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Name : STM32F407IETX

Flash : 512 kB

RAM : 128 kB

RAM : 0x00020000 Bytes @ 0x00020000


Architecture : Cortex-M4


name : ADC1
description : Analog-to-digital converter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (5) UART2_TX : UART 2 Transmit Interrupt
Interrupt (7) GPIO1 : GPIO 1 combined interrupt
Interrupt (9) TIMER1 : Timer 1 interrupt
Interrupt (17) CT16B1
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC1 global interrupt
Interrupt (19) CT32B1

name : ADC2
description : Analog-to-digital converter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) PVD_PVM : PVD through EXTI line
Interrupt (6) EXTI0 : EXTI Line 0 interrupt
Interrupt (7) EXTI1 : EXTI Line 1 interrupt
Interrupt (8) EXTI2 : EXTI Line 2 interrupt
Interrupt (9) EXTI3 : EXTI Line 3interrupt
Interrupt (10) EXTI4 : EXTI Line 4interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC1 global interrupt
Interrupt (19) SHARED_IRQ19 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (23) EXTI9_5 : EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (38) USART1
Interrupt (40) EXTI15_10 : EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) LPTIM2 : LP TIM2 interrupt
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (77) DMA2_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (85) SPI5 : SPI 5 global interrupt
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (121) DMA2_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (149) WKUP : WKUP1 to WKUP6 pins

name : ADC3
description : Analog-to-digital converter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (12) SHARED_IRQ12 : Error interrupt
Interrupt (17) SHARED_IRQ17 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC1 global interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) USART2
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_STR0 : DMA2 Stream0 interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_STR1 : DMA2 Stream1 interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_STR2 : DMA2 Stream2 interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_STR3 : DMA2 Stream3 interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_STR4 : DMA2 Stream4 interrupt
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (66) LPTIM2 : LP TIM2 interrupt
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (68) DMA2_STR5 : DMA2 Stream5 interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA2_STR6 : DMA2 Stream6 interrupt
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (70) DMA2_STR7 : DMA2 Stream7 interrupt
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (71) USART6 : USART6 global interrupt
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (78) DMA3_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (86) SPI6 : SPI 6 global interrupt
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (107) MFS10_RX
Interrupt (108) MFS10_TX
Interrupt (122) DMA3_INT : Done interrupt

name : CAN1
description : Controller area network
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (9) NVMCTRL
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) DMA1_CH2_3_DMA2_CH1_2 : DMA1 channel 2 and 3 and DMA2 channel 1 and 2 interrupt
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (11) DMA1_CH4_5_6_7_DMA2_CH3_4_5 : DMA1 channel 4, 5, 6 and 7 and DMA2 channel 3, 4 and 5 interrupts
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (12) SERCOM3
Interrupt (14) USART4_USART5 : USART4/USART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) MFS4RX
Interrupt (15) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) MFS4TX
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) TC2
Interrupt (19) CAN1_TX : CAN1 TX interrupts
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (20) CAN1_RX0 : CAN1 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) TIM15 : TIM15 global interrupt
Interrupt (21) CAN1_RX1 : CAN1 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (21) TC1
Interrupt (22) CAN1_SCE : CAN1 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (22) SPI1
Interrupt (22) MFT1_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (23) SSP1
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (24) TC4
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) TC3
Interrupt (27) SCI
Interrupt (27) PWM1256 : PWM1256 Interrupt
Interrupt (27) MPWM1
Interrupt (28) MFT1_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (28) MPWM1PROT
Interrupt (29) USART3_4 : USART3 and USART4 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) TIMER2
Interrupt (29) MFT1_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) MPWM1OVV
Interrupt (30) TIMER3
Interrupt (30) MFT1_ICU
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) MFT1_OCU
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (36) UART2 : UART 2 IRQ
Interrupt (36) I2C1 : I2C1 IRQ
Interrupt (37) MCAN1_INT0
Interrupt (38) QEI1
Interrupt (38) MCAN1_INT1
Interrupt (39) CAN1
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (40) AFEC1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIM6 : TIM6 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIM13 : TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (47) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (48) LPTIM2 : LPtimer 2 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (51) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA1_Channel0
Interrupt (57) DMA1_Channel1
Interrupt (58) DMA1_Channel2
Interrupt (59) DMA1_Channel3
Interrupt (60) DMA1_Channel4
Interrupt (60) UART7
Interrupt (61) I2C2
Interrupt (63) TIMER4A
Interrupt (64) TIMER4B
Interrupt (65) TIMER5A
Interrupt (66) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (66) TIMER5B
Interrupt (68) USART3
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (96) WTIMER1A
Interrupt (97) WTIMER1B
Interrupt (134) PWM1_0
Interrupt (135) PWM1_1
Interrupt (136) PWM1_2
Interrupt (137) PWM1_3
Interrupt (138) PWM1_FAULT

name : CAN2
description : Controller area network
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SWU6_EVT : Event
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (87) SAI1 : SAI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (100) I2C4_ER : I2C4 error interrupt
Interrupt (101) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt
Interrupt (114) SAI3 : SAI3 global interrupt

name : CRC
description : Cryptographic processor
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (6) TIMER1
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (10) TIMER5
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (11) SERCOM2
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (17) TCC2
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) MFS6RX
Interrupt (18) TC2
Interrupt (19) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) MFS7RX
Interrupt (21) MFS7TX
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (22) MFT1_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (22) TC7
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (24) TC4
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (26) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) TMR2 : Timer 2 IRQ
Interrupt (27) PWM1256 : PWM1256 Interrupt
Interrupt (27) TMR16_2 : 16-bit Timer 2 IRQ
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (28) MFT1_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) TMR3 : Timer 3 IRQ
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (29) MFT1_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) TMR16_3 : 16-bit Timer 3 IRQ
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (30) MFT1_ICU
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) MFT1_OCU
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (33) UART2
Interrupt (35) TC1
Interrupt (36) GPTM1
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (37) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (38) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (42) BFTM1
Interrupt (42) OTG_FS_WKUP : USB On-The-Go FS Wakeup through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (46) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) LPTIM2 : LPtimer 2 global interrupt
Interrupt (57) UART4
Interrupt (58) TC10
Interrupt (59) TC11
Interrupt (59) UART6
Interrupt (60) TC12
Interrupt (60) UART7
Interrupt (61) I2C2
Interrupt (62) I2C3
Interrupt (63) CAN1_TX
Interrupt (64) CAN1_RX0
Interrupt (65) CAN1_RX1
Interrupt (66) CAN1_EWMC
Interrupt (67) OTG_FS : USB On The Go FS global interrupt
Interrupt (77) TWIM2

name : CRYP
description : Cryptographic processor
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) GPIOA
Interrupt (0) WWDG : Window Watchdog interrupt
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (11) MFS2_10_RX
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2_10_TX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (14) PINT0_BLOCK : Pin Interrupt Block
Interrupt (14) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) MFS4_12_RX
Interrupt (16) MFS4_12_TX
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (17) MFS5_13_RX
Interrupt (18) ADC
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) MFS5_13_TX
Interrupt (26) TC3
Interrupt (27) TC4
Interrupt (27) ADC2
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (30) TIMER3
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2_EV
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2_ER
Interrupt (34) CT
Interrupt (37) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (37) LPUART1 : LPUART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (42) SPI1
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) UART3
Interrupt (46) UART4
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (48) LPTIM2 : LPtimer 2 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (50) SERCOM1_0
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (51) GPIOJ
Interrupt (51) SERCOM1_1
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (52) GPIOK
Interrupt (52) SERCOM1_2
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (53) GPIOL
Interrupt (53) SERCOM1_OTHER
Interrupt (56) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) SERCOM3_0
Interrupt (59) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (59) SERCOM3_1
Interrupt (60) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (60) SERCOM3_2
Interrupt (61) SERCOM3_OTHER
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (62) SERCOM4_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (62) SERCOM4_0
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (63) SERCOM4_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (63) SERCOM4_1
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (64) SERCOM4_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (64) SERCOM4_2
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) SERCOM4_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (65) SERCOM4_OTHER
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (66) SERCOM5_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (66) SERCOM5_0
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (67) SERCOM5_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (67) SERCOM5_1
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (68) DMA2_CH6 : DMA2 Channel 6 global Interrupt
Interrupt (68) SERCOM5_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (68) SERCOM5_2
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (69) DMA2_CH7 : DMA2 Channel 7 global Interrupt
Interrupt (69) SERCOM5_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (69) SERCOM5_OTHER
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (72) GPIOM
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (79) CRYP : CRYP crypto global interrupt
Interrupt (92) I2C3_EV : I2C3_EV
Interrupt (93) I2C3_ER : I2C3_ER
Interrupt (98) BT8
Interrupt (98) WTIMER2A
Interrupt (99) WTIMER2B
Interrupt (100) BT10
Interrupt (100) WTIMER3A
Interrupt (101) BT11
Interrupt (101) WTIMER3B
Interrupt (104) WTIMER5A
Interrupt (105) WTIMER5B
Interrupt (108) TC1_INTREQ
Interrupt (108) TC1

name : C_ADC
description : Common ADC registers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (2) GPIO2 : P2[7:0] IRQ
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIO4 : P4[7:0] IRQ
Interrupt (6) UART1
Interrupt (6) TIMER1
Interrupt (8) TIMER3
Interrupt (9) UART5 : Uart5 Interrupt
Interrupt (9) IOMSTR3
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (11) GPIO : GPIO Interrupt
Interrupt (11) SERCOM2
Interrupt (12) SERCOM5
Interrupt (15) TC2
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (19) FCN1REC
Interrupt (20) CT32B1
Interrupt (20) FCN1TRX
Interrupt (20) GPIOCE
Interrupt (21) FCN1WUP
Interrupt (21) GPIOCO
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (22) USART1
Interrupt (28) BTIM
Interrupt (28) I2C1
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (53) MPS2_SPI4 : SPI Shield1 interrupt
Interrupt (54) SSI2
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel1 global interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel2 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel3 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) SSI3
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4_5 : DMA2 Channel4 and DMA2 Channel5 global interrupt
Interrupt (71) GPIO3 : GPIO 3 combined interrupt
Interrupt (87) FCN1ERR
Interrupt (120) GPIO3_0 : GPIO 3 Pin 0 interrupt
Interrupt (121) GPIO3_1 : GPIO 3 Pin 1 interrupt
Interrupt (122) GPIO3_2 : GPIO 3 Pin 2 interrupt
Interrupt (123) GPIO3_3 : GPIO 3 Pin 3 interrupt

name : DAC
description : Digital-to-analog converter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (4) IRQ_GPIOB
Interrupt (4) TIMER1 : Timer 1 interrupt
Interrupt (7) GPIO1 : GPIO 1 combined interrupt
Interrupt (7) IOMSTR1
Interrupt (14) SPI1
Interrupt (14) GPIOCE
Interrupt (15) GPIOCO
Interrupt (17) CT16B1
Interrupt (17) GPIO3 : GPIO 3 combined interrupt
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (21) UART4_TX : UART 4 Transmit Interrupt
Interrupt (23) UART2
Interrupt (30) P1
Interrupt (36) GPTM1
Interrupt (54) TIM6_DAC : TIM6 global interrupt, DAC1 and DAC2 underrun error interrupt
Interrupt (57) SSP1

name : DBG
description : Debug support
base address : 0x0

name : DCMI
description : Digital camera interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (78) DCMI : DCMI global interrupt

name : DMA1
description : DMA controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (7) TMR2 : TMR2 IRQ
Interrupt (8) TMR3 : TMR3 IRQ
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (11) MFS2_10_RX
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) MFS2_10_TX
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) USART1
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) MFS4_12_RX
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) MFS4_12_TX
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC3 global interrupts
Interrupt (19) MFS6_14_RX
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) MFS6_14_TX
Interrupt (21) MFS7_15_RX
Interrupt (22) MFS7_15_TX
Interrupt (28) SHARED_IRQ28 : Receive
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) ETHER1_CAN1
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (45) TIM14 : Timer 14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_Channel
Interrupt (46) UART4
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7
Interrupt (70) I2C4
Interrupt (71) I2C5
Interrupt (72) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (72) GPIOM
Interrupt (73) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (76) GPIOP0
Interrupt (77) GPIOP1
Interrupt (78) GPIOP2
Interrupt (79) GPIOP3
Interrupt (80) GPIOP4
Interrupt (81) GPIOP5
Interrupt (82) GPIOP6
Interrupt (83) GPIOP7
Interrupt (85) SPI5 : SPI 5 global interrupt
Interrupt (86) SPI6 : SPI 6 global interrupt
Interrupt (92) GPIOR
Interrupt (93) GPIOS
Interrupt (97) QPRC3
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (101) BT11
Interrupt (101) TCC3_OTHER
Interrupt (102) TCC3_MC0
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (103) TCC3_MC1
Interrupt (104) TCC4_OTHER
Interrupt (105) TCC4_MC0
Interrupt (106) TCC4_MC1
Interrupt (109) I2C8
Interrupt (110) I2C9
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (111) GPIOT
Interrupt (111) TC4
Interrupt (112) GPION
Interrupt (113) TC6
Interrupt (114) TC7_INTREQ
Interrupt (114) TC7

name : DMA2
description : DMA controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Stream0 : DMA2 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Stream1 : DMA2 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Stream2 : DMA2 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Stream3 : DMA2 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_Stream4 : DMA2 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (68) DMA2_Stream5 : DMA2 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA2_Stream6 : DMA2 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (70) DMA2_Stream7 : DMA2 Stream7 global interrupt

name : Ethernet_DMA
description : Ethernet: DMA controller operation
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (6) UART1
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (9) TIMER4
Interrupt (9) PIO1_IRQ_0
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) EQEP1 : EQEP1 Interrupt
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (10) PIO1_IRQ_1
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) USART4_USART5 : USART4/USART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) MFS5RX
Interrupt (16) TCC1
Interrupt (17) MFS5TX
Interrupt (17) TC1
Interrupt (18) BFTM1
Interrupt (18) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) MFS6TX
Interrupt (19) TC3
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (21) TC6
Interrupt (22) ADC1
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (23) MFT2_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (24) TMR1 : Timer 1 IRQ
Interrupt (25) DMA03 : General DMAC channel 3 transfer completion interrupt
Interrupt (25) TMR16_1 : 16-bit Timer 1 IRQ
Interrupt (26) TMR2 : Timer 2 IRQ
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) TMR16_2 : 16-bit Timer 2 IRQ
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) USART3_4_5_6 : USART3, USART4, USART5, USART6 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) TIMER3
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (30) SERCOM2_0
Interrupt (31) MCTM1BRK
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (31) SERCOM2_1
Interrupt (32) MCTM1UP
Interrupt (32) MFT2_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (32) SERCOM2_2
Interrupt (33) MCTM1TR_UP2
Interrupt (33) MFT2_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (33) SERCOM2_OTHER
Interrupt (34) MCTM1CC
Interrupt (34) MFT2_ICU
Interrupt (35) MFT2_OCU
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) GPTM1
Interrupt (37) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (42) OTG_FS_WKUP : USB On-The-Go FS Wakeup through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC2
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel1 global interrupt
Interrupt (56) UART3
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel2 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel3 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) UART5
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4 : DMA2 Channel4 global interrupt
Interrupt (59) UART6
Interrupt (60) DMA2_Channel5 : DMA2 Channel5 global interrupt
Interrupt (60) UART7
Interrupt (61) I2C2
Interrupt (62) I2C3
Interrupt (63) TWIM1
Interrupt (67) OTG_FS : USB On The Go FS global interrupt

