
Vendor Web: GigaDevice

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Name : GD32F10x_XD

description : GD32F10x ARM 32-bit Cortex-M3 Microcontroller based device


Architecture : ARM Cortex-M3 (CM3)

revision : r2p1

endian : little

Memory Protection Unit (MPU) : available

Number of relevant bits in Interrupt priority : 4


name : ADC0
description : Analog to digital converter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (18) ADC0_1

name : ADC1
description : Analog to digital converter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (18) ADC0_1

name : ADC2
description : Analog to digital converter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (47) ADC2

name : AFIO
description : Alternate-function I/Os
base address : 0x0

name : BKP
description : Backup registers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (2) Tamper

name : CAN
description : Controller area network
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (21) CAN0_RX1
Interrupt (22) CAN0_EWMC

name : CRC
description : cyclic redundancy check calculation unit
base address : 0x0

name : DAC
description : Digital-to-analog converter
base address : 0x0

name : DBG
description : Debug support
base address : 0x0

name : DMA0
description : DMA controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) DMA0_Channel0
Interrupt (12) DMA0_Channel1
Interrupt (13) DMA0_Channel2
Interrupt (14) DMA0_Channel3
Interrupt (15) DMA0_Channel4
Interrupt (16) DMA0_Channel5
Interrupt (17) DMA0_Channel6

name : DMA1
description : Direct memory access controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (56) DMA1_Channel0
Interrupt (57) DMA1_Channel1
Interrupt (58) DMA1_Channel2
Interrupt (59) DMA1_Channel3_4

name : EXMC
description : External memory controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (48) EXMC

name : EXTI
description : External interrupt/event controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (6) EXTI_Line0
Interrupt (7) EXTI_Line1
Interrupt (8) EXTI_Line2
Interrupt (9) EXTI_Line3
Interrupt (10) EXTI_Line4
Interrupt (23) EXTI_line9_5
Interrupt (40) EXTI_line15_10

name : FMC
description : FMC
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (4) FMC

name : FWDGT
description : free watchdog timer
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOA
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOB
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOC
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOD
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOE
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOF
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOG
base address : 0x0

name : I2C0
description : Inter integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (31) I2C0_EV
Interrupt (32) I2C0_ER

name : I2C1
description : Inter integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (33) I2C1_EV
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER

name : NVIC
description : Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
base address : 0x0

name : PMU
description : Power management unit
base address : 0x0

name : RCU
description : Reset and clock unit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (5) RCU

name : RTC
description : Real-time clock
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) RTC
Interrupt (41) RTC_Alarm

name : SDIO
description : Secure digital input/output interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (49) SDIO

name : SPI0
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (35) SPI0

name : SPI1
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (36) SPI1

name : SPI2
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (51) SPI2

name : TIMER0
description : Advanced-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (24) TIMER0_BRK_TIMER8
Interrupt (25) TIMER0_UP_TIMER9
Interrupt (26) TIMER0_TRG_CMT_TIMER10
Interrupt (27) TIMER0_Channel

name : TIMER1
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (28) TIMER1

name : TIMER10
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (26) TIMER0_TRG_CMT_TIMER10

name : TIMER11
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11

name : TIMER12
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12

name : TIMER13
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13

name : TIMER2
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (29) TIMER2

name : TIMER3
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (30) TIMER3

name : TIMER4
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (50) TIMER4

name : TIMER5
description : Basic-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (54) TIMER5

name : TIMER6
description : Basic-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (55) TIMER6

name : TIMER7
description : Advanced-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_Channel

name : TIMER8
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (24) TIMER0_BRK_TIMER8

name : TIMER9
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (25) TIMER0_UP_TIMER9

name : UART3
description : Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (52) UART3

name : UART4
description : Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (53) UART4

name : USART0
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (37) USART0

name : USART1
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (38) USART1

name : USART2
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (39) USART2

name : USBD
description : Universal serial bus full-speed device interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (19) USBD_HP_CAN0_TX
Interrupt (20) USBD_LP_CAN0_RX0
Interrupt (42) USBD_WKUP

name : WWDGT
description : Window watchdog timer
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) WWDGT

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