 write-only CH8SWREQ Channel 8 Software Request 8 1 write-only CH9SWREQ Channel 9 Software Request 9 1 write-only CHUSEBURSTC Channel Useburst Clear Register 0x1C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH08USEBURSTC Channel 8 Useburst Clear 8 1 write-only CH0USEBURSTC Channel 0 Useburst Clear 0 1 write-only CH10USEBURSTC Channel 10 Useburst Clear 10 1 write-only CH11USEBURSTC Channel 11 Useburst Clear 11 1 write-only CH1USEBURSTC Channel 1 Useburst Clear 1 1 write-only CH2USEBURSTC Channel 2 Useburst Clear 2 1 write-only CH3USEBURSTC Channel 3 Useburst Clear 3 1 write-only CH4USEBURSTC Channel 4 Useburst Clear 4 1 write-only CH5USEBURSTC Channel 5 Useburst Clear 5 1 write-only CH6USEBURSTC Channel 6 Useburst Clear 6 1 write-only CH7USEBURSTC Channel 7 Useburst Clear 7 1 write-only CH9USEBURSTC Channel 9 Useburst Clear 9 1 write-only CHUSEBURSTS Channel Useburst Set Register 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFF CH0USEBURSTS Channel 0 Useburst Set 0 1 read-write CH10USEBURSTS Channel 10 Useburst Set 10 1 read-write CH11USEBURSTS Channel 11 Useburst Set 11 1 read-write CH1USEBURSTS Channel 1 Useburst Set 1 1 read-write CH2USEBURSTS Channel 2 Useburst Set 2 1 read-write CH3USEBURSTS Channel 3 Useburst Set 3 1 read-write CH4USEBURSTS Channel 4 Useburst Set 4 1 read-write CH5USEBURSTS Channel 5 Useburst Set 5 1 read-write CH6USEBURSTS Channel 6 Useburst Set 6 1 read-write CH7USEBURSTS Channel 7 Useburst Set 7 1 read-write CH8USEBURSTS Channel 8 Useburst Set 8 1 read-write CH9USEBURSTS Channel 9 Useburst Set 9 1 read-write CHWAITSTATUS Channel Wait on Request Status Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0xFFF 0xFFF CH0WAITSTATUS Channel 0 Wait on Request Status 0 1 read-only CH10WAITSTATUS Channel 10 Wait on Request Status 10 1 read-only CH11WAITSTATUS Channel 11 Wait on Request Status 11 1 read-only CH1WAITSTATUS Channel 1 Wait on Request Status 1 1 read-only CH2WAITSTATUS Channel 2 Wait on Request Status 2 1 read-only CH3WAITSTATUS Channel 3 Wait on Request Status 3 1 read-only CH4WAITSTATUS Channel 4 Wait on Request Status 4 1 read-only CH5WAITSTATUS Channel 5 Wait on Request Status 5 1 read-only CH6WAITSTATUS Channel 6 Wait on Request Status 6 1 read-only CH7WAITSTATUS Channel 7 Wait on Request Status 7 1 read-only CH8WAITSTATUS Channel 8 Wait on Request Status 8 1 read-only CH9WAITSTATUS Channel 9 Wait on Request Status 9 1 read-only CONFIG DMA Configuration Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x21 CHPROT Channel Protection Control 5 1 write-only EN Enable DMA 0 1 write-only CTRL DMA Control Register 0x1010 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 DESCRECT Descriptor Specifies Rectangle 0 1 read-write PRDU Prevent Rect Descriptor Update 1 1 read-write CTRLBASE Channel Control Data Base Pointer Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF CTRLBASE Channel Control Data Base Pointer 0 32 read-write ERRORC Bus Error Clear Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 ERRORC Bus Error Clear 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable register 0x100C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x80000FFF CH0DONE DMA Channel 0 Complete Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write CH10DONE DMA Channel 10 Complete Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write CH11DONE DMA Channel 11 Complete Interrupt Enable 11 1 read-write CH1DONE DMA Channel 1 Complete Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write CH2DONE DMA Channel 2 Complete Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write CH3DONE DMA Channel 3 Complete Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write CH4DONE DMA Channel 4 Complete Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write CH5DONE DMA Channel 5 Complete Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write CH6DONE DMA Channel 6 Complete Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write CH7DONE DMA Channel 7 Complete Interrupt Enable 7 1 read-write CH8DONE DMA Channel 8 Complete Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write CH9DONE DMA Channel 9 Complete Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write ERR DMA Error Interrupt Flag Enable 31 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x1000 32 read-only n 0x0 0x80000FFF CH0DONE DMA Channel 0 Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only CH10DONE DMA Channel 10 Complete Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only CH11DONE DMA Channel 11 Complete Interrupt Flag 11 1 read-only CH1DONE DMA Channel 1 Complete Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only CH2DONE DMA Channel 2 Complete Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only CH3DONE DMA Channel 3 Complete Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only CH4DONE DMA Channel 4 Complete Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only CH5DONE DMA Channel 5 Complete Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only CH6DONE DMA Channel 6 Complete Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only CH7DONE DMA Channel 7 Complete Interrupt Flag 7 1 read-only CH8DONE DMA Channel 8 Complete Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only CH9DONE DMA Channel 9 Complete Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only ERR DMA Error Interrupt Flag 31 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x1008 32 write-only n 0x0 0x80000FFF CH0DONE DMA Channel 0 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only CH10DONE DMA Channel 10 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 10 1 write-only CH11DONE DMA Channel 11 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 11 1 write-only CH1DONE DMA Channel 1 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only CH2DONE DMA Channel 2 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 2 1 write-only CH3DONE DMA Channel 3 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 3 1 write-only CH4DONE DMA Channel 4 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 4 1 write-only CH5DONE DMA Channel 5 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 5 1 write-only CH6DONE DMA Channel 6 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 6 1 write-only CH7DONE DMA Channel 7 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 7 1 write-only CH8DONE DMA Channel 8 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 8 1 write-only CH9DONE DMA Channel 9 Complete Interrupt Flag Clear 9 1 write-only ERR DMA Error Interrupt Flag Clear 31 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x1004 32 write-only n 0x0 0x80000FFF CH0DONE DMA Channel 0 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only CH10DONE DMA Channel 10 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 10 1 write-only CH11DONE DMA Channel 11 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 11 1 write-only CH1DONE DMA Channel 1 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only CH2DONE DMA Channel 2 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 2 1 write-only CH3DONE DMA Channel 3 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 3 1 write-only CH4DONE DMA Channel 4 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 4 1 write-only CH5DONE DMA Channel 5 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 5 1 write-only CH6DONE DMA Channel 6 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 6 1 write-only CH7DONE DMA Channel 7 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 7 1 write-only CH8DONE DMA Channel 8 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 8 1 write-only CH9DONE DMA Channel 9 Complete Interrupt Flag Set 9 1 write-only ERR DMA Error Interrupt Flag Set 31 1 write-only LOOP0 Channel 0 Loop Register 0x1020 32 read-write n 0x0 0x103FF EN DMA Channel 0 Loop Enable 16 1 read-write WIDTH Loop Width 0 10 read-write LOOP1 Channel 1 Loop Register 0x1024 32 read-write n 0x0 0x103FF EN DMA Channel 1 Loop Enable 16 1 read-write WIDTH DMA Channel 1 Loop Width 0 10 read-write RDS DMA Retain Descriptor State 0x1014 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFF RDSCH0 Retain Descriptor State 0 1 read-write RDSCH1 Retain Descriptor State 1 1 read-write RDSCH10 Retain Descriptor State 10 1 read-write RDSCH11 Retain Descriptor State 11 1 read-write RDSCH2 Retain Descriptor State 2 1 read-write RDSCH3 Retain Descriptor State 3 1 read-write RDSCH4 Retain Descriptor State 4 1 read-write RDSCH5 Retain Descriptor State 5 1 read-write RDSCH6 Retain Descriptor State 6 1 read-write RDSCH7 Retain Descriptor State 7 1 read-write RDSCH8 Retain Descriptor State 8 1 read-write RDSCH9 Retain Descriptor State 9 1 read-write RECT0 Channel 0 Rectangle Register 0x1060 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DSTSTRIDE DMA Channel 0 Destination Stride 21 11 read-write HEIGHT DMA Channel 0 Rectangle Height 0 10 read-write SRCSTRIDE DMA Channel 0 Source Stride 10 11 read-write STATUS DMA Status Registers 0x0 32 read-only n 0x100B0000 0x1F00F1 CHNUM Channel Number 16 5 read-only EN DMA Enable Status 0 1 read-only STATE Control Current State 4 4 read-only IDLE Idle 0x00000000 RDCHCTRLDATA Reading channel controller data 0x00000001 RDSRCENDPTR Reading source data end pointer 0x00000002 RDDSTENDPTR Reading destination data end pointer 0x00000003 RDSRCDATA Reading source data 0x00000004 WRDSTDATA Writing destination data 0x00000005 WAITREQCLR Waiting for DMA request to clear 0x00000006 WRCHCTRLDATA Writing channel controller data 0x00000007 STALLED Stalled 0x00000008 DONE Done 0x00000009 PERSCATTRANS Peripheral scatter-gather transition 0x0000000A EMU EMU EMU 0x400C6000 0x0 0x400 registers n EMU 38 AUXCTRL Auxiliary Control Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 HRCCLR Hard Reset Cause Clear 0 1 read-write BUACT Backup mode active configuration register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0xB 0x7F BUEXRANGE 3 2 read-write BUEXTHRES 0 3 read-write PWRCON Power connection configuration when in Backup mode 5 2 read-write NONE No connection. 0x00000000 BUMAIN Main power and backup power are connected through a diode, allowing current to flow from backup power source to main power source, but not the other way. 0x00000001 MAINBU Main power and backup power are connected through a diode, allowing current to flow from main power source to backup power source, but not the other way. 0x00000002 NODIODE Main power and backup power are connected without diode. 0x00000003 BUBODBUVINCAL BU_VIN Backup BOD calibration 0x58 32 read-write n 0xB 0x1F RANGE 3 2 read-write THRES 0 3 read-write BUBODUNREGCAL Unregulated power Backup BOD calibration 0x5C 32 read-write n 0xB 0x1F RANGE 3 2 read-write THRES 0 3 read-write BUCTRL Backup Power configuration register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0x6F BODCAL Enable BOD calibration mode 2 1 read-write BUMODEBODEN Enable brown out detection on BU_VIN when in backup mode 3 1 read-write EN Enable backup mode 0 1 read-write PROBE Voltage probe select 5 2 read-write DISABLE Disable voltage probe. 0x00000000 VDDDREG Connect probe to VDD_DREG. 0x00000001 BUIN Connect probe to BU_IN. 0x00000002 BUOUT Connect probe to BU_OUT. 0x00000003 STATEN Enable backup mode status export 1 1 read-write BUINACT Backup mode inactive configuration register 0x38 32 read-write n 0xB 0x7F BUENRANGE 3 2 read-write BUENTHRES 0 3 read-write PWRCON Power connection configuration when not in Backup mode 5 2 read-write NONE No connection. 0x00000000 BUMAIN Main power and backup power are connected through a diode, allowing current to flow from backup power source to main power source, but not the other way. 0x00000001 MAINBU Main power and backup power are connected through a diode, allowing current to flow from main power source to backup power source, but not the other way. 0x00000002 NODIODE Main power and backup power are connected without diode. 0x00000003 CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF EM2BLOCK Energy Mode 2 Block 1 1 read-write EM4CTRL Energy Mode 4 Control 2 2 read-write EMVREG Energy Mode Voltage Regulator Control 0 1 read-write EM4CONF Energy mode 4 configuration register 0x2C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1001F BUBODRSTDIS Disable reset from Backup BOD in EM4 4 1 read-write BURTCWU Backup RTC EM4 wakeup enable 1 1 read-write LOCKCONF EM4 configuration lock enable 16 1 read-write OSC Select EM4 duty oscillator 2 2 read-write ULFRCO ULFRCO is available. 0x00000000 LFRCO LFRCO is available. Can only be set if LFRCO is running before EM4/backup entry. 0x00000001 LFXO LFXO is available. Can only be set if LFXO is available before EM4/backup entry. 0x00000002 VREGEN EM4 voltage regulator enable 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 BURDY Backup functionality ready Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x48 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 BURDY Backup functionality ready Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x50 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 BURDY Clear Backup functionality ready Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x4C 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 BURDY Set Backup functionality ready Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only LOCK Configuration Lock Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF LOCKKEY Configuration Lock Key 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED 0x00000000 LOCKED 0x00000001 PWRCONF Power connection configuration register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F PWRRES Power domain resistor select 3 2 read-write RES0 Main power and backup power connected with RES0 series resistance. 0x00000000 RES1 Main power and backup power connected with RES1 series resistance. 0x00000001 RES2 Main power and backup power connected with RES2 series resistance. 0x00000002 RES3 Main power and backup power connected with RES3 series resistance. 0x00000003 VOUTMED BU_VOUT medium enable 1 1 read-write VOUTSTRONG BU_VOUT strong enable 2 1 read-write VOUTWEAK BU_VOUT weak enable 0 1 read-write ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x44 32 read-write n 0x1 0x1 BUVINPEN BU_VIN Pin Enable 0 1 read-write STATUS Status register 0x40 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 BURDY Backup mode ready 0 1 read-only ETM ETM ETM 0xE0041000 0x0 0x40000 registers n ETMAUTHSTATUS ETM Authentication Status Register 0xFB8 32 read-only n 0xC0 0xFF NONSECINVDBG Non-secure invasive Debug Status 0 2 read-only NONSECNONINVDBG Non-secure non-invasive Debug Status 2 2 read-only DISABLE Non-secure non-invasive debug disable 0x00000002 ENABLE Non-secure non-invasive debug enable 0x00000003 SECINVDBG Secure invasive Debug Status 4 2 read-only SECNONINVDBG Secure non-invasive Debug Status 6 2 read-only ETMCCER Configuration Code Extension Register 0x1E8 32 read-only n 0x18541800 0x387FFFFB DADDRCMP Data Address comparisons 12 1 read-only EICEIMP EmbeddedICE Behavior control Implemented 21 1 read-only EICEWPNT EmbeddedICE watchpoint inputs 16 4 read-only EXTINPBUS Extended External Input Bus 3 8 read-only EXTINPSEL Extended External Input Selectors 0 2 read-only INSTRES Instrumentation Resources 13 3 read-only READREGS Readable Registers 11 1 read-only RFCNT Reduced Function Counter 27 1 read-only TEICEWPNT Trace Sart/Stop Block Uses EmbeddedICE watchpoint inputs 20 1 read-only TENC Timestamp Encoding 28 1 read-only TIMP Timestamping Implemented 22 1 read-only TSIZE Timestamp Size 29 1 read-only ETMCCR Configuration Code Register 0x4 32 read-only n 0x8C802000 0x8FFFFFFF ADRCMPPAIR Number of Address Comparator Pairs 0 4 read-only COUNTNUM Number of Counters 13 3 read-only DATACMPNUM Number of Data Value Comparators 4 4 read-only ETMID ETM ID Register Present 31 1 read-only EXTINPNUM Number of External Inputs 17 3 read-only ZERO Zero inputs presents 0x00000000 ONE One inputs presents 0x00000001 TWO Two inputs presents 0x00000002 EXTOUTNUM Number of External Output 20 3 read-only FIFOFULLPRES FIFIO FULL present 23 1 read-only IDCOMPNUM Number of context ID Comparators 24 2 read-only MMACCESS Coprocessor and Memeory Access 27 1 read-only MMDECCNT Number of Memeory Map Decoders 8 5 read-only SEQPRES Sequencer Present 16 1 read-only TRACESS Trace Start/Stop Block Present 26 1 read-only ETMCIDR0 Component ID0 Register 0xFF0 32 read-only n 0xD 0xFF PREAMB CoreSight Preamble 0 8 read-only ETMCIDR1 Component ID1 Register 0xFF4 32 read-only n 0x90 0xFF PREAMB CoreSight Preamble 0 8 read-only ETMCIDR2 Component ID2 Register 0xFF8 32 read-only n 0x5 0xFF PREAMB CoreSight Preamble 0 8 read-only ETMCIDR3 Component ID3 Register 0xFFC 32 read-only n 0xB1 0xFF PREAMB CoreSight Preamble 0 8 read-only ETMCLAIMCLR ETM Claim Tag Clear Register 0xFA4 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 CLRTAG Tag Bits 0 1 read-write ETMCLAIMSET ETM Claim Tag Set Register 0xFA0 32 read-write n 0xF 0xFF SETTAG Tag Bits 0 8 read-write ETMCNTRLDVR1 Counter Reload Value 0x140 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF COUNT Free running counter reload value 0 16 read-write ETMCR Main Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x411 0x10632FF1 BRANCHOUTPUT Branch Output 8 1 read-write DBGREQCTRL Debug Request Control 9 1 read-write EPORTSIZE Port Size[3] 21 2 read-write ETMPORTSEL ETM Port Selection 11 1 read-write ETMPROG ETM Programming 10 1 read-write PORTMODE Port Mode Control 16 2 read-write PORTMODE2 Port Mode[2] 13 1 read-write PORTSIZE ETM Port Size 4 3 read-write POWERDWN ETM Control in low power mode 0 1 read-write STALL Stall Processor 7 1 read-write TSTAMPEN Time Stamp Enable 28 1 read-write ETMDEVTYPE CoreSight Device Type Register 0xFCC 32 read-only n 0x13 0xFF PROCTRACE Processor Trace 4 4 read-only TRACESRC Trace Source 0 4 read-only ETMFFLR ETM Fifo Full Level Register 0x2C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF BYTENUM Bytes left in FIFO 0 8 read-write ETMIDR ID Register 0x1E4 32 read-only n 0x4114F253 0xFF1DFFFF BPE Branch Packet Encoding 20 1 read-only ETMMAJVER Major ETM Architecture Version 8 4 read-only ETMMINVER Minor ETM Architecture Version 4 4 read-only IMPCODE Implementer Code 24 8 read-only IMPVER Implementation Revision 0 4 read-only LPCF Load PC First 16 1 read-only PROCFAM Implementer Code 12 4 read-only SECEXT Security Extension Support 19 1 read-only THUMBT 32-bit Thumb Instruction Tracing 18 1 read-only ETMIDR2 ETM ID Register 2 0x208 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 RFE RFE Transfer Order 0 1 read-only SWP SWP Transfer Order 1 1 read-only ETMISCIN Integration Test Miscellaneous Inputs Register 0xEE0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x13 COREHALT Core Halt 4 1 read-write EXTIN EXTIN Value 0 2 read-write ETMITATBCTR0 ETM Integration Test ATB Control 0 Register 0xEF8 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 ATVALID ATVALID Output Value 0 1 write-only ETMITATBCTR2 ETM Integration Test ATB Control 2 Register 0xEF0 32 read-only n 0x1 0x1 ATREADY ATREADY Input Value 0 1 read-only ETMITCTRL ETM Integration Control Register 0xF00 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 ITEN Integration Mode Enable 0 1 read-write ETMLAR ETM Lock Access Register 0xFB0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 KEY Key Value 0 1 read-write ETMLSR Lock Status Register 0xFB4 32 read-only n 0x3 0x3 LOCKED ETM locked 1 1 read-only LOCKIMP ETM Locking Implemented 0 1 read-only ETMPDSR Device Power-down Status Register 0x314 32 read-only n 0x1 0x1 ETMUP ETM Powered Up 0 1 read-only ETMPIDR0 Peripheral ID0 Register 0xFE0 32 read-only n 0x24 0xFF PARTNUM Part Number 0 8 read-only ETMPIDR1 Peripheral ID1 Register 0xFE4 32 read-only n 0xB9 0xFF IDCODE JEP106 Identity Code 4 4 read-only PARTNUM Part Number 0 4 read-only ETMPIDR2 Peripheral ID2 Register 0xFE8 32 read-only n 0x3B 0xFF ALWAYS1 Always 1 3 1 read-only IDCODE JEP106 Identity Code 0 3 read-only REV Revision 4 4 read-only ETMPIDR3 Peripheral ID3 Register 0xFEC 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF CUSTMOD Customer Modified 0 4 read-only REVAND RevAnd 4 4 read-only ETMPIDR4 Peripheral ID4 Register 0xFD0 32 read-only n 0x4 0xFF CONTCODE JEP106 Continuation Code 0 4 read-only COUNT 4KB Count 4 4 read-only ETMPIDR5 Peripheral ID5 Register 0xFD4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x0 ETMPIDR6 Peripheral ID6 Register 0xFD8 32 write-only n 0x0 0x0 ETMPIDR7 Peripheral ID7 Register 0xFDC 32 write-only n 0x0 0x0 ETMSCR ETM System Configuration Register 0x14 32 read-only n 0x20D09 0x27F0F FIFOFULL FIFO FULL Supported 8 1 read-only MAXPORTSIZE Maximum Port Size 0 3 read-only MAXPORTSIZE3 Max Port Size[3] 9 1 read-only NOFETCHCOMP No Fetch Comparison 17 1 read-only PORTMODE Port Mode Supported 11 1 read-only PORTSIZE Port Size Supported 10 1 read-only PROCNUM Number of Supported Processros 12 3 read-only ETMSR ETM Status Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x2 0xF ETHOF ETM Overflow 0 1 read-only ETMPROGBIT ETM Programming Bit Status 1 1 read-only TRACESTAT Trace Start/Stop Status 2 1 read-write TRIGBIT Trigger Bit 3 1 read-write ETMSYNCFR Synchronisation Frequency Register 0x1E0 32 read-write n 0x400 0xFFF FREQ Synchronisation Frequency Value 0 12 read-write ETMTECR1 ETM Trace control Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3FFFFFF ADRCMP Address Comparator 0 8 read-write INCEXCTL Trace Include/Exclude Flag 24 1 read-write MEMMAP Memmap 8 16 read-write TCE Trace Control Enable 25 1 read-write ETMTEEVR ETM TraceEnable Event Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFFF ETMFCNEN ETM Function Trace Enable 14 3 read-write RESA ETM Resource A Trace Enable 0 7 read-write RESB ETM Resource B Trace Enable 7 7 read-write ETMTESSEICR TraceEnable Start/Stop EmbeddedICE Control Register 0x1F0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF000F STARTRSEL Stop Resource Selection 0 4 read-write STOPRSEL Stop Resource Selection 16 4 read-write ETMTRACEIDR CoreSight Trace ID Register 0x200 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7F TRACEID Trace ID 0 7 read-write ETMTRIGGER ETM Trigger Event Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFFF ETMFCN ETM Function 14 3 read-write RESA ETM Resource A 0 7 read-write RESB ETM Resource B 7 7 read-write ETMTSEVR Timestamp Event Register 0x1F8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFFF ETMFCNEVT ETM Function Event 14 3 read-write RESAEVT ETM Resource A Event 0 7 read-write RESBEVT ETM Resource B Event 7 7 read-write ITTRIGOUT Integration Test Trigger Out Register 0xEE8 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 TRIGGEROUT Trigger output value 0 1 write-only GPIO GPIO GPIO 0x40006000 0x0 0x1000 registers n GPIO_EVEN 1 GPIO_ODD 11 CMD GPIO Command Register 0x130 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 EM4WUCLR EM4 Wake-up clear 0 1 write-only CTRL GPIO Control Register 0x12C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 EM4RET Enable EM4 retention 0 1 read-write EM4WUCAUSE EM4 Wake-up Cause Register 0x13C 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3F EM4WUCAUSE EM4 wake-up cause 0 6 read-only A0 This bit indicates an em4 wake-up request occurred on pin A0 0x00000001 A6 This bit indicates an em4 wake-up request occurred on pin A6 0x00000002 C9 This bit indicates an em4 wake-up request occurred on pin C9 0x00000004 F1 This bit indicates an em4 wake-up request occurred on pin F1 0x00000008 F2 This bit indicates an em4 wake-up request occurred on pin F2 0x00000010 E13 This bit indicates an em4 wake-up request occurred on pin E13 0x00000020 EM4WUEN EM4 Wake-up Enable Register 0x134 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F EM4WUEN EM4 Wake-up enable 0 6 read-write A0 Enable em4 wakeup on pin A0 0x00000001 A6 Enable em4 wakeup on pin A6 0x00000002 C9 Enable em4 wakeup on pin C9 0x00000004 F1 Enable em4 wakeup on pin F1 0x00000008 F2 Enable em4 wakeup on pin F2 0x00000010 E13 Enable em4 wakeup on pin E13 0x00000020 EM4WUPOL EM4 Wake-up Polarity Register 0x138 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F EM4WUPOL EM4 Wake-up Polarity 0 6 read-write A0 Determines polarity on pin A0 0x00000001 A6 Determines polarity on pin A6 0x00000002 C9 Determines polarity on pin C9 0x00000004 F1 Determines polarity on pin F1 0x00000008 F2 Determines polarity on pin F2 0x00000010 E13 Determines polarity on pin E13 0x00000020 EXTIFALL External Interrupt Falling Edge Trigger Register 0x10C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF EXTIFALL External Interrupt n Falling Edge Trigger Enable 0 16 read-write EXTIPSELH External Interrupt Port Select High Register 0x104 32 read-write n 0x0 0x77777777 EXTIPSEL10 External Interrupt 10 Port Select 8 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 10 selected for external interrupt 10 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 10 selected for external interrupt 10 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 10 selected for external interrupt 10 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 10 selected for external interrupt 10 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 10 selected for external interrupt 10 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 10 selected for external interrupt 10 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL11 External Interrupt 11 Port Select 12 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 11 selected for external interrupt 11 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 11 selected for external interrupt 11 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 11 selected for external interrupt 11 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 11 selected for external interrupt 11 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 11 selected for external interrupt 11 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 11 selected for external interrupt 11 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL12 External Interrupt 12 Port Select 16 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 12 selected for external interrupt 12 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 12 selected for external interrupt 12 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 12 selected for external interrupt 12 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 12 selected for external interrupt 12 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 12 selected for external interrupt 12 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 12 selected for external interrupt 12 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL13 External Interrupt 13 Port Select 20 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 13 selected for external interrupt 13 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 13 selected for external interrupt 13 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 13 selected for external interrupt 13 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 13 selected for external interrupt 13 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 13 selected for external interrupt 13 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 13 selected for external interrupt 13 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL14 External Interrupt 14 Port Select 24 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 14 selected for external interrupt 14 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 14 selected for external interrupt 14 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 14 selected for external interrupt 14 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 14 selected for external interrupt 14 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 14 selected for external interrupt 14 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 14 selected for external interrupt 14 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL15 External Interrupt 15 Port Select 28 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 15 selected for external interrupt 15 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 15 selected for external interrupt 15 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 15 selected for external interrupt 15 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 15 selected for external interrupt 15 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 15 selected for external interrupt 15 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 15 selected for external interrupt 15 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL8 External Interrupt 8 Port Select 0 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 8 selected for external interrupt 8 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 8 selected for external interrupt 8 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 8 selected for external interrupt 8 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 8 selected for external interrupt 8 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 8 selected for external interrupt 8 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 8 selected for external interrupt 8 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL9 External Interrupt 9 Port Select 4 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 9 selected for external interrupt 9 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 9 selected for external interrupt 9 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 9 selected for external interrupt 9 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 9 selected for external interrupt 9 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 9 selected for external interrupt 9 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 9 selected for external interrupt 9 0x00000005 EXTIPSELL External Interrupt Port Select Low Register 0x100 32 read-write n 0x0 0x77777777 EXTIPSEL0 External Interrupt 0 Port Select 0 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 0 selected for external interrupt 0 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 0 selected for external interrupt 0 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 0 selected for external interrupt 0 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 0 selected for external interrupt 0 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 0 selected for external interrupt 0 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 0 selected for external interrupt 0 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL1 External Interrupt 1 Port Select 4 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 1 selected for external interrupt 1 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 1 selected for external interrupt 1 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 1 selected for external interrupt 1 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 1 selected for external interrupt 1 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 1 selected for external interrupt 1 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 1 selected for external interrupt 1 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL2 External Interrupt 2 Port Select 8 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 2 selected for external interrupt 2 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 2 selected for external interrupt 2 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 2 selected for external interrupt 2 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 2 selected for external interrupt 2 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 2 selected for external interrupt 2 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 2 selected for external interrupt 2 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL3 External Interrupt 3 Port Select 12 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 3 selected for external interrupt 3 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 3 selected for external interrupt 3 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 3 selected for external interrupt 3 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 3 selected for external interrupt 3 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 3 selected for external interrupt 3 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 3 selected for external interrupt 3 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL4 External Interrupt 4 Port Select 16 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 4 selected for external interrupt 4 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 4 selected for external interrupt 4 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 4 selected for external interrupt 4 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 4 selected for external interrupt 4 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 4 selected for external interrupt 4 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 4 selected for external interrupt 4 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL5 External Interrupt 5 Port Select 20 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 5 selected for external interrupt 5 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 5 selected for external interrupt 5 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 5 selected for external interrupt 5 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 5 selected for external interrupt 5 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 5 selected for external interrupt 5 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 5 selected for external interrupt 5 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL6 External Interrupt 6 Port Select 24 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 6 selected for external interrupt 6 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 6 selected for external interrupt 6 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 6 selected for external interrupt 6 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 6 selected for external interrupt 6 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 6 selected for external interrupt 6 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 6 selected for external interrupt 6 0x00000005 EXTIPSEL7 External Interrupt 7 Port Select 28 3 read-write PORTA Port A pin 7 selected for external interrupt 7 0x00000000 PORTB Port B pin 7 selected for external interrupt 7 0x00000001 PORTC Port C pin 7 selected for external interrupt 7 0x00000002 PORTD Port D pin 7 selected for external interrupt 7 0x00000003 PORTE Port E pin 7 selected for external interrupt 7 0x00000004 PORTF Port F pin 7 selected for external interrupt 7 0x00000005 EXTIRISE External Interrupt Rising Edge Trigger Register 0x108 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF EXTIRISE External Interrupt n Rising Edge Trigger Enable 0 16 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x110 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF EXT External Interrupt n Enable 0 16 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x114 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF EXT External Interrupt Flag n 0 16 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x11C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF EXT External Interrupt Flag Clear 0 16 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x118 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF EXT External Interrupt Flag n Set 0 16 write-only INSENSE Input Sense Register 0x124 32 read-write n 0x3 0x3 INT Interrupt Sense Enable 0 1 read-write PRS PRS Sense Enable 1 1 read-write LOCK Configuration Lock Register 0x128 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF LOCKKEY Configuration Lock Key 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED 0x00000000 LOCKED 0x00000001 PA_CTRL Port Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 DRIVEMODE Drive Mode Select 0 2 read-write STANDARD 6 mA drive current 0x00000000 LOWEST 0.1 mA drive current 0x00000001 HIGH 20 mA drive current 0x00000002 LOW 1 mA drive current 0x00000003 PA_DIN Port Data In Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DIN