

Peripheral Memory Blocks

address_offset : 0x0 Bytes (0x0)
size : 0xFFF byte (0x0)
mem_usage : registers
protection :



















GPIO x Pin Mode Select Register
address_offset : 0x0 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

PMS PMS read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PMS0 PMS1 PMS2 PMS3 PMS4 PMS5 PMS6 PMS7

PMS0 : Px.0
bits : 0 - 1 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : Pull Up

pull up in

1 : Push Pop Out

push pop out

2 : Open Drain

push pop out

3 : IN

push pop out

End of enumeration elements list.

PMS1 : Px.1
bits : 2 - 5 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : Pull Up

pull up in

1 : Push Pop Out

push pop out

2 : Open Drain

push pop out

3 : IN

push pop out

End of enumeration elements list.

PMS2 : Px.2
bits : 4 - 9 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : Pull Up

pull up in

1 : Push Pop Out

push pop out

2 : Open Drain

push pop out

3 : IN

push pop out

End of enumeration elements list.

PMS3 : Px.3
bits : 6 - 13 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : Pull Up

pull up in

1 : Push Pop Out

push pop out

2 : Open Drain

push pop out

3 : IN

push pop out

End of enumeration elements list.

PMS4 : Px.4
bits : 8 - 17 (10 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : Pull Up

pull up in

1 : Push Pop Out

push pop out

2 : Open Drain

push pop out

3 : IN

push pop out

End of enumeration elements list.

PMS5 : Px.5
bits : 10 - 21 (12 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : Pull Up

pull up in

1 : Push Pop Out

push pop out

2 : Open Drain

push pop out

3 : IN

push pop out

End of enumeration elements list.

PMS6 : Px.6
bits : 12 - 25 (14 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : Pull Up

pull up in

1 : Push Pop Out

push pop out

2 : Open Drain

push pop out

3 : IN

push pop out

End of enumeration elements list.

PMS7 : Px.7
bits : 14 - 29 (16 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : Pull Up

pull up in

1 : Push Pop Out

push pop out

2 : Open Drain

push pop out

3 : IN

push pop out

End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Interrupt Mask Set and Clear Register.
address_offset : 0x10 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

IMSC IMSC read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IMSC0 IMSC1 IMSC2 IMSC3 IMSC4 IMSC5 IMSC6 IMSC7

IMSC0 : Px.0 interrupt mask set and clear register
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IMSC1 : Px.1 interrupt mask set and clear register
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IMSC2 : Px.2 interrupt mask set and clear register
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IMSC3 : Px.3 interrupt mask set and clear register
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IMSC4 : Px.4 interrupt mask set and clear register
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IMSC5 : Px.5 interrupt mask set and clear register
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IMSC6 : Px.6 interrupt mask set and clear register
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IMSC7 : Px.7 interrupt mask set and clear register
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Raw Interrupt Status Register.
address_offset : 0x14 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-only
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

RIS RIS read-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RIS0 RIS1 RIS2 RIS3 RIS4 RIS5 RIS6 RIS7

RIS0 : Px.0 raw interrupt status
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

RIS1 : Px.1 raw interrupt status
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

RIS2 : Px.2 raw interrupt status
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

RIS3 : Px.3 raw interrupt status
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

RIS4 : Px.4 raw interrupt status
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

RIS5 : Px.5 raw interrupt status
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

RIS6 : Px.6 raw interrupt status
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

RIS7 : Px.7 raw interrupt status
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Masked Interrupt Status Register.
address_offset : 0x18 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-only
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

MIS MIS read-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MIS0 MIS1 MIS2 MIS3 MIS4 MIS5 MIS6 MIS7

MIS0 : Px.0 Masked interrupt status
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS1 : Px.1 Masked interrupt status
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS2 : Px.2 Masked interrupt status
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS3 : Px.3 Masked interrupt status
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS4 : Px.4 Masked interrupt status
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS5 : Px.5 Masked interrupt status
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS6 : Px.6 Masked interrupt status
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS7 : Px.7 Masked interrupt status
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Interrupt Clear Register
address_offset : 0x1C Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : write-only
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

ICLR ICLR write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MIS0 MIS1 MIS2 MIS3 MIS4 MIS5 MIS6 MIS7

