
Vendor Web: ELAN

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Name : eWD720

description : ELAN eWD720 is ARM 32-bit Cortex-M0+ based device


Architecture : ARM Cortex-M0+ (CM0PLUS)

revision : r0p1

endian : little

Number of relevant bits in Interrupt priority : 2


name : EINT
description : EINT
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (2) EINT : EINT

description : Flash Control
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOA
description : general-purpose I/O
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) GPIOA : GPIO A combined interrupt
Interrupt (0) GPIOA_COMBO : GPIO A combined interrupt

description : general-purpose I/O configuration
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOB
description : general-purpose I/O
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (1) GPIOB : GPIO B combined interrupt
Interrupt (1) GPIOB_COMBO : GPIO B combined interrupt

description : general-purpose I/O configuration
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOC
description : general-purpose I/O
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (15) GPIOC : GPIO C combined interrupt
Interrupt (15) GPIOC_COMBO : GPIO C combined interrupt

description : general-purpose I/O configuration
base address : 0x0

name : I2C
description : I2C
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (11) I2C_RX : I2C Receive Interrupt

name : IDWG
description : Watchdog
base address : 0x0

name : PWM
description : PWM 1
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (17) PWM3 : PWM 3 Interrupt

name : SIP
description : System in programming
base address : 0x0

name : SYSCFG
description : SYSCFG
base address : 0x0

name : TIMER1
description : Timer 1
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) TIMER1 : Timer 1 Interrupt

name : TIMER2
description : Timer 2
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (4) TIMER2 : Timer 2 Interrupt

name : TP
description : TP
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (31) TK_IDLE : Touch Key idle with scan

name : UART
description : UART
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (27) UART1_TX : UART Transmit Interrupt

name : USART
description : USART
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (20) USART_TX : USART Transmit Interrupt

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