Data In 0 16 read-only PA_DOUT Port Data Out Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUT Data Out 0 16 read-write PA_DOUTCLR Port Data Out Clear Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTCLR Data Out Clear 0 16 write-only PA_DOUTSET Port Data Out Set Register 0x10 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTSET Data Out Set 0 16 write-only PA_DOUTTGL Port Data Out Toggle Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTTGL Data Out Toggle 0 16 write-only PA_MODEH Port Pin Mode High Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE10 Pin 10 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE11 Pin 11 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE12 Pin 12 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE13 Pin 13 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE14 Pin 14 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE15 Pin 15 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE8 Pin 8 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE9 Pin 9 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PA_MODEL Port Pin Mode Low Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE0 Pin 0 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE1 Pin 1 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE2 Pin 2 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE3 Pin 3 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE4 Pin 4 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE5 Pin 5 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE6 Pin 6 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE7 Pin 7 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PA_PINLOCKN Port Unlocked Pins Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF PINLOCKN Unlocked Pins 0 16 read-write PB_CTRL Port Control Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 DRIVEMODE Drive Mode Select 0 2 read-write STANDARD 6 mA drive current 0x00000000 LOWEST 0.1 mA drive current 0x00000001 HIGH 20 mA drive current 0x00000002 LOW 1 mA drive current 0x00000003 PB_DIN Port Data In Register 0x40 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DIN Data In 0 16 read-only PB_DOUT Port Data Out Register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUT Data Out 0 16 read-write PB_DOUTCLR Port Data Out Clear Register 0x38 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTCLR Data Out Clear 0 16 write-only PB_DOUTSET Port Data Out Set Register 0x34 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTSET Data Out Set 0 16 write-only PB_DOUTTGL Port Data Out Toggle Register 0x3C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTTGL Data Out Toggle 0 16 write-only PB_MODEH Port Pin Mode High Register 0x2C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE10 Pin 10 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE11 Pin 11 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE12 Pin 12 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE13 Pin 13 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE14 Pin 14 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE15 Pin 15 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE8 Pin 8 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE9 Pin 9 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PB_MODEL Port Pin Mode Low Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE0 Pin 0 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE1 Pin 1 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE2 Pin 2 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE3 Pin 3 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE4 Pin 4 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE5 Pin 5 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE6 Pin 6 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE7 Pin 7 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PB_PINLOCKN Port Unlocked Pins Register 0x44 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF PINLOCKN Unlocked Pins 0 16 read-write PC_CTRL Port Control Register 0x48 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 DRIVEMODE Drive Mode Select 0 2 read-write STANDARD 6 mA drive current 0x00000000 LOWEST 0.1 mA drive current 0x00000001 HIGH 20 mA drive current 0x00000002 LOW 1 mA drive current 0x00000003 PC_DIN Port Data In Register 0x64 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DIN Data In 0 16 read-only PC_DOUT Port Data Out Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUT Data Out 0 16 read-write PC_DOUTCLR Port Data Out Clear Register 0x5C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTCLR Data Out Clear 0 16 write-only PC_DOUTSET Port Data Out Set Register 0x58 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTSET Data Out Set 0 16 write-only PC_DOUTTGL Port Data Out Toggle Register 0x60 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTTGL Data Out Toggle 0 16 write-only PC_MODEH Port Pin Mode High Register 0x50 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE10 Pin 10 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE11 Pin 11 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE12 Pin 12 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE13 Pin 13 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE14 Pin 14 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE15 Pin 15 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE8 Pin 8 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE9 Pin 9 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PC_MODEL Port Pin Mode Low Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE0 Pin 0 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE1 Pin 1 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE2 Pin 2 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE3 Pin 3 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE4 Pin 4 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE5 Pin 5 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE6 Pin 6 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE7 Pin 7 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PC_PINLOCKN Port Unlocked Pins Register 0x68 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF PINLOCKN Unlocked Pins 0 16 read-write PD_CTRL Port Control Register 0x6C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 DRIVEMODE Drive Mode Select 0 2 read-write STANDARD 6 mA drive current 0x00000000 LOWEST 0.1 mA drive current 0x00000001 HIGH 20 mA drive current 0x00000002 LOW 1 mA drive current 0x00000003 PD_DIN Port Data In Register 0x88 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DIN Data In 0 16 read-only PD_DOUT Port Data Out Register 0x78 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUT Data Out 0 16 read-write PD_DOUTCLR Port Data Out Clear Register 0x80 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTCLR Data Out Clear 0 16 write-only PD_DOUTSET Port Data Out Set Register 0x7C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTSET Data Out Set 0 16 write-only PD_DOUTTGL Port Data Out Toggle Register 0x84 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTTGL Data Out Toggle 0 16 write-only PD_MODEH Port Pin Mode High Register 0x74 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE10 Pin 10 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE11 Pin 11 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE12 Pin 12 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE13 Pin 13 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE14 Pin 14 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE15 Pin 15 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE8 Pin 8 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE9 Pin 9 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PD_MODEL Port Pin Mode Low Register 0x70 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE0 Pin 0 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE1 Pin 1 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE2 Pin 2 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE3 Pin 3 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE4 Pin 4 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE5 Pin 5 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE6 Pin 6 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE7 Pin 7 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PD_PINLOCKN Port Unlocked Pins Register 0x8C 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF PINLOCKN Unlocked Pins 0 16 read-write PE_CTRL Port Control Register 0x90 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 DRIVEMODE Drive Mode Select 0 2 read-write STANDARD 6 mA drive current 0x00000000 LOWEST 0.1 mA drive current 0x00000001 HIGH 20 mA drive current 0x00000002 LOW 1 mA drive current 0x00000003 PE_DIN Port Data In Register 0xAC 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DIN Data In 0 16 read-only PE_DOUT Port Data Out Register 0x9C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUT Data Out 0 16 read-write PE_DOUTCLR Port Data Out Clear Register 0xA4 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTCLR Data Out Clear 0 16 write-only PE_DOUTSET Port Data Out Set Register 0xA0 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTSET Data Out Set 0 16 write-only PE_DOUTTGL Port Data Out Toggle Register 0xA8 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTTGL Data Out Toggle 0 16 write-only PE_MODEH Port Pin Mode High Register 0x98 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE10 Pin 10 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE11 Pin 11 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE12 Pin 12 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE13 Pin 13 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE14 Pin 14 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE15 Pin 15 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE8 Pin 8 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE9 Pin 9 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PE_MODEL Port Pin Mode Low Register 0x94 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE0 Pin 0 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE1 Pin 1 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE2 Pin 2 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE3 Pin 3 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE4 Pin 4 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE5 Pin 5 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE6 Pin 6 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE7 Pin 7 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PE_PINLOCKN Port Unlocked Pins Register 0xB0 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF PINLOCKN Unlocked Pins 0 16 read-write PF_CTRL Port Control Register 0xB4 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 DRIVEMODE Drive Mode Select 0 2 read-write STANDARD 6 mA drive current 0x00000000 LOWEST 0.1 mA drive current 0x00000001 HIGH 20 mA drive current 0x00000002 LOW 1 mA drive current 0x00000003 PF_DIN Port Data In Register 0xD0 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DIN Data In 0 16 read-only PF_DOUT Port Data Out Register 0xC0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUT Data Out 0 16 read-write PF_DOUTCLR Port Data Out Clear Register 0xC8 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTCLR Data Out Clear 0 16 write-only PF_DOUTSET Port Data Out Set Register 0xC4 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTSET Data Out Set 0 16 write-only PF_DOUTTGL Port Data Out Toggle Register 0xCC 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF DOUTTGL Data Out Toggle 0 16 write-only PF_MODEH Port Pin Mode High Register 0xBC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE10 Pin 10 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE11 Pin 11 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE12 Pin 12 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE13 Pin 13 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE14 Pin 14 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE15 Pin 15 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE8 Pin 8 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE9 Pin 9 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PF_MODEL Port Pin Mode Low Register 0xB8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF MODE0 Pin 0 Mode 0 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE1 Pin 1 Mode 4 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE2 Pin 2 Mode 8 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE3 Pin 3 Mode 12 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE4 Pin 4 Mode 16 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE5 Pin 5 Mode 20 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE6 Pin 6 Mode 24 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F MODE7 Pin 7 Mode 28 4 read-write DISABLED Input disabled. Pullup if DOUT is set. 0x00000000 INPUT Input enabled. Filter if DOUT is set 0x00000001 INPUTPULL Input enabled. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000002 INPUTPULLFILTER Input enabled with filter. DOUT determines pull direction 0x00000003 PUSHPULL Push-pull output 0x00000004 PUSHPULLDRIVE Push-pull output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x00000005 WIREDOR Wired-or output 0x00000006 WIREDORPULLDOWN Wired-or output with pull-down 0x00000007 WIREDAND Open-drain output 0x00000008 WIREDANDFILTER Open-drain output with filter 0x00000009 WIREDANDPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup 0x0000000A WIREDANDPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter and pullup 0x0000000B WIREDANDDRIVE Open-drain output with drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000C WIREDANDDRIVEFILTER Open-drain output with filter and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000D WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUP Open-drain output with pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000E WIREDANDDRIVEPULLUPFILTER Open-drain output with filter, pullup and drive-strength set by DRIVEMODE 0x0000000F PF_PINLOCKN Port Unlocked Pins Register 0xD4 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF PINLOCKN Unlocked Pins 0 16 read-write ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x120 32 read-write n 0x3 0x301F307 ETMLOCATION I/O Location 24 2 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 SWCLKPEN Serial Wire Clock Pin Enable 0 1 read-write SWDIOPEN Serial Wire Data Pin Enable 1 1 read-write SWLOCATION I/O Location 8 2 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 SWOPEN Serial Wire Viewer Output Pin Enable 2 1 read-write TCLKPEN ETM Trace Clock Pin Enable 12 1 read-write TD0PEN ETM Trace Data Pin Enable 13 1 read-write TD1PEN ETM Trace Data Pin Enable 14 1 read-write TD2PEN ETM Trace Data Pin Enable 15 1 read-write TD3PEN ETM Trace Data Pin Enable 16 1 read-write I2C0 I2C0 I2C0 0x4000A000 0x0 0x400 registers n I2C0 9 CLKDIV Clock Division Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FF DIV Clock Divider 0 9 read-write CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF ABORT Abort transmission 5 1 write-only ACK Send ACK 2 1 write-only CLEARPC Clear Pending Commands 7 1 write-only CLEARTX Clear TX 6 1 write-only CONT Continue transmission 4 1 write-only NACK Send NACK 3 1 write-only START Send start condition 0 1 write-only STOP Send stop condition 1 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7B37F ARBDIS Arbitration Disable 5 1 read-write AUTOACK Automatic Acknowledge 2 1 read-write AUTOSE Automatic STOP when Empty 3 1 read-write AUTOSN Automatic STOP on NACK 4 1 read-write BITO Bus Idle Timeout 12 2 read-write OFF Timeout disabled 0x00000000 40PCC Timeout after 40 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 50us timeout. 0x00000001 80PCC Timeout after 80 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 100us timeout. 0x00000002 160PCC Timeout after 160 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 200us timeout. 0x00000003 CLHR Clock Low High Ratio 8 2 read-write STANDARD The ratio between low period and high period counters (Nlow:Nhigh) is 4:4 0x00000000 ASYMMETRIC The ratio between low period and high period counters (Nlow:Nhigh) is 6:3 0x00000001 FAST The ratio between low period and high period counters (Nlow:Nhigh) is 11:6 0x00000002 CLTO Clock Low Timeout 16 3 read-write OFF Timeout disabled 0x00000000 40PCC Timeout after 40 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 50us timeout. 0x00000001 80PCC Timeout after 80 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 100us timeout. 0x00000002 160PCC Timeout after 160 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 200us timeout. 0x00000003 320PPC Timeout after 320 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 400us timeout. 0x00000004 1024PPC Timeout after 1024 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 1280us timeout. 0x00000005 EN I2C Enable 0 1 read-write GCAMEN General Call Address Match Enable 6 1 read-write GIBITO Go Idle on Bus Idle Timeout 15 1 read-write SLAVE Addressable as Slave 1 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFFF ACK Acknowledge Received Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write ADDR Address Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write ARBLOST Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write BITO Bus Idle Timeout Interrupt Enable 14 1 read-write BUSERR Bus Error Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write BUSHOLD Bus Held Interrupt Enable 11 1 read-write CLTO Clock Low Interrupt Enable 15 1 read-write MSTOP MSTOP Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write NACK Not Acknowledge Received Interrupt Enable 7 1 read-write RSTART Repeated START condition Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write RXDATAV Receive Data Valid Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write RXUF Receive Buffer Underflow Interrupt Enable 13 1 read-write SSTOP SSTOP Interrupt Enable 16 1 read-write START START Condition Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write TXBL Transmit Buffer level Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write TXC Transfer Completed Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write TXOF Transmit Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 12 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x28 32 read-only n 0x10 0x1FFFF ACK Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only ADDR Address Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only ARBLOST Arbitration Lost Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only BITO Bus Idle Timeout Interrupt Flag 14 1 read-only BUSERR Bus Error Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only BUSHOLD Bus Held Interrupt Flag 11 1 read-only CLTO Clock Low Timeout Interrupt Flag 15 1 read-only MSTOP Master STOP Condition Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only NACK Not Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 7 1 read-only RSTART Repeated START condition Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only RXDATAV Receive Data Valid Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only RXUF Receive Buffer Underflow Interrupt Flag 13 1 read-only SSTOP Slave STOP condition Interrupt Flag 16 1 read-only START START condition Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only TXBL Transmit Buffer Level Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only TXC Transfer Completed Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only TXOF Transmit Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 12 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FFCF ACK Clear Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only ADDR Clear Address Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only ARBLOST Clear Arbitration Lost Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only BITO Clear Bus Idle Timeout Interrupt Flag 14 1 write-only BUSERR Clear Bus Error Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only BUSHOLD Clear Bus Held Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only CLTO Clear Clock Low Interrupt Flag 15 1 write-only MSTOP Clear MSTOP Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only NACK Clear Not Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only RSTART Clear Repeated START Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only RXUF Clear Receive Buffer Underflow Interrupt Flag 13 1 write-only SSTOP Clear SSTOP Interrupt Flag 16 1 write-only START Clear START Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXC Clear Transfer Completed Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only TXOF Clear Transmit Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x2C 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FFCF ACK Set Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only ADDR Set Address Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only ARBLOST Set Arbitration Lost Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only BITO Set Bus Idle Timeout Interrupt Flag 14 1 write-only BUSERR Set Bus Error Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only BUSHOLD Set Bus Held Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only CLTO Set Clock Low Interrupt Flag 15 1 write-only MSTOP Set MSTOP Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only NACK Set Not Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only RSTART Set Repeated START Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only RXUF Set Receive Buffer Underflow Interrupt Flag 13 1 write-only SSTOP Set SSTOP Interrupt Flag 16 1 write-only START Set START Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXC Set Transfer Completed Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only TXOF Set Transmit Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0x703 LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 LOC5 Location 5 0x00000005 LOC6 Location 6 0x00000006 SCLPEN SCL Pin Enable 1 1 read-write SDAPEN SDA Pin Enable 0 1 read-write RXDATA Receive Buffer Data Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF modifyExternal RXDATA RX Data 0 8 read-only RXDATAP Receive Buffer Data Peek Register 0x20 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF RXDATAP RX Data Peek 0 8 read-only SADDR Slave Address Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFE ADDR Slave address 1 7 read-write SADDRMASK Slave Address Mask Register 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFE MASK Slave Address Mask 1 7 read-write STATE State Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x1 0xFF BUSHOLD Bus Held 4 1 read-only BUSY Bus Busy 0 1 read-only MASTER Master 1 1 read-only NACKED Nack Received 3 1 read-only STATE Transmission State 5 3 read-only IDLE No transmission is being performed. 0x00000000 WAIT Waiting for idle. Will send a start condition as soon as the bus is idle. 0x00000001 START Start transmitted or received 0x00000002 ADDR Address transmitted or received 0x00000003 ADDRACK Address ack/nack transmitted or received 0x00000004 DATA Data transmitted or received 0x00000005 DATAACK Data ack/nack transmitted or received 0x00000006 TRANSMITTER Transmitter 2 1 read-only STATUS Status Register 0xC 32 read-only n 0x80 0x1FF PABORT Pending abort 5 1 read-only PACK Pending ACK 2 1 read-only PCONT Pending continue 4 1 read-only PNACK Pending NACK 3 1 read-only PSTART Pending START 0 1 read-only PSTOP Pending STOP 1 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid 8 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level 7 1 read-only TXC TX Complete 6 1 read-only TXDATA Transmit Buffer Data Register 0x24 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF TXDATA TX Data 0 8 write-only I2C1 I2C1 I2C1 0x4000A400 0x0 0x400 registers n I2C1 10 CLKDIV Clock Division Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FF DIV Clock Divider 0 9 read-write CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF ABORT Abort transmission 5 1 write-only ACK Send ACK 2 1 write-only CLEARPC Clear Pending Commands 7 1 write-only CLEARTX Clear TX 6 1 write-only CONT Continue transmission 4 1 write-only NACK Send NACK 3 1 write-only START Send start condition 0 1 write-only STOP Send stop condition 1 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7B37F ARBDIS Arbitration Disable 5 1 read-write AUTOACK Automatic Acknowledge 2 1 read-write AUTOSE Automatic STOP when Empty 3 1 read-write AUTOSN Automatic STOP on NACK 4 1 read-write BITO Bus Idle Timeout 12 2 read-write OFF Timeout disabled 0x00000000 40PCC Timeout after 40 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 50us timeout. 0x00000001 80PCC Timeout after 80 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 100us timeout. 0x00000002 160PCC Timeout after 160 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 200us timeout. 0x00000003 CLHR Clock Low High Ratio 8 2 read-write STANDARD The ratio between low period and high period counters (Nlow:Nhigh) is 4:4 0x00000000 ASYMMETRIC The ratio between low period and high period counters (Nlow:Nhigh) is 6:3 0x00000001 FAST The ratio between low period and high period counters (Nlow:Nhigh) is 11:6 0x00000002 CLTO Clock Low Timeout 16 3 read-write OFF Timeout disabled 0x00000000 40PCC Timeout after 40 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 50us timeout. 0x00000001 80PCC Timeout after 80 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 100us timeout. 0x00000002 160PCC Timeout after 160 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 200us timeout. 0x00000003 320PPC Timeout after 320 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 400us timeout. 0x00000004 1024PPC Timeout after 1024 prescaled clock cycles. In standard mode at 100 kHz, this results in a 1280us timeout. 0x00000005 EN I2C Enable 0 1 read-write GCAMEN General Call Address Match Enable 6 1 read-write GIBITO Go Idle on Bus Idle Timeout 15 1 read-write SLAVE Addressable as Slave 1 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFFF ACK Acknowledge Received Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write ADDR Address Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write ARBLOST Arbitration Lost Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write BITO Bus Idle Timeout Interrupt Enable 14 1 read-write BUSERR Bus Error Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write BUSHOLD Bus Held Interrupt Enable 11 1 read-write CLTO Clock Low Interrupt Enable 15 1 read-write MSTOP MSTOP Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write NACK Not Acknowledge Received Interrupt Enable 7 1 read-write RSTART Repeated START condition Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write RXDATAV Receive Data Valid Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write RXUF Receive Buffer Underflow Interrupt Enable 13 1 read-write SSTOP SSTOP Interrupt Enable 16 1 read-write START START Condition Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write TXBL Transmit Buffer level Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write TXC Transfer Completed Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write TXOF Transmit Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 12 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x28 32 read-only n 0x10 0x1FFFF ACK Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only ADDR Address Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only ARBLOST Arbitration Lost Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only BITO Bus Idle Timeout Interrupt Flag 14 1 read-only BUSERR Bus Error Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only BUSHOLD Bus Held Interrupt Flag 11 1 read-only CLTO Clock Low Timeout Interrupt Flag 15 1 read-only MSTOP Master STOP Condition Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only NACK Not Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 7 1 read-only RSTART Repeated START condition Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only RXDATAV Receive Data Valid Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only RXUF Receive Buffer Underflow Interrupt Flag 13 1 read-only SSTOP Slave STOP condition Interrupt Flag 16 1 read-only START START condition Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only TXBL Transmit Buffer Level Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only TXC Transfer Completed Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only TXOF Transmit Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 12 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FFCF ACK Clear Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only ADDR Clear Address Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only ARBLOST Clear Arbitration Lost Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only BITO Clear Bus Idle Timeout Interrupt Flag 14 1 write-only BUSERR Clear Bus Error Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only BUSHOLD Clear Bus Held Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only CLTO Clear Clock Low Interrupt Flag 15 1 write-only MSTOP Clear MSTOP Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only NACK Clear Not Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only RSTART Clear Repeated START Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only RXUF Clear Receive Buffer Underflow Interrupt Flag 13 1 write-only SSTOP Clear SSTOP Interrupt Flag 16 1 write-only START Clear START Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXC Clear Transfer Completed Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only TXOF Clear Transmit Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x2C 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FFCF ACK Set Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only ADDR Set Address Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only ARBLOST Set Arbitration Lost Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only BITO Set Bus Idle Timeout Interrupt Flag 14 1 write-only BUSERR Set Bus Error Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only BUSHOLD Set Bus Held Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only CLTO Set Clock Low Interrupt Flag 15 1 write-only MSTOP Set MSTOP Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only NACK Set Not Acknowledge Received Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only RSTART Set Repeated START Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only RXUF Set Receive Buffer Underflow Interrupt Flag 13 1 write-only SSTOP Set SSTOP Interrupt Flag 16 1 write-only START Set START Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXC Set Transfer Completed Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only TXOF Set Transmit Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0x703 LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 LOC5 Location 5 0x00000005 LOC6 Location 6 0x00000006 SCLPEN SCL Pin Enable 1 1 read-write SDAPEN SDA Pin Enable 0 1 read-write RXDATA Receive Buffer Data Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF modifyExternal RXDATA RX Data 0 8 read-only RXDATAP Receive Buffer Data Peek Register 0x20 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF RXDATAP RX Data Peek 0 8 read-only SADDR Slave Address Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFE ADDR Slave address 1 7 read-write SADDRMASK Slave Address Mask Register 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFE MASK Slave Address Mask 1 7 read-write STATE State Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x1 0xFF BUSHOLD Bus Held 4 1 read-only BUSY Bus Busy 0 1 read-only MASTER Master 1 1 read-only NACKED Nack Received 3 1 read-only STATE Transmission State 5 3 read-only IDLE No transmission is being performed. 