MIS0 : Writing a 1 to this bit clears PX.0 interrupt status
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS1 : Writing a 1 to this bit clears PX.1 interrupt status
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS2 : Writing a 1 to this bit clears PX.2 interrupt status
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS3 : Writing a 1 to this bit clears PX.3 interrupt status
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS4 : Writing a 1 to this bit clears PX.4 interrupt status
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS5 : Writing a 1 to this bit clears PX.5 interrupt status
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS6 : Writing a 1 to this bit clears PX.6 interrupt status
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

MIS7 : Writing a 1 to this bit clears PX.7 interrupt status
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Interrupt Type Register
address_offset : 0x20 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

ITYPE ITYPE read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ITYPE0 ITYPE1 ITYPE2 ITYPE3 ITYPE4 ITYPE5 ITYPE6 ITYPE7

ITYPE0 : Px.0 interrupt Type Register.
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

ITYPE1 : Px.1 interrupt Type Register.
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

ITYPE2 : Px.2 interrupt Type Register.
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

ITYPE3 : Px.3 interrupt Type Register.
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

ITYPE4 : Px.4 interrupt Type Register.
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

ITYPE5 : Px.5 interrupt Type Register.
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

ITYPE6 : Px.6 interrupt Type Register.
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

ITYPE7 : Px.7 interrupt Type Register.
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Interrupt Value Register
address_offset : 0x24 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

IVAL IVAL read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IVAL0 IVAL1 IVAL2 IVAL3 IVAL4 IVAL5 IVAL6 IVAL7

IVAL0 : Px.0 interrupt Trigger Value.
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IVAL1 : Px.1 interrupt Trigger Value.
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IVAL2 : Px.2 interrupt Trigger Value.
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IVAL3 : Px.3 interrupt Trigger Value.
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IVAL4 : Px.4 interrupt Trigger Value.
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IVAL5 : Px.5 interrupt Trigger Value.
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IVAL6 : Px.6 interrupt Trigger Value.
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

IVAL7 : Px.7 interrupt Trigger Value.
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Interrupt Any Edge Register.
address_offset : 0x28 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

IANY IANY read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IANY0 IANY1 IANY2 IANY3 IANY4 IANY5 IANY6 IANY7

IANY0 : Px.0 interrupt Trigger Any Edge.
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : depended on IANY

Falling or Rising edge depended on GPIOxIANY0

1 : Any edge

Any edge can trigger

End of enumeration elements list.

IANY1 : Px.1 interrupt Trigger Any Edge.
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : depended on IANY

Falling or Rising edge depended on GPIOxIANY0

1 : Any edge

Any edge can trigger

End of enumeration elements list.

IANY2 : Px.2 interrupt Trigger Any Edge.
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : depended on IANY

Falling or Rising edge depended on GPIOxIANY0

1 : Any edge

Any edge can trigger

End of enumeration elements list.

IANY3 : Px.3 interrupt Trigger Any Edge.
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : depended on IANY

Falling or Rising edge depended on GPIOxIANY0

1 : Any edge

Any edge can trigger

End of enumeration elements list.

IANY4 : Px.4 interrupt Trigger Any Edge.
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : depended on IANY

Falling or Rising edge depended on GPIOxIANY0

1 : Any edge

Any edge can trigger

End of enumeration elements list.

IANY5 : Px.5 interrupt Trigger Any Edge.
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : depended on IANY

Falling or Rising edge depended on GPIOxIANY0

1 : Any edge

Any edge can trigger

End of enumeration elements list.

IANY6 : Px.6 interrupt Trigger Any Edge.
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : depended on IANY

Falling or Rising edge depended on GPIOxIANY0

1 : Any edge

Any edge can trigger

End of enumeration elements list.

IANY7 : Px.7 interrupt Trigger Any Edge.
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : depended on IANY

Falling or Rising edge depended on GPIOxIANY0

1 : Any edge

Any edge can trigger

End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Data Input De-bounce Register.
address_offset : 0x2C Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

DIDB DIDB read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DIDB0 DIDB1 DIDB2 DIDB3 DIDB4 DIDB5 DIDB6 DIDB7

DIDB0 : Px.0 input De-bounce.
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : don't filter

The input data is directly from the pin

1 : filter

There will be two stages DFF filter

End of enumeration elements list.

DIDB1 : Px.1 input De-bounce.
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : don't filter

The input data is directly from the pin

1 : filter

There will be two stages DFF filter

End of enumeration elements list.

DIDB2 : Px.2 input De-bounce.
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : don't filter

The input data is directly from the pin

1 : filter

There will be two stages DFF filter

End of enumeration elements list.

DIDB3 : Px.3 input De-bounce.
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : don't filter

The input data is directly from the pin

1 : filter

There will be two stages DFF filter

End of enumeration elements list.

