Vendor Web: Goodix

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Name : GMF0x


Architecture : ARM Cortex-M0 (CM0)

revision : r0p0

endian : little

Number of relevant bits in Interrupt priority : 2


name : ADC
description : Analog-to-Digital Converter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (12) ADC1 : ADC1 interrupt

name : CRC
description : Cyclic redundancy check calculation unit
base address : 0x0

name : DEBUG
description : Debug
base address : 0x0

name : DMA
description : Direct Memory Access
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (9) DMA_CH1 : DMA channel 1 interrupt
Interrupt (10) DMA_CH2_3 : DMA channel 2 and 3 interrupts
Interrupt (11) DMA_CH4_5 : DMA channel 4 and 5 interrupts

name : EFC
description : Embedded Flash Controller
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (3) EFC : EFC interrupt

name : FWDT
description : Free watchdog
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOA
description : General-purpose input/output Group A
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOB
description : General-purpose input/output Group B
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOC
description : General-purpose input/output Group C
base address : 0x0

name : GPIOF
description : General-purpose input/output Group F
base address : 0x0

name : I2C
description : Inter-integrated circuit
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (23) I2C1 : I2C1 interrupt

name : INT
description : interrupts
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (5) EXTI0_1 : EXTI Line[1:0] interrupts
Interrupt (6) EXTI2_3 : EXTI Line[3:2] interrupts
Interrupt (7) EXTI4_15 : EXTI Line[15:4] interrupts

name : PMU
description : Power Management Unit
base address : 0x0

name : RCC
description : Reset and Clock Control
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (4) RCC : RCC interrupt

name : RTC
description : Real Time Clock
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (2) RTC : RTC interrupt

name : SPI
description : Serial peripheral interface / inter-IC sound
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (25) SPI1 : SPI1 interrupt

name : SYSCFG
description : System configuration controller
base address : 0x0

name : TIMERA1
description : Advanced Timer 1
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (13) TIMERA1_BRK_UP_TRIG_COM : TIMERA1 break, update, trigger and commutation interrupts
Interrupt (14) TIMERA1_C : TIMERA1 capture or compare interrupt

name : TIMERG1
description : General Timer 1
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (16) TIMERG1 : TIMERG1 interrupt

name : TIMERG2
description : General Timer 2
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (19) TIMERG2 : TIMERG2 interrupt

name : TIMERG3
description : General Timer 3
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (21) TIMERG3 : TIMERG3 interrupt

name : TIMERG4
description : General Timer 4
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (22) TIMERG4 : TIMERG4 interrupt

name : TSC
description : Touch registers
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (8) TSC : TSC interrupt

name : USART
description : Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (27) USART1 : USART1 interrupt

name : WWDT
description : System window watchdog
base address : 0x0
Interrupt (0) WWDT : Window Watchdog interrupt

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