0x00000000 WAIT Waiting for idle. Will send a start condition as soon as the bus is idle. 0x00000001 START Start transmitted or received 0x00000002 ADDR Address transmitted or received 0x00000003 ADDRACK Address ack/nack transmitted or received 0x00000004 DATA Data transmitted or received 0x00000005 DATAACK Data ack/nack transmitted or received 0x00000006 TRANSMITTER Transmitter 2 1 read-only STATUS Status Register 0xC 32 read-only n 0x80 0x1FF PABORT Pending abort 5 1 read-only PACK Pending ACK 2 1 read-only PCONT Pending continue 4 1 read-only PNACK Pending NACK 3 1 read-only PSTART Pending START 0 1 read-only PSTOP Pending STOP 1 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid 8 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level 7 1 read-only TXC TX Complete 6 1 read-only TXDATA Transmit Buffer Data Register 0x24 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF TXDATA TX Data 0 8 write-only LCD LCD LCD 0x4008A000 0x0 0x400 registers n LCD 34 AREGA Animation Register A 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF AREGA Animation Register A Data 0 8 read-write AREGB Animation Register B 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF AREGB Animation Register B Data 0 8 read-write BACTRL Blink and Animation Control Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x10FF01FF AEN Animation Enable 2 1 read-write ALOC Animation Location 28 1 read-write ALOGSEL Animate Logic Function Select 7 1 read-write AREGASC Animate Register A Shift Control 3 2 read-write NOSHIFT No Shift operation on Animation Register A 0x00000000 SHIFTLEFT Animation Register A is shifted left 0x00000001 SHIFTRIGHT Animation Register A is shifted right 0x00000002 AREGBSC Animate Register B Shift Control 5 2 read-write NOSHIFT No Shift operation on Animation Register B 0x00000000 SHIFTLEFT Animation Register B is shifted left 0x00000001 SHIFTRIGHT Animation Register B is shifted right 0x00000002 BLANK Blank Display 1 1 read-write BLINKEN Blink Enable 0 1 read-write FCEN Frame Counter Enable 8 1 read-write FCPRESC Frame Counter Prescaler 16 2 read-write DIV1 CLKFC = CLKFRAME / 1 0x00000000 DIV2 CLKFC = CLKFRAME / 2 0x00000001 DIV4 CLKFC = CLKFRAME / 4 0x00000002 DIV8 CLKFC = CLKFRAME / 8 0x00000003 FCTOP Frame Counter Top Value 18 6 read-write CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x800007 DSC Direct Segment Control 23 1 read-write EN LCD Enable 0 1 read-write UDCTRL Update Data Control 1 2 read-write REGULAR The data transfer is controlled by SW. Transfer is performed as soon as possible 0x00000000 FCEVENT The data transfer is done at the next event triggered by the Frame Counter 0x00000001 FRAMESTART The data transfer is done continuously at every LCD frame start 0x00000002 DISPCTRL Display Control Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0xC1F00 0x5D9F1F BIAS Bias Configuration 2 2 read-write STATIC Static 0x00000000 ONEHALF 1/2 Bias 0x00000001 ONETHIRD 1/3 Bias 0x00000002 ONEFOURTH 1/4 Bias 0x00000003 CONCONF Contrast Configuration 15 1 read-write CONLEV Contrast Level 8 5 read-write MIN Minimum contrast 0x00000000 MAX Maximum contrast 0x0000001F MUX Mux Configuration 0 2 read-write STATIC Static 0x00000000 DUPLEX Duplex 0x00000001 TRIPLEX Triplex 0x00000002 QUADRUPLEX Quadruplex 0x00000003 MUXE Extended Mux Configuration 22 1 read-write VBLEV Voltage Boost Level 18 3 read-write LEVEL0 Minimum boost level 0x00000000 LEVEL1 0x00000001 LEVEL2 0x00000002 LEVEL3 0x00000003 LEVEL4 0x00000004 LEVEL5 0x00000005 LEVEL6 0x00000006 LEVEL7 Maximum boost level 0x00000007 VLCDSEL VLCD Selection 16 1 read-write WAVE Waveform Selection 4 1 read-write FREEZE Freeze Register 0x60 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 FC Frame Counter Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 FC Frame Counter Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x24 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 FC Frame Counter Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x20 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 FC Frame Counter Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only SEGD0H Segment Data High Register 0 0x50 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF SEGD0H COM0 Segment Data High 0 8 read-write SEGD0L Segment Data Low Register 0 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF SEGD0L COM0 Segment Data Low 0 32 read-write SEGD1H Segment Data High Register 1 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF SEGD1H COM1 Segment Data High 0 8 read-write SEGD1L Segment Data Low Register 1 0x44 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF SEGD1L COM1 Segment Data Low 0 32 read-write SEGD2H Segment Data High Register 2 0x58 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF SEGD2H COM2 Segment Data High 0 8 read-write SEGD2L Segment Data Low Register 2 0x48 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF SEGD2L COM2 Segment Data Low 0 32 read-write SEGD3H Segment Data High Register 3 0x5C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF SEGD3H COM3 Segment Data High 0 8 read-write SEGD3L Segment Data Low Register 3 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF SEGD3L COM3 Segment Data Low 0 32 read-write SEGD4H Segment Data High Register 4 0xB4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF SEGD4H COM0 Segment Data High 0 8 read-write SEGD4L Segment Data Low Register 4 0xCC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF SEGD4L COM4 Segment Data 0 32 read-write SEGD5H Segment Data High Register 5 0xB8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF SEGD5H COM1 Segment Data High 0 8 read-write SEGD5L Segment Data Low Register 5 0xD0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF SEGD5L COM5 Segment Data 0 32 read-write SEGD6H Segment Data High Register 6 0xBC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF SEGD6H COM2 Segment Data High 0 8 read-write SEGD6L Segment Data Low Register 6 0xD4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF SEGD6L COM6 Segment Data 0 32 read-write SEGD7H Segment Data High Register 7 0xC0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF SEGD7H COM3 Segment Data High 0 8 read-write SEGD7L Segment Data Low Register 7 0xD8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF SEGD7L COM7 Segment Data 0 32 read-write SEGEN Segment Enable Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3FF SEGEN Segment Enable 0 10 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x10F ASTATE Current Animation State 0 4 read-only BLINK Blink State 8 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x64 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFFF AREGA AREGA Register Busy 2 1 read-only AREGB AREGB Register Busy 3 1 read-only BACTRL BACTRL Register Busy 1 1 read-only CTRL CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only SEGD0H SEGD0H Register Busy 8 1 read-only SEGD0L SEGD0L Register Busy 4 1 read-only SEGD1H SEGD1H Register Busy 9 1 read-only SEGD1L SEGD1L Register Busy 5 1 read-only SEGD2H SEGD2H Register Busy 10 1 read-only SEGD2L SEGD2L Register Busy 6 1 read-only SEGD3H SEGD3H Register Busy 11 1 read-only SEGD3L SEGD3L Register Busy 7 1 read-only SEGD4H SEGD4H Register Busy 12 1 read-only SEGD4L SEGD4L Register Busy 16 1 read-only SEGD5H SEGD5H Register Busy 13 1 read-only SEGD5L SEGD5L Register Busy 17 1 read-only SEGD6H SEGD6H Register Busy 14 1 read-only SEGD6L SEGD6L Register Busy 18 1 read-only SEGD7H SEGD7H Register Busy 15 1 read-only SEGD7L SEGD7L Register Busy 19 1 read-only LESENSE LESENSE LESENSE 0x4008C000 0x0 0x400 registers n LESENSE 17 ALTEXCONF Alternative excite pin configuration 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFF AEX0 ALTEX0 always excite enable 16 1 read-write AEX1 ALTEX1 always excite enable 17 1 read-write AEX2 ALTEX2 always excite enable 18 1 read-write AEX3 ALTEX3 always excite enable 19 1 read-write AEX4 ALTEX4 always excite enable 20 1 read-write AEX5 ALTEX5 always excite enable 21 1 read-write AEX6 ALTEX6 always excite enable 22 1 read-write AEX7 ALTEX7 always excite enable 23 1 read-write IDLECONF0 ALTEX0 idle phase configuration 0 2 read-write DISABLE ALTEX0 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH ALTEX0 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW ALTEX0 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 IDLECONF1 ALTEX1 idle phase configuration 2 2 read-write DISABLE ALTEX1 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH ALTEX1 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW ALTEX1 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 IDLECONF2 ALTEX2 idle phase configuration 4 2 read-write DISABLE ALTEX2 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH ALTEX2 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW ALTEX2 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 IDLECONF3 ALTEX3 idle phase configuration 6 2 read-write DISABLE ALTEX3 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH ALTEX3 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW ALTEX3 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 IDLECONF4 ALTEX4 idle phase configuration 8 2 read-write DISABLE ALTEX4 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH ALTEX4 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW ALTEX4 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 IDLECONF5 ALTEX5 idle phase configuration 10 2 read-write DISABLE ALTEX5 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH ALTEX5 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW ALTEX5 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 IDLECONF6 ALTEX6 idle phase configuration 12 2 read-write DISABLE ALTEX6 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH ALTEX6 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW ALTEX6 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 IDLECONF7 ALTEX7 idle phase configuration 14 2 read-write DISABLE ALTEX7 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH ALTEX7 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW ALTEX7 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 BIASCTRL Bias Control Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 BIASMODE Select bias mode 0 2 read-write DUTYCYCLE Bias module duty cycled between low power and high accuracy mode 0x00000000 HIGHACC Bias module always in high accuracy mode 0x00000001 DONTTOUCH Bias module not affected by LESENSE 0x00000002 BUF0_DATA Scan results 0x280 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF10_DATA Scan results 0x2A8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF11_DATA Scan results 0x2AC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF12_DATA Scan results 0x2B0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF13_DATA Scan results 0x2B4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF14_DATA Scan results 0x2B8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF15_DATA Scan results 0x2BC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF1_DATA Scan results 0x284 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF2_DATA Scan results 0x288 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF3_DATA Scan results 0x28C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF4_DATA Scan results 0x290 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF5_DATA Scan results 0x294 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF6_DATA Scan results 0x298 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF7_DATA Scan results 0x29C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF8_DATA Scan results 0x2A0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUF9_DATA Scan results 0x2A4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DATA Scan result buffer 0 16 read-write BUFDATA Result buffer data register 0x28 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF modifyExternal BUFDATA Result data 0 16 read-only CH0_EVAL Scan configuration 0x2C8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH0_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x2C4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH0_TIMING Scan configuration 0x2C0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH10_EVAL Scan configuration 0x368 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH10_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x364 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH10_TIMING Scan configuration 0x360 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH11_EVAL Scan configuration 0x378 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH11_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x374 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH11_TIMING Scan configuration 0x370 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH12_EVAL Scan configuration 0x388 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH12_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x384 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH12_TIMING Scan configuration 0x380 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH13_EVAL Scan configuration 0x398 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH13_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x394 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH13_TIMING Scan configuration 0x390 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH14_EVAL Scan configuration 0x3A8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH14_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x3A4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH14_TIMING Scan configuration 0x3A0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH15_EVAL Scan configuration 0x3B8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH15_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x3B4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH15_TIMING Scan configuration 0x3B0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH1_EVAL Scan configuration 0x2D8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH1_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x2D4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH1_TIMING Scan configuration 0x2D0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH2_EVAL Scan configuration 0x2E8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH2_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x2E4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH2_TIMING Scan configuration 0x2E0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH3_EVAL Scan configuration 0x2F8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH3_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x2F4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH3_TIMING Scan configuration 0x2F0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH4_EVAL Scan configuration 0x308 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH4_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x304 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH4_TIMING Scan configuration 0x300 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH5_EVAL Scan configuration 0x318 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH5_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x314 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH5_TIMING Scan configuration 0x310 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH6_EVAL Scan configuration 0x328 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH6_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x324 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH6_TIMING Scan configuration 0x320 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH7_EVAL Scan configuration 0x338 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH7_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x334 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH7_TIMING Scan configuration 0x330 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH8_EVAL Scan configuration 0x348 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH8_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x344 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH8_TIMING Scan configuration 0x340 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CH9_EVAL Scan configuration 0x358 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF COMP Select mode for counter comparison 16 1 read-write COMPTHRES Decision threshold for counter 0 16 read-write DECODE Send result to decoder 17 1 read-write SCANRESINV Enable inversion of result 19 1 read-write STRSAMPLE Select if counter result should be stored 18 1 read-write CH9_INTERACT Scan configuration 0x354 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF ACMPTHRES Set ACMP threshold 0 12 read-write ALTEX Use alternative excite pin 19 1 read-write EXCLK Select clock used for excitation timing 17 1 read-write EXMODE Set GPIO mode 15 2 read-write DISABLE Disabled 0x00000000 HIGH Push Pull, GPIO is driven high 0x00000001 LOW Push Pull, GPIO is driven low 0x00000002 DACOUT DAC output 0x00000003 SAMPLE Select sample mode 12 1 read-write SAMPLECLK Select clock used for timing of sample delay 18 1 read-write SETIF Enable interrupt generation 13 2 read-write NONE No interrupt is generated 0x00000000 LEVEL Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. 0x00000001 POSEDGE Set interrupt flag on positive edge on the sensor state 0x00000002 NEGEDGE Set interrupt flag on negative edge on the sensor state 0x00000003 CH9_TIMING Scan configuration 0x350 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFF EXTIME Set excitation time 0 6 read-write MEASUREDLY Set measure delay 13 7 read-write SAMPLEDLY Set sample delay 6 7 read-write CHEN Channel enable Register 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CHEN Enable scan channel 0 16 read-write CMD Command Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF CLEARBUF Clear result buffer 3 1 write-only DECODE Start decoder 2 1 write-only START Start scanning of sensors. 0 1 write-only STOP Stop scanning of sensors 1 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x772EFF ACMP0INV Invert analog comparator 0 output 9 1 read-write ACMP1INV Invert analog comparator 1 output 10 1 read-write ALTEXMAP Alternative excitation map 11 1 read-write BUFIDL Result buffer interrupt and DMA trigger level 18 1 read-write BUFOW Result buffer overwrite 16 1 read-write DEBUGRUN Debug Mode Run Enable 22 1 read-write DMAWU DMA wake-up from EM2 20 2 read-write DISABLE No DMA wake-up from EM2 0x00000000 BUFDATAV DMA wake-up from EM2 when data is valid in the result buffer 0x00000001 BUFLEVEL DMA wake-up from EM2 when the result buffer is full/half-full depending on BUFIDL configuration 0x00000002 DUALSAMPLE Enable dual sample mode 13 1 read-write PRSSEL Scan start PRS select 2 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B SCANCONF Select scan configuration 6 2 read-write DIRMAP The channel configuration register registers used are directly mapped to the channel number. 0x00000000 INVMAP The channel configuration register registers used are CHX+8_CONF for channels 0-7 and CHX-8_CONF for channels 8-15. 0x00000001 TOGGLE The channel configuration register registers used toggles between CHX_CONF and CHX+8_CONF when channel x triggers 0x00000002 DECDEF The decoder state defines the CONF registers to be used. 0x00000003 SCANMODE Configure scan mode 0 2 read-write PERIODIC A new scan is started each time the period counter overflows 0x00000000 ONESHOT A single scan is performed when START in CMD is set 0x00000001 PRS Pulse on PRS channel 0x00000002 STRSCANRES Enable storing of SCANRES 17 1 read-write CURCH Current channel index 0x2C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xF CURCH Shows the index of the current channel 0 4 read-only DECCTRL Decoder control Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3FFFDFF DISABLE Disable the decoder 0 1 read-write ERRCHK Enable check of current state 1 1 read-write HYSTIRQ Enable decoder hysteresis on interrupt requests 6 1 read-write HYSTPRS0 Enable decoder hysteresis on PRS0 output 3 1 read-write HYSTPRS1 Enable decoder hysteresis on PRS1 output 4 1 read-write HYSTPRS2 Enable decoder hysteresis on PRS2 output 5 1 read-write INPUT 8 1 read-write INTMAP Enable decoder to channel interrupt mapping 2 1 read-write PRSCNT Enable count mode on decoder PRS channels 0 and 1 7 1 read-write PRSSEL0 10 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B PRSSEL1 14 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B PRSSEL2 18 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B PRSSEL3 22 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B DECSTATE Current decoder state 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF DECSTATE Shows the current decoder state 0 4 read-write IDLECONF GPIO Idle phase configuration 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF CH0 Channel 0 idle phase configuration 0 2 read-write DISABLE CH0 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH0 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH0 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 DACCH0 CH0 output is connected to DAC CH0 output in idle phase 0x00000003 CH1 Channel 1 idle phase configuration 2 2 read-write DISABLE CH1 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH1 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH1 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 DACCH0 CH1 output is connected to DAC CH0 output in idle phase 0x00000003 CH10 Channel 10 idle phase configuration 20 2 read-write DISABLE CH10 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH10 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH10 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 CH11 Channel 11 idle phase configuration 22 2 read-write DISABLE CH11 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH11 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH11 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 CH12 Channel 12 idle phase configuration 24 2 read-write DISABLE CH12 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH12 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH12 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 DACCH1 CH12 output is connected to DAC CH1 output in idle phase 0x00000003 CH13 Channel 13 idle phase configuration 26 2 read-write DISABLE CH13 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH13 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH13 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 DACCH1 CH13 output is connected to DAC CH1 output in idle phase 0x00000003 CH14 Channel 14 idle phase configuration 28 2 read-write DISABLE CH14 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH14 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH14 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 DACCH1 CH14 output is connected to DAC CH1 output in idle phase 0x00000003 CH15 Channel 15 idle phase configuration 30 2 read-write DISABLE CH15 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH15 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH15 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 DACCH1 CH15 output is connected to DAC CH1 output in idle phase 0x00000003 CH2 Channel 2 idle phase configuration 4 2 read-write DISABLE CH2 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH2 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH2 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 DACCH0 CH2 output is connected to DAC CH0 output in idle phase 0x00000003 CH3 Channel 3 idle phase configuration 6 2 read-write DISABLE CH3 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH3 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH3 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 DACCH0 CH3 output is connected to DAC CH0 output in idle phase 0x00000003 CH4 Channel 4 idle phase configuration 8 2 read-write DISABLE CH4 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH4 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH4 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 CH5 Channel 5 idle phase configuration 10 2 read-write DISABLE CH5 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH5 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH5 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 CH6 Channel 6 idle phase configuration 12 2 read-write DISABLE CH6 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH6 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH6 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 CH7 Channel 7 idle phase configuration 14 2 read-write DISABLE CH7 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH7 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH7 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 CH8 Channel 8 idle phase configuration 16 2 read-write DISABLE CH8 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH8 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH8 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 CH9 Channel 9 idle phase configuration 18 2 read-write DISABLE CH9 output is disabled in idle phase 0x00000000 HIGH CH9 output is high in idle phase 0x00000001 LOW CH9 output is low in idle phase 0x00000002 IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFF BUFDATAV 19 1 read-write BUFLEVEL 20 1 read-write BUFOF 21 1 read-write CH0 0 1 read-write CH1 1 1 read-write CH10 10 1 read-write CH11 11 1 read-write CH12 12 1 read-write CH13 13 1 read-write CH14 14 1 read-write CH15 15 1 read-write CH2 2 1 read-write CH3 3 1 read-write CH4 4 1 read-write CH5 5 1 read-write CH6 6 1 read-write CH7 7 1 read-write CH8 8 1 read-write CH9 9 1 read-write CNTOF 22 1 read-write DEC 17 1 read-write DECERR 18 1 read-write SCANCOMPLETE 16 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x40 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7FFFFF BUFDATAV 19 1 read-only BUFLEVEL 20 1 read-only BUFOF 21 1 read-only CH0 0 1 read-only CH1 1 1 read-only CH10 10 1 read-only CH11 11 1 read-only CH12 12 1 read-only CH13 13 1 read-only CH14 14 1 read-only CH15 15 1 read-only CH2 2 1 read-only CH3 3 1 read-only CH4 4 1 read-only CH5 5 1 read-only CH6 6 1 read-only CH7 7 1 read-only CH8 8 1 read-only CH9 9 1 read-only CNTOF 22 1 read-only DEC 17 1 read-only DECERR 18 1 read-only SCANCOMPLETE 16 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x44 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7FFFFF BUFDATAV 19 1 write-only BUFLEVEL 20 1 write-only BUFOF 21 1 write-only CH0 0 1 write-only CH1 1 1 write-only CH10 10 1 write-only CH11 11 1 write-only CH12 12 1 write-only CH13 13 1 write-only CH14 14 1 write-only CH15 15 1 write-only CH2 2 1 write-only CH3 3 1 write-only CH4 4 1 write-only CH5 5 1 write-only CH6 6 1 write-only CH7 7 1 write-only CH8 8 1 write-only CH9 9 1 write-only CNTOF 22 1 write-only DEC 17 1 write-only DECERR 18 1 write-only SCANCOMPLETE 16 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x48 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7FFFFF BUFDATAV 19 1 write-only BUFLEVEL 20 1 write-only BUFOF 21 1 write-only CH0 0 1 write-only CH1 1 1 write-only CH10 10 1 write-only CH11 11 1 write-only CH12 12 1 write-only CH13 13 1 write-only CH14 14 1 write-only CH15 15 1 write-only CH2 2 1 write-only CH3 3 1 write-only CH4 4 1 write-only CH5 5 1 write-only CH6 6 1 write-only CH7 7 1 write-only CH8 8 1 write-only CH9 9 1 write-only CNTOF 22 1 write-only DEC 17 1 write-only DECERR 18 1 write-only SCANCOMPLETE 16 1 write-only PERCTRL Peripheral Control Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xCF47FFF ACMP0MODE ACMP0 mode 20 2 read-write DISABLE LESENSE does not control ACMP0 0x00000000 MUX LESENSE controls the input mux (POSSEL) of ACMP0 0x00000001 MUXTHRES LESENSE controls the input mux (POSSEL) and the threshold value (VDDLEVEL) of ACMP0 0x00000002 ACMP1MODE ACMP1 mode 22 2 read-write DISABLE LESENSE does not control ACMP1 0x00000000 MUX LESENSE controls the input mux (POSSEL) of ACMP1 0x00000001 MUXTHRES LESENSE controls the input mux and the threshold value (VDDLEVEL) of ACMP1 0x00000002 DACCH0CONV DAC channel 0 conversion mode 2 2 read-write DISABLE LESENSE does not control DAC CH0. 0x00000000 CONTINUOUS DAC channel 0 is driven in continuous mode. 0x00000001 SAMPLEHOLD DAC channel 0 is driven in sample hold mode. 0x00000002 SAMPLEOFF DAC channel 0 is driven in sample off mode. 0x00000003 DACCH0DATA DAC CH0 data selection. 0 1 read-write DACCH0OUT DAC channel 0 output mode 6 2 read-write DISABLE DAC CH0 output to pin and ACMP/ADC disabled 0x00000000 PIN DAC CH0 output to pin enabled, output to ADC and ACMP disabled 0x00000001 ADCACMP DAC CH0 output to pin disabled, output to ADC and ACMP enabled 0x00000002 PINADCACMP DAC CH0 output to pin, ADC, and ACMP enabled. 0x00000003 DACCH1CONV DAC channel 1 conversion mode 4 2 read-write DISABLE LESENSE does not control DAC CH1. 0x00000000 CONTINUOUS DAC channel 1 is driven in continuous mode. 0x00000001 SAMPLEHOLD DAC channel 1 is driven in sample hold mode. 0x00000002 SAMPLEOFF DAC channel 1 is driven in sample off mode. 0x00000003 DACCH1DATA DAC CH1 data selection. 1 1 read-write DACCH1OUT DAC channel 1 output mode 8 2 read-write DISABLE DAC CH1 output to pin and ACMP/ADC disabled 0x00000000 PIN DAC CH1 output to pin enabled, output to ADC and ACMP disabled 0x00000001 ADCACMP DAC CH1 output to pin disabled, output to ADC and ACMP enabled 0x00000002 PINADCACMP DAC CH1 output to pin, ADC, and ACMP enabled. 0x00000003 DACPRESC DAC prescaler configuration. 10 5 read-write DACREF DAC bandgap reference used 18 1 read-write WARMUPMODE ACMP and DAC duty cycle mode 26 2 read-write NORMAL The analog comparators and DAC are shut down when LESENSE is idle 0x00000000 KEEPACMPWARM The analog comparators are kept powered up when LESENSE is idle 0x00000001 KEEPDACWARM The DAC is kept powered up when LESENSE is idle 0x00000002 KEEPACMPDACWARM The analog comparators and DAC are kept powered up when LESENSE is idle 0x00000003 POWERDOWN LESENSE RAM power-down register 0x58 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 RAM LESENSE RAM power-down 0 1 read-write PTR Result buffer pointers 0x24 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1EF RD Result buffer read pointer. 0 4 read-only WR Result buffer write pointer. 5 4 read-only ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFF ALTEX0PEN ALTEX0 Pin Enable 16 1 read-write ALTEX1PEN ALTEX1 Pin Enable 17 1 read-write ALTEX2PEN ALTEX2 Pin Enable 18 1 read-write ALTEX3PEN ALTEX3 Pin Enable 19 1 read-write ALTEX4PEN ALTEX4 Pin Enable 20 1 read-write ALTEX5PEN ALTEX5 Pin Enable 21 1 read-write ALTEX6PEN ALTEX6 Pin Enable 22 1 read-write ALTEX7PEN ALTEX7 Pin Enable 23 1 read-write CH0PEN CH0 Pin Enable 0 1 read-write CH10PEN CH10 Pin Enable 10 1 read-write CH11PEN CH11 Pin Enable 11 1 read-write CH12PEN CH12 Pin Enable 12 1 read-write CH13PEN CH13 Pin Enable 13 1 read-write CH14PEN CH14 Pin Enable 14 1 read-write CH15PEN CH15 Pin Enable 15 1 read-write CH1PEN CH0 Pin Enable 1 1 read-write CH2PEN CH2 Pin Enable 2 1 read-write CH3PEN CH3 Pin Enable 3 1 read-write CH4PEN CH4 Pin Enable 4 1 read-write CH5PEN CH5 Pin Enable 5 1 read-write CH6PEN CH6 Pin Enable 6 1 read-write CH7PEN CH7 Pin Enable 7 1 read-write CH8PEN CH8 Pin Enable 8 1 read-write CH9PEN CH9 Pin Enable 9 1 read-write SCANRES Scan result register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF SCANRES Scan results 0 16 read-only SENSORSTATE Decoder input register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF SENSORSTATE Shows the status of sensors chosen as input to the decoder 0 4 read-write ST0_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x200 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST0_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x204 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST10_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x250 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST10_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x254 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST11_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x258 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST11_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x25C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST12_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x260 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST12_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x264 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST13_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x268 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST13_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x26C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST14_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x270 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST14_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x274 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST15_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x278 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST15_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x27C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST1_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x208 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST1_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x20C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST2_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x210 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST2_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x214 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST3_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x218 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST3_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x21C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST4_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x220 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST4_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x224 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST5_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x228 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST5_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x22C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST6_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x230 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST6_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x234 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST7_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x238 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST7_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x23C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST8_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x240 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST8_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x244 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write ST9_TCONFA State transition configuration A 0x248 32 read-write n 0x0 0x57FFF CHAIN Enable state descriptor chaining 18 1 read-write COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag enable 16 1 read-write ST9_TCONFB State transition configuration B 0x24C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x17FFF COMP Sensor compare value 0 4 read-write MASK Sensor mask 4 4 read-write NEXTSTATE Next state index 8 4 read-write PRSACT Configure transition action 12 3 read-write SETIF Set interrupt flag 16 1 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x20 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3F BUFDATAV Result data valid 0 1 read-only BUFFULL Result buffer full 2 1 read-only BUFHALFFULL Result buffer half full 1 1 read-only DACACTIVE LESENSE DAC interface is active 5 1 read-only RUNNING LESENSE is active 3 1 read-only SCANACTIVE LESENSE is currently interfacing sensors. 4 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x50 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7E3FFFF ALTEXCONF LESENSE_ALTEXCONF Register Busy 15 1 read-only BIASCTRL LESENSE_BIASCTRL Register Busy 4 1 read-only BUFDATA LESENSE_BUFDATA Register Busy 10 1 read-only CHEN LESENSE_CHEN Register Busy 6 1 read-only CMD LESENSE_CMD Register Busy 5 1 read-only CTRL LESENSE_CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only CURCH LESENSE_CURCH Register Busy 11 1 read-only DATA LESENSE_BUFx_DATA Register Busy 23 1 read-only DECCTRL LESENSE_DECCTRL Register Busy 3 1 read-only DECSTATE LESENSE_DECSTATE Register Busy 12 1 read-only EVAL LESENSE_CHx_EVAL Register Busy 26 1 read-only IDLECONF LESENSE_IDLECONF Register Busy 14 1 read-only INTERACT LESENSE_CHx_INTERACT Register Busy 25 1 read-only PERCTRL LESENSE_PERCTRL Register Busy 2 1 read-only POWERDOWN LESENSE_POWERDOWN Register Busy 17 1 read-only PTR LESENSE_PTR Register Busy 9 1 read-only ROUTE LESENSE_ROUTE Register Busy 16 1 read-only SCANRES LESENSE_SCANRES Register Busy 7 1 read-only SENSORSTATE LESENSE_SENSORSTATE Register Busy 13 1 read-only STATUS LESENSE_STATUS Register Busy 8 1 read-only TCONFA LESENSE_STx_TCONFA Register Busy 21 1 read-only TCONFB LESENSE_STx_TCONFB Register Busy 22 1 read-only TIMCTRL LESENSE_TIMCTRL Register Busy 1 1 read-only TIMING LESENSE_CHx_TIMING Register Busy 24 1 read-only TIMCTRL Timing Control Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xCFF773 AUXPRESC Prescaling factor for high frequency timer 0 2 read-write DIV1 High frequency timer is clocked with AUXHFRCO/1 0x00000000 DIV2 High frequency timer is clocked with AUXHFRCO/2 0x00000001 DIV4 High frequency timer is clocked with AUXHFRCO/4 0x00000002 DIV8 High frequency timer is clocked with AUXHFRCO/8 0x00000003 LFPRESC Prescaling factor for low frequency timer 4 3 read-write DIV1 Low frequency timer is clocked with LFACLKLESENSE/1 0x00000000 DIV2 Low frequency timer is clocked with LFACLKLESENSE/2 0x00000001 DIV4 Low frequency timer is clocked with LFACLKLESENSE/4 0x00000002 DIV8 Low frequency timer is clocked with LFACLKLESENSE/8 0x00000003 DIV16 Low frequency timer is clocked with LFACLKLESENSE/16 0x00000004 DIV32 Low frequency timer is clocked with LFACLKLESENSE/32 0x00000005 DIV64 Low frequency timer is clocked with LFACLKLESENSE/64 0x00000006 DIV128 Low frequency timer is clocked with LFACLKLESENSE/128 0x00000007 PCPRESC Period counter prescaling 8 3 read-write DIV1 The period counter clock frequency is LFACLKLESENSE/1 0x00000000 DIV2 The period counter clock frequency is LFACLKLESENSE/2 0x00000001 DIV4 The period counter clock frequency is LFACLKLESENSE/4 0x00000002 DIV8 The period counter clock frequency is LFACLKLESENSE/8 0x00000003 DIV16 The period counter clock frequency is LFACLKLESENSE/16 0x00000004 DIV32 The period counter clock frequency is LFACLKLESENSE/32 0x00000005 DIV64 The period counter clock frequency is LFACLKLESENSE/64 0x00000006 DIV128 The period counter clock frequency is LFACLKLESENSE/128 0x00000007 PCTOP Period counter top value 12 8 read-write STARTDLY Start delay configuration 22 2 read-write LETIMER0 LETIMER0 LETIMER0 0x40082000 0x0 0x400 registers n LETIMER0 26 CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1F CLEAR Clear LETIMER 2 1 write-only CTO0 Clear Toggle Output 0 3 1 write-only CTO1 Clear Toggle Output 1 4 1 write-only START Start LETIMER 0 1 write-only STOP Stop LETIMER 1 1 write-only CNT Counter Value Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 16 read-write COMP0 Compare Value Register 0 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF COMP0 Compare Value 0 0 16 read-write COMP1 Compare Value Register 1 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF COMP1 Compare Value 1 0 16 read-write CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFF BUFTOP Buffered Top 8 1 read-write COMP0TOP Compare Value 0 Is Top Value 9 1 read-write DEBUGRUN Debug Mode Run Enable 12 1 read-write OPOL0 Output 0 Polarity 6 1 read-write OPOL1 Output 1 Polarity 7 1 read-write REPMODE Repeat Mode 0 2 read-write FREE When started, the LETIMER counts down until it is stopped by software. 0x00000000 ONESHOT The counter counts REP0 times. When REP0 reaches zero, the counter stops. 0x00000001 BUFFERED The counter counts REP0 times. If REP1 has been written, it is loaded into REP0 when REP0 reaches zero. Else the counter stops 0x00000002 DOUBLE Both REP0 and REP1 are decremented when the LETIMER wraps around. The LETIMER counts until both REP0 and REP1 are zero 0x00000003 RTCC0TEN RTC Compare 0 Trigger Enable 10 1 read-write RTCC1TEN RTC Compare 1 Trigger Enable 11 1 read-write UFOA0 Underflow Output Action 0 2 2 read-write NONE LETn_O0 is held at its idle value as defined by OPOL0. 