name : Ethernet_MAC
description : Ethernet: media access control (MAC)
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) RTC1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (4) SSP23_IIC : SSP23 and IIC Interrupt
Interrupt (6) TIMER1
Interrupt (7) PMU : Peripheral Manament IRQ
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (9) PWM1
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) MFS2RX
Interrupt (11) MFS2TX
Interrupt (12) MFS3RX
Interrupt (12) SERCOM3
Interrupt (13) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) SERCOM5
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) TCC1
Interrupt (17) TC1
Interrupt (18) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) MFS6TX
Interrupt (19) FCN1REC : FCN1 reception completion interrupt
Interrupt (20) FCN1TRX : FCN1 transmission completion interrupt
Interrupt (20) TC5
Interrupt (21) FCN1WUP : FCN1 sleep and wakeup/transmission suspension interrupt
Interrupt (21) UART1_IRQ
Interrupt (22) GPIODE
Interrupt (23) GPIODO
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) ADC1_INTREQ
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (29) USART3_USART4_USART5_USART6_LPUART1 : USART3,4,5,6 and LPUART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (33) I2C1_EV
Interrupt (33) UART2 : UART2
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (37) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (47) ADC2
Interrupt (55) SSI3
Interrupt (56) UART3
Interrupt (57) UART4
Interrupt (58) UART5
Interrupt (59) UART6
Interrupt (60) UART7
Interrupt (61) ETH : Ethernet global interrupt
Interrupt (62) ETH_WKUP : Ethernet Wakeup through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (68) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (69) I2C3
Interrupt (87) FCN1ERR : FCN1 error detection interrupt

name : Ethernet_MMC
description : Ethernet: MAC management counters
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (6) UART1
Interrupt (7) ECAP1 : ECAP1 Interrupt
Interrupt (7) PMU : Peripheral Manament IRQ
Interrupt (7) TIMER2
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (9) PWM1
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) PORT
Interrupt (11) GPTM1
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) MFS3RX
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) MFS3TX
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) SERCOM4
Interrupt (13) WDT1 : Watch Dog Timer 1 IRQ
Interrupt (14) MFS4RX
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) WDT1_PRE_WIN : Watch Dog Timer 1 Pre-Window IRQ
Interrupt (15) SPI0_EVT : Event
Interrupt (15) MFS4TX
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) CAN1_INTREQ
Interrupt (16) CAN1
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (17) TIM6 : TIM6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) TC1
Interrupt (17) TCC2
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) TC2
Interrupt (19) TC4
Interrupt (19) SPI1_IRQ
Interrupt (20) MFS7RX
Interrupt (21) MFS7TX
Interrupt (21) TC6
Interrupt (23) DMA01 : General DMAC channel 1 transfer completion interrupt
Interrupt (25) CAN
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (30) TMR4 : TMR4 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (36) SPI1
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (37) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (41) RTC_Alarm : RTC Alarms (A and B) through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 Channel 1 interrupt
Interrupt (51) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 Channel 2 interrupt
Interrupt (52) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 Channel 3 interrupt
Interrupt (53) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 Channel 4 interrupt
Interrupt (54) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 Channel 5 interrupt
Interrupt (54) SSI2
Interrupt (56) DMA1_Channel0
Interrupt (56) UART3 : UART3
Interrupt (57) DMA1_Channel1
Interrupt (57) UART4
Interrupt (58) DMA1_Channel2
Interrupt (58) UART5
Interrupt (59) DMA1_Channel3_4
Interrupt (59) UART6
Interrupt (60) UART7
Interrupt (61) I2C2
Interrupt (63) CAN1_TX
Interrupt (64) CAN1_RX0
Interrupt (65) CAN1_RX1
Interrupt (66) CAN1_EWMC
Interrupt (69) I2C3

name : Ethernet_PTP
description : Ethernet: Precision time protocol
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (4) I2S1 : I2S1
Interrupt (5) RCC : RCC global interrupt
Interrupt (8) ECAP2 : ECAP2 Interrupt
Interrupt (8) TIMER3
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (13) WDT1 : Watch Dog Timer 1 IRQ
Interrupt (14) SCTM1
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) MFS4RX
Interrupt (14) SERCOM5
Interrupt (14) WDT1_PRE_WIN : Watch Dog Timer 1 Pre-Window IRQ
Interrupt (15) MFS4TX
Interrupt (16) MFS5RX
Interrupt (17) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) TC2
Interrupt (19) TC3
Interrupt (20) TC5
Interrupt (21) TC4
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (22) MFT1_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (22) TC7
Interrupt (24) DMA02 : General DMAC channel 2 transfer completion interrupt
Interrupt (24) TMR1 : Timer 1 IRQ
Interrupt (24) I2C1_IRQ
Interrupt (25) CAN
Interrupt (25) TMR16_1 : 16-bit Timer 1 IRQ
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) SERCOM1_0
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) SERCOM1_1
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (28) MFT1_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (28) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) SERCOM1_2
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (29) TIMER2
Interrupt (29) TMR3 : TMR3 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) MFT1_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (29) SERCOM1_OTHER
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (30) MFT1_ICU
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) MCTM1BRK
Interrupt (31) MFT1_OCU
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (32) MCTM1UP
Interrupt (33) MCTM1TR_UP2
Interrupt (33) UART2
Interrupt (34) MCTM1CC
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (37) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (55) SSI3
Interrupt (56) DMA1_Channel0
Interrupt (57) DMA1_Channel1
Interrupt (57) UART4
Interrupt (58) DMA1_Channel2
Interrupt (58) TC10
Interrupt (58) UART5
Interrupt (59) DMA1_Channel3_4
Interrupt (59) TC11
Interrupt (59) UART6
Interrupt (60) TC12
Interrupt (60) UART7
Interrupt (61) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) I2C3
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI4 global interrupt

name : EXTI
description : External interrupt/event controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) TAMP_STAMP : Tamper and TimeStamp interrupts through the EXTI line
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (6) EXTI0 : EXTI Line0 interrupt
Interrupt (7) EXTI1 : EXTI Line1 interrupt
Interrupt (8) EXTI2 : EXTI Line2 interrupt
Interrupt (9) EXTI3 : EXTI Line3 interrupt
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) EXTI4 : EXTI Line4 interrupt
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) PORT
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (12) PIOC
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (18) ADC0_1
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) TCC2
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) TC4
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (22) TIMER16
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (23) EXTI9_5 : EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (23) TC3
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (25) SPI1 : SPI1_global_interrupt
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) SCI
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (29) TIMER2
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (30) TIMER3
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (37) MCAN1_INT0
Interrupt (38) MCAN1_INT1
Interrupt (39) CAN1
Interrupt (40) EXTI15_10 : EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (40) AFEC1
Interrupt (40) UART2
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (47) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (50) TIMER4
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (55) TIMER6
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (61) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (61) I2C1 : I2C1 global interrupt
Interrupt (63) TIMER4A
Interrupt (64) TIMER4B
Interrupt (65) TIMER5A
Interrupt (66) TIMER5B
Interrupt (68) USART3
Interrupt (70) I2SC1
Interrupt (96) WTIMER1A
Interrupt (97) WTIMER1B
Interrupt (98) WTIMER2A
Interrupt (99) WTIMER2B

name : FLASH
description : FLASH
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (13) TIMER1
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) USART4_USART5 : USART4/USART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) TIMER2
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) TCC1
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) TC3
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (21) PAC
Interrupt (22) MFT1_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (22) TC2
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (26) PWM7 : PWM7 Interrupt
Interrupt (27) ADC2
Interrupt (27) TIM11 : TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) TIM1_CC : TIM1 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) MFT1_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (29) USART3_4 : USART3 and USART4 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) MFT1_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (30) TIMER3
Interrupt (30) MFT1_ICU
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) MFT1_OCU
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (37) MCAN1_INT0
Interrupt (37) UART3 : UART 3 IRQ
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (38) MCAN1_INT1
Interrupt (38) QEI1
Interrupt (39) UART1
Interrupt (39) CAN1
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (40) AFEC1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (47) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (50) TIMER4
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (62) I2C2 : I2C2 IRQ
Interrupt (62) I2C3
Interrupt (63) TIMER4A
Interrupt (64) TIMER4B
Interrupt (65) TIMER5A
Interrupt (66) TIMER5B
Interrupt (67) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (96) WTIMER1A
Interrupt (97) WTIMER1B

name : FPU
description : Floting point unit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) GPIOA
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (9) MFS1_9_RX
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1_9_TX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) MFS3_11_RX
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) PINT0_BLOCK : Pin Interrupt Block
Interrupt (14) MFS3_11_TX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) USART1
Interrupt (15) USART2
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) MFS5_13_RX
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) MFS5_13_TX
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) MFS6_14_RX
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) MFS6_14_TX
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) TC3
Interrupt (27) TC4
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) CT
Interrupt (35) SPI2 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (37) LPUART1 : LPUART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (42) SPI1
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (45) UART3
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) UART4
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (47) ADC3 : ADC3 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (50) TIMER4
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (51) GPIOJ
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (52) GPIOK
Interrupt (53) GPIOL
Interrupt (54) SERCOM2_0
Interrupt (55) SERCOM2_1
Interrupt (56) SERCOM2_2
Interrupt (57) SERCOM2_OTHER
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (62) SERCOM4_0
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (63) CAN1_TX
Interrupt (63) SERCOM4_1
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (64) CAN1_RX0
Interrupt (64) SERCOM4_2
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) CAN1_RX1
Interrupt (65) SERCOM4_OTHER
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (66) CAN1_EWMC
Interrupt (66) SERCOM5_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (66) SERCOM5_0
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (67) SERCOM5_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (67) SERCOM5_1
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (68) SERCOM5_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (68) SERCOM5_2
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (69) SERCOM5_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (69) SERCOM5_OTHER
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (72) GPIOM
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (73) GPION
Interrupt (81) FPU : Floating point interrupt
Interrupt (81) FPU : Floating point interrupt
Interrupt (99) BT9
Interrupt (100) WTIMER3A
Interrupt (101) BT11
Interrupt (101) WTIMER3B
Interrupt (102) BT12_15
Interrupt (102) WTIMER4A
Interrupt (103) WTIMER4B
Interrupt (108) TC1_INTREQ
Interrupt (108) TC1
Interrupt (109) TC2_INTREQ
Interrupt (109) TC2

name : FPU_CPACR
description : Floating point unit CPACR
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (6) TMR1 : TMR1 IRQ
Interrupt (7) MFS0_8_RX
Interrupt (8) MFS0_8_TX
Interrupt (9) WDOG0_EXP : Expiration
Interrupt (11) MFS2_10_RX
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) MFS2_10_TX
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) USART1
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) MFS4_12_RX
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) USART2
Interrupt (16) MFS4_12_TX
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) MFS5_13_RX
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) SPI17Y2 : SPI17Y2 IRQ
Interrupt (18) MFS5_13_TX
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC3 global interrupts
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4
Interrupt (33) ETHER_MAC1
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) SPIM1 : SPI Master 1 IRQ
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) SPIM2 : SPI Master 2 IRQ
Interrupt (45) UART3
Interrupt (46) UART4
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIMER4
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (52) GPIOK
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (56) GPIOL
Interrupt (71) I2C5
Interrupt (72) GPIOM
Interrupt (76) GPIOP0
Interrupt (77) GPIOP1
Interrupt (78) GPIOP2
Interrupt (79) GPIOP3
Interrupt (80) GPIOP4
Interrupt (81) CAN1
Interrupt (81) GPIOP5
Interrupt (82) GPIOP6
Interrupt (83) GPIOP7
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (84) GPIOQ0
Interrupt (85) PINT4_BLOCK : Pin Interrupt Block
Interrupt (85) GPIOQ1
Interrupt (86) GPIOQ2
Interrupt (87) GPIOQ3
Interrupt (88) GPIOQ4
Interrupt (89) GPIOQ5
Interrupt (90) GPIOQ6
Interrupt (91) GPIOQ7
Interrupt (92) GPIOR
Interrupt (92) TCC1_OTHER
Interrupt (93) GPIOS
Interrupt (93) TCC1_MC0
Interrupt (94) TCC1_MC1
Interrupt (95) TCC1_MC2
Interrupt (96) TCC1_MC3
Interrupt (97) QPRC3
Interrupt (97) TCC2_OTHER
Interrupt (98) TCC2_MC0
Interrupt (99) BT9
Interrupt (99) TCC2_MC1
Interrupt (100) TCC2_MC2
Interrupt (101) BT11
Interrupt (101) TCC3_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (101) TCC3_OTHER
Interrupt (102) BT12_13_14_15
Interrupt (102) TCC3_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (102) TCC3_MC0
Interrupt (103) TCC3_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (103) TCC3_MC1
Interrupt (109) I2C4
Interrupt (109) I2C8
Interrupt (109) TC2
Interrupt (110) I2C9
Interrupt (111) GPIOT
Interrupt (111) TC4
Interrupt (112) TC5_INTREQ
Interrupt (112) TC5
Interrupt (117) PRGCRC_I2S

name : FSMC
description : Flexible static memory controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (48) FSMC : FSMC global interrupt

name : GPIOA
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) UART1_TX : UART 1 Transmit Interrupt
Interrupt (9) TIMER1 : Timer 1 Interrupt

name : GPIOB
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (9) TIMER1 : Timer 1 Interrupt

name : GPIOC
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC3 global interrupts
Interrupt (18) ADC1_2 : ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (25) TIM1_UP_TIM10 : TIM1 Update interrupt and TIM10 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) UART0_STAT : Status
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (35) SPI0
Interrupt (39) USART2
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC3 : ADC3 global interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2_CH1
Interrupt (57) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2_CH2
Interrupt (57) WDT1 : WDT1 IRQ
Interrupt (58) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2_CH3
Interrupt (59) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2_CH4
Interrupt (60) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2_CH5
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (71) I2C5
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (76) OCTOSPI2 : OCTOSPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (82) UART7 : UART 7 global interrupt
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (97) DMA2_CH6 : DMA2_CH6
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (101) TCC3_OTHER
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (102) TCC3_MC0
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (103) TCC3_MC1
Interrupt (111) GPIOT
Interrupt (112) GPION
Interrupt (116) GPIOP0
Interrupt (117) GPIOP1
Interrupt (118) GPIOP2
Interrupt (119) GPIOP3
Interrupt (120) GPIOP4
Interrupt (121) GPIOP5
Interrupt (122) GPIOP6
Interrupt (123) GPIOP7
Interrupt (146) CAN1_TX : Transmit
Interrupt (147) CAN1_RX : Receive
Interrupt (148) CAN1_STAT : Status

