Vendor Web: STMicroelectronics

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Name : STM32F411CCUx

Flash : 256 kB

RAM : 128 kB

RAM : 0x00020000 Bytes @ 0x00020000


Architecture : Cortex-M4


name : ADC1
description : Analog-to-digital converter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC1 global interrupt

name : ADC_Common
description : ADC common registers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (81) FPU : FPU interrupt

name : CRC
description : Cryptographic processor
base address : 0x0

name : DBG
description : Debug support
base address : 0x0

name : DMA1
description : DMA controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) RTC_WKUP : RTC Wakeup interrupt through the EXTI line
Interrupt (41) RTC_Alarm : RTC Alarms (A and B) through EXTI line interrupt

name : DMA2
description : DMA controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (5) RCC : RCC global interrupt

name : EXTI
description : External interrupt/event controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (2) TAMP_STAMP : Tamper and TimeStamp interrupts through the EXTI line
Interrupt (6) EXTI0 : EXTI Line0 interrupt
Interrupt (7) EXTI1 : EXTI Line1 interrupt
Interrupt (8) EXTI2 : EXTI Line2 interrupt
Interrupt (9) EXTI3 : EXTI Line3 interrupt
Interrupt (10) EXTI4 : EXTI Line4 interrupt
Interrupt (23) EXTI9_5 : EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
Interrupt (40) EXTI15_10 : EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts

name : FLASH
description : FLASH
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (4) FLASH : Flash global interrupt

name : FPU
description : Floting point unit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (81) FPU : Floating point interrupt
Interrupt (81) FPU : Floating point interrupt

name : FPU_CPACR
description : Floating point unit CPACR
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOA
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (28) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt

name : GPIOB
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (26) TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11 : TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM11 global interrupt

name : GPIOC
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (25) TIM1_UP_TIM10 : TIM1 Update interrupt and TIM10 global interrupt

name : GPIOD
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (24) TIM1_BRK_TIM9 : TIM1 Break interrupt and TIM9 global interrupt
Interrupt (25) TIM1_UP_TIM10 : TIM1 Update interrupt and TIM10 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11 : TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) TIM1_CC : TIM1 Capture Compare interrupt

name : GPIOE
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOH
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (49) SDIO : SDIO global interrupt

name : I2C1
description : Inter-integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt

name : I2C2
description : Inter-integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt

name : I2C3
description : Inter-integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt

name : I2S2ext
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt

name : I2S3ext
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0

name : IWDG
description : Independent watchdog
base address : 0x0

name : MPU
description : Memory protection unit
base address : 0x0

name : NVIC
description : Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
base address : 0x0

name : NVIC_STIR
description : Nested vectored interrupt controller
base address : 0x0

description : USB on the go full speed
base address : 0x0

description : USB on the go full speed
base address : 0x0

name : OTG_FS_HOST
description : USB on the go full speed
base address : 0x0

description : USB on the go full speed
base address : 0x0

name : PWR
description : Power control
base address : 0x0

name : RCC
description : Reset and clock control
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt

name : RTC
description : Real-time clock
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt

name : SCB
description : System control block
base address : 0x0

name : SCB_ACTRL
description : System control block ACTLR
base address : 0x0

name : SDIO
description : Secure digital input/output interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt

name : SPI1
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0

name : SPI2
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt

name : SPI3
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt

name : SPI4
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt

name : SPI5
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0

name : STK
description : SysTick timer
base address : 0x0

name : SYSCFG
description : System configuration controller
base address : 0x0

name : TIM1
description : Advanced-timers
base address : 0x0

name : TIM10
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt

name : TIM11
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt

name : TIM2
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt

name : TIM3
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI4 Global interrupt

name : TIM4
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0

name : TIM5
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0

name : TIM8
description : Advanced-timers
base address : 0x0

name : TIM9
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0

name : USART1
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (42) OTG_FS_WKUP : USB On-The-Go FS Wakeup through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (67) OTG_FS : USB On The Go FS global interrupt

name : USART2
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0

name : USART6
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0

name : WWDG
description : Window watchdog
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) PVD : PVD through EXTI Line detection interrupt

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