0x00000000 TOGGLE LETn_O0 is toggled on CNT underflow. 0x00000001 PULSE LETn_O0 is held active for one LFACLKLETIMER0 clock cycle on CNT underflow. The output then returns to its idle value as defined by OPOL0. 0x00000002 PWM LETn_O0 is set idle on CNT underflow, and active on compare match with COMP1 0x00000003 UFOA1 Underflow Output Action 1 4 2 read-write NONE LETn_O1 is held at its idle value as defined by OPOL1. 0x00000000 TOGGLE LETn_O1 is toggled on CNT underflow. 0x00000001 PULSE LETn_O1 is held active for one LFACLKLETIMER0 clock cycle on CNT underflow. The output then returns to its idle value as defined by OPOL1. 0x00000002 PWM LETn_O1 is set idle on CNT underflow, and active on compare match with COMP1 0x00000003 FREEZE Freeze Register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x2C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F COMP0 Compare Match 0 Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write COMP1 Compare Match 1 Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write REP0 Repeat Counter 0 Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write REP1 Repeat Counter 1 Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write UF Underflow Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x20 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1F COMP0 Compare Match 0 Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only COMP1 Compare Match 1 Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only REP0 Repeat Counter 0 Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only REP1 Repeat Counter 1 Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x28 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1F COMP0 Clear Compare Match 0 Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only COMP1 Clear Compare Match 1 Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only REP0 Clear Repeat Counter 0 Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only REP1 Clear Repeat Counter 1 Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only UF Clear Underflow Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x24 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1F COMP0 Set Compare Match 0 Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only COMP1 Set Compare Match 1 Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only REP0 Set Repeat Counter 0 Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only REP1 Set Repeat Counter 1 Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only UF Set Underflow Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only REP0 Repeat Counter Register 0 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF REP0 Repeat Counter 0 0 8 read-write REP1 Repeat Counter Register 1 0x1C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF REP1 Repeat Counter 1 0 8 read-write ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0x703 LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 OUT0PEN Output 0 Pin Enable 0 1 read-write OUT1PEN Output 1 Pin Enable 1 1 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 RUNNING LETIMER Running 0 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x34 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3F CMD CMD Register Busy 1 1 read-only COMP0 COMP0 Register Busy 2 1 read-only COMP1 COMP1 Register Busy 3 1 read-only CTRL CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only REP0 REP0 Register Busy 4 1 read-only REP1 REP1 Register Busy 5 1 read-only LEUART0 LEUART0 LEUART0 0x40084000 0x0 0x400 registers n LEUART0 24 CLKDIV Clock Control Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FF8 DIV Fractional Clock Divider 3 12 read-write CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF CLEARRX Clear RX 7 1 write-only CLEARTX Clear TX 6 1 write-only RXBLOCKDIS Receiver Block Disable 5 1 write-only RXBLOCKEN Receiver Block Enable 4 1 write-only RXDIS Receiver Disable 1 1 write-only RXEN Receiver Enable 0 1 write-only TXDIS Transmitter Disable 3 1 write-only TXEN Transmitter Enable 2 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF AUTOTRI Automatic Transmitter Tristate 0 1 read-write BIT8DV Bit 8 Default Value 11 1 read-write DATABITS Data-Bit Mode 1 1 read-write ERRSDMA Clear RX DMA On Error 6 1 read-write INV Invert Input And Output 5 1 read-write LOOPBK Loopback Enable 7 1 read-write MPAB Multi-Processor Address-Bit 10 1 read-write MPM Multi-Processor Mode 9 1 read-write PARITY Parity-Bit Mode 2 2 read-write NONE Parity bits are not used 0x00000000 EVEN Even parity are used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000002 ODD Odd parity is used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000003 RXDMAWU RX DMA Wakeup 12 1 read-write SFUBRX Start-Frame UnBlock RX 8 1 read-write STOPBITS Stop-Bit Mode 4 1 read-write TXDELAY TX Delay Transmission 14 2 read-write NONE Frames are transmitted immediately 0x00000000 SINGLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by a single baud period 0x00000001 DOUBLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by two baud periods 0x00000002 TRIPLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by three baud periods 0x00000003 TXDMAWU TX DMA Wakeup 13 1 read-write FREEZE Freeze Register 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FF FERR Framing Error Interrupt Enable 7 1 read-write MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write PERR Parity Error Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write SIGF Signal Frame Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write STARTF Start Frame Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write TXC TX Complete Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x2C 32 read-only n 0x2 0x7FF FERR Framing Error Interrupt Flag 7 1 read-only MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only PERR Parity Error Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only SIGF Signal Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only STARTF Start Frame Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only TXC TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x34 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7F9 FERR Clear Framing Error Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only MPAF Clear Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only PERR Clear Parity Error Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only RXOF Clear RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXUF Clear RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only SIGF Clear Signal-Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only STARTF Clear Start-Frame Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only TXC Clear TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Clear TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7F9 FERR Set Framing Error Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only MPAF Set Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only PERR Set Parity Error Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only RXOF Set RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXUF Set RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only SIGF Set Signal Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only STARTF Set Start Frame Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only TXC Set TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Set TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only INPUT LEUART Input Register 0xAC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F RXPRS PRS RX Enable 4 1 read-write RXPRSSEL RX PRS Channel Select 0 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected 0x0000000B PULSECTRL Pulse Control Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F PULSEEN Pulse Generator/Extender Enable 4 1 read-write PULSEFILT Pulse Filter 5 1 read-write PULSEW Pulse Width 0 4 read-write ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0x703 LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 RXPEN RX Pin Enable 0 1 read-write TXPEN TX Pin Enable 1 1 read-write RXDATA Receive Buffer Data Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF modifyExternal RXDATA RX Data 0 8 read-only RXDATAX Receive Buffer Data Extended Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF modifyExternal FERR Receive Data Framing Error 15 1 read-only PERR Receive Data Parity Error 14 1 read-only RXDATA RX Data 0 9 read-only RXDATAXP Receive Buffer Data Extended Peek Register 0x20 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF FERRP Receive Data Framing Error Peek 15 1 read-only PERRP Receive Data Parity Error Peek 14 1 read-only RXDATAP RX Data Peek 0 9 read-only SIGFRAME Signal Frame Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FF SIGFRAME Signal Frame 0 9 read-write STARTFRAME Start Frame Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FF STARTFRAME Start Frame 0 9 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x10 0x3F RXBLOCK Block Incoming Data 2 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid 5 1 read-only RXENS Receiver Enable Status 0 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level 4 1 read-only TXC TX Complete 3 1 read-only TXENS Transmitter Enable Status 1 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x44 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF CLKDIV CLKDIV Register Busy 2 1 read-only CMD CMD Register Busy 1 1 read-only CTRL CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only PULSECTRL PULSECTRL Register Busy 7 1 read-only SIGFRAME SIGFRAME Register Busy 4 1 read-only STARTFRAME STARTFRAME Register Busy 3 1 read-only TXDATA TXDATA Register Busy 6 1 read-only TXDATAX TXDATAX Register Busy 5 1 read-only TXDATA Transmit Buffer Data Register 0x28 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF TXDATA TX Data 0 8 write-only TXDATAX Transmit Buffer Data Extended Register 0x24 32 write-only n 0x0 0xE1FF RXENAT Enable RX After Transmission 15 1 write-only TXBREAK Transmit Data As Break 13 1 write-only TXDATA TX Data 0 9 write-only TXDISAT Disable TX After Transmission 14 1 write-only LEUART1 LEUART1 LEUART1 0x40084400 0x0 0x400 registers n LEUART1 25 CLKDIV Clock Control Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FF8 DIV Fractional Clock Divider 3 12 read-write CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF CLEARRX Clear RX 7 1 write-only CLEARTX Clear TX 6 1 write-only RXBLOCKDIS Receiver Block Disable 5 1 write-only RXBLOCKEN Receiver Block Enable 4 1 write-only RXDIS Receiver Disable 1 1 write-only RXEN Receiver Enable 0 1 write-only TXDIS Transmitter Disable 3 1 write-only TXEN Transmitter Enable 2 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF AUTOTRI Automatic Transmitter Tristate 0 1 read-write BIT8DV Bit 8 Default Value 11 1 read-write DATABITS Data-Bit Mode 1 1 read-write ERRSDMA Clear RX DMA On Error 6 1 read-write INV Invert Input And Output 5 1 read-write LOOPBK Loopback Enable 7 1 read-write MPAB Multi-Processor Address-Bit 10 1 read-write MPM Multi-Processor Mode 9 1 read-write PARITY Parity-Bit Mode 2 2 read-write NONE Parity bits are not used 0x00000000 EVEN Even parity are used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000002 ODD Odd parity is used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000003 RXDMAWU RX DMA Wakeup 12 1 read-write SFUBRX Start-Frame UnBlock RX 8 1 read-write STOPBITS Stop-Bit Mode 4 1 read-write TXDELAY TX Delay Transmission 14 2 read-write NONE Frames are transmitted immediately 0x00000000 SINGLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by a single baud period 0x00000001 DOUBLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by two baud periods 0x00000002 TRIPLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by three baud periods 0x00000003 TXDMAWU TX DMA Wakeup 13 1 read-write FREEZE Freeze Register 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FF FERR Framing Error Interrupt Enable 7 1 read-write MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write PERR Parity Error Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write SIGF Signal Frame Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write STARTF Start Frame Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write TXC TX Complete Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x2C 32 read-only n 0x2 0x7FF FERR Framing Error Interrupt Flag 7 1 read-only MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only PERR Parity Error Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only SIGF Signal Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only STARTF Start Frame Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only TXC TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x34 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7F9 FERR Clear Framing Error Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only MPAF Clear Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only PERR Clear Parity Error Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only RXOF Clear RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXUF Clear RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only SIGF Clear Signal-Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only STARTF Clear Start-Frame Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only TXC Clear TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Clear TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7F9 FERR Set Framing Error Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only MPAF Set Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only PERR Set Parity Error Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only RXOF Set RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXUF Set RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only SIGF Set Signal Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only STARTF Set Start Frame Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only TXC Set TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Set TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only INPUT LEUART Input Register 0xAC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F RXPRS PRS RX Enable 4 1 read-write RXPRSSEL RX PRS Channel Select 0 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected 0x0000000B PULSECTRL Pulse Control Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F PULSEEN Pulse Generator/Extender Enable 4 1 read-write PULSEFILT Pulse Filter 5 1 read-write PULSEW Pulse Width 0 4 read-write ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0x703 LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 RXPEN RX Pin Enable 0 1 read-write TXPEN TX Pin Enable 1 1 read-write RXDATA Receive Buffer Data Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF modifyExternal RXDATA RX Data 0 8 read-only RXDATAX Receive Buffer Data Extended Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF modifyExternal FERR Receive Data Framing Error 15 1 read-only PERR Receive Data Parity Error 14 1 read-only RXDATA RX Data 0 9 read-only RXDATAXP Receive Buffer Data Extended Peek Register 0x20 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF FERRP Receive Data Framing Error Peek 15 1 read-only PERRP Receive Data Parity Error Peek 14 1 read-only RXDATAP RX Data Peek 0 9 read-only SIGFRAME Signal Frame Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FF SIGFRAME Signal Frame 0 9 read-write STARTFRAME Start Frame Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FF STARTFRAME Start Frame 0 9 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x10 0x3F RXBLOCK Block Incoming Data 2 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid 5 1 read-only RXENS Receiver Enable Status 0 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level 4 1 read-only TXC TX Complete 3 1 read-only TXENS Transmitter Enable Status 1 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x44 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF CLKDIV CLKDIV Register Busy 2 1 read-only CMD CMD Register Busy 1 1 read-only CTRL CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only PULSECTRL PULSECTRL Register Busy 7 1 read-only SIGFRAME SIGFRAME Register Busy 4 1 read-only STARTFRAME STARTFRAME Register Busy 3 1 read-only TXDATA TXDATA Register Busy 6 1 read-only TXDATAX TXDATAX Register Busy 5 1 read-only TXDATA Transmit Buffer Data Register 0x28 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF TXDATA TX Data 0 8 write-only TXDATAX Transmit Buffer Data Extended Register 0x24 32 write-only n 0x0 0xE1FF RXENAT Enable RX After Transmission 15 1 write-only TXBREAK Transmit Data As Break 13 1 write-only TXDATA TX Data 0 9 write-only TXDISAT Disable TX After Transmission 14 1 write-only MSC MSC MSC 0x400C0000 0x0 0x400 registers n MSC 35 ADDRB Page Erase/Write Address Buffer 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF ADDRB Page Erase or Write Address Buffer 0 32 read-write CACHEHITS Cache Hits Performance Counter 0x44 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFFF CACHEHITS Cache hits since last performance counter start command. 0 20 read-only CACHEMISSES Cache Misses Performance Counter 0x48 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFFF CACHEMISSES Cache misses since last performance counter start command. 0 20 read-only CMD Command Register 0x40 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7 INVCACHE Invalidate Instruction Cache 0 1 write-only STARTPC Start Performance Counters 1 1 write-only STOPPC Stop Performance Counters 2 1 write-only CTRL Memory System Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x1 0x1 BUSFAULT Bus Fault Response Enable 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF CHOF Cache Hits Overflow Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write CMOF Cache Misses Overflow Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write ERASE Erase Done Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write WRITE Write Done Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x2C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xF CHOF Cache Hits Overflow Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only CMOF Cache Misses Overflow Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only ERASE Erase Done Interrupt Read Flag 0 1 read-only WRITE Write Done Interrupt Read Flag 1 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x34 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF CHOF Cache Hits Overflow Interrupt Clear 2 1 write-only CMOF Cache Misses Overflow Interrupt Clear 3 1 write-only ERASE Erase Done Interrupt Clear 0 1 write-only WRITE Write Done Interrupt Clear 1 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF CHOF Cache Hits Overflow Interrupt Set 2 1 write-only CMOF Cache Misses Overflow Interrupt Set 3 1 write-only ERASE Erase Done Interrupt Set 0 1 write-only WRITE Write Done Interrupt Set 1 1 write-only LOCK Configuration Lock Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF LOCKKEY Configuration Lock 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED 0x00000000 LOCKED 0x00000001 MASSLOCK Mass Erase Lock Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x1 0xFFFF LOCKKEY Mass Erase Lock 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED Mass erase unlocked. 0x00000000 LOCKED Mass erase locked. 0x00000001 READCTRL Read Control Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x1 0x300FF AIDIS Automatic Invalidate Disable 4 1 read-write BUSSTRATEGY Strategy for bus matrix 16 2 read-write CPU 0x00000000 DMA 0x00000001 DMAEM1 0x00000002 NONE 0x00000003 EBICDIS External Bus Interface Cache Disable 6 1 read-write ICCDIS Interrupt Context Cache Disable 5 1 read-write IFCDIS Internal Flash Cache Disable 3 1 read-write MODE Read Mode 0 3 read-write WS0 Zero wait-states inserted in fetch or read transfers. 0x00000000 WS1 One wait-state inserted for each fetch or read transfer. This mode is required for a core frequency above 16 MHz. 0x00000001 WS0SCBTP Zero wait-states inserted with the Suppressed Conditional Branch Target Prefetch (SCBTP) function enabled. SCBTP saves energy by delaying the Cortex' conditional branch target prefetches until the conditional branch instruction is in the execute stage. When the instruction reaches this stage, the evaluation of the branch condition is completed and the core does not perform a speculative prefetch of both the branch target address and the next sequential address. With the SCBTP function enabled, one instruction fetch is saved for each branch not taken, with a negligible performance penalty. 0x00000002 WS1SCBTP One wait-state access with SCBTP enabled. 0x00000003 WS2 Two wait-states inserted for each fetch or read transfer. This mode is required for a core frequency above 32 MHz. 0x00000004 WS2SCBTP Two wait-state access with SCBTP enabled. 0x00000005 RAMCEN RAM Cache Enable 7 1 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x8 0x7F BUSY Erase/Write Busy 0 1 read-only ERASEABORTED The Current Flash Erase Operation Aborted 5 1 read-only INVADDR Invalid Write Address or Erase Page 2 1 read-only LOCKED Access Locked 1 1 read-only PCRUNNING Performance Counters Running 6 1 read-only WDATAREADY WDATA Write Ready 3 1 read-only WORDTIMEOUT Flash Write Word Timeout 4 1 read-only TIMEBASE Flash Write and Erase Timebase 0x50 32 read-write n 0x10 0x1003F BASE Timebase used by MSC to time flash writes and erases 0 6 read-write PERIOD Sets the timebase period 16 1 read-write WDATA Write Data Register 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF WDATA Write Data 0 32 read-write WRITECMD Write Command Register 0xC 32 write-only n 0x0 0x113F CLEARWDATA Clear WDATA state 12 1 write-only ERASEABORT Abort erase sequence 5 1 write-only ERASEMAIN0 Mass erase region 0 8 1 write-only ERASEPAGE Erase Page 1 1 write-only LADDRIM Load MSC_ADDRB into ADDR 0 1 write-only WRITEEND End Write Mode 2 1 write-only WRITEONCE Word Write-Once Trigger 3 1 write-only WRITETRIG Word Write Sequence Trigger 4 1 write-only WRITECTRL Write Control Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 IRQERASEABORT Abort Page Erase on Interrupt 1 1 read-write WREN Enable Write/Erase Controller 0 1 read-write PCNT0 PCNT0 PCNT0 0x40086000 0x0 0x400 registers n PCNT0 27 AUXCNT Auxiliary Counter Value Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF AUXCNT Auxiliary Counter Value 0 16 read-write CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 LCNTIM Load CNT Immediately 0 1 write-only LTOPBIM Load TOPB Immediately 1 1 write-only CNT Counter Value Register 0xC 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 16 read-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xCF3F AUXCNTEV Controls when the auxiliary counter counts 14 2 read-write NONE Never counts. 0x00000000 UP Counts up on up-count events. 0x00000001 DOWN Counts up on down-count events. 0x00000002 BOTH Counts up on both up-count and down-count events. 0x00000003 CNTDIR Non-Quadrature Mode Counter Direction Control 2 1 read-write CNTEV Controls when the counter counts 10 2 read-write BOTH Counts up on up-count and down on down-count events. 0x00000000 UP Only counts up on up-count events. 0x00000001 DOWN Only counts down on down-count events. 0x00000002 NONE Never counts. 0x00000003 EDGE Edge Select 3 1 read-write FILT Enable Digital Pulse Width Filter 4 1 read-write HYST Enable Hysteresis 8 1 read-write MODE Mode Select 0 2 read-write DISABLE The module is disabled. 0x00000000 OVSSINGLE Single input LFACLK oversampling mode (available in EM0-EM2). 0x00000001 EXTCLKSINGLE Externally clocked single input counter mode (available in EM0-EM3). 0x00000002 EXTCLKQUAD Externally clocked quadrature decoder mode (available in EM0-EM3). 0x00000003 RSTEN Enable PCNT Clock Domain Reset 5 1 read-write S1CDIR Count direction determined by S1 9 1 read-write FREEZE Freeze Register 0x2C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Auxiliary Overflow Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write OF Overflow Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write UF Underflow Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Overflow Interrupt Read Flag 3 1 read-only DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only OF Overflow Interrupt Read Flag 1 1 read-only UF Underflow Interrupt Read Flag 0 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x20 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Auxiliary Overflow Interrupt Clear 3 1 write-only DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Clear 2 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Clear 1 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Clear 0 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x1C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Auxiliary Overflow Interrupt Set 3 1 write-only DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Set 2 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Set 1 1 write-only UF Underflow interrupt set 0 1 write-only INPUT PCNT Input Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7DF S0PRSEN S0IN PRS Enable 4 1 read-write S0PRSSEL S0IN PRS Channel Select 0 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected. 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected. 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected. 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected. 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected. 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected. 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected. 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected. 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected. 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected. 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected. 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected. 0x0000000B S1PRSEN S1IN PRS Enable 10 1 read-write S1PRSSEL S1IN PRS Channel Select 6 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected. 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected. 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected. 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected. 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected. 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected. 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected. 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected. 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected. 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected. 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected. 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected. 0x0000000B ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x700 LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 DIR Current Counter Direction 0 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x30 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7 CMD CMD Register Busy 1 1 read-only CTRL CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only TOPB TOPB Register Busy 2 1 read-only TOP Top Value Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0xFF 0xFFFF TOP Counter Top Value 0 16 read-only TOPB Top Value Buffer Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0xFF 0xFFFF TOPB Counter Top Buffer 0 16 read-write PCNT1 PCNT1 PCNT1 0x40086400 0x0 0x400 registers n PCNT1 28 AUXCNT Auxiliary Counter Value Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF AUXCNT Auxiliary Counter Value 0 16 read-write CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 LCNTIM Load CNT Immediately 0 1 write-only LTOPBIM Load TOPB Immediately 1 1 write-only CNT Counter Value Register 0xC 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 16 read-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xCF3F AUXCNTEV Controls when the auxiliary counter counts 14 2 read-write NONE Never counts. 0x00000000 UP Counts up on up-count events. 0x00000001 DOWN Counts up on down-count events. 0x00000002 BOTH Counts up on both up-count and down-count events. 0x00000003 CNTDIR Non-Quadrature Mode Counter Direction Control 2 1 read-write CNTEV Controls when the counter counts 10 2 read-write BOTH Counts up on up-count and down on down-count events. 0x00000000 UP Only counts up on up-count events. 0x00000001 DOWN Only counts down on down-count events. 0x00000002 NONE Never counts. 0x00000003 EDGE Edge Select 3 1 read-write FILT Enable Digital Pulse Width Filter 4 1 read-write HYST Enable Hysteresis 8 1 read-write MODE Mode Select 0 2 read-write DISABLE The module is disabled. 0x00000000 OVSSINGLE Single input LFACLK oversampling mode (available in EM0-EM2). 0x00000001 EXTCLKSINGLE Externally clocked single input counter mode (available in EM0-EM3). 0x00000002 EXTCLKQUAD Externally clocked quadrature decoder mode (available in EM0-EM3). 0x00000003 RSTEN Enable PCNT Clock Domain Reset 5 1 read-write S1CDIR Count direction determined by S1 9 1 read-write FREEZE Freeze Register 0x2C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Auxiliary Overflow Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write OF Overflow Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write UF Underflow Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Overflow Interrupt Read Flag 3 1 read-only DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only OF Overflow Interrupt Read Flag 1 1 read-only UF Underflow Interrupt Read Flag 0 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x20 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Auxiliary Overflow Interrupt Clear 3 1 write-only DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Clear 2 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Clear 1 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Clear 0 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x1C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Auxiliary Overflow Interrupt Set 3 1 write-only DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Set 2 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Set 1 1 write-only UF Underflow interrupt set 0 1 write-only INPUT PCNT Input Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7DF S0PRSEN S0IN PRS Enable 4 1 read-write S0PRSSEL S0IN PRS Channel Select 0 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected. 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected. 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected. 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected. 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected. 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected. 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected. 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected. 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected. 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected. 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected. 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected. 0x0000000B S1PRSEN S1IN PRS Enable 10 1 read-write S1PRSSEL S1IN PRS Channel Select 6 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected. 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected. 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected. 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected. 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected. 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected. 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected. 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected. 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected. 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected. 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected. 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected. 0x0000000B ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x700 LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 DIR Current Counter Direction 0 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x30 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7 CMD CMD Register Busy 1 1 read-only CTRL CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only TOPB TOPB Register Busy 2 1 read-only TOP Top Value Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0xFF 0xFFFF TOP Counter Top Value 0 16 read-only TOPB Top Value Buffer Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0xFF 0xFFFF TOPB Counter Top Buffer 0 16 read-write PCNT2 PCNT2 PCNT2 0x40086800 0x0 0x400 registers n PCNT2 29 AUXCNT Auxiliary Counter Value Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF AUXCNT Auxiliary Counter Value 0 16 read-write CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 LCNTIM Load CNT Immediately 0 1 write-only LTOPBIM Load TOPB Immediately 1 1 write-only CNT Counter Value Register 0xC 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 16 read-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xCF3F AUXCNTEV Controls when the auxiliary counter counts 14 2 read-write NONE Never counts. 0x00000000 UP Counts up on up-count events. 0x00000001 DOWN Counts up on down-count events. 0x00000002 BOTH Counts up on both up-count and down-count events. 0x00000003 CNTDIR Non-Quadrature Mode Counter Direction Control 2 1 read-write CNTEV Controls when the counter counts 10 2 read-write BOTH Counts up on up-count and down on down-count events. 0x00000000 UP Only counts up on up-count events. 0x00000001 DOWN Only counts down on down-count events. 0x00000002 NONE Never counts. 0x00000003 EDGE Edge Select 3 1 read-write FILT Enable Digital Pulse Width Filter 4 1 read-write HYST Enable Hysteresis 8 1 read-write MODE Mode Select 0 2 read-write DISABLE The module is disabled. 0x00000000 OVSSINGLE Single input LFACLK oversampling mode (available in EM0-EM2). 0x00000001 EXTCLKSINGLE Externally clocked single input counter mode (available in EM0-EM3). 0x00000002 EXTCLKQUAD Externally clocked quadrature decoder mode (available in EM0-EM3). 0x00000003 RSTEN Enable PCNT Clock Domain Reset 5 1 read-write S1CDIR Count direction determined by S1 9 1 read-write FREEZE Freeze Register 0x2C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Auxiliary Overflow Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write OF Overflow Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write UF Underflow Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Overflow Interrupt Read Flag 3 1 read-only DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only OF Overflow Interrupt Read Flag 1 1 read-only UF Underflow Interrupt Read Flag 0 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x20 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Auxiliary Overflow Interrupt Clear 3 1 write-only DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Clear 2 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Clear 1 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Clear 0 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x1C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF AUXOF Auxiliary Overflow Interrupt Set 3 1 write-only DIRCNG Direction Change Detect Interrupt Set 2 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Set 1 1 write-only UF Underflow interrupt set 0 1 write-only INPUT PCNT Input Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7DF S0PRSEN S0IN PRS Enable 4 1 read-write S0PRSSEL S0IN PRS Channel Select 0 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected. 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected. 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected. 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected. 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected. 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected. 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected. 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected. 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected. 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected. 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected. 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected. 