name : GPIOD
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC2 global interrupts
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (21) MFS7_15_RX
Interrupt (22) MFS7_15_TX
Interrupt (26) UART0_STAT : Status
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) UART2 : UART2 IRQ
Interrupt (35) SPI0
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2
Interrupt (38) USART1
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2_CH1
Interrupt (57) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2_CH2
Interrupt (57) WDT1 : WDT1 IRQ
Interrupt (58) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2_CH3
Interrupt (59) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2_CH4
Interrupt (60) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2_CH5
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (70) I2C4
Interrupt (71) I2C5
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (76) OCTOSPI2 : OCTOSPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (83) I2C4_ER : I2C4 error interrupt
Interrupt (84) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt
Interrupt (88) TIMER1_TMR0 : Timer 0
Interrupt (89) TIMER1_TMR1 : Timer 1
Interrupt (90) TIMER1_TMR2 : Timer 2
Interrupt (91) TIMER1_TMR3 : Timer 3
Interrupt (92) TIMER1_TMR4 : Timer 4
Interrupt (93) TIMER1_TMR5 : Timer 5
Interrupt (93) GPIOS
Interrupt (94) TIMER1_TMR6 : Timer 6
Interrupt (95) TIMER1_TMR7 : Timer 7
Interrupt (97) QPRC3
Interrupt (97) DMA2_CH6 : DMA2_CH6
Interrupt (97) TCC2_OTHER
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (98) TCC2_MC0
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (99) TCC2_MC1
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (100) TCC2_MC2
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (104) TIMER1_STAT : Status
Interrupt (104) TCC4_OTHER
Interrupt (105) TCC4_MC0
Interrupt (106) TCC4_MC1
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (111) GPIOM
Interrupt (112) GPION

name : GPIOE
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) UART1 : UART1 IRQ
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC1_2 : ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (19) MFS6_14_RX
Interrupt (20) MFS6_14_TX
Interrupt (26) UART0_STAT : Status
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) WDOG1_EXP : Expiration
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) UART2 : UART2 IRQ
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2
Interrupt (37) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC3 : ADC3 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (56) GPIOL
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (67) USB_FS : USB event interrupt through EXTI
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (70) I2C4
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (71) I2C5
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (83) I2C4_ER : I2C4 error interrupt
Interrupt (84) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt
Interrupt (85) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (86) SPI6 : SPI 6 global interrupt
Interrupt (92) TCC1_OTHER
Interrupt (92) GPIOR
Interrupt (93) TCC1_MC0
Interrupt (94) TCC1_MC1
Interrupt (95) TCC1_MC2
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (96) TCC1_MC3
Interrupt (97) QPRC3
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (101) TCC3_OTHER
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (102) TCC3_MC0
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (103) TCC3_MC1
Interrupt (104) TCC4_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (104) TCC4_OTHER
Interrupt (105) TCC4_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (105) TCC4_MC0
Interrupt (106) TCC4_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (106) TCC4_MC1
Interrupt (110) I2C9
Interrupt (111) GPIOM

name : GPIOF
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (10) TMR5 : TMR5 IRQ
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) UART1 : UART1 IRQ
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) MFS5_13_RX
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) MFS5_13_TX
Interrupt (18) ADC1_2 : ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC3 global interrupts
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (21) MFS7_15_RX
Interrupt (22) MFS7_15_TX
Interrupt (25) SHARED_IRQ25 : Error
Interrupt (28) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (37) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (47) ADC3 : ADC3 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5
Interrupt (55) GPIOK
Interrupt (56) GPIOL
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (70) I2C4
Interrupt (71) I2C5
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (84) SPI3 : SPI3
Interrupt (84) GPIOQ0
Interrupt (85) SPI5 : SPI 5 global interrupt
Interrupt (85) GPIOQ1
Interrupt (86) GPIOQ2
Interrupt (87) GPIOQ3
Interrupt (88) GPIOQ4
Interrupt (89) GPIOQ5
Interrupt (90) GPIOQ6
Interrupt (91) GPIOQ7
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (97) QPRC3
Interrupt (97) TCC2_OTHER
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (98) TCC2_MC0
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (99) TCC2_MC1
Interrupt (100) TCC2_MC2
Interrupt (101) TCC3_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (101) TCC3_OTHER
Interrupt (102) TCC3_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (102) TCC3_MC0
Interrupt (103) TCC3_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (103) TCC3_MC1
Interrupt (109) I2C8
Interrupt (110) I2C9
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (114) TC7

name : GPIOG
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (9) TMR4 : TMR4 IRQ
Interrupt (10) TMR5 : TMR5 IRQ
Interrupt (15) MFS4_12_RX
Interrupt (15) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) MFS4_12_TX
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC2 global interrupts
Interrupt (19) MFS6_14_RX
Interrupt (19) CAN1_TX : CAN1 TX interrupts
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) MFS6_14_TX
Interrupt (20) CAN1_RX0 : CAN1 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (21) CAN1_RX1 : CAN1 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (22) CAN1_SCE : CAN1 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (51) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5
Interrupt (54) GPIOJ
Interrupt (55) GPIOK
Interrupt (56) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (68) DMA2_CH6 : DMA2 Channel 6 global Interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA2_CH7 : DMA2 Channel 7 global Interrupt
Interrupt (70) I2C4
Interrupt (71) I2C5
Interrupt (76) GPIOP0
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (77) GPIOP1
Interrupt (78) GPIOP2
Interrupt (79) GPIOP3
Interrupt (80) GPIOP4
Interrupt (81) GPIOP5
Interrupt (82) GPIOP6
Interrupt (83) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt
Interrupt (83) GPIOP7
Interrupt (84) I2C4_ER : I2C4 error interrupt
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (92) TCC1_OTHER
Interrupt (93) TCC1_MC0
Interrupt (94) TCC1_MC1
Interrupt (95) TCC1_MC2
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (96) TCC1_MC3
Interrupt (97) QPRC3
Interrupt (97) TCC2_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (97) TCC2_OTHER
Interrupt (98) TCC2_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (98) TCC2_MC0
Interrupt (99) TCC2_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (99) TCC2_MC1
Interrupt (100) TCC2_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (100) TCC2_MC2
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (109) I2C8
Interrupt (110) I2C9
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (111) GPIOT
Interrupt (113) TC6

name : GPIOH
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) RTC_WKUP : RTC Wakeup interrupt through the EXTI line
Interrupt (8) TMR3 : TMR3 IRQ
Interrupt (9) TMR4 : TMR4 IRQ
Interrupt (13) MFS3_11_RX
Interrupt (14) MFS3_11_TX
Interrupt (14) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) USART2 : USART2
Interrupt (17) MFS5_13_RX
Interrupt (18) MFS5_13_TX
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC2 global interrupts
Interrupt (19) CAN1_TX : CAN1 TX interrupts
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) CAN1_RX0 : CAN1 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (21) MFS7_15_RX
Interrupt (21) CAN1_RX1 : CAN1 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (22) MFS7_15_TX
Interrupt (22) CAN1_SCE : CAN1 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (26) TIMER0_TRG_CMT_TIMER10
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (36) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3
Interrupt (41) RTC_Alarm : RTC Alarms (A and B) through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (52) UART4 : UART4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (54) GPIOJ
Interrupt (56) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (68) DMA2_CH6 : DMA2 Channel 6 global Interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA2_CH7 : DMA2 Channel 7 global Interrupt
Interrupt (70) I2C4
Interrupt (71) I2C5
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (73) GPION
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (84) GPIOQ0
Interrupt (85) GPIOQ1
Interrupt (86) SPI6 : SPI 6 global interrupt
Interrupt (86) GPIOQ2
Interrupt (87) GPIOQ3
Interrupt (88) GPIOQ4
Interrupt (89) GPIOQ5
Interrupt (90) GPIOQ6
Interrupt (91) GPIOQ7
Interrupt (92) TCC1_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (92) TCC1_OTHER
Interrupt (93) TCC1_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (93) GPIOS
Interrupt (93) TCC1_MC0
Interrupt (94) TCC1_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (94) TCC1_MC1
Interrupt (95) TCC1_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (95) TCC1_MC2
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (96) TCC1_INTREQ_4
Interrupt (96) TCC1_MC3
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (102) BT12_13_14_15
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (104) TCC4_OTHER
Interrupt (105) TCC4_MC0
Interrupt (106) TCC4_MC1
Interrupt (109) I2C8
Interrupt (110) I2C9
Interrupt (111) GPIOT
Interrupt (112) TC5
Interrupt (114) TC7
Interrupt (116) GPIOP0
Interrupt (117) GPIOP1
Interrupt (118) GPIOP2
Interrupt (119) GPIOP3
Interrupt (120) GPIOP4
Interrupt (121) GPIOP5
Interrupt (122) GPIOP6
Interrupt (123) GPIOP7

name : GPIOI
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOJ
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (18) ADC1_2 : ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) UART0_STAT : Status
Interrupt (26) TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11 : TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) TIMER2
Interrupt (37) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) PWM1_TRIP : Trip
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC3 : ADC3 global interrupt
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (71) USART5
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (77) ADC1 : ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (80) PWM1_SYNC : PWMTMR Grouped
Interrupt (82) UART7 : UART 7 global interrupt
Interrupt (83) UART8 : UART 8 global interrupt
Interrupt (85) SPI5 : SPI 5 global interrupt
Interrupt (97) QPRC3
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (104) TCC4_OTHER
Interrupt (105) TCC4_MC0
Interrupt (106) TCC4_MC1
Interrupt (109) I2C4
Interrupt (109) I2C8
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1
Interrupt (116) GPIOP0
Interrupt (117) GPIOP1
Interrupt (118) GPIOP2
Interrupt (119) GPIOP3
Interrupt (120) GPIOP4
Interrupt (121) GPIOP5
Interrupt (122) GPIOP6
Interrupt (123) GPIOP7
Interrupt (124) GPIOQ0
Interrupt (125) GPIOQ1
Interrupt (126) GPIOQ2
Interrupt (127) GPIOQ3
Interrupt (128) GPIOQ4
Interrupt (129) GPIOQ5
Interrupt (130) GPIOQ6
Interrupt (131) GPIOQ7

name : GPIOK
description : General-purpose I/Os
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) ADCC0_ERR : ADC Error
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (23) ADCC0_TMR0_EVT : Timer 0 Event Complete
Interrupt (24) ADCC0_TMR1_EVT : Timer 1 Event Complete
Interrupt (26) TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11 : TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) TIMER3
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (41) PWM2_TRIP : Trip
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC3 : ADC3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART4
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (81) PWM2_SYNC : PWMTMR Grouped
Interrupt (83) UART8 : UART 8 global interrupt
Interrupt (86) SPI6 : SPI 6 global interrupt
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (109) I2C4
Interrupt (110) I2C5
Interrupt (110) I2C9
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (124) GPIOQ0
Interrupt (125) GPIOQ1
Interrupt (126) GPIOQ2
Interrupt (127) GPIOQ3
Interrupt (128) GPIOQ4
Interrupt (129) GPIOQ5
Interrupt (130) GPIOQ6
Interrupt (131) GPIOQ7

name : HASH
description : Hash processor
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) WWDG : Window Watchdog interrupt
Interrupt (0) GPIOA
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (9) MFS1_9_RX
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1_9_TX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) I2S1
Interrupt (13) MFS3_11_RX
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) PINT0_BLOCK : Pin Interrupt Block
Interrupt (14) USART1
Interrupt (14) MFS3_11_TX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) MFS4_12_RX
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) MFS4_12_TX
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) PIOE
Interrupt (18) ADC
Interrupt (19) USB_HP : USB High priority interrupt
Interrupt (19) TCC2
Interrupt (20) USB_LP : USB Low priority interrupt
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (23) WFG2_DTIF2
Interrupt (26) TC3
Interrupt (27) TC4
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (29) TIMER2
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) FRT2_PEAK
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) FRT2_ZERO
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2_EV
Interrupt (34) ICU2
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2_ER
Interrupt (35) OCU2
Interrupt (39) CAN1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (42) SPI1
Interrupt (42) USB_FS_WKUP : USB Device FS Wakeup through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP
Interrupt (44) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) SUBGHZSPI : Sub-GHz radio SPI global interrupt
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (45) UART3
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_Channel
Interrupt (46) UART4
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (48) LPTIM2 : LPtimer 2 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (51) GPIOJ
Interrupt (52) GPIOK
Interrupt (53) GPIOL
Interrupt (54) SERCOM2_0
Interrupt (55) SERCOM2_1
Interrupt (56) SERCOM2_2
Interrupt (57) SERCOM2_OTHER
Interrupt (58) SERCOM3_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (58) SERCOM3_0
Interrupt (59) SERCOM3_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (59) SERCOM3_1
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (60) SERCOM3_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (60) SERCOM3_2
Interrupt (61) SERCOM3_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (61) SERCOM3_OTHER
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (62) SERCOM4_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (62) SERCOM4_0
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (63) SERCOM4_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (63) SERCOM4_1
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (64) SERCOM4_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (64) SERCOM4_2
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) SERCOM4_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (65) SERCOM4_OTHER
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (66) SERCOM5_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (66) SERCOM5_0
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (67) SERCOM5_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (67) SERCOM5_1
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (68) SERCOM5_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (68) SERCOM5_2
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (69) SERCOM5_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (69) SERCOM5_OTHER
Interrupt (71) QUADSPI : QUADSPI global interrupt
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (80) HASH_RNG : Hash and Rng global interrupt
Interrupt (98) WTIMER2A
Interrupt (99) BT9
Interrupt (99) WTIMER2B
Interrupt (100) BT10
Interrupt (102) BT12_15
Interrupt (102) WTIMER4A
Interrupt (103) WTIMER4B
Interrupt (104) WTIMER5A
Interrupt (105) WTIMER5B
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (136) SDHC1

name : I2C1
description : Inter-integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) SHARED_IRQ11 : Event
Interrupt (20) FDCAN2_IT0 : FDCAN2 Interrupt 0
Interrupt (22) FDCAN2_IT1 : FDCAN2 Interrupt 1
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (52) UART4 : UART4 global interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA8_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (86) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupt
Interrupt (87) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupt
Interrupt (88) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupt
Interrupt (89) CAN2_SCE : CAN SCE interrupt
Interrupt (95) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt
Interrupt (96) I2C4_ER : I2C4 error interrupt
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (107) MFS10_RX
Interrupt (108) MFS10_TX
Interrupt (109) MFS11_RX
Interrupt (110) MFS11_TX
Interrupt (113) DMA8_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (120) MFS12_RX
Interrupt (121) MFS12_TX
Interrupt (122) MFS13_RX
Interrupt (123) MFS13_TX
Interrupt (126) MFS15_RX
Interrupt (127) MFS15_TX

name : I2C2
description : Inter-integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) PVD_PVM : PVD through EXTI line
Interrupt (6) EXTI0 : EXTI Line 0 interrupt
Interrupt (7) EXTI1 : EXTI Line 1 interrupt
Interrupt (8) EXTI2 : EXTI Line 2 interrupt
Interrupt (9) EXTI3 : EXTI Line 3interrupt
Interrupt (10) EXTI4 : EXTI Line 4interrupt
Interrupt (11) SHARED_IRQ11 : Event
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC1 global interrupt
Interrupt (23) EXTI9_5 : EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) EXTI15_10 : EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (52) UART4 : UART4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (68) DMA7_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (83) UART7 : UART7 global interrupt
Interrupt (95) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt
Interrupt (96) I2C4_ER : I2C4 error interrupt
Interrupt (103) SDMMC2 : SDMMC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (107) MFS10_RX
Interrupt (108) MFS10_TX
Interrupt (109) MFS11_RX
Interrupt (110) MFS11_TX
Interrupt (112) DMA7_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (120) MFS12_RX
Interrupt (121) MFS12_TX
Interrupt (124) MFS14_RX
Interrupt (125) MFS14_TX
Interrupt (149) WKUP : WKUP1 to WKUP6 pins
Interrupt (159) FDCAN3_IT0 : FDCAN3 Interrupt 0
Interrupt (160) FDCAN3_IT1 : FDCAN3 Interrupt 1