DIDB4 : Px.4 input De-bounce.
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : don't filter

The input data is directly from the pin

1 : filter

There will be two stages DFF filter

End of enumeration elements list.

DIDB5 : Px.5 input De-bounce.
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : don't filter

The input data is directly from the pin

1 : filter

There will be two stages DFF filter

End of enumeration elements list.

DIDB6 : Px.6 input De-bounce.
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : don't filter

The input data is directly from the pin

1 : filter

There will be two stages DFF filter

End of enumeration elements list.

DIDB7 : Px.7 input De-bounce.
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : don't filter

The input data is directly from the pin

1 : filter

There will be two stages DFF filter

End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Data Output Set Register.
address_offset : 0x30 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : write-only
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

DOSET DOSET write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOS0 DOS1 DOS2 DOS3 DOS4 DOS5 DOS6 DOS7

DOS0 : Data Output Set Register.DO can be set by writing 1 to the DO in the GPIOxDOSET register.Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : set to high

set to high

End of enumeration elements list.

DOS1 : Data Output Set Register.DO can be set by writing 1 to the DO in the GPIOxDOSET register.Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : set to high

set to high

End of enumeration elements list.

DOS2 : Data Output Set Register.DO can be set by writing 1 to the DO in the GPIOxDOSET register.Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : set to high

set to high

End of enumeration elements list.

DOS3 : Data Output Set Register.DO can be set by writing 1 to the DO in the GPIOxDOSET register.Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : set to high

set to high

End of enumeration elements list.

DOS4 : Data Output Set Register.DO can be set by writing 1 to the DO in the GPIOxDOSET register.Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : set to high

set to high

End of enumeration elements list.

DOS5 : Data Output Set Register.DO can be set by writing 1 to the DO in the GPIOxDOSET register.Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : set to high

set to high

End of enumeration elements list.

DOS6 : Data Output Set Register.DO can be set by writing 1 to the DO in the GPIOxDOSET register.Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : set to high

set to high

End of enumeration elements list.

DOS7 : Data Output Set Register.DO can be set by writing 1 to the DO in the GPIOxDOSET register.Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : set to high

set to high

End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Data Output Clear Register
address_offset : 0x34 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : write-only
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

DOCLR DOCLR write-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOC0 DOC1 DOC2 DOC3 DOC4 DOC5 DOC6 DOC7

DOC0 : Data Output clear Register.DO can be cleared by writing 1 to the DOC in the GPIOxDOCLR register. Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : clear to low

clear to low

End of enumeration elements list.

DOC1 : Data Output clear Register.DO can be cleared by writing 1 to the DOC in the GPIOxDOCLR register. Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : clear to low

clear to low

End of enumeration elements list.

DOC2 : Data Output clear Register.DO can be cleared by writing 1 to the DOC in the GPIOxDOCLR register. Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : clear to low

clear to low

End of enumeration elements list.

DOC3 : Data Output clear Register.DO can be cleared by writing 1 to the DOC in the GPIOxDOCLR register. Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : clear to low

clear to low

End of enumeration elements list.

DOC4 : Data Output clear Register.DO can be cleared by writing 1 to the DOC in the GPIOxDOCLR register. Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : clear to low

clear to low

End of enumeration elements list.

DOC5 : Data Output clear Register.DO can be cleared by writing 1 to the DOC in the GPIOxDOCLR register. Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : clear to low

clear to low

End of enumeration elements list.

DOC6 : Data Output clear Register.DO can be cleared by writing 1 to the DOC in the GPIOxDOCLR register. Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : clear to low

clear to low

End of enumeration elements list.

DOC7 : Data Output clear Register.DO can be cleared by writing 1 to the DOC in the GPIOxDOCLR register. Writing a zero to this bit has no effect.
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : no effect

no effect

1 : clear to low

clear to low

End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Drive current Set Register.
address_offset : 0x38 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

DR DR read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DR0 DR1 DR2 DR3 DR4 DR5 DR6 DR7

DR0 : Drive curent set bit.
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high.

low current.

0 : set to low

large current.

End of enumeration elements list.

DR1 : Drive curent set bit.
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high.

low current.

0 : set to low

large current.

End of enumeration elements list.

DR2 : Drive curent set bit.
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high.

low current.

0 : set to low

large current.

End of enumeration elements list.

DR3 : Drive curent set bit.
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high.

low current.

0 : set to low

large current.

End of enumeration elements list.

