
Vendor Web: STMicroelectronics

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Name : STM32G051


Architecture : ARM Cortex-M0 (CM0)

revision : r0p1

endian : little

Memory Protection Unit (MPU) : available

Number of relevant bits in Interrupt priority : 4


name : ADC
description : ADC address block description
base address : 0x0

name : CRC
description : Cyclic redundancy check calculation unit
base address : 0x0

name : DAC
description : DAC
base address : 0x0

name : DMAMUX
description : DMAMUX
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) DMA_Channel4_5_6_7 : DMA channel 4, 5, 6 and 7 and DMAMUX

name : HDMI_CEC
description : HDMI-CEC
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (30) CEC : CEC global interrupt

name : I2C1
description : Inter-integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (23) I2C1 : I2C1 global interrupt

name : I2C2
description : Inter-integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (24) I2C2 : I2C2 global interrupt

name : IWDG
description : Independent watchdog
base address : 0x0

name : LPTIM1
description : Low power timer
base address : 0x0

name : LPTIM2
description : Low power timer
base address : 0x0

name : TIM1
description : Advanced-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (13) TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM : TIM1 break, update, trigger
Interrupt (14) TIM1_CC : TIM1 Capture Compare interrupt

name : TIM14
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (19) TIM14 : TIM14 global interrupt

name : TIM15
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (20) TIM15 : Timer 15 global interrupt

name : TIM16
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (21) TIM16 : TIM16 global interrupt

name : TIM17
description : General purpose timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (22) TIM17 : TIM17 global interrupt

name : TIM2
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (15) TIM2 : TIM2 global interrupt

name : TIM3
description : General-purpose-timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (16) TIM3 : TIM3 global interrupt

name : TIM6
description : Basic timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (17) TIM6_DAC : TIM6 + LPTIM1 and DAC global interrupt

name : TIM7
description : Basic timers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (18) TIM7 : TIM7 + LPTIM2 global interrupt

name : USART1
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 global interrupt

name : USART2
description : Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (28) USART2 : USART2 global interrupt

name : VREFBUF
description : System configuration controller
base address : 0x0

name : WWDG
description : System window watchdog
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) WWDG : Window Watchdog interrupt

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