name : I2C3
description : Inter-integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (2) P2
Interrupt (4) TIMER1 : Timer 1
Interrupt (5) EINTC : Popt C external interrupts
Interrupt (7) IRQ_GPIOE
Interrupt (9) GINT1
Interrupt (9) IOMSTR3
Interrupt (14) SSP1
Interrupt (17) CT16B1
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (18) PC : PC Interrupt
Interrupt (20) GPIOCE
Interrupt (21) GPIOCO
Interrupt (24) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) P3
Interrupt (29) GPIO2
Interrupt (30) GPIO1
Interrupt (30) P1
Interrupt (36) UART2_RX : UART 2 RX interrupt
Interrupt (36) I2C1 : I2C1 IRQ
Interrupt (37) UART2_TX : UART 2 TX interrupt
Interrupt (43) GPIO3 : GPIO 3 combined interrupt
Interrupt (44) UART2 : UART 2 combined interrupt
Interrupt (54) PIO_2
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt

name : I2S2ext
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (12) SHARED_IRQ12 : Error interrupt
Interrupt (17) SHARED_IRQ17 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (21) fdcan1_intr1_it : FDCAN1 interrupt
Interrupt (22) fdcan1_intr0_it : FDCAN1 interrupt
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (37) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_CC
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (49) SDMMC1 : SDMMC1 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (75) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (83) UART8 : UART 8 global interrupt
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1
Interrupt (117) ICC0_1
Interrupt (140) UART2_STAT : Status

name : I2S3ext
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) PDV_AVD : Power voltage monitor/Analog voltage monitor
Interrupt (11) EXTI0 : EXTI line0 interrupt
Interrupt (12) SHARED_IRQ12 : Error interrupt
Interrupt (12) EXTI1 : EXTI line1 interrupt
Interrupt (13) EXTI2 : EXTI line2 interrupt
Interrupt (14) EXTI3 : EXTI line3 interrupt
Interrupt (15) EXTI4 : EXTI line4 interrupt
Interrupt (16) EXTI5 : EXTI line5 interrupt
Interrupt (17) SHARED_IRQ17 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (17) EXTI6 : EXTI line6 interrupt
Interrupt (18) EXTI7 : EXTI line7 interrupt
Interrupt (19) EXTI8 : EXTI line8 interrupt
Interrupt (20) EXTI9 : EXTI line9 interrupt
Interrupt (21) fdcan1_intr1_it : FDCAN1 interrupt
Interrupt (21) EXTI10 : EXTI line10 interrupt
Interrupt (22) fdcan1_intr0_it : FDCAN1 interrupt
Interrupt (22) EXTI11 : EXTI line11 interrupt
Interrupt (23) EXTI12 : EXTI line12 interrupt
Interrupt (24) EXTI13 : EXTI line13 interrupt
Interrupt (25) EXTI14 : EXTI line14 interrupt
Interrupt (26) TIMER0_TRG_CMT_TIMER10
Interrupt (26) EXTI15 : EXTI line15 interrupt
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (75) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (103) SDMMC2 : SDMMC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (113) USB1_F
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1
Interrupt (114) USB1_H_F
Interrupt (117) ICC0_1
Interrupt (141) UART3_STAT : Status

name : IWDG
description : Independent watchdog
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (1) UART1 : Uart1 Interrupt
Interrupt (2) S32KTIMER : Timer 1
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (3) P3
Interrupt (6) EINTD : Popt D external interrupts
Interrupt (8) SERCOM1
Interrupt (9) GINT1
Interrupt (10) IOMSTR4
Interrupt (12) CT16B2
Interrupt (14) SSP1
Interrupt (17) CT16B1
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (19) PF : PF Interrupt
Interrupt (22) GPIODE
Interrupt (23) GPIODO
Interrupt (28) GPIO3
Interrupt (29) GPIO2
Interrupt (29) P2
Interrupt (30) P1
Interrupt (38) UART3_RX : UART 3 RX interrupt
Interrupt (39) UART3_TX : UART 3 TX interrupt
Interrupt (45) UART3 : UART 3 combined interrupt
Interrupt (50) MPS2_SPI1 : SPI CLCD interrupt
Interrupt (53) PIO_3

name : LTDC
description : LCD-TFT Controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) GPIOA
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (11) MFS2_10_RX
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) MFS2_10_TX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) MFS3_11_RX
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) MFS3_11_TX
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) ULP_SSI
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) PIOE
Interrupt (18) TCC1
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (26) TIMER0_TRG_CMT_TIMER10
Interrupt (26) TC3
Interrupt (27) TC4
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (30) SUBGHZSPI : Sub-GHz radio SPI global interrupt
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) SPI2S2 : SPI2S2 global interrupt
Interrupt (37) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (42) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (45) UART3
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (50) SERCOM1_0
Interrupt (51) SPI2
Interrupt (51) GPIOJ
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (51) SERCOM1_1
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (52) GPIOK
Interrupt (52) SERCOM1_2
Interrupt (53) SERCOM1_OTHER
Interrupt (54) SERCOM2_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (54) SERCOM2_0
Interrupt (55) TIMER6
Interrupt (55) SERCOM2_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (55) SERCOM2_1
Interrupt (56) SERCOM2_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (56) SERCOM2_2
Interrupt (57) SERCOM2_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (57) SERCOM2_OTHER
Interrupt (58) SERCOM3_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (58) SERCOM3_0
Interrupt (59) SERCOM3_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (59) SERCOM3_1
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (60) SERCOM3_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (60) SERCOM3_2
Interrupt (61) SERCOM3_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (61) SERCOM3_OTHER
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (62) SERCOM4_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (62) SERCOM4_0
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (63) SERCOM4_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (63) SERCOM4_1
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (64) SERCOM4_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (64) SERCOM4_2
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) SERCOM4_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (65) SERCOM4_OTHER
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (79) CAN1
Interrupt (88) LCD_TFT : LTDC global interrupt
Interrupt (89) LCD_TFT_1 : LTDC global error interrupt
Interrupt (98) BT8
Interrupt (99) BT9
Interrupt (100) WTIMER3A
Interrupt (101) BT11
Interrupt (101) WTIMER3B
Interrupt (102) WTIMER4A
Interrupt (103) WTIMER4B
Interrupt (104) WTIMER5A
Interrupt (105) WTIMER5B
Interrupt (111) ADC2

name : MPU
description : Memory protection unit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (11) MFS2_10_RX
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2_10_TX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (14) PINT0_BLOCK : Pin Interrupt Block
Interrupt (14) USART1
Interrupt (15) MFS4_12_RX
Interrupt (15) USART2
Interrupt (16) MFS4_12_TX
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (19) MFS6_14_RX
Interrupt (20) MFS6_14_TX
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (21) MFS7_15_RX
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (22) MFS7_15_TX
Interrupt (27) ADC2
Interrupt (27) TC4
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) CT
Interrupt (35) SPI2 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (35) UART1 : UART 1 IRQ
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) UART3
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) UART4 : UART4 Global interrupt
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) GPIOJ
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (52) GPIOK
Interrupt (53) GPIOL
Interrupt (55) TIMER6
Interrupt (56) DMA1_Channel0
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA1_Channel1
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA1_Channel2
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) SERCOM3_0
Interrupt (59) DMA1_Channel3
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4 : DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4 : DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4 : DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (59) SERCOM3_1
Interrupt (60) DMA1_Channel4
Interrupt (60) DMA2_Channel5 : DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_Channel5 : DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_Channel5 : DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (60) SERCOM3_2
Interrupt (61) SERCOM3_OTHER
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (66) SERCOM5_0
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (67) SERCOM5_1
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (68) DMA1_Channel5
Interrupt (68) DMA2_Channel6 : DMA2 Channel 6 global Interrupt
Interrupt (68) DMA2_Channel6 : DMA2 Channel 6 global Interrupt
Interrupt (68) DMA2_Channel6 : DMA2 Channel 6 global Interrupt
Interrupt (68) SERCOM5_2
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (69) DMA1_Channel6
Interrupt (69) DMA2_Channel7 : DMA2 Channel 7 global Interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA2_Channel7 : DMA2 Channel 7 global Interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA2_Channel7 : DMA2 Channel 7 global Interrupt
Interrupt (69) SERCOM5_OTHER
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (70) DMA1_Channel7
Interrupt (70) SERCOM6_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (70) SERCOM6_0
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (71) SERCOM6_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (71) SERCOM6_1
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (72) SERCOM6_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (72) GPIOM
Interrupt (72) SERCOM6_2
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (73) SERCOM6_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (73) GPION
Interrupt (73) SERCOM6_OTHER
Interrupt (76) GPIOP0
Interrupt (77) GPIOP1
Interrupt (78) GPIOP2
Interrupt (79) GPIOP3
Interrupt (80) GPIOP4
Interrupt (81) GPIOP5
Interrupt (82) GPIOP6
Interrupt (83) GPIOP7
Interrupt (98) BT8
Interrupt (100) BT10
Interrupt (102) BT12_15
Interrupt (102) WTIMER4A
Interrupt (103) WTIMER4B
Interrupt (104) WTIMER5A
Interrupt (105) WTIMER5B
Interrupt (108) TC1
Interrupt (109) TC2_INTREQ
Interrupt (109) I2C4
Interrupt (109) TC2
Interrupt (110) TC3
Interrupt (110) TC3_INTREQ

name : NVIC
description : Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) GPIOA
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (9) MFS1_9_RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1_9_TX
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) PIOC
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) TIM6_DAC : TIM6 global interrupt and DAC
Interrupt (17) PIOE
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) TIM7_LPTIM2 : TIM7 + LPTIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (23) WFG2_DTIF2
Interrupt (24) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) I2C3_EV_I2C3_ER : I2C3 event interrupt , I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (26) TIMER0_TRG_CMT_TIMER10
Interrupt (26) TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM17 : TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) TC3
Interrupt (27) TC4
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (30) TIMER3
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) FRT2_PEAK
Interrupt (32) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) FRT2_ZERO
Interrupt (33) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) ICU2
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) SPI1 : SPI 1 global interrupt
Interrupt (35) OCU2
Interrupt (35) TC1
Interrupt (36) TC2
Interrupt (37) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (38) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (40) CAN1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) ADC2
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (47) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (50) SERCOM1_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (50) SERCOM1_0
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (51) C_CAN0
Interrupt (51) SERCOM1_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (51) SERCOM1_1
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (52) SERCOM1_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (52) SERCOM1_2
Interrupt (53) UART4
Interrupt (53) SERCOM1_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (53) SERCOM1_OTHER
Interrupt (54) SERCOM2_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (54) SERCOM2_0
Interrupt (55) TIMER6
Interrupt (55) SERCOM2_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (55) SERCOM2_1
Interrupt (56) SERCOM2_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (56) SERCOM2_2
Interrupt (57) SERCOM2_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (57) SERCOM2_OTHER
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (63) TIMER4A
Interrupt (64) TIMER4B
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (96) WTIMER1A
Interrupt (97) WTIMER1B
Interrupt (98) WTIMER2A
Interrupt (99) BT9
Interrupt (99) WTIMER2B
Interrupt (100) WTIMER3A
Interrupt (101) WTIMER3B
Interrupt (102) WTIMER4A
Interrupt (103) WTIMER4B
Interrupt (120) ADC1_OTHER
Interrupt (121) ADC1_RESRDY
Interrupt (136) SDHC1_INTREQ
Interrupt (136) SDHC1

name : NVIC_STIR
description : Nested vectored interrupt controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (9) MFS1_9_RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1_9_TX
Interrupt (11) MFS2_10_RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2_10_TX
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) USART1
Interrupt (15) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) MFS5_13_RX
Interrupt (18) MFS5_13_TX
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC3 global interrupts
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (21) MFS7_15_RX
Interrupt (22) MFS7_15_TX
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) CAN1
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) USB1F
Interrupt (37) USB1F_USB1H
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (40) I2CM1 : I2C Master 1 IRQ
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) UART3
Interrupt (51) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) GPIOJ
Interrupt (53) GPIOL
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (70) SERCOM6_0
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (71) SERCOM6_1
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (72) GPIOM
Interrupt (72) SERCOM6_2
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (73) GPION
Interrupt (73) SERCOM6_OTHER
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (76) GPIOP0
Interrupt (77) GPIOP1
Interrupt (78) GPIOP2
Interrupt (79) GPIOP3
Interrupt (80) GPIOP4
Interrupt (81) GPIOP5
Interrupt (82) PINT1_BLOCK : Pin Interrupt Block
Interrupt (82) GPIOP6
Interrupt (83) GPIOP7
Interrupt (84) GPIOQ0
Interrupt (85) GPIOQ1
Interrupt (86) GPIOQ2
Interrupt (87) GPIOQ3
Interrupt (88) GPIOQ4
Interrupt (89) GPIOQ5
Interrupt (90) GPIOQ6
Interrupt (91) GPIOQ7
Interrupt (92) GPIOR
Interrupt (93) GPIOS
Interrupt (97) QPRC3
Interrupt (97) TCC2_OTHER
Interrupt (98) BT8
Interrupt (98) TCC2_MC0
Interrupt (99) BT9
Interrupt (99) TCC2_MC1
Interrupt (100) BT10
Interrupt (100) TCC2_MC2
Interrupt (101) BT11
Interrupt (108) TC1
Interrupt (109) TC2_INTREQ
Interrupt (109) I2C8
Interrupt (109) TC2
Interrupt (110) I2C9
Interrupt (110) TC3
Interrupt (111) TC4
Interrupt (112) TC5_INTREQ
Interrupt (112) TC5
Interrupt (117) PRGCRC_I2S

description : USB on the go full speed
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) EIC_0
Interrupt (3) EIC_EXTINT_0
Interrupt (4) EIC_1
Interrupt (4) EIC_EXTINT_1
Interrupt (5) EIC_2
Interrupt (5) EIC_EXTINT_2
Interrupt (6) EIC_3
Interrupt (6) EIC_EXTINT_3
Interrupt (7) EIC_OTHER
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (12) SERCOM3
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (13) SERCOM4
Interrupt (13) TIMER8
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (15) MFS4RX
Interrupt (15) TCC1
Interrupt (16) TIMER2
Interrupt (16) MFS4TX
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (18) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) BFTM1
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (22) MFT1_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (22) TC2
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (23) TC3
Interrupt (24) TIM1_BRK_TIM9 : TIM1 Break interrupt and TIM9 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (25) TIM1_UP_TIM10 : TIM1 Update interrupt and TIM10 global interrupt
Interrupt (25) PWM4 : PWM4 Interrupt
Interrupt (26) UART1
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11 : TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) RTDMA : Real-time port DMAC transfer completion interrupt
Interrupt (26) GPIO2 : GPIO2 IRQ
Interrupt (27) TIM11 : TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) TIM1_CC : TIM1 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (28) MFT1_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (29) MFT1_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (29) TCC3
Interrupt (30) MFT1_ICU
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) MFT1_OCU
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (32) TMR5 : Timer 5 IRQ
Interrupt (33) I2C1_EV
Interrupt (33) TMR16_5 : 16-bit Timer 5 IRQ
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER
Interrupt (35) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (36) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (38) QEI1
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (40) AFEC1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (46) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC2
Interrupt (48) LPTIM2 : LPtimer 2 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 Channel 1 interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 Channel 2 interrupt
Interrupt (52) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 Channel 3 interrupt
Interrupt (53) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 Channel 4 interrupt
Interrupt (54) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 Channel 5 interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel1 global interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel2 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel3 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) UART5
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4 : DMA2 Channel4 global interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_Channel5 : DMA2 Channel5 global interrupt
Interrupt (60) UART7
Interrupt (61) I2C2
Interrupt (62) I2C3 : I2C3 global interrupt
Interrupt (63) TIMER4A
Interrupt (64) TIMER4B
Interrupt (65) TIMER5A
Interrupt (66) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (66) TIMER5B
Interrupt (78) TWIM3
Interrupt (89) DERR1 : Real-time port DMAC error response interrupt
Interrupt (134) PWM1_0
Interrupt (135) PWM1_1
Interrupt (136) PWM1_2
Interrupt (137) PWM1_3
Interrupt (138) PWM1_FAULT