DR4 : Drive curent set bit.
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high.

low current.

0 : set to low

large current.

End of enumeration elements list.

DR5 : Drive curent set bit.
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high.

low current.

0 : set to low

large current.

End of enumeration elements list.

DR6 : Drive curent set bit.
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high.

low current.

0 : set to low

large current.

End of enumeration elements list.

DR7 : Drive curent set bit.
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high.

low current.

0 : set to low

large current.

End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Drive rate Register.
address_offset : 0x3C Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

SR SR read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SR0 SR1 SR2 SR3 SR4 SR5 SR6 SR7

SR0 : Drive rate set bit.
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high

low speed rate

0 : clear to low

high speed rate.

End of enumeration elements list.

SR1 : Drive rate set bit.
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high

low speed rate

0 : clear to low

high speed rate.

End of enumeration elements list.

SR2 : Drive rate set bit.
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high

low speed rate

0 : clear to low

high speed rate.

End of enumeration elements list.

SR3 : Drive rate set bit.
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high

low speed rate

0 : clear to low

high speed rate.

End of enumeration elements list.

SR4 : Drive rate set bit.
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high

low speed rate

0 : clear to low

high speed rate.

End of enumeration elements list.

SR5 : Drive rate set bit.
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high

low speed rate

0 : clear to low

high speed rate.

End of enumeration elements list.

SR6 : Drive rate set bit.
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high

low speed rate

0 : clear to low

high speed rate.

End of enumeration elements list.

SR7 : Drive rate set bit.
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

1 : set to high

low speed rate

0 : clear to low

high speed rate.

End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Data Output Write Mask Register.
address_offset : 0x4 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

DOM DOM read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOMx0 DOMx1 DOMx2 DOMx3 DOMx4 DOMx5 DOMx6 DOMx7

DOMx0 : Data Output Write Mask Register.
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : GPIOxDO is not masked.

GPIOxDO is not masked.

1 : GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

End of enumeration elements list.

DOMx1 : Data Output Write Mask Register.
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : GPIOxDO is not masked.

GPIOxDO is not masked.

1 : GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

End of enumeration elements list.

DOMx2 : Data Output Write Mask Register.
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : GPIOxDO is not masked.

GPIOxDO is not masked.

1 : GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

End of enumeration elements list.

DOMx3 : Data Output Write Mask Register.
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : GPIOxDO is not masked.

GPIOxDO is not masked.

1 : GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

End of enumeration elements list.

DOMx4 : Data Output Write Mask Register.
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : GPIOxDO is not masked.

GPIOxDO is not masked.

1 : GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

End of enumeration elements list.

DOMx5 : Data Output Write Mask Register.
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : GPIOxDO is not masked.

GPIOxDO is not masked.

1 : GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

End of enumeration elements list.

DOMx6 : Data Output Write Mask Register.
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : GPIOxDO is not masked.

GPIOxDO is not masked.

1 : GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

End of enumeration elements list.

DOMx7 : Data Output Write Mask Register.
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : GPIOxDO is not masked.

GPIOxDO is not masked.

1 : GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

GPIOxDO is masked. No changed by writing GPIOxDO.

End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Data Output Write Mask Register.
address_offset : 0x8 Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-write
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

DO DO read-write 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DOx0 DOx1 DOx2 DOx3 DOx4 DOx5 DOx6 DOx7

DOx0 : Px.0
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DOx1 : Px.1
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DOx2 : Px.2
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DOx3 : Px.3
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DOx4 : Px.4
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DOx5 : Px.5
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DOx6 : Px.6
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DOx7 : Px.7
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.


GPIO x Data Input Register.
address_offset : 0xC Bytes (0x0)
size : -1 bit
access : read-only
reset_value : 0x0
reset_Mask : 0x0

DI DI read-only 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Resets to Resets to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DIx0 DIx1 DIx2 DIx3 DIx4 DIx5 DIx6 DIx7

DIx0 : Px.0
bits : 0 - 0 (1 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DIx1 : Px.1
bits : 1 - 2 (2 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DIx2 : Px.2
bits : 2 - 4 (3 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DIx3 : Px.3
bits : 3 - 6 (4 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DIx4 : Px.4
bits : 4 - 8 (5 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DIx5 : Px.5
bits : 5 - 10 (6 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DIx6 : Px6
bits : 6 - 12 (7 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

DIx7 : Px.7
bits : 7 - 14 (8 bit)

Enumeration: ENUM

0 : 0


1 : 1


End of enumeration elements list.

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