0x0000000B S1PRSEN S1IN PRS Enable 10 1 read-write S1PRSSEL S1IN PRS Channel Select 6 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected. 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected. 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected. 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected. 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected. 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected. 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected. 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected. 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected. 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected. 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected. 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected. 0x0000000B ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x700 LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 DIR Current Counter Direction 0 1 read-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x30 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7 CMD CMD Register Busy 1 1 read-only CTRL CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only TOPB TOPB Register Busy 2 1 read-only TOP Top Value Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0xFF 0xFFFF TOP Counter Top Value 0 16 read-only TOPB Top Value Buffer Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0xFF 0xFFFF TOPB Counter Top Buffer 0 16 read-write PRS PRS PRS 0x400CC000 0x0 0x400 registers n CH0_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x10 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH10_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x38 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH11_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH1_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH2_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH3_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH4_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH5_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH6_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH7_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x2C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH8_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B CH9_CTRL Channel Control Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0x133F0007 ASYNC Asynchronous reflex 28 1 read-write EDSEL Edge Detect Select 24 2 read-write OFF Signal is left as it is 0x00000000 POSEDGE A one HFPERCLK cycle pulse is generated for every positive edge of the incoming signal 0x00000001 NEGEDGE A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every negative edge of the incoming signal 0x00000002 BOTHEDGES A one HFPERCLK clock cycle pulse is generated for every edge of the incoming signal 0x00000003 SIGSEL Signal Select 0 3 read-write SOURCESEL Source Select 16 6 read-write NONE No source selected 0x00000000 VCMP Voltage Comparator 0x00000001 ACMP0 Analog Comparator 0 0x00000002 ACMP1 Analog Comparator 1 0x00000003 DAC0 Digital to Analog Converter 0 0x00000006 ADC0 Analog to Digital Converter 0 0x00000008 USART0 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 0 0x00000010 USART1 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 1 0x00000011 USART2 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter 2 0x00000012 TIMER0 Timer 0 0x0000001C TIMER1 Timer 1 0x0000001D TIMER2 Timer 2 0x0000001E TIMER3 Timer 3 0x0000001F USB Universal Serial Bus Interface 0x00000024 RTC Real-Time Counter 0x00000028 GPIOL General purpose Input/Output 0x00000030 GPIOH General purpose Input/Output 0x00000031 LETIMER0 Low Energy Timer 0 0x00000034 BURTC Backup RTC 0x00000037 LESENSEL Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x00000039 LESENSEH Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003A LESENSED Low Energy Sensor Interface 0x0000003B ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x70F CH0PEN CH0 Pin Enable 0 1 read-write CH1PEN CH1 Pin Enable 1 1 read-write CH2PEN CH2 Pin Enable 2 1 read-write CH3PEN CH3 Pin Enable 3 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 SWLEVEL Software Level Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFF CH0LEVEL Channel 0 Software Level 0 1 read-write CH10LEVEL Channel 10 Software Level 10 1 read-write CH11LEVEL Channel 11 Software Level 11 1 read-write CH1LEVEL Channel 1 Software Level 1 1 read-write CH2LEVEL Channel 2 Software Level 2 1 read-write CH3LEVEL Channel 3 Software Level 3 1 read-write CH4LEVEL Channel 4 Software Level 4 1 read-write CH5LEVEL Channel 5 Software Level 5 1 read-write CH6LEVEL Channel 6 Software Level 6 1 read-write CH7LEVEL Channel 7 Software Level 7 1 read-write CH8LEVEL Channel 8 Software Level 8 1 read-write CH9LEVEL Channel 9 Software Level 9 1 read-write SWPULSE Software Pulse Register 0x0 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CH0PULSE Channel 0 Pulse Generation 0 1 write-only CH10PULSE Channel 10 Pulse Generation 10 1 write-only CH11PULSE Channel 11 Pulse Generation 11 1 write-only CH1PULSE Channel 1 Pulse Generation 1 1 write-only CH2PULSE Channel 2 Pulse Generation 2 1 write-only CH3PULSE Channel 3 Pulse Generation 3 1 write-only CH4PULSE Channel 4 Pulse Generation 4 1 write-only CH5PULSE Channel 5 Pulse Generation 5 1 write-only CH6PULSE Channel 6 Pulse Generation 6 1 write-only CH7PULSE Channel 7 Pulse Generation 7 1 write-only CH8PULSE Channel 8 Pulse Generation 8 1 write-only CH9PULSE Channel 9 Pulse Generation 9 1 write-only RMU RMU RMU 0x400CA000 0x0 0x400 registers n CMD Command Register 0x8 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 RCCLR Reset Cause Clear 0 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x2 0x3 BURSTEN Backup domain reset enable 1 1 read-write LOCKUPRDIS Lockup Reset Disable 0 1 read-write RSTCAUSE Reset Cause Register 0x4 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF BODAVDD0 AVDD0 Bod Reset 9 1 read-only BODAVDD1 AVDD1 Bod Reset 10 1 read-only BODREGRST Brown Out Detector Regulated Domain Reset 2 1 read-only BODUNREGRST Brown Out Detector Unregulated Domain Reset 1 1 read-only BUBODBUVIN Backup Brown Out Detector, BU_VIN 12 1 read-only BUBODREG Backup Brown Out Detector Regulated Domain 14 1 read-only BUBODUNREG Backup Brown Out Detector Unregulated Domain 13 1 read-only BUBODVDDDREG Backup Brown Out Detector, VDD_DREG 11 1 read-only BUMODERST Backup mode reset 15 1 read-only EM4RST EM4 Reset 7 1 read-only EM4WURST EM4 Wake-up Reset 8 1 read-only EXTRST External Pin Reset 3 1 read-only LOCKUPRST LOCKUP Reset 5 1 read-only PORST Power On Reset 0 1 read-only SYSREQRST System Request Reset 6 1 read-only WDOGRST Watchdog Reset 4 1 read-only RTC RTC RTC 0x40080000 0x0 0x400 registers n RTC 30 CNT Counter Value Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 24 read-write COMP0 Compare Value Register 0 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFF COMP0 Compare Value 0 0 24 read-write COMP1 Compare Value Register 1 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFF COMP1 Compare Value 1 0 24 read-write CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7 COMP0TOP Compare Channel 0 is Top Value 2 1 read-write DEBUGRUN Debug Mode Run Enable 1 1 read-write EN RTC Enable 0 1 read-write FREEZE Freeze Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1 REGFREEZE Register Update Freeze 0 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7 COMP0 Compare Match 0 Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write COMP1 Compare Match 1 Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write OF Overflow Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7 COMP0 Compare Match 0 Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only COMP1 Compare Match 1 Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7 COMP0 Clear Compare match 0 Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only COMP1 Clear Compare match 1 Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only OF Clear Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0x7 COMP0 Set Compare match 0 Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only COMP1 Set Compare match 1 Interrupt Flag 2 1 write-only OF Set Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x24 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7 COMP0 COMP0 Register Busy 1 1 read-only COMP1 COMP1 Register Busy 2 1 read-only CTRL CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only TIMER0 TIMER0 TIMER0 0x40010000 0x0 0x400 registers n TIMER0 2 CC0_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC0_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC0_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x38 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC0_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CC1_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x44 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC1_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC1_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x48 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC1_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CC2_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC2_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x5C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC2_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x58 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC2_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x50 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 START Start Timer 0 1 write-only STOP Stop Timer 1 1 write-only CNT Counter Value Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 16 read-write CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F032FFB ATI Always Track Inputs 28 1 read-write CLKSEL Clock Source Select 16 2 read-write PRESCHFPERCLK Prescaled HFPERCLK 0x00000000 CC1 Compare/Capture Channel 1 Input 0x00000001 TIMEROUF Timer is clocked by underflow(down-count) or overflow(up-count) in the lower numbered neighbor Timer 0x00000002 DEBUGRUN Debug Mode Run Enable 6 1 read-write DMACLRACT DMA Request Clear on Active 7 1 read-write FALLA Timer Falling Input Edge Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action 0x00000000 START Start counter without reload 0x00000001 STOP Stop counter without reload 0x00000002 RELOADSTART Reload and start counter 0x00000003 MODE Timer Mode 0 2 read-write UP Up-count mode 0x00000000 DOWN Down-count mode 0x00000001 UPDOWN Up/down-count mode 0x00000002 QDEC Quadrature decoder mode 0x00000003 OSMEN One-shot Mode Enable 4 1 read-write PRESC Prescaler Setting 24 4 read-write DIV1 The HFPERCLK is undivided 0x00000000 DIV2 The HFPERCLK is divided by 2 0x00000001 DIV4 The HFPERCLK is divided by 4 0x00000002 DIV8 The HFPERCLK is divided by 8 0x00000003 DIV16 The HFPERCLK is divided by 16 0x00000004 DIV32 The HFPERCLK is divided by 32 0x00000005 DIV64 The HFPERCLK is divided by 64 0x00000006 DIV128 The HFPERCLK is divided by 128 0x00000007 DIV256 The HFPERCLK is divided by 256 0x00000008 DIV512 The HFPERCLK is divided by 512 0x00000009 DIV1024 The HFPERCLK is divided by 1024 0x0000000A QDM Quadrature Decoder Mode Selection 5 1 read-write RISEA Timer Rising Input Edge Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action 0x00000000 START Start counter without reload 0x00000001 STOP Stop counter without reload 0x00000002 RELOADSTART Reload and start counter 0x00000003 RSSCOIST Reload-Start Sets Compare Output initial State 29 1 read-write SYNC Timer Start/Stop/Reload Synchronization 3 1 read-write X2CNT 2x Count Mode 13 1 read-write DTCTRL DTI Control Register 0x70 32 read-write n 0x0 0x10000FF DTCINV DTI Complementary Output Invert. 3 1 read-write DTDAS DTI Automatic Start-up Functionality 1 1 read-write DTEN DTI Enable 0 1 read-write DTIPOL DTI Inactive Polarity 2 1 read-write DTPRSEN DTI PRS Source Enable 24 1 read-write DTPRSSEL DTI PRS Source Channel Select 4 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B DTFAULT DTI Fault Register 0x80 32 read-only n 0x0 0xF DTDBGF DTI Debugger Fault 2 1 read-only DTLOCKUPF DTI Lockup Fault 3 1 read-only DTPRS0F DTI PRS 0 Fault 0 1 read-only DTPRS1F DTI PRS 1 Fault 1 1 read-only DTFAULTC DTI Fault Clear Register 0x84 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF DTDBGFC DTI Debugger Fault Clear 2 1 write-only DTPRS0FC DTI PRS0 Fault Clear 0 1 write-only DTPRS1FC DTI PRS1 Fault Clear 1 1 write-only TLOCKUPFC DTI Lockup Fault Clear 3 1 write-only DTFC DTI Fault Configuration Register 0x78 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF030707 DTDBGFEN DTI Debugger Fault Enable 26 1 read-write DTFA DTI Fault Action 16 2 read-write NONE No action on fault 0x00000000 INACTIVE Set outputs inactive 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear outputs 0x00000002 TRISTATE Tristate outputs 0x00000003 DTLOCKUPFEN DTI Lockup Fault Enable 27 1 read-write DTPRS0FEN DTI PRS 0 Fault Enable 24 1 read-write DTPRS0FSEL DTI PRS Fault Source 0 Select 0 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as fault source 0 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as fault source 0 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as fault source 0 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as fault source 0 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as fault source 0 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as fault source 0 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as fault source 0 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as fault source 0 0x00000007 DTPRS1FEN DTI PRS 1 Fault Enable 25 1 read-write DTPRS1FSEL DTI PRS Fault Source 1 Select 8 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as fault source 1 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as fault source 1 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as fault source 1 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as fault source 1 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as fault source 1 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as fault source 1 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as fault source 1 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as fault source 1 0x00000007 DTLOCK DTI Configuration Lock Register 0x88 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF LOCKKEY DTI Lock Key 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED 0x00000000 LOCKED 0x00000001 DTOGEN DTI Output Generation Enable Register 0x7C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F DTOGCC0EN DTI CC0 Output Generation Enable 0 1 read-write DTOGCC1EN DTI CC1 Output Generation Enable 1 1 read-write DTOGCC2EN DTI CC2 Output Generation Enable 2 1 read-write DTOGCDTI0EN DTI CDTI0 Output Generation Enable 3 1 read-write DTOGCDTI1EN DTI CDTI1 Output Generation Enable 4 1 read-write DTOGCDTI2EN DTI CDTI2 Output Generation Enable 5 1 read-write DTTIME DTI Time Control Register 0x74 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F3F0F DTFALLT DTI Fall-time 16 6 read-write DTPRESC DTI Prescaler Setting 0 4 read-write DIV1 The HFPERCLK is undivided 0x00000000 DIV2 The HFPERCLK is divided by 2 0x00000001 DIV4 The HFPERCLK is divided by 4 0x00000002 DIV8 The HFPERCLK is divided by 8 0x00000003 DIV16 The HFPERCLK is divided by 16 0x00000004 DIV32 The HFPERCLK is divided by 32 0x00000005 DIV64 The HFPERCLK is divided by 64 0x00000006 DIV128 The HFPERCLK is divided by 128 0x00000007 DIV256 The HFPERCLK is divided by 256 0x00000008 DIV512 The HFPERCLK is divided by 512 0x00000009 DIV1024 The HFPERCLK is divided by 1024 0x0000000A DTRISET DTI Rise-time 8 6 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write OF Overflow Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write UF Underflow Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag Clear 4 1 write-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag Clear 5 1 write-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag Clear 6 1 write-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 8 1 write-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 9 1 write-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 10 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag Set 4 1 write-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag Set 5 1 write-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag Set 6 1 write-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 8 1 write-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 9 1 write-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 10 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x70707 CC0PEN CC Channel 0 Pin Enable 0 1 read-write CC1PEN CC Channel 1 Pin Enable 1 1 read-write CC2PEN CC Channel 2 Pin Enable 2 1 read-write CDTI0PEN CC Channel 0 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 8 1 read-write CDTI1PEN CC Channel 1 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 9 1 read-write CDTI2PEN CC Channel 2 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 10 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 16 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 LOC5 Location 5 0x00000005 STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7070707 CCPOL0 CC0 Polarity 24 1 read-only CCPOL1 CC1 Polarity 25 1 read-only CCPOL2 CC2 Polarity 26 1 read-only CCVBV0 CC0 CCVB Valid 8 1 read-only CCVBV1 CC1 CCVB Valid 9 1 read-only CCVBV2 CC2 CCVB Valid 10 1 read-only DIR Direction 1 1 read-only ICV0 CC0 Input Capture Valid 16 1 read-only ICV1 CC1 Input Capture Valid 17 1 read-only ICV2 CC2 Input Capture Valid 18 1 read-only RUNNING Running 0 1 read-only TOPBV TOPB Valid 2 1 read-only TOP Counter Top Value Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF TOP Counter Top Value 0 16 read-write TOPB Counter Top Value Buffer Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF TOPB Counter Top Value Buffer 0 16 read-write TIMER1 TIMER1 TIMER1 0x40010400 0x0 0x400 registers n TIMER1 12 CC0_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC0_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC0_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x38 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC0_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CC1_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x44 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC1_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC1_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x48 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC1_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CC2_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC2_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x5C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC2_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x58 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC2_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x50 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 START Start Timer 0 1 write-only STOP Stop Timer 1 1 write-only CNT Counter Value Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 16 read-write CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F032FFB ATI Always Track Inputs 28 1 read-write CLKSEL Clock Source Select 16 2 read-write PRESCHFPERCLK Prescaled HFPERCLK 0x00000000 CC1 Compare/Capture Channel 1 Input 0x00000001 TIMEROUF Timer is clocked by underflow(down-count) or overflow(up-count) in the lower numbered neighbor Timer 0x00000002 DEBUGRUN Debug Mode Run Enable 6 1 read-write DMACLRACT DMA Request Clear on Active 7 1 read-write FALLA Timer Falling Input Edge Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action 0x00000000 START Start counter without reload 0x00000001 STOP Stop counter without reload 0x00000002 RELOADSTART Reload and start counter 0x00000003 MODE Timer Mode 0 2 read-write UP Up-count mode 0x00000000 DOWN Down-count mode 0x00000001 UPDOWN Up/down-count mode 0x00000002 QDEC Quadrature decoder mode 0x00000003 OSMEN One-shot Mode Enable 4 1 read-write PRESC Prescaler Setting 24 4 read-write DIV1 The HFPERCLK is undivided 0x00000000 DIV2 The HFPERCLK is divided by 2 0x00000001 DIV4 The HFPERCLK is divided by 4 0x00000002 DIV8 The HFPERCLK is divided by 8 0x00000003 DIV16 The HFPERCLK is divided by 16 0x00000004 DIV32 The HFPERCLK is divided by 32 0x00000005 DIV64 The HFPERCLK is divided by 64 0x00000006 DIV128 The HFPERCLK is divided by 128 0x00000007 DIV256 The HFPERCLK is divided by 256 0x00000008 DIV512 The HFPERCLK is divided by 512 0x00000009 DIV1024 The HFPERCLK is divided by 1024 0x0000000A QDM Quadrature Decoder Mode Selection 5 1 read-write RISEA Timer Rising Input Edge Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action 0x00000000 START Start counter without reload 0x00000001 STOP Stop counter without reload 0x00000002 RELOADSTART Reload and start counter 0x00000003 RSSCOIST Reload-Start Sets Compare Output initial State 29 1 read-write SYNC Timer Start/Stop/Reload Synchronization 3 1 read-write X2CNT 2x Count Mode 13 1 read-write DTCTRL DTI Control Register 0x70 32 read-write n 0x0 0x10000FF DTCINV DTI Complementary Output Invert. 3 1 read-write DTDAS DTI Automatic Start-up Functionality 1 1 read-write DTEN DTI Enable 0 1 read-write DTIPOL DTI Inactive Polarity 2 1 read-write DTPRSEN DTI PRS Source Enable 24 1 read-write DTPRSSEL DTI PRS Source Channel Select 4 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B DTFAULT DTI Fault Register 0x80 32 read-only n 0x0 0xF DTDBGF DTI Debugger Fault 2 1 read-only DTLOCKUPF DTI Lockup Fault 3 1 read-only DTPRS0F DTI PRS 0 Fault 0 1 read-only DTPRS1F DTI PRS 1 Fault 1 1 read-only DTFAULTC DTI Fault Clear Register 0x84 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF DTDBGFC DTI Debugger Fault Clear 2 1 write-only DTPRS0FC DTI PRS0 Fault Clear 0 1 write-only DTPRS1FC DTI PRS1 Fault Clear 1 1 write-only TLOCKUPFC DTI Lockup Fault Clear 3 1 write-only DTFC DTI Fault Configuration Register 0x78 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF030707 DTDBGFEN DTI Debugger Fault Enable 26 1 read-write DTFA DTI Fault Action 16 2 read-write NONE No action on fault 0x00000000 INACTIVE Set outputs inactive 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear outputs 0x00000002 TRISTATE Tristate outputs 0x00000003 DTLOCKUPFEN DTI Lockup Fault Enable 27 1 read-write DTPRS0FEN DTI PRS 0 Fault Enable 24 1 read-write DTPRS0FSEL DTI PRS Fault Source 0 Select 0 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as fault source 0 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as fault source 0 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as fault source 0 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as fault source 0 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as fault source 0 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as fault source 0 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as fault source 0 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as fault source 0 0x00000007 DTPRS1FEN DTI PRS 1 Fault Enable 25 1 read-write DTPRS1FSEL DTI PRS Fault Source 1 Select 8 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as fault source 1 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as fault source 1 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as fault source 1 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as fault source 1 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as fault source 1 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as fault source 1 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as fault source 1 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as fault source 1 0x00000007 DTLOCK DTI Configuration Lock Register 0x88 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF LOCKKEY DTI Lock Key 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED 0x00000000 LOCKED 0x00000001 DTOGEN DTI Output Generation Enable Register 0x7C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F DTOGCC0EN DTI CC0 Output Generation Enable 0 1 read-write DTOGCC1EN DTI CC1 Output Generation Enable 1 1 read-write DTOGCC2EN DTI CC2 Output Generation Enable 2 1 read-write DTOGCDTI0EN DTI CDTI0 Output Generation Enable 3 1 read-write DTOGCDTI1EN DTI CDTI1 Output Generation Enable 4 1 read-write DTOGCDTI2EN DTI CDTI2 Output Generation Enable 5 1 read-write DTTIME DTI Time Control Register 0x74 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F3F0F DTFALLT DTI Fall-time 16 6 read-write DTPRESC DTI Prescaler Setting 0 4 read-write DIV1 The HFPERCLK is undivided 0x00000000 DIV2 The HFPERCLK is divided by 2 0x00000001 DIV4 The HFPERCLK is divided by 4 0x00000002 DIV8 The HFPERCLK is divided by 8 0x00000003 DIV16 The HFPERCLK is divided by 16 0x00000004 DIV32 The HFPERCLK is divided by 32 0x00000005 DIV64 The HFPERCLK is divided by 64 0x00000006 DIV128 The HFPERCLK is divided by 128 0x00000007 DIV256 The HFPERCLK is divided by 256 0x00000008 DIV512 The HFPERCLK is divided by 512 0x00000009 DIV1024 The HFPERCLK is divided by 1024 0x0000000A DTRISET DTI Rise-time 8 6 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write OF Overflow Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write UF Underflow Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag Clear 4 1 write-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag Clear 5 1 write-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag Clear 6 1 write-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 8 1 write-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 9 1 write-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 10 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag Set 4 1 write-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag Set 5 1 write-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag Set 6 1 write-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 8 1 write-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 9 1 write-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 10 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x70707 CC0PEN CC Channel 0 Pin Enable 0 1 read-write CC1PEN CC Channel 1 Pin Enable 1 1 read-write CC2PEN CC Channel 2 Pin Enable 2 1 read-write CDTI0PEN CC Channel 0 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 8 1 read-write CDTI1PEN CC Channel 1 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 9 1 read-write CDTI2PEN CC Channel 2 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 10 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 16 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 LOC5 Location 5 0x00000005 STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7070707 CCPOL0 CC0 Polarity 24 1 read-only CCPOL1 CC1 Polarity 25 1 read-only CCPOL2 CC2 Polarity 26 1 read-only CCVBV0 CC0 CCVB Valid 8 1 read-only CCVBV1 CC1 CCVB Valid 9 1 read-only CCVBV2 CC2 CCVB Valid 10 1 read-only DIR Direction 1 1 read-only ICV0 CC0 Input Capture Valid 16 1 read-only ICV1 CC1 Input Capture Valid 17 1 read-only ICV2 CC2 Input Capture Valid 18 1 read-only RUNNING Running 0 1 read-only TOPBV TOPB Valid 2 1 read-only TOP Counter Top Value Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF TOP Counter Top Value 0 16 read-write TOPB Counter Top Value Buffer Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF TOPB Counter Top Value Buffer 0 16 read-write TIMER2 TIMER2 TIMER2 0x40010800 0x0 0x400 registers n TIMER2 13 CC0_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC0_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC0_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x38 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC0_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CC1_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x44 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC1_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC1_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x48 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC1_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CC2_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC2_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x5C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC2_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x58 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC2_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x50 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 START Start Timer 0 1 write-only STOP Stop Timer 1 1 write-only CNT Counter Value Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 16 read-write CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F032FFB ATI Always Track Inputs 28 1 read-write CLKSEL Clock Source Select 16 2 read-write PRESCHFPERCLK Prescaled HFPERCLK 0x00000000 CC1 Compare/Capture Channel 1 Input 0x00000001 TIMEROUF Timer is clocked by underflow(down-count) or overflow(up-count) in the lower numbered neighbor Timer 0x00000002 DEBUGRUN Debug Mode Run Enable 6 1 read-write DMACLRACT DMA Request Clear on Active 7 1 read-write FALLA Timer Falling Input Edge Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action 0x00000000 START Start counter without reload 0x00000001 STOP Stop counter without reload 0x00000002 RELOADSTART Reload and start counter 0x00000003 MODE Timer Mode 0 2 read-write UP Up-count mode 0x00000000 DOWN Down-count mode 0x00000001 UPDOWN Up/down-count mode 0x00000002 QDEC Quadrature decoder mode 0x00000003 OSMEN One-shot Mode Enable 4 1 read-write PRESC Prescaler Setting 24 4 read-write DIV1 The HFPERCLK is undivided 0x00000000 DIV2 The HFPERCLK is divided by 2 0x00000001 DIV4 The HFPERCLK is divided by 4 0x00000002 DIV8 The HFPERCLK is divided by 8 0x00000003 DIV16 The HFPERCLK is divided by 16 0x00000004 DIV32 The HFPERCLK is divided by 32 0x00000005 DIV64 The HFPERCLK is divided by 64 0x00000006 DIV128 The HFPERCLK is divided by 128 0x00000007 DIV256 The HFPERCLK is divided by 256 0x00000008 DIV512 The HFPERCLK is divided by 512 0x00000009 DIV1024 The HFPERCLK is divided by 1024 0x0000000A QDM Quadrature Decoder Mode Selection 5 1 read-write RISEA Timer Rising Input Edge Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action 0x00000000 START Start counter without reload 0x00000001 STOP Stop counter without reload 0x00000002 RELOADSTART Reload and start counter 0x00000003 RSSCOIST Reload-Start Sets Compare Output initial State 29 1 read-write SYNC Timer Start/Stop/Reload Synchronization 3 1 read-write X2CNT 2x Count Mode 13 1 read-write DTCTRL DTI Control Register 0x70 32 read-write n 0x0 0x10000FF DTCINV DTI Complementary Output Invert. 3 1 read-write DTDAS DTI Automatic Start-up Functionality 1 1 read-write DTEN DTI Enable 0 1 read-write DTIPOL DTI Inactive Polarity 2 1 read-write DTPRSEN DTI PRS Source Enable 24 1 read-write DTPRSSEL DTI PRS Source Channel Select 4 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B DTFAULT DTI Fault Register 0x80 32 read-only n 0x0 0xF DTDBGF DTI Debugger Fault 2 1 read-only DTLOCKUPF DTI Lockup Fault 3 1 read-only DTPRS0F DTI PRS 0 Fault 0 1 read-only DTPRS1F DTI PRS 1 Fault 1 1 read-only DTFAULTC DTI Fault Clear Register 0x84 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF DTDBGFC DTI Debugger Fault Clear 2 1 write-only DTPRS0FC DTI PRS0 Fault Clear 0 1 write-only DTPRS1FC DTI PRS1 Fault Clear 1 1 write-only TLOCKUPFC DTI Lockup Fault Clear 3 1 write-only DTFC DTI Fault Configuration Register 0x78 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF030707 DTDBGFEN DTI Debugger Fault Enable 26 1 read-write DTFA DTI Fault Action 16 2 read-write NONE No action on fault 0x00000000 INACTIVE Set outputs inactive 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear outputs 0x00000002 TRISTATE Tristate outputs 0x00000003 DTLOCKUPFEN DTI Lockup Fault Enable 27 1 read-write DTPRS0FEN DTI PRS 0 Fault Enable 24 1 read-write DTPRS0FSEL DTI PRS Fault Source 0 Select 0 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as fault source 0 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as fault source 0 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as fault source 0 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as fault source 0 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as fault source 0 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as fault source 0 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as fault source 0 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as fault source 0 0x00000007 DTPRS1FEN DTI PRS 1 Fault Enable 25 1 read-write DTPRS1FSEL DTI PRS Fault Source 1 Select 8 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as fault source 1 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as fault source 1 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as fault source 1 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as fault source 1 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as fault source 1 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as fault source 1 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as fault source 1 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as fault source 1 0x00000007 DTLOCK DTI Configuration Lock Register 0x88 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF LOCKKEY DTI Lock Key 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED 0x00000000 LOCKED 0x00000001 DTOGEN DTI Output Generation Enable Register 0x7C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F DTOGCC0EN DTI CC0 Output Generation Enable 0 1 read-write DTOGCC1EN DTI CC1 Output Generation Enable 1 1 read-write DTOGCC2EN DTI CC2 Output Generation Enable 2 1 read-write DTOGCDTI0EN DTI CDTI0 Output Generation Enable 3 1 read-write DTOGCDTI1EN DTI CDTI1 Output Generation Enable 4 1 read-write DTOGCDTI2EN DTI CDTI2 Output Generation Enable 5 1 read-write DTTIME DTI Time Control Register 0x74 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F3F0F DTFALLT DTI Fall-time 16 6 read-write DTPRESC DTI Prescaler Setting 0 4 read-write DIV1 The HFPERCLK is undivided 0x00000000 DIV2 The HFPERCLK is divided by 2 0x00000001 DIV4 The HFPERCLK is divided by 4 0x00000002 DIV8 The HFPERCLK is divided by 8 0x00000003 DIV16 The HFPERCLK is divided by 16 0x00000004 DIV32 The HFPERCLK is divided by 32 0x00000005 DIV64 The HFPERCLK is divided by 64 0x00000006 DIV128 The HFPERCLK is divided by 128 0x00000007 DIV256 The HFPERCLK is divided by 256 0x00000008 DIV512 The HFPERCLK is divided by 512 0x00000009 DIV1024 The HFPERCLK is divided by 1024 0x0000000A DTRISET DTI Rise-time 8 6 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write OF Overflow Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write UF Underflow Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag Clear 4 1 write-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag Clear 5 1 write-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag Clear 6 1 write-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 8 1 write-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 9 1 write-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 10 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag Set 4 1 write-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag Set 5 1 write-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag Set 6 1 write-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 8 1 write-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 9 1 write-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 10 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x70707 CC0PEN CC Channel 0 Pin Enable 0 1 read-write CC1PEN CC Channel 1 Pin Enable 1 1 read-write CC2PEN CC Channel 2 Pin Enable 2 1 read-write CDTI0PEN CC Channel 0 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 8 1 read-write CDTI1PEN CC Channel 1 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 9 1 read-write CDTI2PEN CC Channel 2 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 10 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 16 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 LOC5 Location 5 0x00000005 STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7070707 CCPOL0 CC0 Polarity 24 1 read-only CCPOL1 CC1 Polarity 