description : USB on the go full speed
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) RTC_WKUP : RTC Wakeup interrupt through the EXTI line
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (7) TIMER2
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (11) SERCOM2
Interrupt (11) TIMER6
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (12) SERCOM3
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (15) MFS4RX
Interrupt (16) PWM1
Interrupt (16) MFS4TX
Interrupt (16) TCC1
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) TC3
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) MFS7RX
Interrupt (21) MFS7TX
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (22) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (22) MFT1_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (23) MFT2_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (24) I2C1_EV
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (25) TIM9 : TIM9 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (27) ADC2
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) PWM1256 : PWM1256 Interrupt
Interrupt (28) MFT1_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (28) TMR3 : Timer 3 IRQ
Interrupt (29) MFT1_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (29) TMR16_3 : 16-bit Timer 3 IRQ
Interrupt (30) MFT1_ICU
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) TMR4 : Timer 4 IRQ
Interrupt (31) MFT1_OCU
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) TMR16_4 : 16-bit Timer 4 IRQ
Interrupt (32) MFT2_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) MFT2_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER
Interrupt (34) MFT2_ICU
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) MFT2_OCU
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (36) TC2
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (39) USART2
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (40) AFEC1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (41) RTC_Alarm : RTC Alarms (A and B) through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (42) OTG_FS_WKUP : USB On-The-Go FS Wakeup through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (42) BFTM1
Interrupt (56) DMA1_Channel0
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel1 global interrupt
Interrupt (56) UART3
Interrupt (57) DMA1_Channel1
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel2 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA1_Channel2
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel3 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) UART5
Interrupt (59) DMA1_Channel3
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4_5 : DMA2 Channel4 and DMA2 Channel5 global interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA1_Channel4
Interrupt (60) UART7
Interrupt (61) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) I2C3
Interrupt (63) TWIM1
Interrupt (66) CAN1_EWMC
Interrupt (67) OTG_FS : USB On The Go FS global interrupt
Interrupt (70) CAN1_TX
Interrupt (71) CAN1_RX0
Interrupt (72) CAN1_RX1
Interrupt (73) CAN1_SCE
Interrupt (78) TWIM3

name : OTG_FS_HOST
description : USB on the go full speed
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (8) TIMER3
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (11) SERCOM2
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (12) SERCOM3
Interrupt (12) TIMER7
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (14) SCTM1
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (17) TCC2
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (21) TC4
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (21) TC1
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (23) MFT2_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (24) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) PWM3 : PWM3 Interrupt
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (25) GPIO1 : GPIO1 IRQ
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) TIM10 : TIM10 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) TIM11 : TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (30) TMR4 : Timer 4 IRQ
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) TMR16_4 : 16-bit Timer 4 IRQ
Interrupt (32) MFT2_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (32) TMR5 : Timer 5 IRQ
Interrupt (33) I2C1_EV
Interrupt (33) MFT2_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (33) TMR16_5 : 16-bit Timer 5 IRQ
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER
Interrupt (34) MFT2_ICU
Interrupt (35) MFT2_OCU
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (46) SPI1
Interrupt (48) LPTIM2 : LPtimer 2 global interrupt
Interrupt (49) SDIO : SDIO global interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 Channel 1 interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 Channel 2 interrupt
Interrupt (52) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 Channel 3 interrupt
Interrupt (53) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 Channel 4 interrupt
Interrupt (54) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 Channel 5 interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel1 global interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel2 global interrupt
Interrupt (57) UART4
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel3 global interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4_5 : DMA2 Channel4 and DMA2 Channel5 global interrupt
Interrupt (59) UART6
Interrupt (61) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) I2C3
Interrupt (63) TIMER4A
Interrupt (64) TWIS1
Interrupt (64) TIMER4B
Interrupt (77) TWIM2
Interrupt (134) PWM1_0
Interrupt (135) PWM1_1
Interrupt (136) PWM1_2
Interrupt (137) PWM1_3
Interrupt (138) PWM1_FAULT

description : USB on the go full speed
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) USART4_USART5 : USART4/USART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) SERCOM5
Interrupt (14) TIMER9
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) TCC2
Interrupt (16) EVSYS_0
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (17) EVSYS_1
Interrupt (17) TC1
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) EVSYS_2
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) EVSYS_3
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) EVSYS_NSCHK
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (22) TIMER16
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (23) TC3
Interrupt (24) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (24) TC4
Interrupt (25) TIM1_UP_TIM10 : TIM1 Update interrupt and TIM10 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) ADC2
Interrupt (27) TIM11 : TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) USART3
Interrupt (27) PWM1256 : PWM1256 Interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (29) TIMER2
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) I2C1_EV
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (35) UART1 : UART 1 IRQ
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (38) QEI1
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (40) AFEC1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (47) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (51) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) GPIO3 : GPIO3 IRQ
Interrupt (59) UART6
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (62) I2C3
Interrupt (63) CAN1_TX
Interrupt (63) TIMER4A
Interrupt (64) CAN1_RX0
Interrupt (64) TWIS1
Interrupt (64) TIMER4B
Interrupt (65) CAN1_RX1
Interrupt (65) TIMER5A
Interrupt (66) CAN1_EWMC
Interrupt (66) TIMER5B
Interrupt (67) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (94) HTMR1 : HTMR1 IRQ
Interrupt (134) PWM1_0
Interrupt (135) PWM1_1
Interrupt (136) PWM1_2
Interrupt (137) PWM1_3
Interrupt (138) PWM1_FAULT

description : USB on the go high speed
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UCPD1_UCPD2 : UCPD global interrupt
Interrupt (10) DMA2_CH7_1_DMAMUX1_OVR : DMA2 channel 7:1 secure and non-secure interrupt (C2IMR2[14:8]),DMAMUX1 overrun interrupt (C2IMR2[15])
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (12) PIOC
Interrupt (15) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (19) TCC2
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (23) WFG2_DTIF2
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (24) TC4
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (26) TC3
Interrupt (26) SERCOM1_0
Interrupt (27) SERCOM1_1
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (28) SERCOM1_2
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (29) USART3_4_5_6_7_8 : USART3, USART4, USART5, USART6, USART7, USART8 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) SERCOM1_OTHER
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (32) FRT2_PEAK
Interrupt (33) FRT2_ZERO
Interrupt (34) ICU2
Interrupt (35) OCU2
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (37) MCAN1_INT0
Interrupt (38) USART1
Interrupt (38) MCAN1_INT1
Interrupt (39) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) CAN1
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (44) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_Channel
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (47) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (47) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (48) LPTIM2 : LPtimer 2 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (49) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (51) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (54) GPIOJ
Interrupt (55) TIMER6
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4 : DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (60) DMA2_Channel5 : DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (63) TIMER4A
Interrupt (64) TIMER4B
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (68) DMA2_Channel6 : DMA2 Channel 6 global Interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA2_Channel7 : DMA2 Channel 7 global Interrupt
Interrupt (70) I2SC1
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (92) TIMER5A
Interrupt (93) TIMER5B
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (96) WTIMER1A
Interrupt (97) WTIMER1B
Interrupt (98) WTIMER2A
Interrupt (99) WTIMER2B
Interrupt (102) WTIMER4A
Interrupt (103) WTIMER4B
Interrupt (104) WTIMER5A
Interrupt (105) WTIMER5B
Interrupt (120) ADC1_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (120) ADC1_OTHER
Interrupt (121) ADC1_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (121) ADC1_RESRDY

description : USB on the go high speed
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (10) PORT
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (13) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (17) TIMER1 : TIMER1 Interrupt
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) TCC1
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (22) MFT1_WFG_DTIF
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (23) WFG2_DTIF2
Interrupt (23) TIMER2A
Interrupt (23) I2C1 : I2C1 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) TC4
Interrupt (24) TIMER2B
Interrupt (25) SPI1 : SPI1_global_interrupt
Interrupt (26) TC3
Interrupt (26) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11 : TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) MFT1_FRT_PEAK
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (29) MFT1_FRT_ZERO
Interrupt (30) TIMER3
Interrupt (30) MFT1_ICU
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) MFT1_OCU
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (32) FRT2_PEAK
Interrupt (33) FRT2_ZERO
Interrupt (33) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) ICU2
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) OCU2
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (37) MCAN1_INT0
Interrupt (38) MCAN1_INT1
Interrupt (39) CAN1
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (40) AFEC1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (41) UART3
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_Channel
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (47) ADC2
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (47) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (50) TIMER4
Interrupt (54) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 channel 1 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIMER6
Interrupt (55) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 channel 2 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 channel 3 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 channel 4 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 channel 5 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_CH6 : DMA2 channel 6 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (60) DMA2_CH7 : DMA2 channel 7 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (62) I2C3
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (63) TIMER4A
Interrupt (64) TIMER4B
Interrupt (65) TIMER5A
Interrupt (66) TIMER5B
Interrupt (74) OTG_HS_EP1_OUT : USB On The Go HS End Point 1 Out global interrupt
Interrupt (75) OTG_HS_EP1_IN : USB On The Go HS End Point 1 In global interrupt
Interrupt (76) OTG_HS_WKUP : USB On The Go HS Wakeup through EXTI interrupt
Interrupt (77) OTG_HS : USB On The Go HS global interrupt
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (96) WTIMER1A
Interrupt (97) WTIMER1B
Interrupt (98) WTIMER2A
Interrupt (99) WTIMER2B
Interrupt (100) WTIMER3A
Interrupt (101) WTIMER3B

name : OTG_HS_HOST
description : USB on the go high speed
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UCPD1_UCPD2 : UCPD global interrupt
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) UDMA1
Interrupt (10) PORT
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (12) PIOC
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) TIM6_DAC : TIM6 global interrupt and DAC
Interrupt (17) PIOE
Interrupt (18) ADC1 : ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) TIMER234 : TIMER234 Interrupt
Interrupt (18) TCC1
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) TCC2
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (21) TIMER1A
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (22) CAN1_SCE : CAN1 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (22) TIMER1B
Interrupt (23) TC3
Interrupt (23) I2C1 : I2C1 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) TC4
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (32) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (33) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (37) MCAN1_INT0
Interrupt (38) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (38) MCAN1_INT1
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) CAN1
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (40) AFEC1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (41) GINT1
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_CC
Interrupt (46) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (47) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (50) TIMER4
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (54) GPIOJ
Interrupt (55) TIMER6
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (63) CAN1_TX : CAN1 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (64) CAN1_RX0 : CAN1 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) CAN1_RX1 : CAN1 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (65) TIMER5A
Interrupt (66) CAN1_EWMC
Interrupt (66) TIMER5B
Interrupt (70) TIMER4A
Interrupt (70) I2SC1
Interrupt (71) TIMER4B
Interrupt (96) WTIMER1A
Interrupt (97) WTIMER1B
Interrupt (100) WTIMER3A
Interrupt (101) WTIMER3B
Interrupt (102) WTIMER4A
Interrupt (103) WTIMER4B

description : USB on the go high speed
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) GPIOA
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (11) PIOB
Interrupt (12) PIOC
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) TIM6_DAC : TIM6 global interrupt and DAC
Interrupt (17) PIOE
Interrupt (18) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt and DAC
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) USB_HP : USB High priority interrupt
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) USB_LP : USB Low priority interrupt
Interrupt (22) WFG1_DTIF1
Interrupt (23) WFG2_DTIF2
Interrupt (23) I2C2_EV_I2C2_ER : I2C2 event interrupt , I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (24) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) TIMER0_TRG_CMT_TIMER10
Interrupt (26) TC3
Interrupt (27) TC4
Interrupt (27) TIM11 : TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRT1_PEAK
Interrupt (28) TC5
Interrupt (29) FRT1_ZERO
Interrupt (29) TIMER2
Interrupt (29) I2S1
Interrupt (30) ICU1
Interrupt (30) TIMER3
Interrupt (30) SERCOM2_0
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) OCU1
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) SERCOM2_1
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) FRT2_PEAK
Interrupt (32) SERCOM2_2
Interrupt (33) FRT2_ZERO
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (33) SERCOM2_OTHER
Interrupt (34) ICU2
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) OCU2
Interrupt (35) SPI2S2 : SPI2S2 global interrupt
Interrupt (35) TC1
Interrupt (35) TIMER3A
Interrupt (36) TIMER3B
Interrupt (37) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (37) LPUART1 : LPUART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (37) MCAN1_INT0
Interrupt (38) MCAN1_INT1
Interrupt (39) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) CAN1
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (42) USB_FS_WKUP : USB Device FS Wakeup through
Interrupt (42) SPI1
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (44) ADC1
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_CC
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (47) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (50) SERCOM1_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (50) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (50) SERCOM1_0
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (51) SERCOM1_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (51) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (51) SERCOM1_1
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (52) SERCOM1_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (52) SERCOM1_2
Interrupt (53) UART4
Interrupt (53) SERCOM1_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (53) SERCOM1_OTHER
Interrupt (54) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 channel 1 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (55) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 channel 2 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 channel 3 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 channel 4 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 channel 5 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_CH6 : DMA2 channel 6 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_CH7 : DMA2 channel 7 non-secure interrupt
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) TIMER5A
Interrupt (66) TIMER5B
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (96) WTIMER1A
Interrupt (97) WTIMER1B
Interrupt (98) BT8
Interrupt (98) WTIMER2A
Interrupt (99) WTIMER2B
Interrupt (100) WTIMER3A
Interrupt (101) WTIMER3B
Interrupt (104) WTIMER5A
Interrupt (105) WTIMER5B
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (120) ADC1_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (120) ADC1_OTHER
Interrupt (121) ADC1_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (121) ADC1_RESRDY

name : PWR
description : Power control
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) PVD : PVD through EXTI Line detection interrupt
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (1) P1
Interrupt (4) EINTB : Popt B external interrupts
Interrupt (6) IRQ_GPIOD
Interrupt (7) GPIO1 : GPIO 1 combined interrupt
Interrupt (8) IOMSTR2
Interrupt (14) SSP1
Interrupt (16) GPIODE
Interrupt (17) PB : PB Interrupt
Interrupt (17) GPIODO
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (18) GPIOBE
Interrupt (19) CT32B1
Interrupt (19) GPIOBO
Interrupt (28) P3
Interrupt (29) P2
Interrupt (34) UART1_RX : UART 1 RX interrupt
Interrupt (35) UART1_TX : UART 1 TX interrupt
Interrupt (42) GPIO2 : GPIO 2 combined interrupt
Interrupt (43) UART1 : UART 1 combined interrupt
Interrupt (55) PIO_1

name : RCC
description : Reset and clock control
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (5) RCC : RCC global interrupt

name : RNG
description : Random number generator
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (81) FPU : FPU interrupt

name : RTC
description : Real-time clock
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIO2 : P2[7:0] IRQ
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (2) UART3 : Uart3 Interrupt
Interrupt (3) RTC_WKUP : RTC Wakeup interrupt through the EXTI line
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (6) UAJ1TIT
Interrupt (6) TIMER1
Interrupt (7) IOMSTR1
Interrupt (7) UAJ1TIR
Interrupt (7) TMR2 : TMR2 IRQ
Interrupt (10) SERCOM3
Interrupt (14) TC2
Interrupt (14) SSP1
Interrupt (15) UART1
Interrupt (16) CT16B1
Interrupt (18) TIM7 : TIM7 + LPTIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (21) CT32B1
Interrupt (23) PWM0 : PWM0 Interrupt
Interrupt (24) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (25) USART3_TX : USART3 TX interrupt
Interrupt (26) USART3_RX : USART3 RX interrupt
Interrupt (27) PWM : PWM_COMB Interrupt
Interrupt (28) BTIM
Interrupt (28) AC1_INTREQ
Interrupt (28) AC1
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (41) RTC_Alarm : RTC Alarms (A and B) through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (51) MPS2_SPI2 : SPI ADC interrupt
Interrupt (57) SSI2
Interrupt (69) GPIO1 : GPIO 1 combined interrupt
Interrupt (83) UAJ1TIS
Interrupt (88) GPIO1_0 : GPIO 1 Pin 0 interrupt
Interrupt (89) GPIO1_1 : GPIO 1 Pin 1 interrupt
Interrupt (90) GPIO1_2 : GPIO 1 Pin 2 interrupt
Interrupt (91) GPIO1_3 : GPIO 1 Pin 3 interrupt
Interrupt (92) GPIO1_4 : GPIO 1 Pin 4 interrupt
Interrupt (93) GPIO1_5 : GPIO 1 Pin 5 interrupt
Interrupt (94) GPIO1_6 : GPIO 1 Pin 6 interrupt
Interrupt (95) GPIO1_7 : GPIO 1 Pin 7 interrupt
Interrupt (96) GPIO1_8 : GPIO 1 Pin 8 interrupt
Interrupt (97) GPIO1_9 : GPIO 1 Pin 9 interrupt
Interrupt (98) GPIO1_10 : GPIO 1 Pin 10 interrupt
Interrupt (99) GPIO1_11 : GPIO 1 Pin 11 interrupt
Interrupt (100) GPIO1_12 : GPIO 1 Pin 12 interrupt
Interrupt (101) GPIO1_13 : GPIO 1 Pin 13 interrupt
Interrupt (102) GPIO1_14 : GPIO 1 Pin 14 interrupt
Interrupt (103) GPIO1_15 : GPIO 1 Pin 15 interrupt

name : SAI1
description : Serial audio interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (9) MFS1_9_RX
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1_9_TX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (11) MFS2_10_RX
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) MFS2_10_TX
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) PIOC
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) PIOD
Interrupt (17) PIOE
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) TIM7_LPTIM2 : TIM7 + LPTIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) CAN1_TX : CAN1 TX interrupts
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (20) CAN1_RX0 : CAN1 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (21) CAN1_RX1 : CAN1 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (22) CAN1_SCE : CAN1 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (23) WFG2_DTIF2
Interrupt (26) SPI2S2 : SPI2S2 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) FRT2_PEAK
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (33) FRT2_ZERO
Interrupt (34) ICU2
Interrupt (35) OCU2
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) TC2
Interrupt (37) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) CAN1
Interrupt (40) BT1
Interrupt (41) BT2
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (42) BT3
Interrupt (42) SPI1
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (44) SSISlave
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_CC
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (48) ADC1SS0
Interrupt (48) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (49) ADC1SS1
Interrupt (49) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (50) TIMER4
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (50) ADC1SS2
Interrupt (50) SERCOM1_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (50) SERCOM1_0
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (51) GPIOJ
Interrupt (51) ADC1SS3
Interrupt (51) SERCOM1_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (51) SERCOM1_1
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (52) SERCOM1_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (52) SERCOM1_2
Interrupt (53) SERCOM1_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (53) SERCOM1_OTHER
Interrupt (54) SERCOM2_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (54) SERCOM2_0
Interrupt (55) SERCOM2_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (55) SERCOM2_1
Interrupt (56) DMA2_Channel1 : DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt
Interrupt (56) SERCOM2_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (56) SERCOM2_2
Interrupt (57) DMA2_Channel2 : DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt
Interrupt (57) SERCOM2_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (57) SERCOM2_OTHER
Interrupt (58) DMA2_Channel3 : DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) SERCOM3_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (58) SERCOM3_0
Interrupt (59) DMA2_Channel4 : DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (59) SERCOM3_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (59) SERCOM3_1
Interrupt (60) DMA2_Channel5 : DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (60) PWM1
Interrupt (60) SERCOM3_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (60) SERCOM3_2
Interrupt (61) SERCOM3_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (61) SERCOM3_OTHER
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) LPTIM1 : LP TIM1 interrupt
Interrupt (65) TIMER5A
Interrupt (66) TIMER5B
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (68) DMA2_Channel6 : DMA2 Channel 6 global Interrupt
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (69) DMA2_Channel7 : DMA2 Channel 7 global Interrupt
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (98) BT8
Interrupt (98) WTIMER2A
Interrupt (99) WTIMER2B
Interrupt (100) BT10
Interrupt (100) WTIMER3A
Interrupt (101) WTIMER3B
Interrupt (102) WTIMER4A
Interrupt (103) WTIMER4B
Interrupt (104) WTIMER5A
Interrupt (105) WTIMER5B
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (120) ADC1_OTHER
Interrupt (121) ADC1_RESRDY
Interrupt (136) SDHC1

name : SCB
description : System control block
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) GPIOA
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (7) MFS0_8_RX
Interrupt (8) MFS0_8_TX
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (9) MFS1_9_RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1_9_TX
Interrupt (11) MFS2RX
Interrupt (12) MFS2TX
Interrupt (13) MFS3_11_RX
Interrupt (14) USART1
Interrupt (14) MFS3_11_TX
Interrupt (15) USART2
Interrupt (15) MFS4_12_RX
Interrupt (16) MFS4_12_TX
Interrupt (17) MFS5RX
Interrupt (18) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC2 global interrupts
Interrupt (19) MFS6_14_RX
Interrupt (19) USB_HP : USB High priority interrupt
Interrupt (20) MFS6_14_TX
Interrupt (20) USB_LP : USB Low priority interrupt
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (21) MFS7RX
Interrupt (22) MFS7TX
Interrupt (26) TIMER0_TRG_CMT_TIMER10
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (32) GPIOH
Interrupt (36) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (37) UART3 : UART 3 IRQ
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (42) USB_FS_WKUP : USB Device FS Wakeup through EXTI line interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) BT5
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) UART2
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) UART4
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (52) GPIOK
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (53) GPIOL
Interrupt (66) LPTIM2 : LP TIM2 interrupt
Interrupt (66) SERCOM5_0
Interrupt (67) SERCOM5_1
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (68) SERCOM5_2
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (69) SERCOM5_OTHER
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (72) GPIOM
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (73) GPION
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (74) SERCOM7_0
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (75) SERCOM7_1
Interrupt (76) GPIOP0
Interrupt (76) SERCOM7_2
Interrupt (77) GPIOP1
Interrupt (77) SERCOM7_OTHER
Interrupt (78) GPIOP2
Interrupt (79) GPIOP3
Interrupt (80) GPIOP4
Interrupt (81) GPIOP5
Interrupt (82) GPIOP6
Interrupt (83) GPIOP7
Interrupt (84) GPIOQ0
Interrupt (85) GPIOQ1
Interrupt (86) GPIOQ2
Interrupt (87) GPIOQ3
Interrupt (88) GPIOQ4
Interrupt (89) GPIOQ5
Interrupt (90) GPIOQ6
Interrupt (91) GPIOQ7
Interrupt (92) GPIOR
Interrupt (92) TCC1_OTHER
Interrupt (93) TCC1_MC0
Interrupt (94) TCC1_MC1
Interrupt (95) TCC1_MC2
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (96) TCC1_MC3
Interrupt (97) TCC2_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (97) TCC2_OTHER
Interrupt (98) BT8
Interrupt (98) TCC2_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (98) TCC2_MC0
Interrupt (99) BT9
Interrupt (99) TCC2_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (99) TCC2_MC1
Interrupt (100) BT10
Interrupt (100) TCC2_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (100) TCC2_MC2
Interrupt (102) BT12_13_14_15
Interrupt (102) BT12_15
Interrupt (108) TC1_INTREQ
Interrupt (108) TC1
Interrupt (109) I2C8
Interrupt (109) TC2
Interrupt (110) I2C5
Interrupt (110) TC3
Interrupt (111) TC4_INTREQ
Interrupt (111) TC4

name : SCB_ACTRL
description : System control block ACTLR
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (6) TMR1 : TMR1 IRQ
Interrupt (7) TMR2 : TMR2 IRQ
Interrupt (9) MFS1_9_RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1_9_TX
Interrupt (13) MFS3_11_RX
Interrupt (14) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) MFS3_11_TX
Interrupt (15) SHARED_IRQ15 : Status
Interrupt (15) USART2
Interrupt (17) MFS5_13_RX
Interrupt (18) MFS5_13_TX
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC2 global interrupts
Interrupt (19) MFS6_14_RX
Interrupt (20) MFS6_14_TX
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (33) I2C1_EV
Interrupt (34) I2C1_ER
Interrupt (36) USB1F
Interrupt (37) USB1F_USB1H
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (45) SPIM2 : SPI Master 2 IRQ
Interrupt (45) UART3
Interrupt (46) UART4
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (53) GPIOL
Interrupt (54) TIM6_DAC : TIM6 global interrupt, DAC1 and DAC2 underrun error interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIMER6
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7
Interrupt (56) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 Channel 1 global Interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 Channel 2 global Interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 Channel 3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 Channel 4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 Channel 5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (66) LPTIM2 : LP TIM2 interrupt
Interrupt (68) DMA2_CH6 : DMA2 Channel 6 global Interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA2_CH7 : DMA2 Channel 7 global Interrupt
Interrupt (70) I2C4
Interrupt (73) GPION
Interrupt (77) ADC1
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (84) GPIOQ0
Interrupt (85) SPI5 : SPI 5 global interrupt
Interrupt (85) GPIOQ1
Interrupt (86) PINT5_BLOCK : Pin Interrupt Block
Interrupt (86) GPIOQ2
Interrupt (87) GPIOQ3
Interrupt (88) GPIOQ4
Interrupt (89) GPIOQ5
Interrupt (90) GPIOQ6
Interrupt (91) GPIOQ7
Interrupt (92) GPIOR
Interrupt (93) GPIOS
Interrupt (96) QPRC2
Interrupt (97) TCC2_OTHER
Interrupt (98) TCC2_MC0
Interrupt (99) TCC2_MC1
Interrupt (100) BT10
Interrupt (100) TCC2_MC2
Interrupt (101) TCC3_OTHER
Interrupt (102) BT12_13_14_15
Interrupt (102) I2C6
Interrupt (102) TCC3_MC0
Interrupt (103) I2C7
Interrupt (103) TCC3_MC1
Interrupt (104) TCC4_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (104) TCC4_OTHER
Interrupt (105) TCC4_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (105) TCC4_MC0
Interrupt (106) TCC4_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (106) TCC4_MC1
Interrupt (109) I2C8
Interrupt (110) I2C5
Interrupt (110) I2C9
Interrupt (110) TC3
Interrupt (111) GPIOM
Interrupt (111) GPIOT
Interrupt (112) TC5
Interrupt (113) TC6_INTREQ
Interrupt (113) TC6

name : SDIO
description : Secure digital input/output interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) UART1_TX : UART 1 Transmit Interrupt
Interrupt (7) IOMSTR1
Interrupt (17) CT16B1
Interrupt (21) UART4_TX : UART 4 Transmit Interrupt
Interrupt (28) TIMER01_IRQHandler
Interrupt (49) SDIO : SDIO global interrupt

name : SPI1
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (15) UART0_IRQHandler
Interrupt (19) UART3_TX : UART 3 Transmit Interrupt
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SECURETIMER1 : Secure Timer 0 Interrupt

name : SPI2
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (4) FLASH : Flash global interrupt
Interrupt (18) SHARED_IRQ18 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC1_2 : ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC2 global interrupts
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIMER4
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (58) SPI1_ERR : Error
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (70) I2C4
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (75) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (77) ADC1 : ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (82) UART6
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (110) I2C5
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1
Interrupt (117) ICC0_1
Interrupt (135) SPI1_STAT : Status

name : SPI3
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (12) SHARED_IRQ12 : Error interrupt
Interrupt (17) SHARED_IRQ17 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC1_2 : ADC1 and ADC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC3 global interrupts
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC3 : ADC3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIMER6
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (71) I2C5
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (75) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (83) UART7 : UART 7 global interrupt
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (111) ADC2
Interrupt (113) USB1_F
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1
Interrupt (114) USB1_H_F
Interrupt (139) UART1_STAT : Status

name : SPI4
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (6) FLASH : Flash memory non-secure global interrupt
Interrupt (7) FLASH_S : Flash memory secure global interrupt
Interrupt (12) SHARED_IRQ12 : Error interrupt
Interrupt (17) SHARED_IRQ17 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (91) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (98) TIMER6A
Interrupt (99) TIMER6B
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (113) USB1_F
Interrupt (114) USB1_H_F
Interrupt (142) UART4_STAT : Status

name : SPI5
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (12) SHARED_IRQ12 : Error interrupt
Interrupt (17) SHARED_IRQ17 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (35) SPI1 : SPI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) ADCC1_ERR : ADC Error
Interrupt (64) MFS2_RX
Interrupt (65) MFS2_TX
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (82) UART7 : UART 7 global interrupt
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (85) SPI5 : SPI 5 global interrupt
Interrupt (100) TIMER7A
Interrupt (101) TIMER7B
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1
Interrupt (117) ICC0_1
Interrupt (129) ADCC1_TMR0_EVT : Timer 0 Event Complete
Interrupt (130) ADCC1_TMR1_EVT : Timer 1 Event Complete

name : SPI6
description : Serial peripheral interface
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (12) SHARED_IRQ12 : Error interrupt
Interrupt (17) SHARED_IRQ17 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) MFS1_RX
Interrupt (63) MFS1_TX
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (66) LPTIM2 : LP TIM2 interrupt
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (76) DMA1_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (83) UART8 : UART 8 global interrupt
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (85) SPI5 : SPI 5 global interrupt
Interrupt (86) SPI6 : SPI 6 global interrupt
Interrupt (87) SAI1 : SAI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (113) USB1_F
Interrupt (114) USB1_H_F
Interrupt (120) DMA1_INT : Done interrupt