25 1 read-only CCPOL2 CC2 Polarity 26 1 read-only CCVBV0 CC0 CCVB Valid 8 1 read-only CCVBV1 CC1 CCVB Valid 9 1 read-only CCVBV2 CC2 CCVB Valid 10 1 read-only DIR Direction 1 1 read-only ICV0 CC0 Input Capture Valid 16 1 read-only ICV1 CC1 Input Capture Valid 17 1 read-only ICV2 CC2 Input Capture Valid 18 1 read-only RUNNING Running 0 1 read-only TOPBV TOPB Valid 2 1 read-only TOP Counter Top Value Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF TOP Counter Top Value 0 16 read-write TOPB Counter Top Value Buffer Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF TOPB Counter Top Value Buffer 0 16 read-write TIMER3 TIMER3 TIMER3 0x40010C00 0x0 0x400 registers n TIMER3 14 CC0_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x34 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC0_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x3C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC0_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x38 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC0_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x30 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CC1_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x44 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC1_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC1_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x48 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC1_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x40 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CC2_CCV CC Channel Value Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCV CC Channel Value 0 16 read-write CC2_CCVB CC Channel Buffer Register 0x5C 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVB CC Channel Value Buffer 0 16 read-write CC2_CCVP CC Channel Value Peek Register 0x58 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF CCVP CC Channel Value Peek 0 16 read-only CC2_CTRL CC Channel Control Register 0x50 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF3F3F17 CMOA Compare Match Output Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action on compare match 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on compare match 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on compare match 0x00000002 SET Set output on compare match 0x00000003 COFOA Counter Overflow Output Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action on counter overflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter overflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter overflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter overflow 0x00000003 COIST Compare Output Initial State 4 1 read-write CUFOA Counter Underflow Output Action 12 2 read-write NONE No action on counter underflow 0x00000000 TOGGLE Toggle output on counter underflow 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear output on counter underflow 0x00000002 SET Set output on counter underflow 0x00000003 FILT Digital Filter 21 1 read-write ICEDGE Input Capture Edge Select 24 2 read-write RISING Rising edges detected 0x00000000 FALLING Falling edges detected 0x00000001 BOTH Both edges detected 0x00000002 NONE No edge detection, signal is left as it is 0x00000003 ICEVCTRL Input Capture Event Control 26 2 read-write EVERYEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every capture 0x00000000 EVERYSECONDEDGE PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on every second capture 0x00000001 RISING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on rising edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000002 FALLING PRS output pulse, interrupt flag and DMA request set on falling edge only (if ICEDGE = BOTH) 0x00000003 INSEL Input Selection 20 1 read-write MODE CC Channel Mode 0 2 read-write OFF Compare/Capture channel turned off 0x00000000 INPUTCAPTURE Input capture 0x00000001 OUTPUTCOMPARE Output compare 0x00000002 PWM Pulse-Width Modulation 0x00000003 OUTINV Output Invert 2 1 read-write PRSSEL Compare/Capture Channel PRS Input Channel Selection 16 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 START Start Timer 0 1 write-only STOP Stop Timer 1 1 write-only CNT Counter Value Register 0x24 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF CNT Counter Value 0 16 read-write CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F032FFB ATI Always Track Inputs 28 1 read-write CLKSEL Clock Source Select 16 2 read-write PRESCHFPERCLK Prescaled HFPERCLK 0x00000000 CC1 Compare/Capture Channel 1 Input 0x00000001 TIMEROUF Timer is clocked by underflow(down-count) or overflow(up-count) in the lower numbered neighbor Timer 0x00000002 DEBUGRUN Debug Mode Run Enable 6 1 read-write DMACLRACT DMA Request Clear on Active 7 1 read-write FALLA Timer Falling Input Edge Action 10 2 read-write NONE No action 0x00000000 START Start counter without reload 0x00000001 STOP Stop counter without reload 0x00000002 RELOADSTART Reload and start counter 0x00000003 MODE Timer Mode 0 2 read-write UP Up-count mode 0x00000000 DOWN Down-count mode 0x00000001 UPDOWN Up/down-count mode 0x00000002 QDEC Quadrature decoder mode 0x00000003 OSMEN One-shot Mode Enable 4 1 read-write PRESC Prescaler Setting 24 4 read-write DIV1 The HFPERCLK is undivided 0x00000000 DIV2 The HFPERCLK is divided by 2 0x00000001 DIV4 The HFPERCLK is divided by 4 0x00000002 DIV8 The HFPERCLK is divided by 8 0x00000003 DIV16 The HFPERCLK is divided by 16 0x00000004 DIV32 The HFPERCLK is divided by 32 0x00000005 DIV64 The HFPERCLK is divided by 64 0x00000006 DIV128 The HFPERCLK is divided by 128 0x00000007 DIV256 The HFPERCLK is divided by 256 0x00000008 DIV512 The HFPERCLK is divided by 512 0x00000009 DIV1024 The HFPERCLK is divided by 1024 0x0000000A QDM Quadrature Decoder Mode Selection 5 1 read-write RISEA Timer Rising Input Edge Action 8 2 read-write NONE No action 0x00000000 START Start counter without reload 0x00000001 STOP Stop counter without reload 0x00000002 RELOADSTART Reload and start counter 0x00000003 RSSCOIST Reload-Start Sets Compare Output initial State 29 1 read-write SYNC Timer Start/Stop/Reload Synchronization 3 1 read-write X2CNT 2x Count Mode 13 1 read-write DTCTRL DTI Control Register 0x70 32 read-write n 0x0 0x10000FF DTCINV DTI Complementary Output Invert. 3 1 read-write DTDAS DTI Automatic Start-up Functionality 1 1 read-write DTEN DTI Enable 0 1 read-write DTIPOL DTI Inactive Polarity 2 1 read-write DTPRSEN DTI PRS Source Enable 24 1 read-write DTPRSSEL DTI PRS Source Channel Select 4 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as input 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as input 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as input 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as input 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as input 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as input 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as input 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as input 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected as input 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected as input 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected as input 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected as input 0x0000000B DTFAULT DTI Fault Register 0x80 32 read-only n 0x0 0xF DTDBGF DTI Debugger Fault 2 1 read-only DTLOCKUPF DTI Lockup Fault 3 1 read-only DTPRS0F DTI PRS 0 Fault 0 1 read-only DTPRS1F DTI PRS 1 Fault 1 1 read-only DTFAULTC DTI Fault Clear Register 0x84 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF DTDBGFC DTI Debugger Fault Clear 2 1 write-only DTPRS0FC DTI PRS0 Fault Clear 0 1 write-only DTPRS1FC DTI PRS1 Fault Clear 1 1 write-only TLOCKUPFC DTI Lockup Fault Clear 3 1 write-only DTFC DTI Fault Configuration Register 0x78 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF030707 DTDBGFEN DTI Debugger Fault Enable 26 1 read-write DTFA DTI Fault Action 16 2 read-write NONE No action on fault 0x00000000 INACTIVE Set outputs inactive 0x00000001 CLEAR Clear outputs 0x00000002 TRISTATE Tristate outputs 0x00000003 DTLOCKUPFEN DTI Lockup Fault Enable 27 1 read-write DTPRS0FEN DTI PRS 0 Fault Enable 24 1 read-write DTPRS0FSEL DTI PRS Fault Source 0 Select 0 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as fault source 0 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as fault source 0 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as fault source 0 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as fault source 0 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as fault source 0 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as fault source 0 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as fault source 0 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as fault source 0 0x00000007 DTPRS1FEN DTI PRS 1 Fault Enable 25 1 read-write DTPRS1FSEL DTI PRS Fault Source 1 Select 8 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected as fault source 1 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected as fault source 1 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected as fault source 1 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected as fault source 1 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected as fault source 1 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected as fault source 1 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected as fault source 1 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected as fault source 1 0x00000007 DTLOCK DTI Configuration Lock Register 0x88 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF LOCKKEY DTI Lock Key 0 16 read-write UNLOCKED 0x00000000 LOCKED 0x00000001 DTOGEN DTI Output Generation Enable Register 0x7C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F DTOGCC0EN DTI CC0 Output Generation Enable 0 1 read-write DTOGCC1EN DTI CC1 Output Generation Enable 1 1 read-write DTOGCC2EN DTI CC2 Output Generation Enable 2 1 read-write DTOGCDTI0EN DTI CDTI0 Output Generation Enable 3 1 read-write DTOGCDTI1EN DTI CDTI1 Output Generation Enable 4 1 read-write DTOGCDTI2EN DTI CDTI2 Output Generation Enable 5 1 read-write DTTIME DTI Time Control Register 0x74 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3F3F0F DTFALLT DTI Fall-time 16 6 read-write DTPRESC DTI Prescaler Setting 0 4 read-write DIV1 The HFPERCLK is undivided 0x00000000 DIV2 The HFPERCLK is divided by 2 0x00000001 DIV4 The HFPERCLK is divided by 4 0x00000002 DIV8 The HFPERCLK is divided by 8 0x00000003 DIV16 The HFPERCLK is divided by 16 0x00000004 DIV32 The HFPERCLK is divided by 32 0x00000005 DIV64 The HFPERCLK is divided by 64 0x00000006 DIV128 The HFPERCLK is divided by 128 0x00000007 DIV256 The HFPERCLK is divided by 256 0x00000008 DIV512 The HFPERCLK is divided by 512 0x00000009 DIV1024 The HFPERCLK is divided by 1024 0x0000000A DTRISET DTI Rise-time 8 6 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write OF Overflow Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write UF Underflow Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag Clear 4 1 write-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag Clear 5 1 write-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag Clear 6 1 write-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 8 1 write-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 9 1 write-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 10 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0x773 CC0 CC Channel 0 Interrupt Flag Set 4 1 write-only CC1 CC Channel 1 Interrupt Flag Set 5 1 write-only CC2 CC Channel 2 Interrupt Flag Set 6 1 write-only ICBOF0 CC Channel 0 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 8 1 write-only ICBOF1 CC Channel 1 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 9 1 write-only ICBOF2 CC Channel 2 Input Capture Buffer Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 10 1 write-only OF Overflow Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only UF Underflow Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x70707 CC0PEN CC Channel 0 Pin Enable 0 1 read-write CC1PEN CC Channel 1 Pin Enable 1 1 read-write CC2PEN CC Channel 2 Pin Enable 2 1 read-write CDTI0PEN CC Channel 0 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 8 1 read-write CDTI1PEN CC Channel 1 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 9 1 read-write CDTI2PEN CC Channel 2 Complementary Dead-Time Insertion Pin Enable 10 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 16 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 LOC5 Location 5 0x00000005 STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7070707 CCPOL0 CC0 Polarity 24 1 read-only CCPOL1 CC1 Polarity 25 1 read-only CCPOL2 CC2 Polarity 26 1 read-only CCVBV0 CC0 CCVB Valid 8 1 read-only CCVBV1 CC1 CCVB Valid 9 1 read-only CCVBV2 CC2 CCVB Valid 10 1 read-only DIR Direction 1 1 read-only ICV0 CC0 Input Capture Valid 16 1 read-only ICV1 CC1 Input Capture Valid 17 1 read-only ICV2 CC2 Input Capture Valid 18 1 read-only RUNNING Running 0 1 read-only TOPBV TOPB Valid 2 1 read-only TOP Counter Top Value Register 0x1C 32 read-write n 0xFFFF 0xFFFF TOP Counter Top Value 0 16 read-write TOPB Counter Top Value Buffer Register 0x20 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF TOPB Counter Top Value Buffer 0 16 read-write USART0 USART0 USART0 0x4000C000 0x0 0x400 registers n USART0_RX 3 USART0_TX 4 CLKDIV Clock Control Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFFC0 DIV Fractional Clock Divider 6 15 read-write CMD Command Register 0xC 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CLEARRX Clear RX 11 1 write-only CLEARTX Clear TX 10 1 write-only MASTERDIS Master Disable 5 1 write-only MASTEREN Master Enable 4 1 write-only RXBLOCKDIS Receiver Block Disable 7 1 write-only RXBLOCKEN Receiver Block Enable 6 1 write-only RXDIS Receiver Disable 1 1 write-only RXEN Receiver Enable 0 1 write-only TXDIS Transmitter Disable 3 1 write-only TXEN Transmitter Enable 2 1 write-only TXTRIDIS Transmitter Tristate Disable 9 1 write-only TXTRIEN Transmitter Tristate Enable 8 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFF7F AUTOCS Automatic Chip Select 16 1 read-write AUTOTRI Automatic TX Tristate 17 1 read-write AUTOTX Always Transmit When RX Not Full 29 1 read-write BIT8DV Bit 8 Default Value 21 1 read-write BYTESWAP Byteswap In Double Accesses 28 1 read-write CCEN Collision Check Enable 2 1 read-write CLKPHA Clock Edge For Setup/Sample 9 1 read-write CLKPOL Clock Polarity 8 1 read-write CSINV Chip Select Invert 15 1 read-write CSMA Action On Slave-Select In Master Mode 11 1 read-write ERRSDMA Halt DMA On Error 22 1 read-write ERRSRX Disable RX On Error 23 1 read-write ERRSTX Disable TX On Error 24 1 read-write LOOPBK Loopback Enable 1 1 read-write MPAB Multi-Processor Address-Bit 4 1 read-write MPM Multi-Processor Mode 3 1 read-write MSBF Most Significant Bit First 10 1 read-write MVDIS Majority Vote Disable 30 1 read-write OVS Oversampling 5 2 read-write X16 Regular UART mode with 16X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000000 X8 Double speed with 8X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000001 X6 6X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000002 X4 Quadruple speed with 4X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000003 RXINV Receiver Input Invert 13 1 read-write SCMODE SmartCard Mode 18 1 read-write SCRETRANS SmartCard Retransmit 19 1 read-write SKIPPERRF Skip Parity Error Frames 20 1 read-write SMSDELAY Synchronous Master Sample Delay 31 1 read-write SSSEARLY Synchronous Slave Setup Early 25 1 read-write SYNC USART Synchronous Mode 0 1 read-write TXBIL TX Buffer Interrupt Level 12 1 read-write TXDELAY TX Delay Transmission 26 2 read-write NONE Frames are transmitted immediately 0x00000000 SINGLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by a single baud period 0x00000001 DOUBLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by two baud periods 0x00000002 TRIPLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by three baud periods 0x00000003 TXINV Transmitter output Invert 14 1 read-write FRAME USART Frame Format Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x1005 0x330F DATABITS Data-Bit Mode 0 4 read-write FOUR Each frame contains 4 data bits 0x00000001 FIVE Each frame contains 5 data bits 0x00000002 SIX Each frame contains 6 data bits 0x00000003 SEVEN Each frame contains 7 data bits 0x00000004 EIGHT Each frame contains 8 data bits 0x00000005 NINE Each frame contains 9 data bits 0x00000006 TEN Each frame contains 10 data bits 0x00000007 ELEVEN Each frame contains 11 data bits 0x00000008 TWELVE Each frame contains 12 data bits 0x00000009 THIRTEEN Each frame contains 13 data bits 0x0000000A FOURTEEN Each frame contains 14 data bits 0x0000000B FIFTEEN Each frame contains 15 data bits 0x0000000C SIXTEEN Each frame contains 16 data bits 0x0000000D PARITY Parity-Bit Mode 8 2 read-write NONE Parity bits are not used 0x00000000 EVEN Even parity are used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000002 ODD Odd parity is used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000003 STOPBITS Stop-Bit Mode 12 2 read-write HALF The transmitter generates a half stop bit. Stop-bits are not verified by receiver 0x00000000 ONE One stop bit is generated and verified 0x00000001 ONEANDAHALF The transmitter generates one and a half stop bit. The receiver verifies the first stop bit 0x00000002 TWO The transmitter generates two stop bits. The receiver checks the first stop-bit only 0x00000003 I2SCTRL I2S Control Register 0x5C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x71F DELAY Delay on I2S data 4 1 read-write DMASPLIT Separate DMA Request For Left/Right Data 3 1 read-write EN Enable I2S Mode 0 1 read-write FORMAT I2S Word Format 8 3 read-write W32D32 32-bit word, 32-bit data 0x00000000 W32D24M 32-bit word, 32-bit data with 8 lsb masked 0x00000001 W32D24 32-bit word, 24-bit data 0x00000002 W32D16 32-bit word, 16-bit data 0x00000003 W32D8 32-bit word, 8-bit data 0x00000004 W16D16 16-bit word, 16-bit data 0x00000005 W16D8 16-bit word, 8-bit data 0x00000006 W8D8 8-bit word, 8-bit data 0x00000007 JUSTIFY Justification of I2S Data 2 1 read-write MONO Stero or Mono 1 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFF CCF Collision Check Fail Interrupt Enable 12 1 read-write FERR Framing Error Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write PERR Parity Error Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write RXFULL RX Buffer Full Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write SSM Slave-Select In Master Mode Interrupt Enable 11 1 read-write TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write TXC TX Complete Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write TXUF TX Underflow Interrupt Enable 7 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x40 32 read-only n 0x2 0x1FFF CCF Collision Check Fail Interrupt Flag 12 1 read-only FERR Framing Error Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only PERR Parity Error Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only RXFULL RX Buffer Full Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only SSM Slave-Select In Master Mode Interrupt Flag 11 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only TXC TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only TXUF TX Underflow Interrupt Flag 7 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x48 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FF9 CCF Clear Collision Check Fail Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only FERR Clear Framing Error Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only MPAF Clear Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only PERR Clear Parity Error Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only RXFULL Clear RX Buffer Full Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXOF Clear RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only RXUF Clear RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only SSM Clear Slave-Select In Master Mode Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only TXC Clear TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Clear TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only TXUF Clear TX Underflow Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x44 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FF9 CCF Set Collision Check Fail Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only FERR Set Framing Error Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only MPAF Set Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only PERR Set Parity Error Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only RXFULL Set RX Buffer Full Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXOF Set RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only RXUF Set RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only SSM Set Slave-Select in Master mode Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only TXC Set TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Set TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only TXUF Set TX Underflow Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only INPUT USART Input Register 0x58 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F RXPRS PRS RX Enable 4 1 read-write RXPRSSEL RX PRS Channel Select 0 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected 0x0000000B IRCTRL IrDA Control Register 0x50 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF IREN Enable IrDA Module 0 1 read-write IRFILT IrDA RX Filter 3 1 read-write IRPRSEN IrDA PRS Channel Enable 7 1 read-write IRPRSSEL IrDA PRS Channel Select 4 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 IRPW IrDA TX Pulse Width 1 2 read-write ONE IrDA pulse width is 1/16 for OVS=0 and 1/8 for OVS=1 0x00000000 TWO IrDA pulse width is 2/16 for OVS=0 and 2/8 for OVS=1 0x00000001 THREE IrDA pulse width is 3/16 for OVS=0 and 3/8 for OVS=1 0x00000002 FOUR IrDA pulse width is 4/16 for OVS=0 and 4/8 for OVS=1 0x00000003 ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0x70F CLKPEN CLK Pin Enable 3 1 read-write CSPEN CS Pin Enable 2 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 LOC5 Location 5 0x00000005 RXPEN RX Pin Enable 0 1 read-write TXPEN TX Pin Enable 1 1 read-write RXDATA RX Buffer Data Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF modifyExternal RXDATA RX Data 0 8 read-only RXDATAX RX Buffer Data Extended Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF modifyExternal FERR Data Framing Error 15 1 read-only PERR Data Parity Error 14 1 read-only RXDATA RX Data 0 9 read-only RXDATAXP RX Buffer Data Extended Peek Register 0x28 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF FERRP Data Framing Error Peek 15 1 read-only PERRP Data Parity Error Peek 14 1 read-only RXDATAP RX Data Peek 0 9 read-only RXDOUBLE RX FIFO Double Data Register 0x24 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF modifyExternal RXDATA0 RX Data 0 0 8 read-only RXDATA1 RX Data 1 8 8 read-only RXDOUBLEX RX Buffer Double Data Extended Register 0x20 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FFC1FF modifyExternal FERR0 Data Framing Error 0 15 1 read-only FERR1 Data Framing Error 1 31 1 read-only PERR0 Data Parity Error 0 14 1 read-only PERR1 Data Parity Error 1 30 1 read-only RXDATA0 RX Data 0 0 9 read-only RXDATA1 RX Data 1 16 9 read-only RXDOUBLEXP RX Buffer Double Data Extended Peek Register 0x2C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FFC1FF FERRP0 Data Framing Error 0 Peek 15 1 read-only FERRP1 Data Framing Error 1 Peek 31 1 read-only PERRP0 Data Parity Error 0 Peek 14 1 read-only PERRP1 Data Parity Error 1 Peek 30 1 read-only RXDATAP0 RX Data 0 Peek 0 9 read-only RXDATAP1 RX Data 1 Peek 16 9 read-only STATUS USART Status Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x40 0x1FFF MASTER SPI Master Mode 2 1 read-only RXBLOCK Block Incoming Data 3 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid 7 1 read-only RXDATAVRIGHT RX Data Right 11 1 read-only RXENS Receiver Enable Status 0 1 read-only RXFULL RX FIFO Full 8 1 read-only RXFULLRIGHT RX Full of Right Data 12 1 read-only TXBDRIGHT TX Buffer Expects Double Right Data 9 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level 6 1 read-only TXBSRIGHT TX Buffer Expects Single Right Data 10 1 read-only TXC TX Complete 5 1 read-only TXENS Transmitter Enable Status 1 1 read-only TXTRI Transmitter Tristated 4 1 read-only TRIGCTRL USART Trigger Control register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x77 AUTOTXTEN AUTOTX Trigger Enable 6 1 read-write RXTEN Receive Trigger Enable 4 1 read-write TSEL Trigger PRS Channel Select 0 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 TXTEN Transmit Trigger Enable 5 1 read-write TXDATA TX Buffer Data Register 0x34 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF TXDATA TX Data 0 8 write-only TXDATAX TX Buffer Data Extended Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF9FF RXENAT Enable RX After Transmission 15 1 write-only TXBREAK Transmit Data As Break 13 1 write-only TXDATAX TX Data 0 9 write-only TXDISAT Clear TXEN After Transmission 14 1 write-only TXTRIAT Set TXTRI After Transmission 12 1 write-only UBRXAT Unblock RX After Transmission 11 1 write-only TXDOUBLE TX Buffer Double Data Register 0x3C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF TXDATA0 TX Data 0 8 write-only TXDATA1 TX Data 8 8 write-only TXDOUBLEX TX Buffer Double Data Extended Register 0x38 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF9FFF9FF RXENAT0 Enable RX After Transmission 15 1 write-only RXENAT1 Enable RX After Transmission 31 1 write-only TXBREAK0 Transmit Data As Break 13 1 write-only TXBREAK1 Transmit Data As Break 29 1 write-only TXDATA0 TX Data 0 9 write-only TXDATA1 TX Data 16 9 write-only TXDISAT0 Clear TXEN After Transmission 14 1 write-only TXDISAT1 Clear TXEN After Transmission 30 1 write-only TXTRIAT0 Set TXTRI After Transmission 12 1 write-only TXTRIAT1 Set TXTRI After Transmission 28 1 write-only UBRXAT0 Unblock RX After Transmission 11 1 write-only UBRXAT1 Unblock RX After Transmission 27 1 write-only USART1 USART1 USART1 0x4000C400 0x0 0x400 registers n USART1_RX 15 USART1_TX 16 CLKDIV Clock Control Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFFC0 DIV Fractional Clock Divider 6 15 read-write CMD Command Register 0xC 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CLEARRX Clear RX 11 1 write-only CLEARTX Clear TX 10 1 write-only MASTERDIS Master Disable 5 1 write-only MASTEREN Master Enable 4 1 write-only RXBLOCKDIS Receiver Block Disable 7 1 write-only RXBLOCKEN Receiver Block Enable 6 1 write-only RXDIS Receiver Disable 1 1 write-only RXEN Receiver Enable 0 1 write-only TXDIS Transmitter Disable 3 1 write-only TXEN Transmitter Enable 2 1 write-only TXTRIDIS Transmitter Tristate Disable 9 1 write-only TXTRIEN Transmitter Tristate Enable 8 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFF7F AUTOCS Automatic Chip Select 16 1 read-write AUTOTRI Automatic TX Tristate 17 1 read-write AUTOTX Always Transmit When RX Not Full 29 1 read-write BIT8DV Bit 8 Default Value 21 1 read-write BYTESWAP Byteswap In Double Accesses 28 1 read-write CCEN Collision Check Enable 2 1 read-write CLKPHA Clock Edge For Setup/Sample 9 1 read-write CLKPOL Clock Polarity 8 1 read-write CSINV Chip Select Invert 15 1 read-write CSMA Action On Slave-Select In Master Mode 11 1 read-write ERRSDMA Halt DMA On Error 22 1 read-write ERRSRX Disable RX On Error 23 1 read-write ERRSTX Disable TX On Error 24 1 read-write LOOPBK Loopback Enable 1 1 read-write MPAB Multi-Processor Address-Bit 4 1 read-write MPM Multi-Processor Mode 3 1 read-write MSBF Most Significant Bit First 10 1 read-write MVDIS Majority Vote Disable 30 1 read-write OVS Oversampling 5 2 read-write X16 Regular UART mode with 16X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000000 X8 Double speed with 8X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000001 X6 6X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000002 X4 Quadruple speed with 4X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000003 RXINV Receiver Input Invert 13 1 read-write SCMODE SmartCard Mode 18 1 read-write SCRETRANS SmartCard Retransmit 19 1 read-write SKIPPERRF Skip Parity Error Frames 20 1 read-write SMSDELAY Synchronous Master Sample Delay 31 1 read-write SSSEARLY Synchronous Slave Setup Early 25 1 read-write SYNC USART Synchronous Mode 0 1 read-write TXBIL TX Buffer Interrupt Level 12 1 read-write TXDELAY TX Delay Transmission 26 2 read-write NONE Frames are transmitted immediately 0x00000000 SINGLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by a single baud period 0x00000001 DOUBLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by two baud periods 0x00000002 TRIPLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by three baud periods 0x00000003 TXINV Transmitter output Invert 14 1 read-write FRAME USART Frame Format Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x1005 0x330F DATABITS Data-Bit Mode 0 4 read-write FOUR Each frame contains 4 data bits 0x00000001 FIVE Each frame contains 5 data bits 0x00000002 SIX Each frame contains 6 data bits 0x00000003 SEVEN Each frame contains 7 data bits 0x00000004 EIGHT Each frame contains 8 data bits 0x00000005 NINE Each frame contains 9 data bits 0x00000006 TEN Each frame contains 10 data bits 0x00000007 ELEVEN Each frame contains 11 data bits 0x00000008 TWELVE Each frame contains 12 data bits 0x00000009 THIRTEEN Each frame contains 13 data bits 0x0000000A FOURTEEN Each frame contains 14 data bits 0x0000000B FIFTEEN Each frame contains 15 data bits 0x0000000C SIXTEEN Each frame contains 16 data bits 0x0000000D PARITY Parity-Bit Mode 8 2 read-write NONE Parity bits are not used 0x00000000 EVEN Even parity are used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000002 ODD Odd parity is used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000003 STOPBITS Stop-Bit Mode 12 2 read-write HALF The transmitter generates a half stop bit. Stop-bits are not verified by receiver 0x00000000 ONE One stop bit is generated and verified 0x00000001 ONEANDAHALF The transmitter generates one and a half stop bit. The receiver verifies the first stop bit 0x00000002 TWO The transmitter generates two stop bits. The receiver checks the first stop-bit only 0x00000003 I2SCTRL I2S Control Register 0x5C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x71F DELAY Delay on I2S data 4 1 read-write DMASPLIT Separate DMA Request For Left/Right Data 3 1 read-write EN Enable I2S Mode 0 1 read-write FORMAT I2S Word Format 8 3 read-write W32D32 32-bit word, 32-bit data 0x00000000 W32D24M 32-bit word, 32-bit data with 8 lsb masked 0x00000001 W32D24 32-bit word, 24-bit data 0x00000002 W32D16 32-bit word, 16-bit data 0x00000003 W32D8 32-bit word, 8-bit data 0x00000004 W16D16 16-bit word, 16-bit data 0x00000005 W16D8 16-bit word, 8-bit data 0x00000006 W8D8 8-bit word, 8-bit data 0x00000007 JUSTIFY Justification of I2S Data 2 1 read-write MONO Stero or Mono 1 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFF CCF Collision Check Fail Interrupt Enable 12 1 read-write FERR Framing Error Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write PERR Parity Error Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write RXFULL RX Buffer Full Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write SSM Slave-Select In Master Mode Interrupt Enable 11 1 read-write TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write TXC TX Complete Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write TXUF TX Underflow Interrupt Enable 7 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x40 32 read-only n 0x2 0x1FFF CCF Collision Check Fail Interrupt Flag 12 1 read-only FERR Framing Error Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only PERR Parity Error Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only RXFULL RX Buffer Full Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only SSM Slave-Select In Master Mode Interrupt Flag 11 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only TXC TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only TXUF TX Underflow Interrupt Flag 7 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x48 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FF9 CCF Clear Collision Check Fail Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only FERR Clear Framing Error Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only MPAF Clear Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only PERR Clear Parity Error Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only RXFULL Clear RX Buffer Full Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXOF Clear RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only RXUF Clear RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only SSM Clear Slave-Select In Master Mode Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only TXC Clear TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Clear TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only TXUF Clear TX Underflow Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x44 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FF9 CCF Set Collision Check Fail Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only FERR Set Framing Error Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only MPAF Set Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only PERR Set Parity Error Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only RXFULL Set RX Buffer Full Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXOF Set RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only RXUF Set RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only SSM Set Slave-Select in Master mode Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only TXC Set TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Set TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only TXUF Set TX Underflow Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only INPUT USART Input Register 0x58 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F RXPRS PRS RX Enable 4 1 read-write RXPRSSEL RX PRS Channel Select 0 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected 0x0000000B IRCTRL IrDA Control Register 0x50 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF IREN Enable IrDA Module 0 1 read-write IRFILT IrDA RX Filter 3 1 read-write IRPRSEN IrDA PRS Channel Enable 7 1 read-write IRPRSSEL IrDA PRS Channel Select 4 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 IRPW IrDA TX Pulse Width 1 2 read-write ONE IrDA pulse width is 1/16 for OVS=0 and 1/8 for OVS=1 0x00000000 TWO IrDA pulse width is 2/16 for OVS=0 and 2/8 for OVS=1 0x00000001 THREE IrDA pulse width is 3/16 for OVS=0 and 3/8 for OVS=1 0x00000002 FOUR IrDA pulse width is 4/16 for OVS=0 and 4/8 for OVS=1 0x00000003 ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0x70F CLKPEN CLK Pin Enable 3 1 read-write CSPEN CS Pin Enable 2 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 LOC5 Location 5 0x00000005 RXPEN RX Pin Enable 0 1 read-write TXPEN TX Pin Enable 1 1 read-write RXDATA RX Buffer Data Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF modifyExternal RXDATA RX Data 0 8 read-only RXDATAX RX Buffer Data Extended Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF modifyExternal FERR Data Framing Error 15 1 read-only PERR Data Parity Error 14 1 read-only RXDATA RX Data 0 9 read-only RXDATAXP RX Buffer Data Extended Peek Register 0x28 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF FERRP Data Framing Error Peek 15 1 read-only PERRP Data Parity Error Peek 14 1 read-only RXDATAP RX Data Peek 0 9 read-only RXDOUBLE RX FIFO Double Data Register 0x24 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF modifyExternal RXDATA0 RX Data 0 0 8 read-only RXDATA1 RX Data 1 8 8 read-only RXDOUBLEX RX Buffer Double Data Extended Register 0x20 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FFC1FF modifyExternal FERR0 Data Framing Error 0 15 1 read-only FERR1 Data Framing Error 1 31 1 read-only PERR0 Data Parity Error 0 14 1 read-only PERR1 Data Parity Error 1 30 1 read-only RXDATA0 RX Data 0 0 9 read-only RXDATA1 RX Data 1 16 9 read-only RXDOUBLEXP RX Buffer Double Data Extended Peek Register 0x2C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FFC1FF FERRP0 Data Framing Error 0 Peek 15 1 read-only FERRP1 Data Framing Error 1 Peek 31 1 read-only PERRP0 Data Parity Error 0 Peek 14 1 read-only PERRP1 Data Parity Error 1 Peek 30 1 read-only RXDATAP0 RX Data 0 Peek 0 9 read-only RXDATAP1 RX Data 1 Peek 16 9 read-only STATUS USART Status Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x40 0x1FFF MASTER SPI Master Mode 2 1 read-only RXBLOCK Block Incoming Data 3 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid 7 1 read-only RXDATAVRIGHT RX Data Right 11 1 read-only RXENS Receiver Enable Status 0 1 read-only RXFULL RX FIFO Full 8 1 read-only RXFULLRIGHT RX Full of Right Data 12 1 read-only TXBDRIGHT TX Buffer Expects Double Right Data 9 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level 6 1 read-only TXBSRIGHT TX Buffer Expects Single Right Data 10 1 read-only TXC TX Complete 5 1 read-only TXENS Transmitter Enable Status 1 1 read-only TXTRI Transmitter Tristated 4 1 read-only TRIGCTRL USART Trigger Control register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x77 AUTOTXTEN AUTOTX Trigger Enable 6 1 read-write RXTEN Receive Trigger Enable 4 1 read-write TSEL Trigger PRS Channel Select 0 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 TXTEN Transmit Trigger Enable 5 1 read-write TXDATA TX Buffer Data Register 0x34 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF TXDATA TX Data 0 8 write-only TXDATAX TX Buffer Data Extended Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF9FF RXENAT Enable RX After Transmission 15 1 write-only TXBREAK Transmit Data As Break 13 1 write-only TXDATAX TX Data 0 9 write-only TXDISAT Clear TXEN After Transmission 14 1 write-only TXTRIAT Set TXTRI After Transmission 12 1 write-only UBRXAT Unblock RX After Transmission 11 1 write-only TXDOUBLE TX Buffer Double Data Register 0x3C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF TXDATA0 TX Data 0 8 write-only TXDATA1 TX Data 8 8 write-only TXDOUBLEX TX Buffer Double Data Extended Register 0x38 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF9FFF9FF RXENAT0 Enable RX After Transmission 15 1 write-only RXENAT1 Enable RX After Transmission 31 1 write-only TXBREAK0 Transmit Data As Break 13 1 write-only TXBREAK1 Transmit Data As Break 29 1 write-only TXDATA0 TX Data 0 9 write-only TXDATA1 TX Data 16 9 write-only TXDISAT0 Clear TXEN After Transmission 14 1 write-only TXDISAT1 Clear TXEN After Transmission 30 1 write-only TXTRIAT0 Set TXTRI After Transmission 12 1 write-only TXTRIAT1 Set TXTRI After Transmission 28 1 write-only UBRXAT0 Unblock RX After Transmission 11 1 write-only UBRXAT1 Unblock RX After Transmission 27 1 write-only USART2 USART2 USART2 0x4000C800 0x0 0x400 registers n USART2_RX 18 USART2_TX 19 CLKDIV Clock Control Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFFC0 DIV Fractional Clock Divider 6 15 read-write CMD Command Register 0xC 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFF CLEARRX Clear RX 11 1 write-only CLEARTX Clear TX 10 1 write-only MASTERDIS Master Disable 5 1 write-only MASTEREN Master Enable 4 1 write-only RXBLOCKDIS Receiver Block Disable 7 1 write-only RXBLOCKEN Receiver Block Enable 6 1 write-only RXDIS Receiver Disable 1 1 write-only RXEN Receiver Enable 0 1 write-only TXDIS Transmitter Disable 3 1 write-only TXEN Transmitter Enable 2 1 write-only TXTRIDIS Transmitter Tristate Disable 9 1 write-only TXTRIEN Transmitter Tristate Enable 8 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFF7F AUTOCS Automatic Chip Select 16 1 read-write AUTOTRI Automatic TX Tristate 17 1 read-write AUTOTX Always Transmit When RX Not Full 29 1 read-write BIT8DV Bit 8 Default Value 21 1 read-write BYTESWAP Byteswap In Double Accesses 28 1 read-write CCEN Collision Check Enable 2 1 read-write CLKPHA Clock Edge For Setup/Sample 9 1 read-write CLKPOL Clock Polarity 8 1 read-write CSINV Chip Select Invert 15 1 read-write CSMA Action On Slave-Select In Master Mode 11 1 read-write ERRSDMA Halt DMA On Error 22 1 read-write ERRSRX Disable RX On Error 23 1 read-write ERRSTX Disable TX On Error 24 1 read-write LOOPBK Loopback Enable 1 1 read-write MPAB Multi-Processor Address-Bit 4 1 read-write MPM Multi-Processor Mode 3 1 read-write MSBF Most Significant Bit First 10 1 read-write MVDIS Majority Vote Disable 30 1 read-write OVS Oversampling 5 2 read-write X16 Regular UART mode with 16X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000000 X8 Double speed with 8X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000001 X6 6X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000002 X4 Quadruple speed with 4X oversampling in asynchronous mode 0x00000003 RXINV Receiver Input Invert 13 1 read-write SCMODE SmartCard Mode 18 1 read-write SCRETRANS SmartCard Retransmit 19 1 read-write SKIPPERRF Skip Parity Error Frames 20 1 read-write SMSDELAY Synchronous Master Sample Delay 31 1 read-write SSSEARLY Synchronous Slave Setup Early 25 1 read-write SYNC USART Synchronous Mode 0 1 read-write TXBIL TX Buffer Interrupt Level 12 1 read-write TXDELAY TX Delay Transmission 26 2 read-write NONE Frames are transmitted immediately 0x00000000 SINGLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by a single baud period 0x00000001 DOUBLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by two baud periods 0x00000002 TRIPLE Transmission of new frames are delayed by three baud periods 0x00000003 TXINV Transmitter output Invert 14 1 read-write FRAME USART Frame Format Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x1005 0x330F DATABITS Data-Bit Mode 0 4 read-write FOUR Each frame contains 4 data bits 0x00000001 FIVE Each frame contains 5 data bits 0x00000002 SIX Each frame contains 6 data bits 0x00000003 SEVEN Each frame contains 7 data bits 0x00000004 EIGHT Each frame contains 8 data bits 0x00000005 NINE Each frame contains 9 data bits 0x00000006 TEN Each frame contains 10 data bits 0x00000007 ELEVEN Each frame contains 11 data bits 0x00000008 TWELVE Each frame contains 12 data bits 0x00000009 THIRTEEN Each frame contains 13 data bits 0x0000000A FOURTEEN Each frame contains 14 data bits 0x0000000B FIFTEEN Each frame contains 15 data bits 0x0000000C SIXTEEN Each frame contains 16 data bits 0x0000000D PARITY Parity-Bit Mode 8 2 read-write NONE Parity bits are not used 0x00000000 EVEN Even parity are used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000002 ODD Odd parity is used. Parity bits are automatically generated and checked by hardware. 0x00000003 STOPBITS Stop-Bit Mode 12 2 read-write HALF The transmitter generates a half stop bit. Stop-bits are not verified by receiver 0x00000000 ONE One stop bit is generated and verified 0x00000001 ONEANDAHALF The transmitter generates one and a half stop bit. The receiver verifies the first stop bit 0x00000002 TWO The transmitter generates two stop bits. The receiver checks the first stop-bit only 0x00000003 I2SCTRL I2S Control Register 0x5C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x71F DELAY Delay on I2S data 4 1 read-write DMASPLIT Separate DMA Request For Left/Right Data 3 1 read-write EN Enable I2S Mode 0 1 read-write FORMAT I2S Word Format 8 3 read-write W32D32 32-bit word, 32-bit data 0x00000000 W32D24M 32-bit word, 32-bit data with 8 lsb masked 0x00000001 W32D24 32-bit word, 24-bit data 0x00000002 W32D16 32-bit word, 16-bit data 0x00000003 W32D8 32-bit word, 8-bit data 0x00000004 W16D16 16-bit word, 16-bit data 0x00000005 W16D8 16-bit word, 8-bit data 0x00000006 W8D8 8-bit word, 8-bit data 0x00000007 JUSTIFY Justification of I2S Data 2 1 read-write MONO Stero or Mono 1 1 read-write IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x4C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1FFF CCF Collision Check Fail Interrupt Enable 12 1 read-write FERR Framing Error Interrupt Enable 9 1 read-write MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Enable 10 1 read-write PERR Parity Error Interrupt Enable 8 1 read-write RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Enable 2 1 read-write RXFULL RX Buffer Full Interrupt Enable 3 1 read-write RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Enable 4 1 read-write RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Enable 5 1 read-write SSM Slave-Select In Master Mode Interrupt Enable 11 1 read-write TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write TXC TX Complete Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Enable 6 1 read-write TXUF TX Underflow Interrupt Enable 7 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x40 32 read-only n 0x2 0x1FFF CCF Collision Check Fail Interrupt Flag 12 1 read-only FERR Framing Error Interrupt Flag 9 1 read-only MPAF Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 read-only PERR Parity Error Interrupt Flag 8 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid Interrupt Flag 2 1 read-only RXFULL RX Buffer Full Interrupt Flag 3 1 read-only RXOF RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 read-only RXUF RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 read-only SSM Slave-Select In Master Mode Interrupt Flag 11 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only TXC TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only TXOF TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 read-only TXUF TX Underflow Interrupt Flag 7 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x48 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FF9 CCF Clear Collision Check Fail Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only FERR Clear Framing Error Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only MPAF Clear Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only PERR Clear Parity Error Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only RXFULL Clear RX Buffer Full Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXOF Clear RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only RXUF Clear RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only SSM Clear Slave-Select In Master Mode Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only TXC Clear TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Clear TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only TXUF Clear TX Underflow Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x44 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1FF9 CCF Set Collision Check Fail Interrupt Flag 12 1 write-only FERR Set Framing Error Interrupt Flag 9 1 write-only MPAF Set Multi-Processor Address Frame Interrupt Flag 10 1 write-only PERR Set Parity Error Interrupt Flag 8 1 write-only RXFULL Set RX Buffer Full Interrupt Flag 3 1 write-only RXOF Set RX Overflow Interrupt Flag 4 1 write-only RXUF Set RX Underflow Interrupt Flag 5 1 write-only SSM Set Slave-Select in Master mode Interrupt Flag 11 1 write-only TXC Set TX Complete Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only TXOF Set TX Overflow Interrupt Flag 6 1 write-only TXUF Set TX Underflow Interrupt Flag 7 1 write-only INPUT USART Input Register 0x58 32 read-write n 0x0 0x1F RXPRS PRS RX Enable 4 1 read-write RXPRSSEL RX PRS Channel Select 0 4 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 PRSCH8 PRS Channel 8 selected 0x00000008 PRSCH9 PRS Channel 9 selected 0x00000009 PRSCH10 PRS Channel 10 selected 0x0000000A PRSCH11 PRS Channel 11 selected 0x0000000B IRCTRL IrDA Control Register 0x50 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFF IREN Enable IrDA Module 0 1 read-write IRFILT IrDA RX Filter 3 1 read-write IRPRSEN IrDA PRS Channel Enable 7 1 read-write IRPRSSEL IrDA PRS Channel Select 4 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 IRPW IrDA TX Pulse Width 1 2 read-write ONE IrDA pulse width is 1/16 for OVS=0 and 1/8 for OVS=1 0x00000000 TWO IrDA pulse width is 2/16 for OVS=0 and 2/8 for OVS=1 0x00000001 THREE IrDA pulse width is 3/16 for OVS=0 and 3/8 for OVS=1 0x00000002 FOUR IrDA pulse width is 4/16 for OVS=0 and 4/8 for OVS=1 0x00000003 ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x54 32 read-write n 0x0 0x70F CLKPEN CLK Pin Enable 3 1 read-write CSPEN CS Pin Enable 2 1 read-write LOCATION I/O Location 8 3 read-write LOC0 Location 0 0x00000000 LOC1 Location 1 0x00000001 LOC2 Location 2 0x00000002 LOC3 Location 3 0x00000003 LOC4 Location 4 0x00000004 LOC5 Location 5 0x00000005 RXPEN RX Pin Enable 0 1 read-write TXPEN TX Pin Enable 1 1 read-write RXDATA RX Buffer Data Register 0x1C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFF modifyExternal RXDATA RX Data 0 8 read-only RXDATAX RX Buffer Data Extended Register 0x18 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF modifyExternal FERR Data Framing Error 15 1 read-only PERR Data Parity Error 14 1 read-only RXDATA RX Data 0 9 read-only RXDATAXP RX Buffer Data Extended Peek Register 0x28 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FF FERRP Data Framing Error Peek 15 1 read-only PERRP Data Parity Error Peek 14 1 read-only RXDATAP RX Data Peek 0 9 read-only RXDOUBLE RX FIFO Double Data Register 0x24 32 read-only n 0x0 0xFFFF modifyExternal RXDATA0 RX Data 0 0 8 read-only RXDATA1 RX Data 1 8 8 read-only RXDOUBLEX RX Buffer Double Data Extended Register 0x20 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FFC1FF modifyExternal FERR0 Data Framing Error 0 15 1 read-only FERR1 Data Framing Error 1 31 1 read-only PERR0 Data Parity Error 0 14 1 read-only PERR1 Data Parity Error 1 30 1 read-only RXDATA0 RX Data 0 0 9 read-only RXDATA1 RX Data 1 16 9 read-only RXDOUBLEXP RX Buffer Double Data Extended Peek Register 0x2C 32 read-only n 0x0 0xC1FFC1FF FERRP0 Data Framing Error 0 Peek 15 1 read-only FERRP1 Data Framing Error 1 Peek 31 1 read-only PERRP0 Data Parity Error 0 Peek 14 1 read-only PERRP1 Data Parity Error 1 Peek 30 1 read-only RXDATAP0 RX Data 0 Peek 0 9 read-only RXDATAP1 RX Data 1 Peek 16 9 read-only STATUS USART Status Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x40 0x1FFF MASTER SPI Master Mode 2 1 read-only RXBLOCK Block Incoming Data 3 1 read-only RXDATAV RX Data Valid 7 1 read-only RXDATAVRIGHT RX Data Right 11 1 read-only RXENS Receiver Enable Status 0 1 read-only RXFULL RX FIFO Full 8 1 read-only RXFULLRIGHT RX Full of Right Data 12 1 read-only TXBDRIGHT TX Buffer Expects Double Right Data 9 1 read-only TXBL TX Buffer Level 6 1 read-only TXBSRIGHT TX Buffer Expects Single Right Data 10 1 read-only TXC TX Complete 5 1 read-only TXENS Transmitter Enable Status 1 1 read-only TXTRI Transmitter Tristated 4 1 read-only TRIGCTRL USART Trigger Control register 0x8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x77 AUTOTXTEN AUTOTX Trigger Enable 6 1 read-write RXTEN Receive Trigger Enable 4 1 read-write TSEL Trigger PRS Channel Select 0 3 read-write PRSCH0 PRS Channel 0 selected 0x00000000 PRSCH1 PRS Channel 1 selected 0x00000001 PRSCH2 PRS Channel 2 selected 0x00000002 PRSCH3 PRS Channel 3 selected 0x00000003 PRSCH4 PRS Channel 4 selected 0x00000004 PRSCH5 PRS Channel 5 selected 0x00000005 PRSCH6 PRS Channel 6 selected 0x00000006 PRSCH7 PRS Channel 7 selected 0x00000007 TXTEN Transmit Trigger Enable 5 1 read-write TXDATA TX Buffer Data Register 0x34 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFF TXDATA TX Data 0 8 write-only TXDATAX TX Buffer Data Extended Register 0x30 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF9FF RXENAT Enable RX After Transmission 15 1 write-only TXBREAK Transmit Data As Break 13 1 write-only TXDATAX TX Data 0 9 write-only TXDISAT Clear TXEN After Transmission 14 1 write-only TXTRIAT Set TXTRI After Transmission 12 1 write-only UBRXAT Unblock RX After Transmission 11 1 write-only TXDOUBLE TX Buffer Double Data Register 0x3C 32 write-only n 0x0 0xFFFF TXDATA0 TX Data 0 8 write-only TXDATA1 TX Data 8 8 write-only TXDOUBLEX TX Buffer Double Data Extended Register 0x38 32 write-only n 0x0 0xF9FFF9FF RXENAT0 Enable RX After Transmission 15 1 write-only RXENAT1 Enable RX After Transmission 31 1 write-only TXBREAK0 Transmit Data As Break 13 1 write-only TXBREAK1 Transmit Data As Break 29 1 write-only TXDATA0 TX Data 0 9 write-only TXDATA1 TX Data 16 9 write-only TXDISAT0 Clear TXEN After Transmission 14 1 write-only TXDISAT1 Clear TXEN After Transmission 30 1 write-only TXTRIAT0 Set TXTRI After Transmission 12 1 write-only TXTRIAT1 Set TXTRI After Transmission 28 1 write-only UBRXAT0 Unblock RX After Transmission 11 1 write-only UBRXAT1 Unblock RX After Transmission 27 1 write-only USB USB USB 0x400C4000 0x0 0x400 registers n 0x3C000 0x1000 registers n USB 5 CTRL System Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3330003 BIASPROGEM01 Regulator Bias Programming Value in EM0/1 20 2 read-write BIASPROGEM23 Regulator Bias Programming Value in EM2/3 24 2 read-write DMPUAP DMPU Active Polarity 1 1 read-write VBUSENAP VBUSEN Active Polarity 0 1 read-write VREGDIS Voltage Regulator Disable 16 1 read-write VREGOSEN VREGO Sense Enable 17 1 read-write DAINT Device All Endpoints Interrupt Register 0x3C818 32 read-only n 0x0 0x7F007F INEPINT0 IN Endpoint 0 Interrupt Bit 0 1 read-only INEPINT1 IN Endpoint 1 Interrupt Bit 1 1 read-only INEPINT2 IN Endpoint 2 Interrupt Bit 2 1 read-only INEPINT3 IN Endpoint 3 Interrupt Bit 3 1 read-only INEPINT4 IN Endpoint 4 Interrupt Bit 4 1 read-only INEPINT5 IN Endpoint 5 Interrupt Bit 5 1 read-only INEPINT6 IN Endpoint 6 Interrupt Bit 6 1 read-only OUTEPINT0 OUT Endpoint 0 Interrupt Bit 16 1 read-only OUTEPINT1 OUT Endpoint 1 Interrupt Bit 17 1 read-only OUTEPINT2 OUT Endpoint 2 Interrupt Bit 18 1 read-only OUTEPINT3 OUT Endpoint 3 Interrupt Bit 19 1 read-only OUTEPINT4 OUT Endpoint 4 Interrupt Bit 20 1 read-only OUTEPINT5 OUT Endpoint 5 Interrupt Bit 21 1 read-only OUTEPINT6 OUT Endpoint 6 Interrupt Bit 22 1 read-only DAINTMSK Device All Endpoints Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C81C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7F007F INEPMSK0 IN Endpoint 0 Interrupt mask Bit 0 1 read-write INEPMSK1 IN Endpoint 1 Interrupt mask Bit 1 1 read-write INEPMSK2 IN Endpoint 2 Interrupt mask Bit 2 1 read-write INEPMSK3 IN Endpoint 3 Interrupt mask Bit 3 1 read-write INEPMSK4 IN Endpoint 4 Interrupt mask Bit 4 1 read-write INEPMSK5 IN Endpoint 5 Interrupt mask Bit 5 1 read-write INEPMSK6 IN Endpoint 6 Interrupt mask Bit 6 1 read-write OUTEPMSK0 OUT Endpoint 0 Interrupt mask Bit 16 1 read-write OUTEPMSK1 OUT Endpoint 1 Interrupt mask Bit 17 1 read-write OUTEPMSK2 OUT Endpoint 2 Interrupt mask Bit 18 1 read-write OUTEPMSK3 OUT Endpoint 3 Interrupt mask Bit 19 1 read-write OUTEPMSK4 OUT Endpoint 4 Interrupt mask Bit 20 1 read-write OUTEPMSK5 OUT Endpoint 5 Interrupt mask Bit 21 1 read-write OUTEPMSK6 OUT Endpoint 6 Interrupt mask Bit 22 1 read-write DCFG Device Configuration Register 0x3C800 32 read-write n 0x8200000 0xFC001FFF DEVADDR Device Address 4 7 read-write DEVSPD Device Speed 0 2 read-write LS Low speed (PHY clock is 6 MHz). If you select 6 MHz LS mode, you must do a soft reset. 0x00000002 FS Full speed (PHY clock is 48 MHz). 0x00000003 ENA32KHZSUSP Enable 32 KHz Suspend mode 3 1 read-write NZSTSOUTHSHK Non-Zero-Length Status OUT Handshake 2 1 read-write PERFRINT Periodic Frame Interval 11 2 read-write 80PCNT 80% of the frame interval. 0x00000000 85PCNT 85% of the frame interval. 0x00000001 90PCNT 90% of the frame interval. 0x00000002 95PCNT 95% of the frame interval. 0x00000003 RESVALID Resume Validation Period 26 6 read-write DCTL Device Control Register 0x3C804 32 read-write n 0x0 0x18FFF CGNPINNAK Clear Global Non-periodic IN NAK 8 1 write-only CGOUTNAK Clear Global OUT NAK 10 1 write-only GNPINNAKSTS Global Non-periodic IN NAK Status 2 1 read-only GOUTNAKSTS Global OUT NAK Status 3 1 read-only IGNRFRMNUM Ignore Frame number For Isochronous End points 15 1 read-write NAKONBBLE NAK on Babble Error 16 1 read-write PWRONPRGDONE Power-On Programming Done 11 1 read-write RMTWKUPSIG Remote Wakeup Signaling 0 1 read-write SFTDISCON Soft Disconnect 1 1 read-write SGNPINNAK Set Global Non-periodic IN NAK 7 1 write-only SGOUTNAK Set Global OUT NAK 9 1 write-only TSTCTL Test Control 4 3 read-write DISABLE Test mode disabled. 0x00000000 J Test_J mode. 0x00000001 K Test_K mode. 0x00000002 SE0NAK Test_SE0_NAK mode. 0x00000003 PACKET Test_Packet mode. 0x00000004 FORCE Test_Force_Enable. 0x00000005 DIEP0CTL Device IN Endpoint 0 Control Register 0x3C900 32 read-write n 0x8000 0xCFEE8003 CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-only MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 2 read-write 64B 64 bytes. 0x00000000 32B 32 bytes. 0x00000001 16B 16 bytes. 0x00000002 8B 8 bytes. 0x00000003 NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write TXFNUM TxFIFO Number 22 4 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-only DIEP0DMAADDR Device IN Endpoint 0 DMA Address Register 0x3C914 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DIEP0DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DIEP0INT Device IN Endpoint 0 Interrupt Register 0x3C908 32 read-write n 0x80 0x38DF AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLEERR NAK Interrupt 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write INEPNAKEFF IN Endpoint NAK Effective 6 1 read-write INTKNTXFEMP IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty 4 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write TIMEOUT Timeout Condition 3 1 read-write TXFEMP Transmit FIFO Empty 7 1 read-only XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DIEP0TSIZ Device IN Endpoint 0 Transfer Size Register 0x3C910 32 read-write n 0x0 0x18007F PKTCNT Packet Count 19 2 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 7 read-write DIEP0TXFSTS Device IN Endpoint 0 Transmit FIFO Status Register 0x3C918 32 read-only n 0x200 0xFFFF SPCAVAIL TxFIFO Space Available 0 16 read-only DIEP0_CTL Device IN Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3C920 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFEF87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even or Odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write TXFNUM TxFIFO Number 22 4 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DIEP0_DMAADDR Device IN Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3C934 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DIEP0_INT Device IN Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3C928 32 read-write n 0x80 0x38DF AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLEERR NAK Interrupt 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write INEPNAKEFF IN Endpoint NAK Effective 6 1 read-write INTKNTXFEMP IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty 4 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write TIMEOUT Timeout Condition 3 1 read-write TXFEMP Transmit FIFO Empty 7 1 read-only XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DIEP0_TSIZ Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3C930 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF MC Multi Count 29 2 read-write PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DIEP0_TXFSTS Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transmit FIFO Status Register 0x3C938 32 read-only n 0x200 0xFFFF SPCAVAIL TxFIFO Space Available 0 16 read-only DIEP1_CTL Device IN Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3C940 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFEF87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even or Odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write TXFNUM TxFIFO Number 22 4 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DIEP1_DMAADDR Device IN Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3C954 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DIEP1_INT Device IN Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3C948 32 read-write n 0x80 0x38DF AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLEERR NAK Interrupt 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write INEPNAKEFF IN Endpoint NAK Effective 6 1 read-write INTKNTXFEMP IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty 4 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write TIMEOUT Timeout Condition 3 1 read-write TXFEMP Transmit FIFO Empty 7 1 read-only XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DIEP1_TSIZ Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3C950 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF MC Multi Count 29 2 read-write PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DIEP1_TXFSTS Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transmit FIFO Status Register 0x3C958 32 read-only n 0x200 0xFFFF SPCAVAIL TxFIFO Space Available 0 16 read-only DIEP2_CTL Device IN Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3C960 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFEF87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even or Odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write TXFNUM TxFIFO Number 22 4 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DIEP2_DMAADDR Device IN Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3C974 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DIEP2_INT Device IN Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3C968 32 read-write n 0x80 0x38DF AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLEERR NAK Interrupt 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write INEPNAKEFF IN Endpoint NAK Effective 6 1 read-write INTKNTXFEMP IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty 4 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write TIMEOUT Timeout Condition 3 1 read-write TXFEMP Transmit FIFO Empty 7 1 read-only XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DIEP2_TSIZ Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3C970 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF MC Multi Count 29 2 read-write PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DIEP2_TXFSTS Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transmit FIFO Status Register 0x3C978 32 read-only n 0x200 0xFFFF SPCAVAIL TxFIFO Space Available 0 16 read-only DIEP3_CTL Device IN Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3C980 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFEF87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even or Odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write TXFNUM TxFIFO Number 22 4 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DIEP3_DMAADDR Device IN Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3C994 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DIEP3_INT Device IN Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3C988 32 read-write n 0x80 0x38DF AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLEERR NAK Interrupt 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write INEPNAKEFF IN Endpoint NAK Effective 6 1 read-write INTKNTXFEMP IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty 4 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write TIMEOUT Timeout Condition 3 1 read-write TXFEMP Transmit FIFO Empty 7 1 read-only XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DIEP3_TSIZ Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3C990 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF MC Multi Count 29 2 read-write PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DIEP3_TXFSTS Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transmit FIFO Status Register 0x3C998 32 read-only n 0x200 0xFFFF SPCAVAIL TxFIFO Space Available 0 16 read-only DIEP4_CTL Device IN Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3C9A0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFEF87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even or Odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write TXFNUM TxFIFO Number 22 4 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DIEP4_DMAADDR Device IN Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3C9B4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DIEP4_INT Device IN Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3C9A8 32 read-write n 0x80 0x38DF AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLEERR NAK Interrupt 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write INEPNAKEFF IN Endpoint NAK Effective 6 1 read-write INTKNTXFEMP IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty 4 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write TIMEOUT Timeout Condition 3 1 read-write TXFEMP Transmit FIFO Empty 7 1 read-only XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DIEP4_TSIZ Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3C9B0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF MC Multi Count 29 2 read-write PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DIEP4_TXFSTS Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transmit FIFO Status Register 0x3C9B8 32 read-only n 0x200 0xFFFF SPCAVAIL TxFIFO Space Available 0 16 read-only DIEP5_CTL Device IN Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3C9C0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFEF87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even or Odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write TXFNUM TxFIFO Number 22 4 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DIEP5_DMAADDR Device IN Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3C9D4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DIEP5_INT Device IN Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3C9C8 32 read-write n 0x80 0x38DF AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLEERR NAK Interrupt 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write INEPNAKEFF IN Endpoint NAK Effective 6 1 read-write INTKNTXFEMP IN Token Received When TxFIFO is Empty 4 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write TIMEOUT Timeout Condition 3 1 read-write TXFEMP Transmit FIFO Empty 7 1 read-only XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DIEP5_TSIZ Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3C9D0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF MC Multi Count 29 2 read-write PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DIEP5_TXFSTS Device IN Endpoint x+1 Transmit FIFO Status Register 0x3C9D8 32 read-only n 0x200 0xFFFF SPCAVAIL TxFIFO Space Available 0 16 read-only DIEPEMPMSK Device IN Endpoint FIFO Empty Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C834 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFF DIEPEMPMSK IN EP Tx FIFO Empty Interrupt Mask Bits 0 16 read-write DIEPMSK Device IN Endpoint Common Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C810 32 read-write n 0x0 0x215F AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write EPDISBLDMSK Endpoint Disabled Interrupt Mask 1 1 read-write INEPNAKEFFMSK IN Endpoint NAK Effective Mask 6 1 read-write INTKNTXFEMPMSK IN Token Received When TxFIFO Empty Mask 4 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK interrupt Mask 13 1 read-write TIMEOUTMSK Timeout Condition Mask 3 1 read-write TXFIFOUNDRNMSK Fifo Underrun Mask 8 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Interrupt Mask 0 1 read-write DIEPTXF1 Device IN Endpoint Transmit FIFO 1 Size Register 0x3C104 32 read-write n 0x2000400 0x3FF07FF INEPNTXFDEP IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth 16 10 read-write INEPNTXFSTADDR IN Endpoint FIFO 1 Transmit RAM Start Address 0 11 read-write DIEPTXF2 Device IN Endpoint Transmit FIFO 2 Size Register 0x3C108 32 read-write n 0x2000600 0x3FF07FF INEPNTXFDEP IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth 16 10 read-write INEPNTXFSTADDR IN Endpoint FIFO 2 Transmit RAM Start Address 0 11 read-write DIEPTXF3 Device IN Endpoint Transmit FIFO 3 Size Register 0x3C10C 32 read-write n 0x2000800 0x3FF0FFF INEPNTXFDEP IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth 16 10 read-write INEPNTXFSTADDR IN Endpoint FIFO 3 Transmit RAM Start Address 0 12 read-write DIEPTXF4 Device IN Endpoint Transmit FIFO 4 Size Register 0x3C110 32 read-write n 0x2000A00 0x3FF0FFF INEPNTXFDEP IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth 16 10 read-write INEPNTXFSTADDR IN Endpoint FIFO 4 Transmit RAM Start Address 0 12 read-write DIEPTXF5 Device IN Endpoint Transmit FIFO 5 Size Register 0x3C114 32 read-write n 0x2000C00 0x3FF0FFF INEPNTXFDEP IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth 16 10 read-write INEPNTXFSTADDR IN Endpoint FIFO 5 Transmit RAM Start Address 0 12 read-write DIEPTXF6 Device IN Endpoint Transmit FIFO 6 Size Register 0x3C118 32 read-write n 0x2000E00 0x3FF0FFF INEPNTXFDEP IN Endpoint TxFIFO Depth 16 10 read-write INEPNTXFSTADDR IN Endpoint FIFO 6 Transmit RAM Start Address 0 12 read-write DOEP0CTL Device OUT Endpoint 0 Control Register 0x3CB00 32 read-write n 0x8000 0xCC3E8003 CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-only EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-only MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 2 read-only 64B 64 bytes. 0x00000000 32B 32 bytes. 0x00000001 16B 16 bytes. 0x00000002 8B 8 bytes. 0x00000003 NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only SNP Snoop Mode 20 1 read-write STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-only DOEP0DMAADDR Device OUT Endpoint 0 DMA Address Register 0x3CB14 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DOEP0DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DOEP0INT Device OUT Endpoint 0 Interrupt Register 0x3CB08 32 read-write n 0x0 0x385F AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BACK2BACKSETUP Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received 6 1 read-write BBLEERR NAK Interrupt 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write OUTTKNEPDIS OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled 4 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write SETUP Setup Phase Done 3 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DOEP0TSIZ Device OUT Endpoint 0 Transfer Size Register 0x3CB10 32 read-write n 0x0 0x6008007F PKTCNT Packet Count 19 1 read-write SUPCNT SETUP Packet Count 29 2 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 7 read-write DOEP0_CTL Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3CB20 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFC3F87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even-odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only SNP Snoop Mode 20 1 read-write STALL STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DOEP0_DMAADDR Device OUT Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3CB34 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DOEP0_INT Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3CB28 32 read-write n 0x0 0x385F AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BACK2BACKSETUP Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received 6 1 read-write BBLEERR Babble Error 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write OUTTKNEPDIS OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled 4 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write SETUP Setup Phase Done 3 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DOEP0_TSIZ Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3CB30 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write RXDPIDSUPCNT Receive Data PID / SETUP Packet Count 29 2 read-only DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID / 1 Packet. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID / 2 Packets. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA PID / 3 Packets. 