name : STK
description : SysTick timer
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) GPIOA
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (4) GPIOE
Interrupt (7) MFS0_8_RX
Interrupt (8) MFS0_8_TX
Interrupt (8) UART1
Interrupt (9) MFS1RX
Interrupt (10) MFS1TX
Interrupt (11) MFS2_10_RX
Interrupt (11) DMA1_Stream0 : DMA1 Stream0 global interrupt
Interrupt (12) MFS2_10_TX
Interrupt (12) DMA1_Stream1 : DMA1 Stream1 global interrupt
Interrupt (13) MFS3_11_RX
Interrupt (13) MFS3RX
Interrupt (13) DMA1_Stream2 : DMA1 Stream2 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) PINT0_BLOCK : Pin Interrupt Block
Interrupt (14) USART1
Interrupt (14) MFS3_11_TX
Interrupt (14) MFS3TX
Interrupt (14) DMA1_Stream3 : DMA1 Stream3 global interrupt
Interrupt (15) USART2
Interrupt (15) DMA1_Stream4 : DMA1 Stream4 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) DMA1_Stream5 : DMA1 Stream5 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) MFS5_13_RX
Interrupt (17) DMA1_Stream6 : DMA1 Stream6 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) MFS5_13_TX
Interrupt (18) ULP_EGPIO_PIN
Interrupt (19) MFS6RX
Interrupt (19) ULP_EGPIO_GROUP
Interrupt (20) QPRC1
Interrupt (20) TWIHS1
Interrupt (20) MFS6TX
Interrupt (21) MFS7_15_RX
Interrupt (22) MFS7_15_TX
Interrupt (30) GPIOF
Interrupt (31) GPIOG
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (36) UART2 : UART 2 IRQ
Interrupt (39) BT0
Interrupt (41) TWIHS2
Interrupt (43) BT4
Interrupt (43) TIMER7_BRK_TIMER11
Interrupt (44) TIMER7_UP_TIMER12
Interrupt (45) BT6
Interrupt (45) TIMER7_TRG_CMT_TIMER13
Interrupt (45) UART3
Interrupt (46) BT7
Interrupt (46) TIMER7_CC
Interrupt (46) UART4
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (47) DMA1_Stream7 : DMA1 Stream7 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) TC6
Interrupt (48) TC7
Interrupt (49) UART5 : UART5 Global interrupt
Interrupt (49) TC8
Interrupt (50) TC9
Interrupt (51) GPIOJ
Interrupt (51) TC10
Interrupt (52) GPIOK
Interrupt (52) TC11
Interrupt (53) GPIOL
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (62) SERCOM4_0
Interrupt (63) SERCOM4_1
Interrupt (64) SERCOM4_2
Interrupt (65) SERCOM4_OTHER
Interrupt (66) MFS3_RX
Interrupt (67) MFS3_TX
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (70) SERCOM6_0
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (71) SERCOM6_1
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (72) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (72) GPIOM
Interrupt (72) SERCOM6_2
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (73) I2C2_ER
Interrupt (73) GPION
Interrupt (73) SERCOM6_OTHER
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (74) SERCOM7_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (74) SERCOM7_0
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (75) SERCOM7_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (75) SERCOM7_1
Interrupt (76) SERCOM7_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (76) GPIOP0
Interrupt (76) SERCOM7_2
Interrupt (77) SERCOM7_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (77) GPIOP1
Interrupt (77) SERCOM7_OTHER
Interrupt (78) GPIOP2
Interrupt (79) GPIOP3
Interrupt (80) GPIOP4
Interrupt (81) GPIOP5
Interrupt (82) GPIOP6
Interrupt (83) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt, wakeup through EXTI
Interrupt (83) GPIOP7
Interrupt (84) I2C4_ER : I2C4 error interrupt
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (84) GPIOQ0
Interrupt (85) GPIOQ1
Interrupt (86) GPIOQ2
Interrupt (87) GPIOQ3
Interrupt (88) GPIOQ4
Interrupt (89) GPIOQ5
Interrupt (90) GPIOQ6
Interrupt (91) GPIOQ7
Interrupt (92) TCC1_INTREQ_0
Interrupt (92) TCC1_OTHER
Interrupt (93) TCC1_INTREQ_1
Interrupt (93) TCC1_MC0
Interrupt (94) TCC1_INTREQ_2
Interrupt (94) TCC1_MC1
Interrupt (95) TCC1_INTREQ_3
Interrupt (95) TCC1_MC2
Interrupt (96) TCC1_INTREQ_4
Interrupt (96) TCC1_MC3
Interrupt (98) BT8
Interrupt (99) BT9
Interrupt (101) BT11
Interrupt (104) WTIMER5A
Interrupt (105) WTIMER5B
Interrupt (108) TC1
Interrupt (109) I2C4
Interrupt (109) TC2
Interrupt (110) TC3_INTREQ
Interrupt (110) I2C5
Interrupt (110) TC3

name : SYSCFG
description : System configuration controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (5) UART2_TX : UART 2 Transmit Interrupt
Interrupt (50) SECURETIMER0 : Secure Timer 0 Interrupt

name : TIM1
description : Advanced-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) GPIO3 : P3[7:0] IRQ
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (5) GPIO5 : P5[5:0] IRQ
Interrupt (7) TIMER2
Interrupt (10) I2C1
Interrupt (10) UART6 : Uart6 Interrupt
Interrupt (10) IOMSTR4
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (11) GPIO : GPIO Interrupt
Interrupt (11) SERCOM2
Interrupt (14) SSP1
Interrupt (14) TC2
Interrupt (14) TC1
Interrupt (16) TC3
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (20) TIMER1 : Timer1 IRQ
Interrupt (21) CT32B2
Interrupt (22) GPIODE
Interrupt (23) DMA01
Interrupt (23) GPIODO
Interrupt (24) TIM1_BRK_TIM9 : TIM1 Break interrupt and TIM9 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) UART1
Interrupt (25) TIM1_UP_TIM10 : TIM1 Update interrupt and TIM10 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11 : TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) TIM1_CC : TIM1 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (28) BTIM
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (33) UART2
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (54) SSI2
Interrupt (55) SSI3
Interrupt (59) DMA1_ERROR : DMA 1 error interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA1_TC : DMA 1 terminal count interrupt
Interrupt (61) DMA1 : DMA 1 combined interrupt

name : TIM10
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (2) UART12 : Uart12 Interrupt
Interrupt (2) GPIOC : GPIOC global interrupt
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (6) UART1
Interrupt (7) PMU : Peripheral Manament IRQ
Interrupt (10) MFS2RX
Interrupt (11) MFS2TX
Interrupt (11) USART1_4
Interrupt (11) CSIH1IC : CSIH1 communication status interrupt
Interrupt (11) SERCOM2
Interrupt (12) MFS3RX
Interrupt (12) CSIH1IR : CSIH1 reception status interrupt
Interrupt (13) MFS3TX
Interrupt (13) SCT0_1
Interrupt (13) CSIH1IJC : CSIH1 job completion interrupt
Interrupt (13) SERCOM4
Interrupt (16) SPI2_EVT : Event
Interrupt (18) TIM7 : TIM7 + LPTIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (19) TC6
Interrupt (20) TC5
Interrupt (20) CT16B4 : 16-bit Timer 4
Interrupt (23) I2C1 : I2C1 global interrupt
Interrupt (25) TIM1_UP_TIM10 : TIM1 Update interrupt and TIM10 global interrupt
Interrupt (26) TIM17 : TIM17 Interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (28) BTIM
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (33) UART2
Interrupt (42) SPI1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (44) ADC1
Interrupt (54) SSI2
Interrupt (54) GPIO4 : GPIO 4 combined interrupt
Interrupt (54) SPI3 : SPI 3 interrupt
Interrupt (55) SSI3
Interrupt (56) UART3
Interrupt (57) UART4
Interrupt (58) UART5
Interrupt (62) UART6
Interrupt (63) UART7
Interrupt (85) CSIH1IRE : CSIH1 communication error interrupt

name : TIM11
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (3) SSP01 : SSP01 Interrupt
Interrupt (3) GPIOD : GPIOD global interrupt
Interrupt (4) RCC_CRS : RCC and CRS global interrupts
Interrupt (6) UAJ1TIT : UARTJ1 transmission interrupt
Interrupt (6) UART1
Interrupt (7) UAJ1TIR : UARTJ1 reception interrupt
Interrupt (7) PMU : Peripheral Manament IRQ
Interrupt (8) MFS1RX
Interrupt (9) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (12) TMR1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (12) MFS3RX
Interrupt (12) SERCOM3
Interrupt (13) MFS3TX
Interrupt (13) SCT0_1
Interrupt (14) SERCOM5
Interrupt (16) SPI2_EVT : Event
Interrupt (18) GPIOBE
Interrupt (19) GPIOBO
Interrupt (20) TC7
Interrupt (21) TC6
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) TIM1_BRK_TIM9 : TIM1 Break interrupt and TIM9 global interrupt
Interrupt (25) PWM1_UP : Timer1 Update interrupt
Interrupt (26) TIM1_TRG_COM_TIM11 : TIM1 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) TIM1_CC : TIM1 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (29) USART3_USART4_USART5_USART6_LPUART1 : USART3,4,5,6 and LPUART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) HDMICEC1
Interrupt (33) UART2
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (37) I2C1 : I2C1
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) ADC2
Interrupt (55) SSI3
Interrupt (55) GPIO5 : GPIO 5 combined interrupt
Interrupt (55) SPI4 : SPI 4 interrupt
Interrupt (56) UART3
Interrupt (57) UART4
Interrupt (58) UART5
Interrupt (59) UART6
Interrupt (63) UART7
Interrupt (83) UAJ1TIS : UARTJ1 status interrupt

name : TIM12
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (47) SWU2_EVT : Event
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (57) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (58) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (104) CAN3_TX : CAN3 TX interrupt
Interrupt (105) CAN3_RX0 : CAN3 RX0 interrupt
Interrupt (106) CAN3_RX1 : CAN3 RX1 interrupt
Interrupt (107) CAN3_SCE : CAN3 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (113) USB1_HDMICEC0
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1
Interrupt (124) MFS14_RX
Interrupt (125) MFS14_TX

name : TIM13
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (48) SWU3_EVT : Event
Interrupt (55) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (56) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (81) CAN1
Interrupt (91) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (95) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt
Interrupt (96) I2C4_ER : I2C4 Error interrupt
Interrupt (104) CAN3_TX : CAN3 TX interrupt
Interrupt (105) CAN3_RX0 : CAN3 RX0 interrupt
Interrupt (106) CAN3_RX1 : CAN3 RX1 interrupt
Interrupt (107) CAN3_SCE : CAN3 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (126) MFS15_RX
Interrupt (127) MFS15_TX

name : TIM14
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (37) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (49) SWU4_EVT : Event
Interrupt (87) SAI1 : SAI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (88) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (89) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (91) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (103) SDMMC2 : SDMMC2 global interrupt
Interrupt (113) USB1_HDMICEC0
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1

name : TIM2
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (4) GPIO4 : P4[7:0] IRQ
Interrupt (7) UART1 : UART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (7) SSP1
Interrupt (7) TIM3 : TIM3 Interrupt
Interrupt (8) TIMER3
Interrupt (9) GINT1
Interrupt (11) GPIO : GPIO Interrupt
Interrupt (11) IOMSTR5
Interrupt (11) SERCOM2
Interrupt (12) TMR1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (12) SERCOM3
Interrupt (14) TC2
Interrupt (17) TC4
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (20) TIMER1 : Timer1IRQ
Interrupt (24) DMA02
Interrupt (28) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (28) BTIM
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (29) USART3_USART4_USART5_USART6_LPUART1 : USART3,4,5,6 and LPUART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (33) UART2
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) GPIOEE
Interrupt (51) GPIOEO
Interrupt (54) SSI2
Interrupt (55) SSI3
Interrupt (59) UART3
Interrupt (62) DMA2_ERROR : DMA 2 error interrupt
Interrupt (63) DMA2_TC : DMA 2 terminal count interrupt
Interrupt (64) DMA2 : DMA 2 combined interrupt

name : TIM3
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (6) UART1
Interrupt (9) GINT1
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (11) I2C1
Interrupt (11) USART1_4
Interrupt (11) GPIO : GPIO Interrupt
Interrupt (12) TMR1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (13) SERCOM4
Interrupt (13) TIMER8
Interrupt (14) TC2
Interrupt (15) TIM11 : TIM11 global interrupt
Interrupt (16) TC3
Interrupt (18) TC5
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (20) TIMER1 : Timer1 IRQ
Interrupt (21) TIMER2 : Timer2 IRQ
Interrupt (23) TIM14 : TIM14 Interrupt
Interrupt (24) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt
Interrupt (25) DMA03
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (28) BTIM
Interrupt (29) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (32) MSPI1
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (40) TMR2_EVT : Event
Interrupt (45) UART2 : UART 2 interrupt
Interrupt (52) GPIOFE
Interrupt (53) GPIOFO
Interrupt (54) SSI2
Interrupt (55) SSI3
Interrupt (59) UART3
Interrupt (60) UART4
Interrupt (65) DMA3_ERROR : DMA 3 error interrupt
Interrupt (66) DMA3_TC : DMA 3 terminal count interrupt
Interrupt (67) DMA3 : DMA 3 combined interrupt

name : TIM4
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (53) SWU1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (55) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (56) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (113) USB1_HDMICEC0
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1
Interrupt (122) MFS13_RX
Interrupt (123) MFS13_TX
Interrupt (126) MFS15_RX
Interrupt (127) MFS15_TX

name : TIM5
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) RTC1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (6) UART1 : UART1 IRQ
Interrupt (11) USART1_4
Interrupt (11) SERCOM2
Interrupt (12) USART2_3
Interrupt (14) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (14) SYS : SYS Interrupt
Interrupt (14) SERCOM5
Interrupt (14) TIMER9
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (17) TC4
Interrupt (18) TIM7 : TIM7 + LPTIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (19) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (22) TIMER3 : Timer3 IRQ
Interrupt (24) TIM15 : TIM15 Interrupt
Interrupt (26) RTDMA
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (28) BTIM
Interrupt (28) P3 : GPIO3
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (33) UART2
Interrupt (33) MSPI2
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (40) TMR2_EVT : Event
Interrupt (46) UART : UART 3 interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (52) SPI1 : SPI 1 interrupt
Interrupt (54) SSI2
Interrupt (55) SSI3
Interrupt (56) UART3
Interrupt (60) UART4
Interrupt (61) UART5
Interrupt (89) DERR1

name : TIM6
description : Basic timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (2) TIMER1
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (4) SSP23_IIC : SSP23 and IIC Interrupt
Interrupt (6) UART1 : UART1
Interrupt (7) PMU : Peripheral Manament IRQ
Interrupt (8) MFS1RX
Interrupt (9) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) MFS2RX
Interrupt (11) MFS2TX
Interrupt (11) SERCOM2
Interrupt (13) SERCOM4
Interrupt (15) IICB1TIA : IICB1 data transmission/reception interrupt
Interrupt (16) MFS5RX
Interrupt (17) MFS5TX
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (19) TC4
Interrupt (20) GPIOCE
Interrupt (21) GPIOCO
Interrupt (22) TC7
Interrupt (26) ADC1
Interrupt (26) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (29) USART3_4 : USART3 and USART4 global interrupt
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (33) UART2
Interrupt (37) I2C1
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) TMR2_EVT : Event
Interrupt (47) DMA2_CH1 : DMA2 Channel 1 interrupt
Interrupt (48) DMA2_CH2 : DMA2 Channel 2 interrupt
Interrupt (49) DMA2_CH3 : DMA2 Channel 3 interrupt
Interrupt (50) DMA2_CH4 : DMA2 Channel 4 interrupt
Interrupt (51) DMA2_CH5 : DMA2 Channel 5 interrupt
Interrupt (54) TIM6_DAC : TIM6 global interrupt, DAC1 and DAC2 underrun error interrupt
Interrupt (54) SSI2
Interrupt (56) DMA1_Channel0
Interrupt (56) UART3
Interrupt (57) DMA1_Channel1
Interrupt (57) UART4
Interrupt (58) DMA1_Channel2
Interrupt (58) UART5
Interrupt (59) DMA1_Channel3_4
Interrupt (59) UART6
Interrupt (60) UART7
Interrupt (66) UART1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (68) I2C2
Interrupt (79) IICB1TIS : IICB1 status interrupt