0x00000003 XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DOEP1_CTL Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3CB40 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFC3F87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even-odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only SNP Snoop Mode 20 1 read-write STALL STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DOEP1_DMAADDR Device OUT Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3CB54 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DOEP1_INT Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3CB48 32 read-write n 0x0 0x385F AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BACK2BACKSETUP Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received 6 1 read-write BBLEERR Babble Error 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write OUTTKNEPDIS OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled 4 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write SETUP Setup Phase Done 3 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DOEP1_TSIZ Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3CB50 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write RXDPIDSUPCNT Receive Data PID / SETUP Packet Count 29 2 read-only DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID / 1 Packet. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID / 2 Packets. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA PID / 3 Packets. 0x00000003 XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DOEP2_CTL Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3CB60 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFC3F87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even-odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only SNP Snoop Mode 20 1 read-write STALL STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DOEP2_DMAADDR Device OUT Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3CB74 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DOEP2_INT Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3CB68 32 read-write n 0x0 0x385F AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BACK2BACKSETUP Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received 6 1 read-write BBLEERR Babble Error 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write OUTTKNEPDIS OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled 4 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write SETUP Setup Phase Done 3 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DOEP2_TSIZ Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3CB70 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write RXDPIDSUPCNT Receive Data PID / SETUP Packet Count 29 2 read-only DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID / 1 Packet. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID / 2 Packets. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA PID / 3 Packets. 0x00000003 XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DOEP3_CTL Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3CB80 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFC3F87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even-odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only SNP Snoop Mode 20 1 read-write STALL STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DOEP3_DMAADDR Device OUT Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3CB94 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DOEP3_INT Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3CB88 32 read-write n 0x0 0x385F AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BACK2BACKSETUP Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received 6 1 read-write BBLEERR Babble Error 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write OUTTKNEPDIS OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled 4 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write SETUP Setup Phase Done 3 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DOEP3_TSIZ Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3CB90 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write RXDPIDSUPCNT Receive Data PID / SETUP Packet Count 29 2 read-only DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID / 1 Packet. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID / 2 Packets. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA PID / 3 Packets. 0x00000003 XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DOEP4_CTL Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3CBA0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFC3F87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even-odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only SNP Snoop Mode 20 1 read-write STALL STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DOEP4_DMAADDR Device OUT Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3CBB4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DOEP4_INT Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3CBA8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x385F AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BACK2BACKSETUP Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received 6 1 read-write BBLEERR Babble Error 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write OUTTKNEPDIS OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled 4 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write SETUP Setup Phase Done 3 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DOEP4_TSIZ Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3CBB0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write RXDPIDSUPCNT Receive Data PID / SETUP Packet Count 29 2 read-only DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID / 1 Packet. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID / 2 Packets. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA PID / 3 Packets. 0x00000003 XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DOEP5_CTL Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Control Register 0x3CBC0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFC3F87FF CNAK Clear NAK 26 1 write-only DPIDEOF Endpoint Data PID / Even-odd Frame 16 1 read-only EPDIS Endpoint Disable 30 1 read-write EPENA Endpoint Enable 31 1 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control Endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous Endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk Endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt Endpoint. 0x00000003 MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write NAKSTS NAK Status 17 1 read-only SETD0PIDEF Set DATA0 PID / Even Frame 28 1 write-only SETD1PIDOF Set DATA1 PID / Odd Frame 29 1 write-only SNAK Set NAK 27 1 write-only SNP Snoop Mode 20 1 read-write STALL STALL Handshake 21 1 read-write USBACTEP USB Active Endpoint 15 1 read-write DOEP5_DMAADDR Device OUT Endpoint x+1 DMA Address Register 0x3CBD4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write DOEP5_INT Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Interrupt Register 0x3CBC8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x385F AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BACK2BACKSETUP Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received 6 1 read-write BBLEERR Babble Error 12 1 read-write EPDISBLD Endpoint Disabled Interrupt 1 1 read-write NAKINTRPT NAK Interrupt 13 1 read-write OUTTKNEPDIS OUT Token Received When Endpoint Disabled 4 1 read-write PKTDRPSTS Packet Drop Status 11 1 read-write SETUP Setup Phase Done 3 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed Interrupt 0 1 read-write DOEP5_TSIZ Device OUT Endpoint x+1 Transfer Size Register 0x3CBD0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write RXDPIDSUPCNT Receive Data PID / SETUP Packet Count 29 2 read-only DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID / 1 Packet. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID / 2 Packets. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA PID / 3 Packets. 0x00000003 XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write DOEPMSK Device OUT Endpoint Common Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C814 32 read-write n 0x0 0x315F AHBERRMSK AHB Error 2 1 read-write BACK2BACKSETUP Back-to-Back SETUP Packets Received Mask 6 1 read-write BBLEERRMSK Babble Error interrupt Mask 12 1 read-write EPDISBLDMSK Endpoint Disabled Interrupt Mask 1 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK interrupt Mask 13 1 read-write OUTPKTERRMSK OUT Packet Error Mask 8 1 read-write OUTTKNEPDISMSK OUT Token Received when Endpoint Disabled Mask 4 1 read-write SETUPMSK SETUP Phase Done Mask 3 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Interrupt Mask 0 1 read-write DSTS Device Status Register 0x3C808 32 read-only n 0x2 0x3FFF0F ENUMSPD Enumerated Speed 1 2 read-only LS Low speed (PHY clock is running at 6 MHz). 0x00000002 FS Full speed (PHY clock is running at 48 MHz). 0x00000003 ERRTICERR Erratic Error 3 1 read-only SOFFN Frame Number of the Received SOF 8 14 read-only SUSPSTS Suspend Status 0 1 read-only DVBUSDIS Device VBUS Discharge Time Register 0x3C828 32 read-write n 0x17D7 0xFFFF DVBUSDIS Device VBUS Discharge Time 0 16 read-write DVBUSPULSE Device VBUS Pulsing Time Register 0x3C82C 32 read-write n 0x5B8 0xFFF DVBUSPULSE Device VBUS Pulsing Time 0 12 read-write GAHBCFG AHB Configuration Register 0x3C008 32 read-write n 0x0 0x6001BF DMAEN DMA Enable host and device 5 1 read-write GLBLINTRMSK Global Interrupt Mask host and device 0 1 read-write HBSTLEN Burst Length/Type host and device 1 4 read-write SINGLE Single transfer. 0x00000000 INCR Incrementing burst of unspecified length. 0x00000001 INCR4 4-beat incrementing burst. 0x00000003 INCR8 8-beat incrementing burst. 0x00000005 INCR16 16-beat incrementing burst. 0x00000007 NOTIALLDMAWRIT Notify All DMA Writes 22 1 read-write NPTXFEMPLVL Non-Periodic TxFIFO Empty Level host and device 7 1 read-write PTXFEMPLVL Periodic TxFIFO Empty Level host only 8 1 read-write REMMEMSUPP Remote Memory Support 21 1 read-write GDFIFOCFG Global DFIFO Configuration Register 0x3C05C 32 read-write n 0x1F20200 0xFFFFFFFF EPINFOBASEADDR Endpoint Info Base Address 16 16 read-write GDFIFOCFG DFIFO Config 0 16 read-write GINTMSK Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C018 32 read-write n 0x0 0xF7FCFCFE CONIDSTSCHNGMSK Connector ID Status Change Mask host and device 28 1 read-write DISCONNINTMSK Disconnect Detected Interrupt Mask host and device 29 1 read-write ENUMDONEMSK Enumeration Done Mask device only 13 1 read-write EOPFMSK End of Periodic Frame Interrupt Mask device only 15 1 read-write ERLYSUSPMSK Early Suspend Mask device only 10 1 read-write FETSUSPMSK Data Fetch Suspended Mask device only 22 1 read-write GINNAKEFFMSK Global Non-periodic IN NAK Effective Mask device only 6 1 read-write GOUTNAKEFFMSK Global OUT NAK Effective Mask device only 7 1 read-write HCHINTMSK Host Channels Interrupt Mask host only 25 1 read-write IEPINTMSK IN Endpoints Interrupt Mask device only 18 1 read-write INCOMPISOINMSK Incomplete Isochronous IN Transfer Mask device only 20 1 read-write INCOMPLPMSK Incomplete Periodic Transfer Mask host and device 21 1 read-write ISOOUTDROPMSK Isochronous OUT Packet Dropped Interrupt Mask device only 14 1 read-write MODEMISMSK Mode Mismatch Interrupt Mask host and device 1 1 read-write NPTXFEMPMSK Non-Periodic TxFIFO Empty Mask host only 5 1 read-write OEPINTMSK OUT Endpoints Interrupt Mask device only 19 1 read-write OTGINTMSK OTG Interrupt Mask host and device 2 1 read-write PRTINTMSK Host Port Interrupt Mask host only 24 1 read-write PTXFEMPMSK Periodic TxFIFO Empty Mask host only 26 1 read-write RESETDETMSK Reset detected Interrupt Mask device only 23 1 read-write RXFLVLMSK Receive FIFO Non-Empty Mask host and device 4 1 read-write SESSREQINTMSK Session Request/New Session Detected Interrupt Mask host and device 30 1 read-write SOFMSK Start of Frame Mask host and device 3 1 read-write USBRSTMSK USB Reset Mask device only 12 1 read-write USBSUSPMSK USB Suspend Mask device only 11 1 read-write WKUPINTMSK Resume/Remote Wakeup Detected Interrupt Mask host and device 31 1 read-write GINTSTS Interrupt Register 0x3C014 32 read-write n 0x14000020 0xF7FCFCFF CONIDSTSCHNG Connector ID Status Change host and device 28 1 read-write CURMOD Current Mode of Operation host and device 0 1 read-only DISCONNINT Disconnect Detected Interrupt host only 29 1 read-write ENUMDONE Enumeration Done device only 13 1 read-write EOPF End of Periodic Frame Interrupt 15 1 read-write ERLYSUSP Early Suspend device only 10 1 read-write FETSUSP Data Fetch Suspended device only 22 1 read-write GINNAKEFF Global IN Non-periodic NAK Effective device only 6 1 read-only GOUTNAKEFF Global OUT NAK Effective device only 7 1 read-only HCHINT Host Channels Interrupt host only 25 1 read-only IEPINT IN Endpoints Interrupt device only 18 1 read-only INCOMPISOIN Incomplete Isochronous IN Transfer device only 20 1 read-write INCOMPLP Incomplete Periodic Transfer host and device 21 1 read-write ISOOUTDROP Isochronous OUT Packet Dropped Interrupt device only 14 1 read-write MODEMIS Mode Mismatch Interrupt host and device 1 1 read-write NPTXFEMP Non-Periodic TxFIFO Empty host only 5 1 read-only OEPINT OUT Endpoints Interrupt device only 19 1 read-only OTGINT OTG Interrupt host and device 2 1 read-only PRTINT Host Port Interrupt host only 24 1 read-only PTXFEMP Periodic TxFIFO Empty host only 26 1 read-only RESETDET Reset detected Interrupt device only 23 1 read-write RXFLVL RxFIFO Non-Empty host and device 4 1 read-only SESSREQINT Session Request/New Session Detected Interrupt host and device 30 1 read-write SOF Start of Frame host and device 3 1 read-write USBRST USB Reset device only 12 1 read-write USBSUSP USB Suspend device only 11 1 read-write WKUPINT Resume/Remote Wakeup Detected Interrupt host and device 31 1 read-write GNPTXFSIZ Non-periodic Transmit FIFO Size Register 0x3C028 32 read-write n 0x2000200 0xFFFF03FF NPTXFINEPTXF0DEP Non-periodic TxFIFO Depth host only / IN Endpoint TxFIFO 0 Depth device only 16 16 read-write NPTXFSTADDR Non-periodic Transmit RAM Start Address host only 0 10 read-write GNPTXSTS Non-periodic Transmit FIFO/Queue Status Register 0x3C02C 32 read-only n 0x80200 0x7FFFFFFF NPTXFSPCAVAIL Non-periodic TxFIFO Space Available 0 16 read-only NPTXQSPCAVAIL Non-periodic Transmit Request Queue Space Available 16 8 read-only NPTXQTOP Top of the Non-periodic Transmit Request Queue 24 7 read-only GOTGCTL OTG Control and Status Register 0x3C000 32 read-write n 0x10000 0x1F0FFF ASESVLD A-Session Valid host only 18 1 read-only AVALIDOVEN AValid Override Enable 6 1 read-write AVALIDOVVAL Avalid Override Value 7 1 read-write BSESVLD B-Session Valid device only 19 1 read-only BVALIDOVEN BValid Override Enable 4 1 read-write BVALIDOVVAL Bvalid Override Value 5 1 read-write CONIDSTS Connector ID Status host and device 16 1 read-only DBNCTIME Long/Short Debounce Time host only 17 1 read-only DEVHNPEN Device HNP Enabled device only 11 1 read-write HNPREQ HNP Request device only 9 1 read-write HSTNEGSCS Host Negotiation Success device only 8 1 read-only HSTSETHNPEN Host Set HNP Enable host only 10 1 read-write OTGVER OTG Version 20 1 read-write SESREQ Session Request device only 1 1 read-write SESREQSCS Session Request Success device only 0 1 read-only VBVALIDOVEN VBUS-Valid Override Enable 2 1 read-write VBVALIDOVVAL VBUS Valid Override Value 3 1 read-write GOTGINT OTG Interrupt Register 0x3C004 32 read-write n 0x0 0xE0304 ADEVTOUTCHG A-Device Timeout Change host and device 18 1 read-write DBNCEDONE Debounce Done host only 19 1 read-write HSTNEGDET Host Negotiation Detected host and device 17 1 read-write HSTNEGSUCSTSCHNG Host Negotiation Success Status Change host and device 9 1 read-write SESENDDET Session End Detected host and device 2 1 read-write SESREQSUCSTSCHNG Session Request Success Status Change host and device 8 1 read-write GRSTCTL Reset Register 0x3C010 32 read-write n 0x80000000 0xC00007F5 AHBIDLE AHB Master Idle host and device 31 1 read-only CSFTRST Core Soft Reset host and device 0 1 read-write DMAREQ DMA Request Signal host and device 30 1 read-only FRMCNTRRST Host Frame Counter Reset host only 2 1 read-write RXFFLSH RxFIFO Flush host and device 4 1 read-write TXFFLSH TxFIFO Flush host and device 5 1 read-write TXFNUM TxFIFO Number host and device 6 5 read-write F0 Host mode: Non-periodic TxFIFO flush. Device: Tx FIFO 0 flush 0x00000000 F1 Host mode: Periodic TxFIFO flush. Device: TXFIFO 1 flush. 0x00000001 F2 Device mode: TXFIFO 2 flush. 0x00000002 F3 Device mode: TXFIFO 3 flush. 0x00000003 F4 Device mode: TXFIFO 4 flush. 0x00000004 F5 Device mode: TXFIFO 5 flush. 0x00000005 F6 Device mode: TXFIFO 6 flush. 0x00000006 FALL Flush all the transmit FIFOs in device or host mode. 0x00000010 GRXFSIZ Receive FIFO Size Register 0x3C024 32 read-write n 0x200 0x3FF RXFDEP RxFIFO Depth 0 10 read-write GRXSTSP Receive Status Read and Pop Register 0x3C020 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1FFFFFF BCNT Byte Count (host or device) 4 11 read-only CHEPNUM Channel Number host only / Endpoint Number device only 0 4 read-only DPID Data PID (host or device) 15 2 read-only DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000001 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA PID. 0x00000003 FN Frame Number device only 21 4 read-only PKTSTS Packet Status (host or device) 17 4 read-only GOUTNAK Device mode: Global OUT NAK (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000001 PKTRCV Host mode: IN data packet received. Device mode: OUT data packet received. 0x00000002 XFERCOMPL Host mode: IN transfer completed (triggers an interrupt). Device mode: OUT transfer completed (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000003 SETUPCOMPL Device mode: SETUP transaction completed (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000004 TGLERR Host mode: Data toggle error (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000005 SETUPRCV Device mode: SETUP data packet received. 0x00000006 CHLT Host mode: Channel halted (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000007 GRXSTSR Receive Status Debug Read Register 0x3C01C 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1FFFFFF BCNT Byte Count (host or device) 4 11 read-only CHEPNUM Channel Number host only / Endpoint Number device only 0 4 read-only DPID Data PID (host or device) 15 2 read-only DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000001 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA PID. 0x00000003 FN Frame Number device only 21 4 read-only PKTSTS Packet Status (host or device) 17 4 read-only GOUTNAK Device mode: Global OUT NAK (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000001 PKTRCV Host mode: IN data packet received. Device mode: OUT data packet received. 0x00000002 XFERCOMPL Host mode: IN transfer completed (triggers an interrupt). Device mode: OUT transfer completed (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000003 SETUPCOMPL Device mode: SETUP transaction completed (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000004 TGLERR Host mode: Data toggle error (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000005 SETUPRCV Device mode: SETUP data packet received. 0x00000006 CHLT Host mode: Channel halted (triggers an interrupt). 0x00000007 GUSBCFG USB Configuration Register 0x3C00C 32 read-write n 0x1440 0xF0403F27 CORRUPTTXPKT Corrupt Tx packet host and device 31 1 write-only FORCEDEVMODE Force Device Mode host and device 30 1 read-write FORCEHSTMODE Force Host Mode host and device 29 1 read-write FSINTF Full-Speed Serial Interface Select host and device 5 1 read-write HNPCAP HNP-Capable host and device 9 1 read-write SRPCAP SRP-Capable host and device 8 1 read-write TERMSELDLPULSE TermSel DLine Pulsing Selection device only 22 1 read-write TOUTCAL Timeout Calibration host and device 0 3 read-write TXENDDELAY Tx End Delay device only 28 1 read-write USBTRDTIM USB Turnaround Time device only 10 4 read-write HAINT Host All Channels Interrupt Register 0x3C414 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3FFF HAINT Channel Interrupt for channel 0 - 13. 0 14 read-only HAINTMSK Host All Channels Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C418 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3FFF HAINTMSK Channel Interrupt Mask for channel 0 - 13 0 14 read-write HC0_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C500 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC0_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C514 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC0_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C508 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC0_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C50C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC0_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C510 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC10_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C640 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC10_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C654 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC10_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C648 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC10_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C64C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC10_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C650 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC11_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C660 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC11_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C674 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC11_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C668 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC11_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C66C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC11_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C670 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC12_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C680 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC12_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C694 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC12_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C688 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC12_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C68C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC12_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C690 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC13_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C6A0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC13_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C6B4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC13_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C6A8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC13_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C6AC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC13_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C6B0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC1_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C520 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC1_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C534 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC1_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C528 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC1_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C52C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC1_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C530 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC2_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C540 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC2_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C554 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC2_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C548 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC2_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C54C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC2_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C550 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC3_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C560 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC3_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C574 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC3_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C568 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC3_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C56C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC3_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C570 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC4_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C580 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC4_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C594 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC4_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C588 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC4_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C58C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC4_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C590 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC5_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C5A0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC5_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C5B4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC5_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C5A8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC5_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C5AC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC5_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C5B0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC6_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C5C0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC6_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C5D4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC6_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C5C8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC6_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C5CC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC6_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C5D0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC7_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C5E0 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC7_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C5F4 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC7_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C5E8 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC7_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C5EC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC7_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C5F0 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC8_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C600 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC8_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C614 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC8_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C608 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC8_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C60C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC8_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C610 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HC9_CHAR Host Channel x Characteristics Register 0x3C620 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFEFFFF CHDIS Channel Disable 30 1 read-write CHENA Channel Enable 31 1 read-write DEVADDR Device Address 22 7 read-write EPDIR Endpoint Direction 15 1 read-write EPNUM Endpoint Number 11 4 read-write EPTYPE Endpoint Type 18 2 read-write CONTROL Control endpoint. 0x00000000 ISO Isochronous endpoint. 0x00000001 BULK Bulk endpoint. 0x00000002 INT Interrupt endpoint. 0x00000003 LSPDDEV Low-Speed Device 17 1 read-write MC Multi Count 20 2 read-write MPS Maximum Packet Size 0 11 read-write ODDFRM Odd Frame 29 1 read-write HC9_DMAADDR Host Channel x DMA Address Register 0x3C634 32 read-write n 0x0 0xFFFFFFFF DMAADDR DMA Address 0 32 read-write HC9_INT Host Channel x Interrupt Register 0x3C628 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt 5 1 read-write AHBERR AHB Error 2 1 read-write BBLERR Babble Error 8 1 read-write CHHLTD Channel Halted 1 1 read-write DATATGLERR Data Toggle Error 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUN Frame Overrun 9 1 read-write NAK NAK Response Received Interrupt 4 1 read-write STALL STALL Response Received Interrupt 3 1 read-write XACTERR Transaction Error 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPL Transfer Completed 0 1 read-write HC9_INTMSK Host Channel x Interrupt Mask Register 0x3C62C 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7BF ACKMSK ACK Response Received/Transmitted Interrupt Mask 5 1 read-write AHBERRMSK AHB Error Mask 2 1 read-write BBLERRMSK Babble Error Mask 8 1 read-write CHHLTDMSK Channel Halted Mask 1 1 read-write DATATGLERRMSK Data Toggle Error Mask 10 1 read-write FRMOVRUNMSK Frame Overrun Mask 9 1 read-write NAKMSK NAK Response Received Interrupt Mask 4 1 read-write STALLMSK STALL Response Received Interrupt Mask 3 1 read-write XACTERRMSK Transaction Error Mask 7 1 read-write XFERCOMPLMSK Transfer Completed Mask 0 1 read-write HC9_TSIZ Host Channel x Transfer Size Register 0x3C630 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FFFFFFF PID Packet ID 29 2 read-write DATA0 DATA0 PID. 0x00000000 DATA2 DATA2 PID. 0x00000001 DATA1 DATA1 PID. 0x00000002 MDATA MDATA (non-control) / SETUP (control) PID. 0x00000003 PKTCNT Packet Count 19 10 read-write XFERSIZE Transfer Size 0 19 read-write HCFG Host Configuration Register 0x3C400 32 read-write n 0x200000 0x8000FF87 ENA32KHZS Enable 32 KHz Suspend mode 7 1 read-write FSLSPCLKSEL FS/LS PHY Clock Select 0 2 read-write DIV1 Internal PHY clock is running at 48 MHz (undivided). 0x00000001 DIV8 Internal PHY clock is running at 6 MHz (48 MHz divided by 8). 0x00000002 FSLSSUPP FS- and LS-Only Support 2 1 read-write MODECHTIMEN Mode Change Time 31 1 read-write RESVALID Resume Validation Period 8 8 read-write HFIR Host Frame Interval Register 0x3C404 32 read-write n 0x17D7 0x1FFFF FRINT Frame Interval 0 16 read-write HFIRRLDCTRL Reload Control 16 1 read-write HFNUM Host Frame Number/Frame Time Remaining Register 0x3C408 32 read-only n 0x3FFF 0xFFFFFFFF FRNUM Frame Number 0 16 read-only FRREM Frame Time Remaining 16 16 read-only HPRT Host Port Control and Status Register 0x3C440 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7FDFF PRTCONNDET Port Connect Detected 1 1 read-write PRTCONNSTS Port Connect Status 0 1 read-only PRTENA Port Enable 2 1 read-write PRTENCHNG Port Enable/Disable Change 3 1 read-write PRTLNSTS Port Line Status 10 2 read-only PRTOVRCURRACT Port Overcurrent Active 4 1 read-only PRTOVRCURRCHNG Port Overcurrent Change 5 1 read-write PRTPWR Port Power 12 1 read-write PRTRES Port Resume 6 1 read-write PRTRST Port Reset 8 1 read-write PRTSPD Port Speed 17 2 read-only HS High speed. 0x00000000 FS Full speed. 0x00000001 LS Low speed. 0x00000002 PRTSUSP Port Suspend 7 1 read-write PRTTSTCTL Port Test Control 13 4 read-write DISABLE Test mode disabled. 0x00000000 J Test_J mode. 0x00000001 K Test_K mode. 0x00000002 SE0NAK Test_SE0_NAK mode. 0x00000003 PACKET Test_Packet mode. 0x00000004 FORCE Test_Force_Enable. 0x00000005 HPTXFSIZ Host Periodic Transmit FIFO Size Register 0x3C100 32 read-write n 0x2000400 0x3FF07FF PTXFSIZE Host Periodic TxFIFO Depth 16 10 read-write PTXFSTADDR Host Periodic TxFIFO Start Address 0 11 read-write HPTXSTS Host Periodic Transmit FIFO/Queue Status Register 0x3C410 32 read-only n 0x80200 0xFFFFFFFF PTXFSPCAVAIL Periodic Transmit Data FIFO Space Available 0 16 read-only PTXQSPCAVAIL Periodic Transmit Request Queue Space Available 16 8 read-only PTXQTOP Top of the Periodic Transmit Request Queue 24 8 read-only IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0x14 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 VREGOSH VREGO Sense High Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write VREGOSL VREGO Sense Low Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x3 0x3 VREGOSH VREGO Sense High Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only VREGOSL VREGO Sense Low Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x10 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 VREGOSH Clear VREGO Sense High Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only VREGOSL Clear VREGO Sense Low Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0xC 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 VREGOSH Set VREGO Sense High Interrupt Flag 0 1 write-only VREGOSL Set VREGO Sense Low Interrupt Flag 1 1 write-only PCGCCTL Power and Clock Gating Control Register 0x3CE00 32 read-write n 0x0 0x14F GATEHCLK Gate HCLK 1 1 read-write PHYSLEEP PHY In Sleep 6 1 read-only PWRCLMP Power Clamp 2 1 read-write RESETAFTERSUSP Reset after suspend 8 1 read-only RSTPDWNMODULE Reset Power-Down Modules 3 1 read-write STOPPCLK Stop PHY clock 0 1 read-write ROUTE I/O Routing Register 0x18 32 read-write n 0x0 0x7 DMPUPEN DMPU Pin Enable 2 1 read-write PHYPEN USB PHY Pin Enable 0 1 read-write VBUSENPEN VBUSEN Pin Enable 1 1 read-write STATUS System Status Register 0x4 32 read-only n 0x0 0x1 VREGOS VREGO Sense Output 0 1 read-only VCMP VCMP VCMP 0x40000000 0x0 0x400 registers n VCMP 33 CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0x47000000 0x4F030715 BIASPROG VCMP Bias Programming Value 24 4 read-write EN Voltage Supply Comparator Enable 0 1 read-write HALFBIAS Half Bias Current 30 1 read-write HYSTEN Hysteresis Enable 4 1 read-write IFALL Falling Edge Interrupt Sense 17 1 read-write INACTVAL Inactive Value 2 1 read-write IRISE Rising Edge Interrupt Sense 16 1 read-write WARMTIME Warm-Up Time 8 3 read-write 4CYCLES 4 HFPERCLK cycles 0x00000000 8CYCLES 8 HFPERCLK cycles 0x00000001 16CYCLES 16 HFPERCLK cycles 0x00000002 32CYCLES 32 HFPERCLK cycles 0x00000003 64CYCLES 64 HFPERCLK cycles 0x00000004 128CYCLES 128 HFPERCLK cycles 0x00000005 256CYCLES 256 HFPERCLK cycles 0x00000006 512CYCLES 512 HFPERCLK cycles 0x00000007 IEN Interrupt Enable Register 0xC 32 read-write n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Trigger Interrupt Enable 0 1 read-write WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Enable 1 1 read-write IF Interrupt Flag Register 0x10 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Triggered Interrupt Flag 0 1 read-only WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Flag 1 1 read-only IFC Interrupt Flag Clear Register 0x18 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Triggered Interrupt Flag Clear 0 1 write-only WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Flag Clear 1 1 write-only IFS Interrupt Flag Set Register 0x14 32 write-only n 0x0 0x3 EDGE Edge Triggered Interrupt Flag Set 0 1 write-only WARMUP Warm-up Interrupt Flag Set 1 1 write-only INPUTSEL Input Selection Register 0x4 32 read-write n 0x0 0x13F LPREF Low Power Reference 8 1 read-write TRIGLEVEL Trigger Level 0 6 read-write STATUS Status Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 VCMPACT Voltage Supply Comparator Active 0 1 read-only VCMPOUT Voltage Supply Comparator Output 1 1 read-only WDOG WDOG WDOG 0x40088000 0x0 0x400 registers n CMD Command Register 0x4 32 write-only n 0x0 0x1 CLEAR Watchdog Timer Clear 0 1 write-only CTRL Control Register 0x0 32 read-write n 0xF00 0x3F7F CLKSEL Watchdog Clock Select 12 2 read-write ULFRCO ULFRCO 0x00000000 LFRCO LFRCO 0x00000001 LFXO LFXO 0x00000002 DEBUGRUN Debug Mode Run Enable 1 1 read-write EM2RUN Energy Mode 2 Run Enable 2 1 read-write EM3RUN Energy Mode 3 Run Enable 3 1 read-write EM4BLOCK Energy Mode 4 Block 5 1 read-write EN Watchdog Timer Enable 0 1 read-write LOCK Configuration lock 4 1 read-write PERSEL Watchdog Timeout Period Select 8 4 read-write SWOSCBLOCK Software Oscillator Disable Block 6 1 read-write SYNCBUSY Synchronization Busy Register 0x8 32 read-only n 0x0 0x3 CMD CMD Register Busy 1 1 read-only CTRL CTRL Register Busy 0 1 read-only