name : TIM7
description : Basic timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 global error interrupt
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) SWU5_EVT : Event
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (56) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (81) CAN1
Interrupt (91) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (103) SDMMC2 : SDMMC2 global interrupt

name : TIM8
description : Advanced-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) SHARED_IRQ11 : Event
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare Interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (74) DMA13_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (81) CAN1
Interrupt (87) SAI1 : SAI1 global interrupt
Interrupt (91) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (118) DMA13_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (120) MFS12_RX
Interrupt (121) MFS12_TX
Interrupt (124) MFS14_RX
Interrupt (125) MFS14_TX
Interrupt (126) MFS15_RX
Interrupt (127) MFS15_TX

name : TIM9
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) RTC1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (1) GPIOB : GPIOB global interrupt
Interrupt (2) UART12 : Uart12 Interrupt
Interrupt (3) WFG
Interrupt (7) PMU : Peripheral Manament IRQ
Interrupt (8) MFS1RX
Interrupt (9) MFS1TX
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (11) USART1_4
Interrupt (12) USART2_3
Interrupt (12) SERCOM3
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) TC5
Interrupt (19) TC4
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (24) TIM1_BRK_TIM9 : TIM1 Break interrupt and TIM9 global interrupt
Interrupt (25) TIM16 : TIM16 Interrupt
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (28) FRTIM
Interrupt (28) BTIM
Interrupt (29) INCAP
Interrupt (30) OUTCOMP
Interrupt (31) BTIM0_7
Interrupt (31) P0 : GPIO0
Interrupt (33) UART2
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (39) UART1 : UART1 IRQ
Interrupt (42) SPI1_EVT : Event
Interrupt (46) SPI1
Interrupt (53) SPI2 : SPI 2 interrupt
Interrupt (54) SSI2
Interrupt (55) SSI3
Interrupt (56) UART3
Interrupt (56) UART4 : UART 4 interrupt
Interrupt (61) UART5
Interrupt (62) UART6

name : UART4
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIO1 : P1[7:0] IRQ
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIO3 : P3[7:0] IRQ
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (7) TIMER2
Interrupt (8) UART4 : Uart4 Interrupt
Interrupt (8) IOMSTR2
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (11) GPIO : GPIO Interrupt
Interrupt (11) SERCOM4
Interrupt (14) TC1
Interrupt (15) IICB1TIA
Interrupt (15) UART1 : UART1 IRQ
Interrupt (17) CT16B1
Interrupt (17) CT16B2
Interrupt (18) TIM7 : TIM7 + LPTIM2 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (18) GPIOBE
Interrupt (19) CT32B1
Interrupt (19) GPIOBO
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt
Interrupt (23) I2C1
Interrupt (24) SSP1
Interrupt (25) PWM4 : PWM4 Interrupt
Interrupt (28) BTIM
Interrupt (29) TMR1A_UT : TIM1 update/overflow/underflow/trigger/break interrupt
Interrupt (30) TMR1A_CC : TIM1 capture/compare interrupt
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (42) BFTN1
Interrupt (52) MPS2_SPI3 : SPI Shield2 interrupt
Interrupt (57) SSI2
Interrupt (58) SSI3
Interrupt (70) GPIO2 : GPIO 2 combined interrupt
Interrupt (79) IICB1TIS
Interrupt (104) GPIO2_0 : GPIO 2 Pin 0 interrupt
Interrupt (105) GPIO2_1 : GPIO 2 Pin 1 interrupt
Interrupt (106) GPIO2_2 : GPIO 2 Pin 2 interrupt
Interrupt (107) GPIO2_3 : GPIO 2 Pin 3 interrupt
Interrupt (108) GPIO2_4 : GPIO 2 Pin 4 interrupt
Interrupt (109) GPIO2_5 : GPIO 2 Pin 5 interrupt
Interrupt (110) GPIO2_6 : GPIO 2 Pin 6 interrupt
Interrupt (111) GPIO2_7 : GPIO 2 Pin 7 interrupt
Interrupt (112) GPIO2_8 : GPIO 2 Pin 8 interrupt
Interrupt (113) GPIO2_9 : GPIO 2 Pin 9 interrupt
Interrupt (114) GPIO2_10 : GPIO 2 Pin 10 interrupt
Interrupt (115) GPIO2_11 : GPIO 2 Pin 11 interrupt
Interrupt (116) GPIO2_12 : GPIO 2 Pin 12 interrupt
Interrupt (117) GPIO2_13 : GPIO 2 Pin 13 interrupt
Interrupt (118) GPIO2_14 : GPIO 2 Pin 14 interrupt
Interrupt (119) GPIO2_15 : GPIO 2 Pin 15 interrupt

name : UART5
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) SHARED_IRQ11 : Event
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (70) DMA9_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (75) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (75) SAI2 : SAI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (109) MFS11_RX
Interrupt (110) MFS11_TX
Interrupt (114) DMA9_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (120) MFS12_RX
Interrupt (121) MFS12_TX
Interrupt (122) MFS13_RX
Interrupt (123) MFS13_TX
Interrupt (124) MFS14_RX
Interrupt (125) MFS14_TX
Interrupt (159) FDCAN3_IT0 : FDCAN3 Interrupt 0
Interrupt (160) FDCAN3_IT1 : FDCAN3 Interrupt 1

name : UART7
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (8) UART4 : Uart4 Interrupt
Interrupt (11) SHARED_IRQ11 : Event
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (71) DMA10_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (95) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt
Interrupt (96) I2C4_ER : I2C4 error interrupt
Interrupt (107) MFS10_RX
Interrupt (108) MFS10_TX
Interrupt (115) DMA10_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (120) MFS12_RX
Interrupt (121) MFS12_TX
Interrupt (122) MFS13_RX
Interrupt (123) MFS13_TX
Interrupt (124) MFS14_RX
Interrupt (125) MFS14_TX
Interrupt (126) MFS15_RX
Interrupt (127) MFS15_TX

name : UART8
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) SHARED_IRQ11 : Event
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global interrupt
Interrupt (63) CAN2_TX : CAN2 TX interrupts
Interrupt (64) CAN2_RX0 : CAN2 RX0 interrupts
Interrupt (65) CAN2_RX1 : CAN2 RX1 interrupts
Interrupt (66) CAN2_SCE : CAN2 SCE interrupt
Interrupt (72) DMA11_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (109) MFS11_RX
Interrupt (110) MFS11_TX
Interrupt (113) USB1_HDMICEC0
Interrupt (114) USB1_HOST_HDMICEC1
Interrupt (116) DMA11_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (122) MFS13_RX
Interrupt (123) MFS13_TX
Interrupt (124) MFS14_RX
Interrupt (125) MFS14_TX
Interrupt (126) MFS15_RX
Interrupt (127) MFS15_TX

name : USART1
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) PVD_PVM : PVD through EXTI line
Interrupt (6) EXTI0 : EXTI Line 0 interrupt
Interrupt (7) EXTI1 : EXTI Line 1 interrupt
Interrupt (8) EXTI2 : EXTI Line 2 interrupt
Interrupt (9) EXTI3 : EXTI Line 3interrupt
Interrupt (10) EXTI4 : EXTI Line 4interrupt
Interrupt (12) SHARED_IRQ12 : Error interrupt
Interrupt (17) SHARED_IRQ17 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC1 global interrupt
Interrupt (23) EXTI9_5 : EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
Interrupt (30) TIM4 : TIM4 global interrupt
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (31) I2C1_EV : I2C1 event interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (32) I2C1_ER : I2C1 error interrupt
Interrupt (37) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) EXTI15_10 : EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (51) SPI3 : SPI3 global Interrupt
Interrupt (65) DMA4_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (66) LPTIM2 : LP TIM2 interrupt
Interrupt (68) MFS4_RX
Interrupt (69) MFS4_TX
Interrupt (71) USART5
Interrupt (71) USART6 : USART6 global interrupt
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (83) UART8 : UART 8 global interrupt
Interrupt (84) SPI4 : SPI 4 global interrupt
Interrupt (86) SPI6 : SPI 6 global interrupt
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (109) DMA4_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (109) MFS11_RX
Interrupt (110) MFS11_TX
Interrupt (149) WKUP : WKUP1 to WKUP6 pins

name : USART2
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) PVD_PVM : PVD through EXTI line
Interrupt (6) EXTI0 : EXTI Line 0 interrupt
Interrupt (7) EXTI1 : EXTI Line 1 interrupt
Interrupt (8) EXTI2 : EXTI Line 2 interrupt
Interrupt (9) EXTI3 : EXTI Line 3interrupt
Interrupt (10) EXTI4 : EXTI Line 4interrupt
Interrupt (12) SHARED_IRQ12 : Error interrupt
Interrupt (17) SHARED_IRQ17 : Done interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC1 global interrupt
Interrupt (23) EXTI9_5 : EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) EXTI15_10 : EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (50) TIM5 : TIM5 global interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART4
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (56) DMA2_STR0 : DMA2 Stream0 interrupt
Interrupt (57) DMA2_STR1 : DMA2 Stream1 interrupt
Interrupt (58) DMA2_STR2 : DMA2 Stream2 interrupt
Interrupt (59) DMA2_STR3 : DMA2 Stream3 interrupt
Interrupt (60) DMA2_STR4 : DMA2 Stream4 interrupt
Interrupt (66) DMA5_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (68) DMA2_STR5 : DMA2 Stream5 interrupt
Interrupt (69) DMA2_STR6 : DMA2 Stream6 interrupt
Interrupt (70) MFS5_RX
Interrupt (70) DMA2_STR7 : DMA2 Stream7 interrupt
Interrupt (71) MFS5_TX
Interrupt (74) MFS7_RX
Interrupt (75) MFS7_TX
Interrupt (83) UART8 : UART 8 global interrupt
Interrupt (85) SPI5 : SPI 5 global interrupt
Interrupt (95) I2C4_EV : I2C4 event interrupt
Interrupt (96) I2C4_ER : I2C4 error interrupt
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (107) MFS10_RX
Interrupt (108) MFS10_TX
Interrupt (110) DMA5_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (120) MFS12_RX
Interrupt (121) MFS12_TX
Interrupt (149) WKUP : WKUP1 to WKUP6 pins

name : USART3
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) PVD_PVM : PVD through EXTI line
Interrupt (6) EXTI0 : EXTI Line 0 interrupt
Interrupt (7) EXTI1 : EXTI Line 1 interrupt
Interrupt (8) EXTI2 : EXTI Line 2 interrupt
Interrupt (9) EXTI3 : EXTI Line 3interrupt
Interrupt (10) EXTI4 : EXTI Line 4interrupt
Interrupt (18) ADC : ADC1 global interrupt
Interrupt (20) FDCAN2_IT0 : FDCAN2 Interrupt 0
Interrupt (22) FDCAN2_IT1 : FDCAN2 Interrupt 1
Interrupt (23) EXTI9_5 : EXTI Line[9:5] interrupts
Interrupt (33) I2C2_EV : I2C2 event interrupt
Interrupt (34) I2C2_ER : I2C2 error interrupt
Interrupt (36) SPI2 : SPI2 global interrupt
Interrupt (38) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt
Interrupt (39) USART3 : USART3 global interrupt
Interrupt (40) EXTI15_10 : EXTI Line[15:10] interrupts
Interrupt (43) TIM8_BRK_TIM12 : TIM8 Break interrupt and TIM12 global interrupt
Interrupt (44) TIM8_UP_TIM13 : TIM8 Update interrupt and TIM13 global interrupt
Interrupt (45) TIM8_TRG_COM_TIM14 : TIM8 Trigger and Commutation interrupts and TIM14 global interrupt
Interrupt (46) TIM8_CC : TIM8 Capture Compare interrupt
Interrupt (52) UART4 : UART4 global Interrupt
Interrupt (53) UART5 : UART5 global Interrupt
Interrupt (55) TIM7 : TIM7 global interrupt
Interrupt (67) DMA6_ERR : Error interrupt
Interrupt (72) MFS6_RX
Interrupt (72) I2C3_EV : I2C3 event interrupt
Interrupt (73) MFS6_TX
Interrupt (73) I2C3_ER : I2C3 error interrupt
Interrupt (82) UART6
Interrupt (82) UART7 : UART7 global interrupt
Interrupt (103) MFS8_RX
Interrupt (104) MFS8_TX
Interrupt (105) MFS9_RX
Interrupt (106) MFS9_TX
Interrupt (107) MFS10_RX
Interrupt (108) MFS10_TX
Interrupt (109) MFS11_RX
Interrupt (110) MFS11_TX
Interrupt (111) DMA6_INT : Done interrupt
Interrupt (122) MFS13_RX
Interrupt (123) MFS13_TX
Interrupt (149) WKUP : WKUP1 to WKUP6 pins

name : USART6
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (2) S32KTIMER : Timer 1
Interrupt (2) UART1 : UART 1 interrupt
Interrupt (12) GPIOBE
Interrupt (13) GPIOBO
Interrupt (14) SPI1
Interrupt (16) GPIO2 : GPIO 2 combined interrupt
Interrupt (19) CT32B1
Interrupt (19) UART3_TX : UART 3 Transmit Interrupt
Interrupt (71) USART6 : USART6 global interrupt

name : WWDG
description : Window watchdog
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) WWDG : Window Watchdog interrupt
Interrupt (1) GPIO1 : P1[7:0] IRQ
Interrupt (1) GPIOB
Interrupt (1) SPI1
Interrupt (1) UART2 : Uart2 Interrupt
Interrupt (2) GPIOC
Interrupt (3) GPIOD
Interrupt (6) TMR1 : TMR1 IRQ
Interrupt (9) GINT1
Interrupt (9) SERCOM2
Interrupt (10) SERCOM1
Interrupt (11) IOMSTR5
Interrupt (11) CSIH1IC
Interrupt (12) CSIH1IR
Interrupt (13) CSIH1IJC
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt
Interrupt (18) WATCHDOG0
Interrupt (19) CT16B1
Interrupt (19) CT32B1
Interrupt (22) UART1
Interrupt (23) PWM0 : PWM0 Interrupt
Interrupt (27) USART2_TX : USART2 TX interrupt
Interrupt (27) PWM : PWM_COMB Interrupt
Interrupt (28) USART2_RX : USART2 RX interrupt
Interrupt (28) GPIO3
Interrupt (28) P3
Interrupt (34) SSI1
Interrupt (36) GPTM1
Interrupt (40) UART4_RX : UART 4 RX interrupt
Interrupt (41) UART4_TX : UART 4 TX interrupt
Interrupt (46) UART4 : UART 4 combined interrupt
Interrupt (85) CSIH1IRE

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